Just wanted to say that I've been catching up on your blog starting around the funeral episodes, and I love your vision for Days. It is absolutely perfect in my eyes, exactly what I want to see on screen. I love the way you guys write the couples as strong characters but keep the emotion and romance. The dialogue is amazing, you guys clearly have a great talent for strong emotional scenes and you stay true to history. Your version of Roman Brady, the strong but vulnerable man on a warpath to avenge the deaths of his "babies" is exactly how I want to see John/Roman behave. I love that Sami is a heroine but still feisty and I love the dynamic that all the Brady siblings have with each other. Keep up with the great work, it is a heck of a lot better than what the real Days has to offer.
PS: The best thing No Ejami/Santeen and No Shelle lol.