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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. This is SO obnoxious. I apologize to those of you that come to this thread sheerly to discuss SB history. I had a thread in this forum that was dedicated to this separate storyline and watching it, but it was moved & merged into here without my knowledge, permission, or request because some people here have nothing better to do with their times.

    I guess it's ok for ATWT, GL, OLTL, and AMC to have multiple threads in here because they were cancelled this decade.......

    Anyway, ON TO PART 6 of the Keith/Victoria/Cruz/Eden storyline:


  2. So if I can recall, Victoria had Cruz's baby (Chip) and then she got with abuser Martin Ellis (why does John Wesley Shipp always play a jerk lol)

    Not in that order actually. Shipp's character Martin was reformed by the time he started on the show and he was so good in the part that he won his 2nd Daytime Emmy (for Outstanding Guest Actor) for the role. I actually like Martin and he will actually show up in this series of clips.

    For me it's not so much about disliking her as seeing her as very dull and drab. I guess this worked when she was up against Eden, and Cruz, because that might have made Cruz remember her more fondly, but when they paired her with Mason she just took up space.

    I totally agree. But the initial storyline with Cruz, Eden, Victoria, and Keith was sheer awesomeness. I'm hooked on it all over again, 26 years later. That has to say something about its timelessness as a story.

  3. Is nobody talking about Miami? Because I thought that was a great episode. I am really starting to feel for Joanna and Karent while Adriana, Marisol and the others really look like Mean Girls. And I like Alexia but she is obviously Queen Bee, and after inviting Karent and promising her no aggressivity, she and Adriana are dissing Karent and Joanna when they are in the same room and right to their faces.

    Next week: the crazy German guy!

    Yup, I pretty much agree with your assessment. I was hoping we'd get more of Lea/Lisa bonding because that's the relationship I find most interesting. Well that one and Joanna/Ana. Those 4 are pretty much my faves.

    Adriana owns up to nothing and I CAN'T WAIT for the reunion when she's exposed for the classless liar that she is. HATE she & Marysol.

    I just watched it and this episode made me start to like Karent. I thought it was very sneaky of Alexia to invite Karent to abush her and it was low of Adriana and Marysol to attack her and not even let her respond. They came across childish and kudos for Karent for keeping her composure with her perfect smile.

    Lisa and Daisy's scenes are cute but she needs to keep an eye on her. You want to keep your maids ugly! Not that Im saying Daisy is, but I was as shocked as Lisa at all the procedures she's already had and planning to do. Daisy is working on changing he image and snagging a man and Lisa with her fertility issues, better hope its not hers. Im just saying...

    I don't think that Daisy would EVER go after Lisa's man. Lisa and Daisy have a special relationship, reminiscent of Lea's relationship with her housekeeper (forget her name).

    I was PISSED that I had to wait all the way til Sunday to see the ep. BRAVO should have at least done a Sneak Peek on Thursday. How do they expect this show to continue building an audience when it just starts getting juicy and they make us wait 11 DAYS between episodes?

    And ATL and MIA don't go together at all.

  4. For lovers of great background music, listen to what's played in the Pamela/Mason scene. It's one of my favorite cues of all-time, not to mention the cue they use in the 2nd scene at Cruz's trial. SB's background music was some of the best and these cues are NOT the reason SB isn't being shown- it's the actual pop music that was used at the time.

  5. Your post came at just the right time -- because I was struggling through episodes 3 and 4 and seriously considering whether to drop this franchise completely. Lisa's lingerie party WAS insane, though I am still utterly confused as to what exactly transpired and why things got out of hand. Was Joanna mad because Joe Francis may have been telling the truth? Was she mad because Marta slept with Joe while he was with her? Why did she stick her nose into a private conversation between Karent and Adriana? It was a hot-ass mess and, for once, I don't believe it was a scripted catfight at all.

    There have been some unexpected moments, namely the Romain-Joanna dinner after she found those texts/e-mails. I was ready for her to kick his ass out but he was clear and forthcoming in his defense of himself and I was almost relieved they didn't break-up -- very unusual for me as cheating is a deal-breaker for me! That entire relationship is imploding before our very eyes, though.

