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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. http://santabarbara-online.com/IndexSite2.htm

    I don't know if someone posted this or not but this a great fansite of SB by a french fan that has GREAT interviews from the cast, great character profiles and recaps, photos, etc.

    Hehe, I regularly visit that site but thanks for posting for those that don't know about it! Actually, Nicolas was the very first SB fan to have clips from the show uploaded onto his site, even before the days of YouTube. I LOVED it. I wish I had my old computer because I used to be on a mailing list that sent me Cruz's Trial (over Elena's Murder) in its entirety and it was nothing short of amazing!

    Thank GOD for SlutNamesWereUsed on Youtube. He literally has most of Cruz & Eden's entire storyline posted on his site, including all the Santana stuff. It's how I got hooked on the Victoria Lane storyline. What I REALLY like about it is he leaves in scenes that are C & E related, but don't necessarily have them in it. I've literally gotten to see everyone in those clips, Gina, Keith, Augusta, Sophia, CC, Kelly, Santana, Ted, Julia (and I LOVE Julia/Eden and Julia/Cruz interactions) and Lane Davies' Mason, who is nothing short of brilliant in his interactions with EVERYONE. God, upon re-watch, I realize how truly irreplaceable Lane was.

    As much as I grew to like Gordon Thomson, he couldn't even come close to that droll line delivery (and the subtext! THE SUBTEXT!) that Lane Davies gave in every scene. It's too bad the show was pushing so hard for A Martinez to win that Lane never submitted his name, until that dreadful Sonny Sprockett storyline. Judith McConnell and Jed Allan never submitted either, which to me is CRAZY!

    Then again, that's when JFP invented bloc-voting, which largely contributed to all of SB's acting nods, and the much deserved wins of Justin Deas (twice!), Justin Gocke, Nancy Lee Grahn, Marcy Walker, and A Martinez. I still wish that Robin Mattson had won for one of her nods and that Louise Sorel had gotten a nomination at some point. They were two of the most entertaining actresses on the show! I think the only time daytime awarded a comedic actress was when Leann Hunley won, or was there another comedic winner?

  2. I think one reason Reed had such a short stay was that there was little to do with his character. The writers had tied Lloyd to his relationship with Liza, and none of the actors paired with Louann Gideon's Liza seemed to work. In my opinion, Gideon was the problem, and TPTB would have served the show well to recast Liza again.

    So much word to THIS! I'm not sure another recast would have worked at that point though. They need Sherry Mathis back or to ship off Liza and write Lisa Peluso's Wendy back in. Because Liza was such an important character at the time, Louann Gideon was never Liza, and it was painful to watch her act opposite anyone.

  3. I'm surprised with all this Lydia hate. She actually grew on me in this last episode and looks to be even more on point in the next one . I want to see her get further ingratiated with Gretchen and Tamra.

    I disagree with this Alexis being bullied crap. First, she brings up those stupid dresses and keeps calling herself a businesswoman, when in reality, she is the "spokesmodel" for a trampoline park! :rolleyes:

    As for who's the MEAN GIRL- it's VICKI! Vicki did all this shizz on purpose to stir the pot- put Tamra on the spot, guilt Alexis into going knowing she's gonna get thrown under the bus, calling Gretchen a "stupid person" because Gretchen got confused when Vicki referred to Troy as "my baby" when it actually DID sound like she was talking about a completely different baby.

    I don't consider Tamra a mean girl this season (or last season) at all. So she speaks her mind and can be blunt and curt. So? She's just being honest about how she felt. And Alexis was in NO WAY bullied in Costa Rica. They were having an adult conversation with her and actually trying to help her with one of her character flaws, and it was in no way mean-spirited. ALEXIS and her perpetual victimhood turned it around to make it seem that way, but it just wasn't the case.

    Did anyone else catch Gretchen making little "jack off" hand gestures when Alexis was talking about her dress line and saying other phony crap when they were on the couches? I was like THIS BITCH! You gotta love her. And the milk money/lunch money analogy was dead on, not to mention her saying that if Alexis truly wanted to make amends, she could have called them all individually and had sit-downs. I just love that Gretchen is over her and Heather has no time or patience for her. Good stuff.

