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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. I think she may have been asked but turned it down, as she later said that she overestimated the amount of interesting parts for women.


    I just can't with Alexis. It's painfully obvious that they wanted to re-create Julia on GH but Alexis is a pale, pale imitation.

    At least with Margo, it would have been a completely different character and they wouldn't have ever tried to make her into something that NLG had already done.

    That said, I've never had any issue with Ellen Dolan as Margo. I rarely found her boring and she made the most of everything that she was given. HOWEVER, she didn't have that....thing...with BH's Hal that HBS had. I remember switching over to ATWT every now and then back in the day and I always realllllly wanted Margo/Hal to get together. But when Dolan took over, the relationship just wasn't the same.

  2. That's too bad. I'd have much rather seen her as Margo than GH's Alexis. Especially since I actually got hooked on ATWT and all. GH, for whatever reason, never could grab me and hold onto me as a viewer. I've watched infrequently over the years, but once I'd get invested in a character (like Sharon Wyatt's Tiffany or Sean Kanan's AJ in the 90s), they'd backburner them and write them off the show. Billy Warlock, IMO, was a HORRIBLE idea for a recast AJ. I don't even understand how that got on paper, let alone looked good on it.

    And I was HUGELY disappointed that Tiffany (and Sean) didn't return for the 50th Anniversary. I miss the days of Tiffany vs Bobbie! :(

  3. I don't know if I said this one or if someone else has already but Jeff Trachta auditioned for the role of Jack Abbott on Y&R. They liked him so much they hired him to replace Clayton Norcross on B&B as Thorne.

    First, I think it's HILARIOUS that Jeff Trachta, of all people, tested for the role of Jack Abbott. Second, why they replaced Clayton Norcross with him is beyond my comprehension.

    Did anyone put that Lynn Herring auditioned for the role of Kelly Capwell on Santa Barbara, but she lost it to Robin Wright?

    Really? I had no idea about that one. Lynn would have been all kinds of wrong for that role.

    Also, does anyone know if Nancy Lee Grahn ever auditioned to play Margo when Ellen Dolan left in the 90s? I know her name was bandied about by the soap press, but not sure if she ever actually went after the part.

  4. Don't believe the insiders re: Miami. With New Jersey we kept hearing how there would be 2-3 new housewives, Kim D would be a regular and Kathy would be gone and we ended up with the same cast. I doubt Miami would make a decision before seeing how filming goes. Especially for Marysol.

    Marysol herself said that she's downgraded this year.

  5. From what I've read, no new housewives. Ana's airtime is either decreased or she's downgraded to "FOH" depending on which source you believe. The for sure regulars are Lea, Joanna, Adriana, Alexia, and Lisa, with Ana on the bubble, Marysol as a "friend of," and Karent apparently out. Though I read that Karent was at both the Black's annual gala and Lisa's Gangster Party, which are sure to be part of the upcoming season, so maybe she decided to make a few appearances after all.

    I, too, was surprised that Marysol was downgraded because Andy LOVES Elsa and many RHOM fans associate the show with her. I get the impression that it was Marysol's choice though. Maybe she can't handle all of the cattiness.

  6. I'd read about that Thomas Kramer stuff. Not really a big surprise, honestly.

    As for Joe Francis, meh. He acted a fool. No big shock there either.

    That's my Lea. Never met a criminal she didn't like! Mayor of the Miami Underbelly!

  7. Romain tweeted that Miami returns in August.

    Will PM the links I used when I get back to my laptop. I'm probably about to watch Lisa's lingerie party again lol

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

    Super-jealous that you're about to watch that ultra-fabulous lingerie party! I'm hoping that becomes to Miami what Posche is to Jersey, only the producers NEVER have to get involved!

  8. OMG - Tamra is getting a wedding show spin-off.


    I think they may be overdoing it with these spin-off shows.

    Speaking of the OC... no one has mentioned the fact that LAURI, an original S1 OG, was back this week! It looks like she's got beef with Vicki, so that should be interesting. She used to work for Vicki!

    OC is just wretched this season. Everyone is SO separated and I CAN'T, for the life of me, figure out WHY they brought Alexis back to interact with..... NOBODY! I'd much rather they had left it at 5, seeing as how Lydia seems to be integrating well with the rest of the women.

