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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. Adriana vs Lea is more frustrating than boring to me. It's just so clear that Adriana is in the wrong and Alexia and Marysol look like fools taking everything she says at face value. I'm salivating for her to be exposed to Las Cubanas, not that Marysol would care either way. Any reason she can come up with to hate on Lea.

    What's still so odd to me is that Elsa has genuine affection for Lea, in spite of her feud with Marysol. You'd think that with her faith in her mother's judge of character and the fact that the affection is mutual, Marysol would at least want to attempt to repair things with Lea.

    That's also why it's been frustrating not seeing Ana- you know that she is up to her ears in Lea's feuds with Adriana and especially Marysol. Seems to me that BRAVO made a mistake in dropping Ana.

    I'm hoping that we start getting into event season too- last season, there was a social event every week practically and that was a HUGE factor in what made it so GREAT!

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought BH didn't start until January last season.

    Either way, I'm ready for Jersey to be done and for NYC and BH to start up!

    I never got into Atlanta for whatever reason and feel like I'm too far behind to even consider starting now. I try to catch the old seasons when they repeat them on BRAVO but it always seems to be Season 1 they're showing, which doesn't help much. I tuned in now & then last year (like when Porsche came dressed as Dorothy Dandridge to Kenya's party) but still couldn't get into it.

  3. I agree that we've had a slow start with RHOM this season- but that's how it started last year also. The first few episodes introduced us to the housewives and set up future story. Tomorrow's ep looks like it's gonna be AMAZING so hopefully, we'll start turning the corner.

    That said, I'm missing all of the peripheral characters as well. I was hoping we'd see more of Ana- she's not my favorite by any means but I'm interested to see her interact with Lea. Still hopeful that will happen. But what made last season so great was not only did we have 7 housewives, but we also had Elsa (understandable obviously why she's not appearin), Marta, Elaine, Thomas Kramer, Rudolfo, Beau, Lisa Pliner, Joe Francis, Daisy, Robert- I could go on and on name dropping the supporting "cast" RHOM had. It played a large role in why I got into the show in the first place. Alexia's kids & mother, Alexander, Lenny, and Romain just aren't enough to cut it for me this season.

    I'm also disappointed that we only have 5 housewives this year. I rather liked having 7- it may not have worked for OC or NYC, but it definitely worked for Miami. When one's story was weak or didn't have much going on, there was always someone else who did, which made for a fast paced, dynamic show.

    I'm still hopeful that we'll get back to that this season and Miami is still my favorite franchise. I'd hate to see them falter when ratings are starting to build and coming off such a FABULOUS season 2!

  4. I KNEW you'd love Miami YRBB!

    This week's episode didn't pack a whole lot of punch, but THANK YOU Lea Black for clarifying that Adriana didn't just get a marriage license, she GOT MARRIED! A month later! I KNEW something stunk about that BS marriage license story Adriana was trying to sell.

    And no, I don't think Lea was the one who went to the press about Adriana. IMO, once her "wedding" was announced (after Joanna's, natch), someone dug that shizz up. Adriana did her best to make my Lea look bad, but came off looking like a fool and a liar.

  5. Just watched the two episodes with Lisa's Lingerie Party. Oh... my God. What the f.uck was going on? James/Elaine throwing a drink on Beau's face and pushing him in the pool... That disgusting douchebag Joe telling everyone that he slept with both sisters... Joanna ready to attack Marysol for wearing fur... it just kept getting worse and worse. Adrianna decides that's the best time to finish her conversation with Karent, Joanna butting in and then they have a catfight?? WHAT? And, out of all this, Lisa and Lea decide they're besties (but Lisa keeps making digs about Lea's age). I just can't. And I thought this sh*t only happened in soap operas.

    And you were SO right. Marysol calling Karent a carrier pigeon laugh.png

    And Elsa ( wub.png ) walking around her house telling herself she has no one, she's lonely, no man, no friend, no thinking or talking. OMG. Priceless.

    It's my favorite episodes of any Housewives series. I also LOVED when Joe Francis & Marysol say at the same time "Don't say anything around Karent" (and Joe finishing with "because she's the devil!") So many priceless moments in those episodes. They were and are the gift that keeps on giving!

  6. Yep, that's the one! I almost cried, not something that happens easily with the Housewives. It was so raw and emotional and painful. Poor kid. But he's getting better. The Karent thing was on the same episode, right before. We hadn't seen Frankie yet, Karent mentioned him, Alexia went off on her, and then we saw him. My God, so so so sad. It was horrible that she brought it up, although I don't believe it was done maliciously. BUT she never should have mentioned him.

