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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. Holy CRAP!! I just saw on my DVR that Monday is the season finale of RHOM already! Did they cut the season short? This SUCKS!! SO disappointed. I blame the producers for going with this whole wedding angle this season and dropping everything from last year that made Miami so great.

    Sigh. I'm thinking we're not gonna get another season of Miami and that makes me sad. :(

  2. Where can I get the John Rich "Lea Black" song? ITunes?

    Lisa wins the first half of the episode for sure- "Who has a wedding on a THURSDAY anyway?" No doubt! Joanna is batsh!t crazy! Yowzas!

    This whole Adriana/Lea feud is old- glad they seem to be dropping it.

    Didn't miss Marysol one bit this week.

    Looking forward to Alexia vs Lisa on Sunday!!!

  3. I don't think I said incredibly popular- Kathleen was always the most popular among the McKinnon gals. But MJ was a popular character under Layman and certainly one of the show's heroines at the time. To each their own, but I just can't stand Sally Spencer's MJ and found her about as interesting as a wet rag.

    And I LOVED the Larry/MJ flirtation. I still wish they did something with that.

  4. Eddie Cibrian= Winning.

    LeAnn Rimes= Failing. Miserably.

    And just WOW at the "Don't open w/o a sense of humor" tweet that accompanied this picture. Does she really think this is funny? Only mistresses and whores are laughing with her, the rest of us are too disgusted to even bother laughing AT her.

  5. What a mess of a story it must've been then. I did enjoy the family dynamic, it's a shame it didn't work in the long term. Was it just a change in writers that got them the boot or were they just an unpopular family with viewers?

    I actually think it had more to do with the shift in writers than anything. I don't remember any fan outrage against the McKinnons and they played well against the Love/Hudsons and the Corys- a good ole Irish middle class family. I always liked them. Kathleen was the fan favorite for sure- then there was also the unfortunate recasting of MJ with Sally Spencer (sorry Carl). MJ was actually very popular when Kathleen Layman played her, right on par with Kathleen. Sally Spencer's version is a completely different character altogether. Loved me some Cheryl too. Vince and Mary were never my favorites but at least they had story in the beginning,

    I think bringing the Frames back was actually the final nail in the McKinnons coffin, not to mention the resurgence of the Matthews clan, with the returns of Liz and Russ, along with daughters Olivia and Josie. As a fan myself, I always thought the McKinnons were sort of a missed opportunity and I did miss them when they were gone. I really liked the 3 sisters with the original portrayers in the roles.

  6. Thanks for the 1986 ep Carl! So many great characters in that particular episode- Catlin, Donna, Nancy, Felicia, Mitch, Rachel, Mac, Ada, Kathleen, Cheryl, Scott, Adam- it was like going home again. Especially loved seeing the little bit of Catlin that we got. Love me some Thomas Ian Griffith!

  7. It seems like Miami just can't catch a break. Last season was definitely better than this season, but the ratings weren't there because they stuck it on a Thursday night. The two or three episodes they did air on Monday night before BH (or was it Atlanta?) rated so much higher... but then they put it back on Thursday where ratings went back down. I don't know why Bravo didn't permanently put them on Monday where the ratings were higher.

    Also, I think the only complaint the producers/Bravo heard last year from certain fans is there were too many supporting characters and housewives... and because the season was shorter than most other housewives shows, the viewers didn't get a chance to really know the housewives, their families, and their background. It truly was just party after party for the most part...

    So they tried to fix that this year, but like someone else said, they went too far on the spectrum and now viewers think there is too much family backstory, not enough parties/supporting characters/etc. So once they landed a primetime spot on Mondays after OC, they basically ruined it with a boring season.

    Maybe they'll finally get it right and all the stars will align for Season 4.... if they are renewed!

    UGH! So viewers complained about everything I LOVED? Well who needs them anyway- they just needed more people like me watching!

    Count me among those that still love Miami, but much preferred the style they used last season as opposed to this one. Andy Cohen seemed all over it too- he compared it to a telenovela and that's what it felt like! I miss it, not gonna lie.

    Miami is still my fave and I'm actually excited that it's gonna be paired with RHOBH. Mondays are about to get cray-cray!

  8. I have been obsessed with RHoM and this season is no exception. However, I have to agree with you that the blame for cutting down the number of HWs and, perhaps more egregiously, ramping up the fake drama should be laid squarely at Bravo's door.

