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Posts posted by ReddFoxx

  1. "I don't care how good she is, I don't trust her ass!" Cookie always says something hilarious. I like that Anika has ended up on Cookie's team, even though both them would prefer not to work together.

    Andre has burned one bridge too many now. I liked that flashback scene with Lucious' mother and how we know she was bipolar as well. Last season, it was stated that the Nation of Islam killed his father, so I hope we find more about that this season. The young Lucious was quite fair skinned, whereas his mother was not, so could it be possible that his father was white? I'm hoping for more flashbacks.

  2. LOL at the prosecutor with her boobs pushed up like that. It was good to see Tyra Ferrell, I didn't know she still acted.

    Jamal is mega jerk now.

    Chris Rock was so creepy. I'm glad he was only on for one episode, because that character was too weird.

  3. I think Vivica Fox will be a good addition, I can see her playing off Henson very well and bringing the necessary streetwise vibe to play Cookie's sister. If they utilize Tasha Smith more as well, that will be a whole lot of loud, hood action going on at the same time.

  4. Stayed up late last night and finished up season 2. I knew that Julia was the murderer because I had long ago read about the show in a synopsis, but I did enjoy the lead up to it. Angela really screwed up both her daughters, but at least Emma was able to get it together somewhat, whereas Julia completely went off the deep end.

  5. It is so hilarious that the campaign has barely gotten off the ground since season 1, this show can be quite slow at times. Usually, I'm on Hanna's side, but she went too far this time.

    If a whodunnit happened, I think Veronica would just get shot or something, but survive like JR Ewing. Tyler Perry loves to emulate other works, so I can see him writing it like that.

  6. Of course not all of the checks are for pennies, some are for decent amounts and a lot of the bigger checks go to actors who had a hand in producing or creating a show, which is all about contract. Regardless, union jobs require residuals and even a check for one cent has to be sent out. Lisa Whelchel from the Facts of Life has posted about receiving some very small residual checks and that show most certainly has not been rerun as much as the Cosby Show. The notion that actors live off of residuals is inflated at best (there are some actors who have been able to do so, though, but it isn't many).

  7. From what I know about residuals, the pay is based on a sliding scale that declines in value the longer and more frequent that the show runs. I've heard of some actors living off them, and I've heard of others only get a few cents every now and then. Whatever residuals anyone from this show were getting are probably way down to cents.

  8. I honestly cannot watch "The Cosby Show" anymore, not even some of my favorite episodes. It will probably never be on television in reruns again and that limits new generations from discovering it. While the internet rules, television still has it's power and young people do still discover old shows through reruns.

  9. Finished watching the first season and I liked it. Angela Channing was hardcore and didn't give a care, which is what I liked about the character. Emma was probably my second favorite character after Angela. When she was dancing by herself outside the window when Chase was throwing a party, I was rolling. I also got a laugh out of her saying things to push Angela's buttons, like "how's tricks?"

  10. Having sex in your mama's house is wrong. Poor Hanna got an eyeful and Veronica seemed totally amused.

    Quincy is scary. Candace didn't drop a dime on him after all, that was Veronica setting her up.

    Maggie was smirking when she was talking to the PI. She's totally enjoying getting dirt on Veronica.

    Finally the truth about what happened to Amanda is out. I was glad to see Hanna stand up for Candace and not let her get beat down.

  11. Since the allegations broke, I've wondered if Lisa Bonet was one of the women Cosby drugged. It's possible that "A Different World" was part of some deal to keep her quiet, because if she had spoke up back then, that would have tanked his legacy right then. She would get away from Bill, and still get a paycheck. Then again, she ended up back on "The Cosby Show" for a couple of years. The truth probably won't come out, but I believe that her clash with Cosby might have been over some very serious and personal.

  12. They also have these places called shelters. BTW animal cruelty is against the law. I'm guessing that's true even in bump [!@#$%^&*] Arkansas. The fact that no one really called you on this ridiculous comment should probably tell you that this board has given up on you. We now expect you to say low down disgusting things on the regular. It's actually more surprising when you don't.

    My last words to you ever, are that you are an !@#$%^&*] for blaming black people for their own inequality. Yes, if only they would stand by more rapists that would solve everything. Do you not even grasp how [!@#$%^&*] stupid you sound?

    If I get banned for this post, I'll miss most of you, but I had to say it.

    I've said worse to him and didn't get banned, so you're good, lol.

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