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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. Hmm. I'd never read the book but I really enjoyed The Devil Wears Prada. I LOVED Stanley Tucci in it as well and I thought Anne Hathaway did a great job in her part. I agree, however, that Emily Blunt stole the film. Surprised you disliked it so much Danny.

  2. I've seen a few flicks lately so I thought I'd share.

    Babel- Compelling, yet uneven, for the most part is a success. The actress who plays Keiko gives a fabulous, provocative performance, though her story was my least favorite. She plays a deaf mute and it's amazing to watch her convey the various emotions that's required of her character. Brad Pitt also is stellar in his part and Cate Blanchett is as good as her material will allow. I was most affected by the story of the Indian father & his two sons- that one packs quite a wallop.

    Red Eye- Briskly paced at approximately 84 minutes, it's that rare thriller that holds your attention from beginning to end. Rachel McAdams & Cillian Murphy are absolutely brilliant and I loved the small-scale cast and how each minor character came into play. It falls apart a bit at the end but all in all, very enjoyable.

    Stuck on You- Matt Damon & Greg Kinnear as adult siamese twins- you could see why I would think it's dumb. But surprisingly, the movie had a lot of heart and plenty of belly laughs to go along with it. Though the movie takes a melodramatic turn at the end, it manages to entertain and even endear these characters to the audience. Very well done.

  3. Finally saw School Ties yesterday. That is a good movie. Has 4 of the most talented younger actors of today (Brendan Fraser, Chris O'Donnell, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck) and it doesn't hurt that they are easy to look at either. That movie was really good.

    I absolutely LOVE that movie. Loved Amy Locane in it as well. Wish we'd see more of her. But that was a great movie. If you liked that, I'd recommend Toy Soldiers as well. Also about life at a private boys school but totally different story. Equally as good though IMO.

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