    Ok if that's where you're at, you're about to go on the WILDEST Housewives ride of your life- Lisa's Lingerie Party is either the next episodes or coming up soon. I remember when each of those episodes first aired, I literally watched them multiple times in a row. AMAZING! Some of Marysol's funniest moments come in those episodes also.

  7. OMG, I am shocked at seeing Frankie, Alexia's son. They all kept saying the car accident was very bad but I did not expect to see him barely able to walk and looking like he was having trouble functioning. How completely nightmarish. Shudder

    That's the episode where Ana goes to visit Alexia at her house, right? I really felt for Alexia in that episode- it totally humanizes her IMO. I actually better understood the way she reacts to Karent at her party (not sure if that episode is before or after that one) because of it. Alexia was just stressed out of her mind at that point and Karent bringing up her son was a bad, BAD move.

  8. RHOC: And the winner of Round 1 is......... LYDIA!!! Holy Crap! I'm SHOCKED that Lydia seems to be OWNING this reunion so far. Her calling Heather "princess" was a priceless dig, but not even her best line of the night. That would be her repeating Heather's mantra to her at the pinnacle of their argument. "Just because you keep saying it, Heather, doesn't make it true!!" OMG! I started literally laughing out loud and rewound that gem multiple times. Damn, I want her back next season based on this reunion performance alone, though I did enjoy her throughout the season as well.

    The Reunion also highlighted the fact that Alexis is completely pointless and needs to be let go. She said nothing and they had to press the hell out of her just to get her to say the one relevant thing she did say. UGH! Love her dress and she looks great, but that's about it. She adds zilch to this show.

    Lauri was pretty much a non-event last night, though I kind of expected that since we know they didn't bring her out until they were all over it. Just goes to show how much of this shizz is edited together.

    Tamra looked pretty foolish bringing those pictures of Gretchen with Jay from 4 or 5 years ago. These OC women, I swear. Who the hell cares about all this stuff that happened 6-7 years ago? Get over it and MOVE ON!! I can see why this bothers Gretchen and I wouldn't blame her for lying even if it were true. I think Jeff and she probably had an understanding at the end, and she seems to still have a relationship with his children, as evidenced by them attending her engagement party. I doubt he'd want the privacy of their relationship compromised for his children to know so whether it's true or not, I'm on her side and think she's doing the right thing denying it. Again, it's only making Tamra (and Vicki to a lesser extent) look bad, so why not just put it to bed? You know, like you claimed to do last year?

    And NO Tamra, Gretchen isn't the one that made you look like an idiot and a liar. You did that all on your own by even getting in the middle of this in the first place. MYOB!

    RHOM: My girls, MY GIRLS are BACK! And not a moment too soon! RHOM is gonna be A-MA-ZING this year, I can tell already.

    Adriana: I've never cared much for Adriana, but I FLOVED her throwing that hissy fit on that sh!tty boat! I've been waiting for her to do that since we were first introduced to that hunk of garbage! She and Frederic seem to have a beautiful home, so I don't understand why either of them would want to move into some shabby boat. Her son can't be too pleased with that either.

    Alexia: Oh honey you are in DENIAL! IMO, Peter is on some hard drugs- possibly heroin or pills. He was clearly kinda-sorta out of it in the scene with the grandparents. I'm super curious as to what goes down later in the season with them, especially that scene they previewed where some guy is threatening to have Alexia or Peter arrested and she threatens right back. I do feel for Alexia though and have since last season. What she's gone through with her son is every woman's nightmare and I think colored a lot of her behavior last year. He seems to have come a long way, though, but sadly, I have a feeling that he's probably as good as he's gonna get. I'm also curious to meet this mysterious husband of hers, who she's rumored to be bearding for. Doubt that's gonna happen though.

    Joanna/Romain- Holy CRAP! Romain at the car dealership was looking sexier than I've ever seen him! Lea is right- that man is a statuesque God! And he's loaded to boot! How unfortunate that they don't seem to have much sex in their lives, though I have to wonder if that's just for story because it just doesn't seem possible. LOL @ her feud with Adriana being over a "retweet." I LOVE how much Housewives drama seems to stem from Twitter!

