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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. Joanna was needed on Miami, if only for added messiness.   She's like a younger, brattier, more mean-spirited Dorit.  She provides too much fodder for the other Housewives to be let go.


    I mean, when he grabbed Kenya and brought her into that pool- the chemistry just LEAPED off the screen.  I don't think they ever hooked up, which is why their onscreen chemistry was palatable.  In my experience, the chase is often hotter than the sex.

  2. I just thought a Cruz/Julia relationship would have seemed a natural progression.  Even Cruz/Kelly, had the show not chosen to recast.


    I actually think Julia may have stepped aside once Eden came back.  I think it could have been a very different kind of triangle, powerful, and made more interesting by the friendships that Julia had with both Eden and Cruz.  I liked that Julia had separate relationships which each of those 2 characters.  I thought it could have been a very human, realistic triangle, where nobody hates or blames anybody.   It's what I would have written.


    The Kelly dynamic would have been SOLID with Carrington Garland in the role.  They could have thrown them curveballs without needing a Marcy Walker return to do it (Quinn, Robert, Ric- endless possibilities).   It makes me wish that the Dobsons had actually watched at least the 1990 year while they were gone or before coming back in order to freshen up on what had been going on.  I think they may have seen and realized that Carrington was a very appealing Kelly and connected with the audience in a way they didn't realize.  They could have easily made ED Laken Lockridge so she would still be a character from a prominent family and then she would have had a character she could easily mold and make her own, since Laken was never really defined nor ever connected with the audience.   Or, if they wanted her to have major story, then bring her on as a recast Victoria Lane.  At least that character would have had miles of story to play had they brought her back and all romantic pairings would have remained open, since she was related to nobody.


    The one actor/character I thought Eileen had chemistry with was Forry Smith's Reese.  I wished the show had gone there (they hinted at it when Reese/Jodie were first brought on).  Ironically, the Walker character I liked best (Reese) is the one Pam Long did the least with.

  3. Dare I say that the fact that Apollo is a low-life fraudster makes him even more attractive to me??!?  RE:Andy/Apollo Hookup- I didn't know there was any such rumor (got any Links to said rumor?).  I'd believe it.  Apollo's been to prison.....twice now.  He's a sexual, arrogant, narcissistic man.  I'm sure the line was crossed even before prison.  IMO, bisexual men (not women) are usually extremely sexual beings who are very much in love with themselves.  Ironically, the bad boy type that many women and gay men are attracted to.  I'd put money on Apollo flirting with Andy for years, knowing he's loaded, and trying to set up a little hedge fun for himself after he went to prison.  So yeah, I'd imagine it happened and I wouldn't be surprised if Andy is waiting for him to come out so he can be his "kept" man and Apollo is leading him on along the way.   I mean, I could produce an 8 year series about this very relationship (that I've maybe made up in my head!).


    I'll always miss Miami.  The "limp penis" read was Adriana's best line (and line reading) EVER!

  4. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    It's so funny you remember him as the hotness -- I couldn't remember what he looked like, so I've gone back to rewatch S9 lol. He's cute and all, but my taste in RH husbands is really questionable: I used to think Chris Laurita was a hottie. From an objective POV, NY's Mario Singer and BH's Mauricio (or "More-REESE" and Kim snarled at him) are or were considered the prettiest RH husbands, apparently. 

      Oh I remember your Chris Laurita obsession.  Quite well.  To be fair, I think Chris would make a damn fine husband.   My Real House Husband rankings you ask?  Ok, if I must....

    1. Apollo Nida (ATL)

    2. Romain Zaga (Miami)

    3. Doug McLaughlin (OC)

    4. Mauricio Umanski (BH)

    5. Christian (Lizzie's Hubby, OC)

    Honorable Mention- NotGay Eddie Judge (OC), NotGay Simon (OC)


    I loved me some Christian- his laid-back , very California approach to life and hair.   Romain's squinting really turns me on.   Doug's undercover gigolo Christian sex appeal.  Mauricio's chemistry with Camille is and was always fire.   But Apollo is a damn God.

  5. 4 hours ago, Elsa said:

    I loved Cruz and Julia's friendship.


    Do you think that Cruz/Julia/Mason (dare I add Gina or Santana to the mix?) would have been a better idea than Cruz/Kelly once MW left?


    Yes, I do.  I actually hoped that's the direction they'd go in.  NLG always played it that if there was no Eden, she'd be interested in Cruz.  I think that was the logical way to go.  And Kelly may have even worked, had they not brought in Eileen.  I'd have been interested to see Carrington Garland's chemistry with A Martinez.