    IA that the rolling cast of supporting players give this show an added extra that the other franchises do not have. But Mama Elsa and Daisy the housekeeper apart, sometimes the amount of "extra" characters makes the show lack focus at times. Despite all the fights and yapping, nothing ever really progresses. Perhaps that comes later. I do think it is cool the way the have kept Alexa back in the thick of things even though she is not a regular HW this season.

    Ok, but do you love Lisa as much as I do ? And are you Pro- Lea Black or Anti- Lea Black? Must know.

    Now that you're caught up, hope you continuing posting with us about Miami. It's by far my fave.

    Did you catch last season's Reunion episodes? Adrienne, Kyle and Taylor threw Lisa under the bus and attempted to smear her reputation on TV (they failed though). The look of hurt in her eyes when she confronted Kyle about what they did, the look of hurt she had throughout all three Reunion episodes was enough for me (if I wasn't before) to be Team Lisa. When Brandi came into Reunion, she was the only one to support Lisa after all her supposed BFFs had knifed her in the back. That, and the Hawaii trip, solidified the Brandi-Lisa friendship, I think. You could tell in Hawaii that they both "got" each other and have a similar sense of humor. I like their friendship!

    I like the Brandi/Lisa friendship, but it (and Brandi) can be a bit much. Brandi wanting to be the first to see Lisa's house came off a bit desperate.

    If Lisa was inviting Kyle and the rest of the cast, including new girl Yolanda, then there was no reason not to invite Adrienne. She could have had a sit down with her beforehand, either to clear the air or clarify why she wasn't being invited.

    I mean, come on, we know all this stuff is amped up for tv, especially the reunions. So Adrienne took it too far at the reunion with her accusations- Adrienne had NO STORY last year. Maybe she was trying to remain on the show and thought escalating her rivalry with LIsa would be a good way to do that? Either way, I understand Lisa being hurt by it all, especially Kyle though and that's who I felt hurt her. I was totally Team Lisa on that.

    But it was a year ago now, it's the Season Premiere party, Lisa knew that, and there was no reason to exclude only Adrienne when Camille, Kyle, and Taylor backed her up. Not that it was true, but that the reporter was saying it and had to everyone. So why single out Adrienne and not invite her? She made that HUGE fuss last year at Kyle's party about kicking Taylor and Russell out "gently" when they were threatening to sue Camille but when it comes to Adrienne doing the same thing Camille did (repeating what someone else had told her), Lisa suddenly thinks Adrienne should be burnt at the stake while Kyle and Taylor are still invited. It was a calculated move and done to show Adrienne the pecking order on the show and that she's indeed on the bottom. It was beyond catty and certainly not the classy Lisa I once knew. The Lisa I used to love would have sat down with Adrienne, sorted it out, realized it was the guy causing all the trouble and they're just telling her what they heard, they'd have a glass of champagne, and it would be water under the bridge. Instead, Lisa can't let it go for no reason. Hmmm, maybe because it's true? I can't see any other reason why Lisa would even give this a 2nd thought and not only that, but bring it into the following season. I thought she was smarter than this. She seriously looks like the guilty party here and I'm surprised that all of her superfans can't see through her behavior and are actually arguing this has always been Lisa.

    All this talk about Camille but she was BORING last season. She played things way to safe and was constantly thinking of her public image and how she could come across good. She only gave good drama in season 1. She was a waste last season and I dont think she would have brought a whole lot to the table this season. From the previews, it looks like she will at least appear some time down the line and I think thats for the best instead of being a housewife

    I'm so sick of hearing that because it's not true. Maybe in the beginning but she OUTED Taylor and Russell and was the only one with the guts to call it what it was, which drove story for the entire season. And Camille did it flawlessly. So what if she wasn't the center of the drama last year? You don't have to be that every year (like Kyle, who would die if she weren't the center of attention) and Camille earned her place after Season 1.

    I LOVED her in Season 2 and she certainly stirred the pot far more than Kim Richards or Adrienne Maloof and they're still regulars. I found Camille to be the most interesting in season 1 and again in season 2. Really, the rest of them are just SO pernicious I can't stand it.

    What type of behaviour? Not inviting a former friend who hurt her with malicious lies and attacked her to ensure she got an invite for the next season? I dont think thats unreasonable or unlike Lisa. When a friend hurts her in a major way and she sees nothing reddeming in the friendship she is done. We saw that with Cedric.