    Marysol- Well now we know why she was downgraded to 'friend' status. I'm gonna miss Mama Elsa this season, even though it looks like she'll put in an appearance at one point. One minor quibble though- it's been reported that Elsa had a stroke, so why didn't Marysol just say that instead of dancing around it? Did Elsa actually have a stroke? I mean, what was explained seemed to be pretty much textbook symptoms of a stroke...

    Lisa- Was she stirring the pot? Or was she just setting up a platform for Adriana to tell her side of the story? Methinks the latter. but she was certainly baiting Las Cubanas before Adriana arrived. I wish Lea had shown up to Lisa's get together, but I get it- she wants to talk to Adriana one on one, which makes sense.

    Lea- My Queen has returned! I doubt that she knew that Adriana was legally married, as that seems to have been a big secret. Sure, she may have known about the wedding, but when it fell through, why would anyone even think that they were married under the eyes of the law? I LOVES me a calculated Lea though. Using the guise of redecorating to bust out the artwork she bought from Adriana so she can better explain how and why she was helping her. Adriana claims it wasn't a handout, but after seeing that artwork, it may as well have been!

    One final thought about the Adriana being married situation- I don't think I quite believe or understand the legalities of the situation. Doesn't every couple who's getting married have to get a marriage license before the wedding? Haven't many other couples called off their weddings close to the date (or even the day of) their wedding? Does this mean that everyone who calls off their wedding after getting a marriage license has to get an annulment? I'm not sure I understand how just getting the license = getting married- don't you have to go to a Justice of the Peace or something to solidify and be pronounced man and wife? I smell a Brazilian rat in this BS story!

  9. Did you all hear that another one of Lea's corrupt, bitter ass queens take a shot at Marysol? There is a video of her friend mocking Mama Elsa and the fact she had a stroke, and Lea in the background laughing.

    Just disgusting.

    Point me to this video. I have to see it to believe it.

    I can't imagine Lea disrespecting Elsa that way. :(

  10. Lisa's is the best -- but not as good as her intro last season "My husband's a top plastic surgeon in this town -- and I am his best creation."

    I love that they kept Adriana's song. But I am really going to miss Karent on the show. Hey, I read that her practice went belly-up so... maybe she will return? Here's hoping.

    I LOVE the Miami theme song- again, easily my fave. And yes, Lisa is the best.

    I'm getting more excited than I should be, though I'm disappointed that we're not getting a season 2 marathon to gear up for season 3.

    And I miss Lea's infamous "I can deal with A LOT, but I can't deal with stupid."

    I think I'm the only one who LOVES Mayor Lea.

  11. I just remember my jaw DROPPED at that Bras and Brawls shizz. Never on any RH series have I seen so much sh!t go down at one singular event! LOVE IT!

    And yeah, I think what really hooked me was the plethora of people in the cast- I'm actually kind of disappointed there will only be 5 wives this year but I have faith that we'll still have our slew of recurring/supporting characters to keep me interested. Plus, as YRBB mentioned about the first episode, I just LOVE how they showcased the city of Miami. Having been there a few times myself, I can safely say that everything about this series is SO Miami.

    Here's hoping that ratings continue to climb this season and they are able to live up to that FABULOUS promo!

    While I'm here, some thoughts on OC and Jersey:

    Jersey- Bored. To. Death. Thank GOD for Milania! She is seriously the hero of that franchise right now. Andy Cohen ought to put his money where is mouth is and pay that kid a hefty salary. Nene had it all wrong- Teresa isn't the boss, MILANIA is!

    OC- I feel for Gretchen. She's right, she just can't win with these catty bitches! And Lydia- STFU and eat a cheeseburger! LOL All Slade said to her at the finale party was she looked like she could be on Dancing With The Stars. I didn't find that backhanded at all. And Vicki is a psychotic hypocrite! Maybe if she hadn't spewed all that garbage about Slade, he wouldn't be talking sh!t about her. Hell, since Tamra/Gretchen made up, he's backed off her- BUY A CLUE VICKI!!

    Heather is an uptight, uppity bitch. I like that she admitted that all this Malibu Country crap stems from her being mad at Gretch about her behavior at the Hot in Cleveland taping. Ummm, that was MONTHS ago- you couldn't have gone to Gretchen and talked it out way back then instead of pulling all of these calculated moves to make her look bad. Talk about High School. If the rest of the cast weren't so far up Heather's ass, then maybe they'd see through her behavior and call her out on it.