  4. I love OC. it's easily the easiest for me to watch next to BH.

    I am willing to try NJ again. But ill pass on ATL.

    Really Jack? I was hoping that MIA was your new crack like mine. It's easily my fave HW series right now and IMO, the one franchise that really BROUGHT IT this past season. Lisa's 2 part party was EPIC, the reunion was GOLD, the only weakness was the season finale IMO. I CAN'T WAIT for it to come back!

  5. This was on YouTube once... and it either got taken down or buried... but I loved the sequence where Mason broke into CC's bedroom while he was with Gina and brandished a sword. It was obviously during the Charles Bateman era, but the scene was so damn good!!

    YES! I saw it when it was on there too. Linda Gibboney was still Gina also. Great stuff.

    What about when Gina drugged Eden and made her appear crazed in front of the family? I think the same person posted that and it's no longer there.

  6. That's hilarious.

    Don't know if you saw it but someone uploaded some clips of when Mason told CC about Channing not being his son.

    I've seen it before on DVD but not in years. Please post.

    I'm still searching for the sequence when Mason attempts to hold a business meeting while Eden is in Hawaii with Cruz so he can proxy her vote. Lane Davies is HILARIOUS in that sequence and I've only found it once.

  7. WOW at the Season 2 Reunion of NYC!!! Loved Ramona checking LuAnna and nailing the fake loser to the wall.

    Surprisingly Jill held it together and managed to put in a few daggers on Ramona....wasn't expecting that. Bethenny was a BOSS and just owned it. You can tell Andy is already fed up with this bunch. He even mentioned that he had a headache during Part 2. I can only imagine how bad its gonna be at the end of Season 3.

    When does this "Scary Island" occur? Season 3 or Season 4?

    It's Season 3 and it's AMAZING!! Seriously, that is the Housewives Trip that Ends all Housewives Trips. No lie. It's OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT amazing. It's also one of those trips that just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.


    The Season 3 reunion is freaking HILARIOUS. The lines that Bethenny, Sonja, and even Jill Zarin come up with should go down in history. I can't wait til you watch it so I can post along because I remember it as if it were yesterday and NEVER miss a RHONYC S3 marathon on BRAVO.

    When is Bravo gonna get smart and start a cable channel that just shows Housewives repeats? There is serious money waiting to be made there.

  8. Oh, and count me among those that reallllly like Kathy Wakile. Sure, she's not your typical housewife, but there is something about her that I find really endearing and watchable, moreso than those other 4 hags. At least when Kathy's segment is on, I don't feel like I have to pop a xanax to keep me from shooting my television set.

  9. BH

    Yolanda on Faye: "Who defines a lady by a Chanel bag? Thats about the DUMBEST thing Ive ever heard", She later calls Faye pathetic. Dang, Id want to see Faye back if only to watch Yolanda go in on her.

    So Paris Hilton filmed for the show and they cut that? She isn't as relevant as she was years ago but she is still the famous link to Kyle and Kim and Im surprised Andy wouldn't utilize that footage. They have lesser known stars in the background. I really think the Hiltons together with the Richards sisters should have made it on the show especially since Kim had so little to do as it was.


    I LOVED this shot. Bitch better twerk

    BTW this is awesome

    Too many blonde bitches!

    Ok, between the caricature of Tamra (#42) and the comment for Lynn (#31), I'm seriously DEAD.

    And YAY! My fave is Lea and her little comment thingy is pretty accurate for me.

  10. i do realize she is but I was referring to the accent of british decent

    Understood. However, looking back at Bev McKinsey's work, she always enunciated and over-pronounced certain words, almost as though she were playing Iris as British. I rather liked it

  11. Really? That's interesting. I wonder if they will mention Hope. I thought he couldn't practice medicine because he killed his wife. Was that cleared up? I don't remember most of the story.

    You might be thinking of. Dr. Joshua Landers, who married Nikki and had the crazy ex-wife who posed as a maid. Didn't it turn out that he killed her (Veronica) as well as his first wife? I kinda transpose his character and Leigh McCloskey's sometimes.