    Then why did she invite Kyle and Taylor? Both Kyle and Taylor backed up everything Adrienne said at the reunion, were in on it from the beginning, and had the opportunity to warn her or stand up for her. They chose to do neither, and yet they're invited? And Kim, who shows up to nothing? Excluding one housewife from this party wasn't right, especially since Adrienne has supported Villa Blanca, unlike Lisa, who screwed her on the Bravo trip to Vegas.

    Either way, Lisa invited Kyle and Taylor because Kyle thinks she's the star of the show and has some of the others, like Lisa, convinced of that as well, and she invites Taylor because she knows Taylor has tons of drama from the year before, especially with Lisa's "friend" Brandi and Lisa knows that she'll get cameratime galore.

    Lisa could at least have had a sit down with Adrienne and either explained her position and didn't invite her anyway or make up with her and have her anyway. I just foresee Lisa's image taking a big hit this season- I got a totally different feel from her in this episode than I ever have before. Lisa was never one to back down from a confrontation, so either confront her or invite her. Lisa did the cowardly and uppity thing, which was to act as though she didn't even exist. Sorry, I don't condone that.

  6. I just marathon watched s1 & 2. She is exactly the same from the very first episode, honestly.

    In seasons 1 & 2, yes. Not the premiere of season 3 though. The Lisa Vanderpump I know and love is above that type of behavior. It's ridiculous! Can't wait to find out why Lisa says Camille's being a bitch later in the season. Love me some Camille in bitch mode.

  7. Watching now, and so far, I don't see a problem with Lisa. Not wild about her slumming it with Brandi. I like Brandi, but she's not in Lisa's league.

    The new chick, Yolanda...hate her already and thats only because her husband is the brilliant David Foster. The man is a musical genius! Love him and I play The Love Theme To St Elmo's Fire at least 10 times a day! Some of his work is reserved for the golden vault.

    Adrienne? Lisa is overreacting? Is this bitch crazy? She accused Lisa of selling a story for $25,000, which is nothing for Lisa. That was humiliating. Adrienne still looks very draggish too.

    Adrienne was just trying to keep herself relevant by starting a feud with Lisa, and Lisa has to know that. Lisa is the star, Adrienne has to work for her spot. Do I think the RadarOnline stuff went over the line? Sure I do. But I'm sure Adrienne had a source she believed and when all was said and done, nobody believed it, so who bloody cares (as the old Lisa would say). It should be water under the bridge and they surely had a conversation about it after filming the reunion and probably while filming that we didn't get to see. People forget that Lisa did some catty things last year toward Adrienne regarding Pandora's wedding. She clearly wanted the whole event to coincide with filming, obviously BRAVO helped pay for things as they would any season finale event, and she knew they'd be filming Pandora's bachelorette party in Las Vegas. Lisa was wrong for not having it at The Palms and her reason for not having it there was flimsy at best. The women have always supported one another's businesses on the show, and obviously Adrienne would have wanted The Palms to look good so she would have given Pandora a SPECTACULAR party, and not only does Lisa not have it there but doesn't even bother to tell her that she's going to have it at their direct competitor? Some Lisa fans are so blinded by her fabulousness that they don't admit to it when she's wrong and she certainly was in that situation and Adrienne had every right to be upset. I think the producers expected to be filming at The Palms as well because look what we ended up getting? Lisa and Taylor (of all people) at the Bachelorette party, and Adrienne, Brandi, and Camille hanging out at The Palms. I don't know, but the whole thing was petty and childish, just like what Adrienne said to her at the reunion. But that has been their relationship throughout the show. They've always been "frenemies" so it should have been water under the bridge and Lisa should have taken the high road. Instead, she didn't invite Adrienne and made sure she found out about it. That's more nasty and catty behavior and I'm sorry, but that's not how Lisa used to be and certainly isn't what's made her so fabulous for the 1st two seasons.

    Good for Adrienne for sending that HIDEOUS floral arrangement! She took the high road but did it in a funny way. Bravo. I'm sorry, but she was the clear winner in this episode and to me, it looks like Lisa is being set up for a major fall this year. If she continues acting like this bitter shrew (sort of an older Brandi- hmmm, maybe she's rubbing off on her?!?) and loses the fabulosity that was once Lisa Vanderpump, this could turn out to be a Jill Zarin season for her. I love her so I hope she goes back to being herself but so far, I'm unimpressed.