    Don't get me wrong- I'm still obsessed. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love last season's style of storytelling far more than this season's.

  9. MIAMI-

    Ok, first thing's first- Adriana and the 1994 issue of People Magazine, all in the name of calling Queen Lea a hypocrite. Au contraire. Did Lea hide her marriage for 4 years? No, it was 4 months. Was Lea having her friends set her up on dates with wealthy men during this time? Did Lea go on national television and whine about her fear of commitment and her lack of trust in men? Nope, none of those things. Adriana is a lot of things, but she's not dumb. She knows damn well that what Lea did 20 years ago(!) doesn't even compare to what she has done. So why put it out there? Simply put, it's an attempt to publicly humiliate Lea. For no reason. And NO, I don't buy for one second that Lea is the one who put that article out there. Did Adriana really think nobody was going to go digging after she announced her wedding in a blatant attempt to compete with Joanna? Bitch, please.

    Oh goody! Marina's back in town to insult Lisa for no reason! I'm glad that Lenny stood up for his wife and put his mother in her place. There are other men out there that would do the opposite and tell his wife just to put up with it.

    Marysol- LEA DOESN'T PRACTICE BLACK MAGIC! Talk about people in glass houses throwing stones, especially considering her mother. It is just obnoxious how Marysol is constantly trying to poison everyone against Lea. Get a backbone and hash out ur business with Lea yourself! Oh that's right, you don't have one of those.

    I'm glad that Adriana and Lea aren't letting their feud ruin their kids' friendship. It is clear that RJ really looks up to Alex and Alex cares about RJ. Is Alex a little older than RJ or did he just hit his growth spurt first? Either way, they're adorable.

    I agree with Lea that Adriana was rude in not coming to say hello and I agree Cat- you could see Lea's strained expression when she arrived, telling her about the cake. But LMAO @ Lea having Lisa, Joanna, Alexia, and Adriana come sing Happy Birthday to RJ. Awkward! The only thing that was funnier is when Romain wished Alex a Happy Birthday instead of RJ. I do love that man and his squinty hard blinking self.

    Speaking of Romain, the whole Lenny inviting Romain and Frederic over to squash their fight seemed so fake and put on. It speaks to my problem with this season vs last. Last year, it seemed that all of the drama came organically and wasn't forced for the camera. It helped that many were new to the cast and it was fun watching them get to know one another- and decide whether they liked the others or not. Part of the reason this season seems this way is the fact that they cut the cast down to 5 housewives, which I think was a HUGE mistake. If they didn't want to have Ana or Marysol back as regulars, how about bringing 1 or 2 new wives in and letting the feathers fly? I think last year's 7 was perfection and though their ratings weren't huge, there was lots of buzz about the show at least. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    Which is why I put much of the blame on production. I know that it was probably an impossible task for this season to live up to last season in my eyes, but I didn't expect such a steep drop in quality. What I miss MOST are all the social events we were treated to last season, and the colorful characters we were introduced to at those events. Literally every week, every episode they were going to some party or anniversary or big Miami event and it made it so much fun to watch. The best episode of the season so far for me was Alexia's Magazine Party, though I wished the entire ep focused on said party. I remain hopeful that this season will turn around, much like OC did for me- I wasn't that enthralled with their first 5 or 6 episodes either. And I'm still WAY more interested in Miami this year than New Jersey, which is a total snooze.

    I will say next week looks fun, with the Fab 3's trip to LA and the sheer amazingness that is gonna be Alexia, Peter, and the Miami P.D. Not a moment too soon either.

  10. Ugh, my entire post just deleted and I spent a good 20 minutes writing up about Miami. I just CAN'T right now with my computer, much like I CAN'T with Adriana whipping out an article from a 1994(!) issue of PEOPLE Magazine to try and make Lea look bad. Pfft!

    More to come. I'll post my thoughts tomorrow. :)

  11. I've always wanted to see the Drunk Susan stuff from the late 60s/early 70s and her entire messed up relationship with Dan Stewart. Who were here rivals then? Was it Liz and then Kim? I've only gotten to read about it on here but it sounds amazing. I've always loved Marie Masters- Susan was my fave on ATWT, right up until the end.

  12. Now I'm hearing conflicting reports- in the comments section of that article, people seemed to imply that Brandi was saying that she and Lisa were having dinner that evening. She replied to someone who linked her the ROL story, saying "Well that's gonna make dinner tonight really awkward then."

    Who knows!?! I'm more inclined not to believe it.

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