    Any news on a Scott Thompson Baker appearance as Connor on B&B? I wanna try and make sure I catch all of his episodes.

  12. I don't watch that show, not at the moment anyway, but it's always great to hear Alicia's going to be on something.

    It's the same feeling I get when Anne Heche signs a role. Man, did AW ever know how to find raw talent. IMO, those are two of the finest and I'm thrilled the world discovered them, even moreso than SB's Robin Wright, who I do root for as well.

  13. Ironically, NBC ended up doing the same thing, replacing it with half hour installments of Scrabble and Scattergories. They lasted less than one season. NBC pulled the plug on SB 6 months too soon. I STILL wonder what would have happened when DAYS experienced the ratings surge in the summer of 1993 with the Carly Buried Alive storyline. It was creepy, over the top, and darkly funny at the same time. SB would have made a far better companion piece to DAYS than AW did. Had they given SB at least another year, they could have flipped the lineup to this:

    1:00EST- Days of our Lives

    2:00EST- Santa Barbara

    3:00EST- Another World

    I really think all 3 would have had a chance of thriving at that point, as AW was still pretty damn good in 93 and SB would have been a nice bridge between both soaps.

    Sigh. What could have been.

  14. tumblr_mkcbxhxUDQ1s70e1so1_400.gif


    This Monday. Let the games begin

    I'm actually looking MOST forward to these two ladies getting into it:


    Nobody has been invited back yet.

    Are the rumors true about Luann & Heather not returning though? I really grew to like Heather and will miss her and her friendship with Carole, which to me was the most authentic and organic on the show.

    RHOBH likability rankings

    *Link doesn't work will fix when I get home but it was


    2. Lisa

    3. Yolanda

    4. Taylor

    5. Kim

    6. Marissa

    7. Camille

    8. Kyle

    9. Adrienne

    I agree with this except I would switch Brandi and Lisa and lol was thinking Faye was after Adrienne... she didn't even get a spot tongue.png

    My rankings would go like this (going by this season):

    1. Lisa

    2. Yolanda

    3. Brandi

    4. Camille (I still FLOVE this bitch!)

    5. Kim

    6. Taylor

    7. Marissa

    8. Adrienne

    9. Kyle

    Not listed and not relevant- The morally corrupt Faye Resnick, whose last name Brandi doesn't even know. (Bet Faye knows hers)

  15. Its currently filming wink.png

    Is everyone back? What's the cast? Who are the "Friends Of?"

    My favorite part about Miami is that it was like watching an ensemble soap. There were TONS of supporting characters, yet they were featured so regularly, we actually go to know and like (some of) them.

  16. I forgot about that confrontation! I need to rewatch season 3. It was my first and it had me hooked. the Bethenny vs Jill feud was DELICIOUS and that was before I got the context with how they used to be friends. Its too bad Bethenny left that season bc I could have used a second round of that in season 4, although I guess its for the best bc dragging on stories across multiple seasons has hurt other franchises

    I :wub: Bethenny. I wish she'd come back.

    While I preferred Season 2 because I liked how the New York ladies were a step above the rest. They confronted each other, but it wasn't ever done in a distasteful, malicious, false way.

    But Kelly DID bring the cray cray in Season 3 and Scary Island was PHENOMENAL.

    "Al Sharpton!! Look everyone, it's AL SHARPTON!!"


  17. thats the episode where I saw potential in Faye joining. It's hands down the best episode of BH and would rank up there in top 3 for all the franchises if not the #1 spot

    For me, RHOM's 2 part episode featuring Lisa's Lingerie Event tops them all. My jaw was gaping open the entire episode.

    "Is someone doing voodoo on us? Is there a full moon?" :lol::lol:

    Karent the carrier pigeon. Marta rolling on ecstacy admitting to sleeping with Joe Francis. Adriana making racist comments and slugging Joanna. BeauBeau being pushed into the pool.

    I've NEVER seen a Housewives episode with THAT much drama.

    And is there any word on RHOM Season 3 yet? It BETTER come back. It's my new favorite franchise. And I don't want to see ANY of the ladies leave, including Ana and Alexia. I want Lea to "start telling the truth about Ana," because I'm DYING to know what she meant by that.

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