  6. Question- Who was Katherine Delafield, how did she get so damn popular so quickly, and why was she written off so soon after her skyrocketing popularity?  I remember her portrayer (Edie Lehman or something like that) actually hit #4 in the Daytime TV Best Actress Readers Poll.  Extremely rare for a newbie in that era.   Legit, that top 5 went like this, for over a year, with NO changes:


    1. Mary Beth Evans (Kayla, DAYS)

    2. Marcy Walker (Eden, SB)

    3. Finola Hughes (Anna, GH)

    4. Patsy Pease (Kimberly, DAYS)

    5. Nancy Grahn (Julia, SB)


    And Edie Whosherface infultrates within months of joining the GH cast?  U guys, help  me understand....

  7. 2 hours ago, John said:

    Awesome Harding Lemay Interview


    Part 4 answers your question



    1 hour ago, Elsa said:

    "The thing with Iris and Mac and Rachel was a great incest story basically. And we never had to say it. They played it for all it was worth."




    The above montage clip, when Carmen Duncan's Iris takes the seat next to Mac with baby Alli- it's clear as day there too IMO, which makes me think this came from a Lemay outline too.  VW plays it in that scene as well, the look on her face when Iris does it just shows that her instinct is to go sit between them, but instead crosses to the window.   Or am I reading too much into a scene with no words and only blocking?


  8. Just now, ChitHappens said:


    Youz a better person than me!  I guess its one of those things where you have to live it, but Robin comes off so bad.  She doesn't value herself outside of Juan.  The fact that he's completely uninterested really makes it hard to root for her.  


    You are hitting the nail on the head.  And I can relate to that feeling.  I actually don't feel that he's completely uninterested, more like he's keeping her on a string, which makes it even more difficult to watch.   I am rooting for her but as I said, I doubt this is going to end well.  But keep her on the show because when she hits rock bottom, I'm interested to see how well (or badly) she handles it.   It's a bitter, often poisonous pill to swallow when the reality sets in.

  9. 14 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Karen has no friends in this cast. They all want to see her suffer and fail. 


    Gizelle says she's licensed to say what the streets are saying? Well I guess that makes her a streetwalker. 


    Charrisse's champagne room...whatever she spent on it is money flushed right down the toilet. That particular renovation adds nothing for resale. Charrisse is all hat and no cattle. 


    Robyn is just sad. That therapy session highlighted that she is not interested in changing her life at all.


    Ashley's marriage still seems doomed.


    I really feel for Robyn.  Having made the same mistake so often in my life, I totally understand the place she's coming from.  Everyone knows it doesn't end well but you.  And I can't really blame her because that Juan is sex on a stick and seems like a really good guy to me.  I don't pity her or look down on her.  I empathize with her.  My heart went out to her in that therapy session.

  10.   15 hours ago, watson71 said:


    Without a doubt, Mac Cory on Another World.   He was a surrogate dad to all the characters who were not related to him on the show,  and it was a tremendous void on the show when Douglass Watson passed away in 1989.  It was always a treat each Christmas when Mac would toast the audience with his Christmas speech.  He was the absolute best!





    Oh you're making me cry.  What a beautiful show Another World could be.  I truly believe that when AW left the airwives, daytime lost a HUGE, ICONIC piece of its heart.  And I have to say that, though I know you posted this as a tribute to Mac, that was a beautiful, quiet scene between Bridget and Vicky.  Anne Heche was a powerhouse even then and Barbara Berger gave great support.  Though AW fans always talk about Frankie Frame's cruel death via Fax Newman, this serves as a reminder that he first did away with Bridget, which is what started the cruelty.   It wasn't just the death of Frankie that helped kill AW, but the one-two punch of Bridget AND Frankie, especially so soon after killing off Ryan Harrison.  JFP was pretty cruel to the character of Vicky Hudson when it comes down to it, though I really think that she brought a vision with her to AW and executed it.  Say what you will about JFP's tenure, but she was the first EP to even have a vision for AW since Paul Rauch.


    Either way, this was a beautiful, beautiful 7 minutes to watch and makes me yearn for the days of classic soap.  (Re-posting this commentary from Best Daytime Dads thread bc it could turn into a good old fashioned AW discussion)

  11. OMG!!  An actual topic in DTS?  Oh how I miss the days when we'd come up with these random topics on Saturdays and Sundays and shoot the sh!t about the soaps of yore.  Okay, I'm game.


    If I remember correctly (and I probably don't so correct me if I'm wrong), Pearl Bradford just faded into an oblivion on Santa Barbara.