  8. NeNe: "I have arriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiived. And the spotlight's on me, honey." wub.png

    So I am starting to watch Season 2 of Real Housewives of Miami after the high praise seen on these threads. I never saw Season 1 but I don't think that matters. After one and a half episodes:

    - It doesn't feel like a true RH show like NY, NJ or OC do... but close enough. It feels like RHoV, which makes sense -- like Vancouver, Miami is almost a foreign city, gateway to LatAm. I'm not hispanic but I grew up among a lot of hispanics/Latin Americans and so a lot of the attitudes/cultural references feel like "home" to me. Mama Elsa in particular reminds me of my best friend's mom.

    - The bling truly is BLING, all with a heavy coating of tacky.

    - I wish the show would let some of the parents speak Spanish if they want to when it is clear that they would rarely have a breakfast conversation with their daughter and her boyfriend en inglés. I like hearing Spanish and I don't mind reading a few subtitles.

    - Joanna Krapka is beautiful but also looks like a coke addict.

    - The men are pretty skeevy. Karent's Roman is getting all this ass, really? How? He's just a soap actor! Luis Miguel he ain't.

    - Is it Karent or Karen T?

    - Was Alexia previously part of the show? I wondered if she begged out of filming when her son got into his accident. I like what little I've seen of her.

    - Karent is the Tamra Barney of the show -- the [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer with the most insincere smile on earth.

    - Adriana I'm not really feeling. Lea is trying to hard to be Jill Zarin.

    - Lisa, Karent, Joanna and Ana are driving all and any story right now.

    - Just make Mama Elsa a full HW -- she is awesome and the real star.

    I think as time goes on, you'll get used to the telenovela style of Miami. I completely agree that it's not like any other Housewives franchise but that's exactly what I love about it. Keep watching because I think you're going to fall in love with it. You're about to be introduced to a very large and compelling supporting cast of characters. You've already met Romain, Marta, Rudolfo, and Robert (Ana's sort of ex), and a couple that you already know- Alexia (who I also LOVE) and Mama Elsa. But in the next episodes, you are going to meet a bunch of other characters. Not only that, but you're actually going to see them in most every episode and watch them interact with the cast. What I LOVE about Miami is how they integrate them so beautifully and each one has a role they play with the regular housewives. Don't be fooled- you're not just going to get to know 7 women this season, you'll meet about 16 different people and you will learn their points of view and come to understand why they feel the way they do. I swear it's like watching an ensemble soap- think classic GL or AW. Plus, though I'm not sure if you spoiled yourself reading the thread, but there are also a couple characters you already probably know from prior reality shows/media coverage and they both cause MAJOR Drama.

    Episodes 1 & 2 are really just about introducing the ladies and setting up the "B" stories for the season (Nothing in the first 2 eps, besides Joanna/Romain, turns into an "A" story) and really, episodes 4-7 are when things really start cooking. You're lucky you're watching it the way you are because when you get to the 2 part episode surrounding Lisa's Lingerie Party, you'll be on the edge of your seat with your jaw dropped open the entire time. Single best episodes of any Housewives franchise EVER, hands down (I don't watch Atlanta but I can't imagine anything topping this).

    You'll see though. I have a feeling after episode 3, you'll become obsessed like I was and will marathon through to 7. The day that you watch episode 5, just plan on taking almost 3 hours of your day to do it. No way can you watch that episode without wanting to immediately watch episodes 6 & 7 because that's when the sh!t hits the fan and everything happens. And I mean EVERYTHING.

    Watching BH now and will be back to post later, but wow, has Lisa Vanderpump gone down a couple pegs. I have already been shocked by some of her actions and reactions and I'm only halfway through. Maybe she's going through something in her personal life that we don't know about ala Camille in S1? Who knows, but some of her behavior is downright shocking. Also, the loss of Camille as a regular has left a GAPING hole in the show and was a HUGE mistake. Taylor, Adrienne, and Kim are total nonentities, why not get rid of them? Thank GOD she's coming back as a "friend" of the Housewives and I hope Bravo realizes their mistake and offers her the moon to come back full-time. Lisa may be the Greek Chorus, but Camille is the STAR of this franchise and always has been. Drama-free last season or not (she wasn't BTW- she was, after all, the one that outed Taylor about accusing Russell of physical abuse which fueled most of the drama for the last half of the season), she's still by far the most interesting housewife and now that she's redeemed herself, she can act anyway she wants and do anything she wants. BIG mistake not having her as a regular. I'm actually kind of bored with BH tonight- kind of like I was for the first few episodes of the original 1st season of the series.