    I don't need constant drama, but this group is SO played out. They should either end OC or re-launch with a BRAND NEW cast (maybe save Lydia and/or Heather). Everyone is just constantly amping things up and mugging for the camera. It's pathetic and annoying.

    When, oh WHEN are my Miami Hos coming back?

    ETA: If anyone could PM me a link where I can watch S2 Miami online, I sure would appreciate it. I'm having serious withdrawals- I was actually re-reading all their blogs last night. JuniorZ needs his crack!

  9. Well Eric is going to throw her shade regardless b/c he loves that ate up edges, shiny forehead TreApe. tongue.png

    Y'all ain't gonna keep coming for my Kathyhappy.png . She's the only sane person on this sh*t storm of a show.

    She really and truly is.

    I'm sorry, but I still cannot fathom how people can defend a gutless imbocile bitch like Teresa. She couldn't come up with the first word that came to her mind when each housewife was named? Really? I'm sure "hope she fails" was what she was thinking about all of them. I just CANNOT with this bitch!

  10. I'm here and I LOVE Miami, though I am in the minority apparently because I adore Lea.

    SO glad that Lisa is gaining more fans. She was the biggest surprise for me in Season 2- I thought she was just gonna kind of be "there" but I really fell in love with her. Easily the most sensible and level-headed of the group. I also love, Love, LOVE her relationship with Daisy, her housekeeper. She's the gift that keeps on giving! I also like that she's comfortable enough to admit that she looks up to Lea and I just adore the friendship those two are building. They rank right up there with the Fab 3 on Beverly Hills (Lisa, Yo, and Brandi of course!).

    I also hate Marysol, but I don't want her to leave the show because I LIVE for the the Lea/Marysol rivalry, for reals.

    Ana I liked during the season and really enjoyed her relationships with both Joanna and Alexia, but I did not like her behavior at the reunion at all. IMO, she was trying to stay relevant, as there were rumors going around that she was about to be fired at the time.

    I like Alexia and was totally on her team when she got in the fight with Karent. No, I didn't think she was completely right, but I felt for her- the stress of what was going on with her son was clearly weighing on her and I think that's why she went OTT on Karent at her (Alexia's) event. My heart bled for her in the scene where she breaks down in front of Ana- that was a real, raw moment, the kind that we don't see as often as we should on these shows.

    One last thing that I've said before- I realllllly like that RHOM has such a huge set of supporting characters that aren't regulars. What's even more brilliant is that they were included so often that we actually got to know them as well as the actual housewives. IMO, RHOM is a soap fan's dream come true and I, for one, eat it up with a spoon. The drama seems organic, not forced, these people do seem to run in the same social circles, and everyone seems to know everybody, which is exactly how it is in Miami. In addition to that, I think that the franchise takes far more advantage of their locale than any of the others. The colors, the music, the night clubs, the beach, the gorgeous events- it's all SO Miami and adds to the show. I'm hooked on it like no other!

    And I have to say that the 2-part Lingerie Party event was seriously the most entertaining episodes of any franchise for me, including "The Dinner Party from Hell" on RHOBH, which ranks a close second. SO much happened that they crammed in and I'm glad we got to see it all play out. I think my favorite part is where the ladies are sitting in the living room when the party ended and rehashed the night. It really felt like we were a fly on the wall at that party and it was made of win!

  11. Right, that was exactly my problem with it- I wish they thought that Robert had been killed and Robert was the one impersonating Quinn instead. It would have been a far more interesting angle. Plus, when you re-watch the sequence of him getting killed, Robert was in prison clothing and Quinn was in dress clothes. Were we to believe that Quinn talked Robert into switching clothes before he was murdered?

    Again, you're right- Robert was a FAR more interesting character than Quinn. I could have watched Roscoe play him for years to come. Yeah, it was an interesting twist and all but story-wise, I fail to see what long-term purpose it served to do it.

  12. I LOVED the Robert/Quinn story. I was disappointed they shipped Roscoe off so quickly in the fall of 1991 after a couple years. Roscoe worked so well with A, Marcy and Carrington, you're right.

    The DiNapolis, Greg and Megan were symbolic of something I mentioned on this board before about SB's tendency to switch out supporting characters at a dizzying pace. They were all introduced in the late spring of 1989, I believe, and weren't they all gone by the start of 1990?