    I actually just re-read the Bill Hayes/Susan Hayes book and Susan claims that in 1984, they just faded into the background of the show and never got a proper good bye.   Going off topic for a moment, I am reminded of when Deidre Hall returned in 1991- I was just thrilled that Susan was back on the show at the time as Julie.  Their reunion was one of my favorite moments during Marlena's returns.  It's little things like that with the characters on soaps that I miss- a scene that would be a throwaway to a casual viewer but as someone who watched their friendship (if only in the 80s- pretty sure it started in the 70s) it was just a joy to have that beat hit and for Julie to be there when Marlena returned.  The only other thing I could have hoped for was a reunion with Gloria Loring's Liz, but that's getting nitpicky.


    Even though she was given a sendoff, I didn't like how AW wrote out Kathleen when she returned in 91.  I think she moved to New York for a job (maybe as an author?!?).  It was so lame and it was the cherry on the sundae of 1991's dumping of my 3 fave females at the time- Anne Heche, Cali Timmins, and Julie Osburn.  I wanted and expected more.

  12. That damn red swan crap- where on Earth did they come up with that?  Didn't Vicky Wyndham actually like that storyline?   Best thing to come out of that was Cali Timmins' Paulina  (the BEST and ONLY Paulina).

  13. On 4/19/2017 at 9:31 AM, zanereed said:

    "Painful" is putting it mildly :wacko: That was horrific to watch. Even more horrid was the fact that it happened to the Matthews family beginning in 1982 (some might say even earlier), when Pat and Alice were written out (the latter understandably) and Jim died. I really thought that they were trying to build up the Matthews family again in 1989 when they brought Russ back and introduced Olivia. I even thought that they were going to start a storyline where Josie would eventually be revealed to be the daughter of Russ. Sadly, that did not happen.


    Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold the phone.  I thought it WAS revealed that Josie was Russ's daughter, hence her rivalry with Olivia.  Wasn't that the whole storyline that Russ was brought back for in the first place?  I'm pretty sure I remember watching (and re-watching) that happen.

  14. On 8/31/2008 at 0:25 PM, Cat said:


    IA. It seemed as if AMC just didn't know how to style or light Marcy Walker. On Santa Barbara, with her ultra-long hair and soft-spoken intensity (ignoring those 80s clothes), she glowed with fairy-tale beauty.


    It's clear that Santa Barbara was by no means the perfect soap. When it was first launched, it underwent a couple of different CCs and many shifts in focus as the Perkins and many of the Lockridges were later phased out. I think SB was NBC Daytime's equivalent of a Dynasty or a Dallas. They threw a huge amount of publicity and money into the project and promoted it a great deal, even when the ratings were, relatively speaking, not great. And yes, that 3pm slot against GH was probably killer (but a 12 or 1pm slot might have been even worse).


     Speaking to the 3 PM time slot (and quoting a 9 YEAR old post lol), I actually think that SB benefited from that and could have continued to benefit from it.  Many young people that were in school rushed home to watch the series and caught it because it was at 3 pm.  This was a generation that had no established ties to GH or GL or any other soap for that matter.  Many of the die-hard fans I've encountered are now in their 30s and early 40s.  I actually believe that much of its core audience were brand new soap viewers, the very viewers NBC would be courting after its demise.  It's really a shame because when DAYS started catapulting in the numbers (summer of '93), SB was already gone and I think they could have done very well had NBC held on just a bit longer.  A DAYS/SB pairing I think would have gone over well and captured the generation of viewers that advertisers ended up striving for.

  15. 12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I'm beginning to notice that this show didn't care for simple, normal characters. I think those type of characters were part of the canon of the show in the beginning, but when they saw that the perils of the Capwell clan was more endearing, they were expendable. Through watching these clips though, it would've been a nice contrast to see a stable, pillar couple on the show b/c not even Sophia and CC filled that role. 



    But to be honest, Ted didn't really have any great stories to begin with. Outside of the Hayley arc, Christy was the character's other standout story. Thinking about it, all of Ted's best stories consisted of someone getting brutally raped. :wacko:


    I've said this before in here, but it is so odd how Ted was the one Capwell that didn't get developed like Eden, Kelly, and Mason did. They just kind of threw him off to the side immediately and gave him scrap stories from the start. It didn't help either that all his counterparts were interchangeable since the start of the show. The Dobsons should've done better in keeping Laken, Danny, and Jade alongside Ted. He just seemed to flounder after they all left. 



    Actually I felt Ted was better defined in the later years, when Michael Brainard played him.  He was turned into somewhat of a cad and a playboy, which I rather enjoyed.  His pairings with Lily and Angela were both successful, though I hated him with Katrina.  They even tried him with Suzanne Collier.  His relationship with CC was given more depth and strengthed, and he was finally a character I (and I think the audience) were actually interested in.  I prefer his version to Todd McKee.

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