    Oh and while I'm at it, can I say that I'm sad that no ex-Housewives were at the Reunion party? We had Jeana last year, and the finale party has long been a reunion for the new and old. If Vicki weren't such a bitch, we could have had Jeana AND Lauri and perhaps cleared up some of EMail-gate.

    All that said, I can't wait for the reunion. Oh, and FYI- BRAVO is airing some season 1 repeats on Thursday, leading up to the preview of RHOM! Can't wait!

  12. Just started MIAMI Season 2! What a huge difference! That starting montage about Miami was so dramatic and great lol Liked all the Housewives and I thought the whole episode looked so sleek (the camera travelling from one location to another was a particularly nice touch, especially if you're not familiar with the city). Gonna try to catch up asap before the new season, although I doubt it lol

    I have a feeling you'll end up getting caught up. Just wait until you get to "You Beat Me to My Tweet," "Eager Beaver," and the penultimate episodes "Bras & Brawls: Pt I and II." After you get to those, especially the last two, you'll be addicted and won't be able to stop watching until the very end. I'm literally waiting with baited breath for it to return, that's how good Season 2 was. There are SO many supporting characters you get introduced to that it becomes like watching a soap opera. It skyrocketed to become my fave Real Housewives series!

  13. Some FABULOUS little person has uploaded both seasons of Vancouver on to YouTube. Having never watched it myself, I dove right in. I'm 11 episodes into season 1- here are my thought.

    Jody is a vile, vile wench who came out like a pitbull from the beginning. She clearly was looking to take Mary down for whatever reason from the getgo. Can't stand her. HOWEVER, that Mia is a guilty of pleasure of mine- I LOVE to hate that bitch! I look forward to all of her scenes- she's like a psychotic muppet!

    Ronnie is a lowlife, nasty drunk with GORGEOUS property. She has no clue about wine (save consuming it) nor does she know how to be a friend. Her back and forth with Mary and throwing her under the bus is disgusting, not to mention all the gossip she gives out to start sh!t. Not to mention she seems desperate to stay on Jody's good side and be her friend for whatever reason. Total. Bitch.

    Christina is a bit of a surprise. She actually has a backbone and a mind of her own. I like that about her. And her newly formed friendship with Mary seems genuine to me. I hope it lasts.

    Mary was frustrating for me, at first, because she wouldn't stand up for herself to Jody or Ronnie. I'm glad that changed as things progressed. She seems like a kitten thrown in a pit of vipers, though. But I do like her.

    Reiko is another surprise. She seems above all the drama and actually is an interesting person. It was DELICIOUS when she sold Jody out to Ronnie for overcharging her by $2000 for purchases made in her store. To me, that was a very calculated move, as she knows that Ronnie will blab gossip to anyone who will listen (she did). I enjoy watching her and look forward to her performance at the reunion.

    SO glad it's been uploaded and I FINALLY get to watch. Keeps me occupied until Miami comes back.

    Oh, and speaking of Miami, that promo is EVERYTHING!!!

  14. Funny that you posted that. I just started re-watching the Cruz/Eden edits that SlutNamesWereUsed posts on YouTube- picked up right where I left off- 1987, Cruz, Eden, and Pearl search for Kelly in Zurich. All these years later and I'm still in love with this show. They've just boarded the Orient Express and Cruz and Eden are talking to a couple that are having similar problems to the ones that caused their latest breakup (Eden's jealousy of Victoria Lane). Even the guest actors are amazing! I just can't believe it's over, to this day. I miss it like no other program ever and I don't think a day will ever go by that I don't.

    Thank GOD for YouTube, though I'd KILL to be able to re-watch the entire series on DVD. 1985-1990 were simply magic IMO and I'll never be invested in another soap quite like I was in this one. I used to wonder if that magic was only because I was a kid when I was watching and I can now safely say it wasn't. As an adult, I can appreciate the intelligent, thoughtful writing that went into each episode. They just don't make em like SB anymore.

  15. ETA: Just saw the trailer and that ish was GOOD! I can not wait. That was very SOAPY. Juniorz will love it. Can we put NJ on hiatus and start airing this now?

    It was AMAZING! I seriously can not wait.

    I had seen the first preview with the premiere date during OC's 100th the other night so I knew that Marysol and Ana were both downgraded. Ana wasn't even in the trailer, was she?

    Looks like Lisa's gonna have beef with both Alexia and Joanna. Should be interesting. Also looking forward to Romain vs Alexander. Groom wars?

    And I CAN'T WAIT to see Lea take Adriana down a peg or two.

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