  9. I like Ana- I could see where she should probably just be a friend of the housewives but I do like her.

    Yeah, I know Adriana should probably stay because she's always in the thick of things but I just can not stand her. She is so desperate for attention it's pathetic. Even when talking to Karent and Joanna interrupted, she tells her she "already had her drama for the night" so she should go away. Yeah, because it's Adriana's turn to get some airtime. Please. She's such a shrill, vacuous woman.

    They DO bully Karent and good for Joanna for standing up for her. I don't think Karent knows her place socially either and it is annoying that she acts like she knows people that she doesn't. But she definitely doesn't deserve everything these so-called ladies have been dishing out to her.

    Is it Thursday yet? I'm seriously dying- I can't wait for the next episode to come! Even in their first seasons, I don't think I have been this glued to a Housewives franchise yet. New York was always my fave, but never did I get into it like I am Miami.

  10. Love how y'all are discussing Miami!! I've been overseas the past couple of weeks and can't wait to get home and catch up!!!

    Can't wait for you to get back and catch up so I can read your thoughts. I've been watching Miami right along but with everyone posting about the climaxes of New York and New Jersey, it almost felt out of place to discuss Miami, like what's the point if nobody's going to talk about it with you? I'm happy to find out that there are many enjoying it as much as I am. It's my guilty pleasure, like OC was in the Spring. Believe it or not, I'd never watched OC before so watching last season was like seeing it for the first time and made it infinitely more interesting to me. I've since gone back and caught some of it, but still not all.

    Either way, Miami just has so much going for it that I'd be devastated if we don't get another season. I'm liking all the Lisa love, as I wasn't sure if anyone else was seeing what I was. She's just real and owns who she is 100%. I LOVE that she admitted that she looks up to Lea and I really hope they continue to bond and Lea can help her along her path. I've loved Lea from the beginning, but she needed a real friend to humanize her and I think Lisa can be that for her. The two of them make the show for me and I'd much prefer watching a true friendship develop between them instead of that ass-kissing famewhore Adriana & Marysol or Adriana & Elsa for that matter. Adriana's smart enough to know that Elsa was and is the breakout star of the show and has attached herself to her. She's so phony that I literally see red when she's on the screen. I'd be thrilled if Bravo fired her and Alexia returned as a full-time housewife next season.

    I just can't stop talking about it or watching it. I think I've watched both parts of that party about 20x each now and it never gets any less entertaining.

  11. Miami tonight (well the entire two part episode) was better than any water down Posche fashion show! That was entertaining on so many different levels. So much actually happened unlike that Teresa pileup with the boring Stripper-gate. Instead of texting people they won't reveal and talking in code or accusing people of things we didn't see--Miami brought the drama. Plus it wasn't too dark. We had some comedy, sex appeal and lots of entertainment!

    I hope the ratings go up. I can't wait to see gifs from this episode. Joanna is a total trashbox lol. I love her!

    ITA and the Lea summary was dead on.

    Lisa has stepped up and emerged as the heroine of this show! The Bethenny, the Gretchen, the Dina, that role. She owned it last night and came off flawlessly. She has more than earned her spot this year and I have a feeling if the series is renewed, her lingerie event is going to be to this series what Posche is to Jersey. The genius of Miami is the producers don't have to do a damn thing because casting did it all for them.

    I love Lea Black and I make no apologies for it. Loved her since day one. I know women like that, I get them, and adore them. She and I would probably hit it off if we ever met.

    I'm Team Joanna, all the way. She puts it all out there man, and I love it. Talk about great for reality TV. Adriana, on the other hand, is a total famewhore and so obviously jealous of Joanna. Look at what she pulled at Mynt with Romain. Amateur hour.

    WWHL was shitballs too! These bitches hate each other and BravoAndy sees money in the bank. I think this 2 part episode, ratings or not, solidifies Miami's place as a franchise. The marathons, which they need to be doing on Thursdays, will start doing well because word of mouth is going to spread on this for sure.

    I haven't been this addicted to a Houesewives franchise since I first discovered New York. This is seriously my crack and I can't wait til Thursday!

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