    Greg and Megan were, yes. Actually, Emily stayed on longer than the rest of the DiNapolis- but she left with Greg I think.

    Celeste, however, was introduced before the others- I believe she came on in 1988 and started out as "Crystal," a hooker. She was later revealed to be Scott Clark's high school sweetheart and they got together. It was too bad because I preferred Scott with Heather and I actually think Scott & Heather could have remained on longer as supporting players had they not paired him off with the impossibly boring Celeste.

    Lisa was introduced next, in 1989, and then Emily was last.

    I, too, was disappointed that they shipped Roscoe off in May 1991, though I thought it was a mistake to make him "Quinn" instead of Robert. I really liked Robert Barr and he could have been a viable character for years to come had he stayed. Not only that, but I seriously doubt the Dobsons would have fired Carrington Garland had Roscoe Born still been around. It's too bad because they could have taken over as the leads of the show after Marcy left and it would have been interesting to see how Robert would have handled Eden's death. John Conboy was clearly grooming them to take over in 1990, when Marcy almost left for the first pilot she got, "Bar Girls" on NBC. Again, though I wouldn't have wanted her to leave, I wish it had been for "Bar Girls" instead of "Palace Guard" because I liked that show far better and think it could have done well.

  13. I'm pretty sure she was spying for Robert from the beginning. But after getting to know both Mason & Julia, she started feeling guilty and had second thoughts, as you can see from the clip. I can't remember exactly how far she went with it, if she ended up admitting what she did, or Mason found out secondhand. I know it came out but the details are foggy for me. LOVED this storyline though. Roscoe Born brought a different kind of energy to SB, a sophistication. For him to be a real threat to Eden & Cruz's marriage, he would have to be and pulled it off marvelously. I've read and heard A Martinez praise Roscoe Born often- he even expressed his disappointment on Regis & Kathy Lee (or Vicki or Joan Rivers- can't remember which) that Roscoe wasn't nominated for a Daytime Emmy in 1990. Everything I've read says that A, Marcy, Roscoe, and Carrington had a symbiotic working relationship, In fact, Carrington Garland says that when Roscoe came on and they started working together, he'd work with her between takes to help her with the material. She credits him for making her a stronger actress and elevating her performances. You really can see the difference in her work after he joined the show. It's probably what led to her becoming the most featured SB performer in 1990- she was on more than Marcy & A even.

  14. Not sure who the surfer dude is, but the two women are Emily and Lisa DiNapoli. Emily was played by Julia Condra and she married the equally bland Greg Hughes. Lisa was played by Tawny Kitaen in this scene. I think Tea Leoni also played the role for a bit. They had another sister, Celeste, played by Signy Coleman. And, yes, Greg was horrible. It was around this time that I tuned out of SB. Paul Johannson, who played Greg, later appeared on One Tree Hill for many seasons.

    Tea Leoni only briefly subbed for Tawny Kitaen while she was sick. I actually was and am pleasantly surprised at how good Tawny was. Lisa was always my favorite DiNapoli sister (Both Celeste and Emily were SNOOZE-VILLE) but Tawny really brought some energy to that part. Kind of funny that she out-acts Signy Coleman, who I despised on SB but fell in love with on Y&R.

    Also, that's Meg Bennett who plays Megan Richardson. She later wrote for SB, SUN, and GH.

  15. Dorothy Lyman won as Opal Gardner -- twice, I think.

    I completely agree with you about Lane Davies. His Mason is one of my favorite soap characters ever -- so much so that I could never buy Terry Lester or Gordon Thomson in the role. And I'm shocked that neither Allan nor McConnell submitted themselves for an Emmy. I loved Allan as DAYS' Don, but CC was his crowning achievement. And I hated McConnell as AW's Miranda, but she was sooo good on SB.

    They were being team players. Jed & Judith's bread and butter were the nominations and wins for A and especially Marcy. You can see in their faces how genuinely thrilled they were when she won and I thought it was extremely gracious and telling that she thanked both of them (and A, of course) in her speech. In fact, I also thought it was a VERY classy move for her to thank her former co-stars at AMC before she even began to get into the SB cast. It ranks among my favorite Emmy speeches of all-time, right up there with Susan Lucci and both of Maura West's speeches, especially the 2nd one when she brought her daughter onto the stage.

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