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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. The Vancouver Reunion was a good one because Jody just reiterated how truly disgusting she is.

    I'm glad you enjoyed Vancouver, it's probably my favourite series (and now just because it's my home!), like an earlier poster mentioned about RHOM (which I haven't seen) looking SO Miami, I can say that RHOV looks SO Vancouver.

    You've GOT to watch- find a marathon and catch up. You'll be hooked. It's easily my favorite Housewives series of the year so far.

  2. NJ

    Anyone see the lost footage last week. I wonder why they didnt originally air Melissa spazzing out about Teresa during the Napa trip, yelling and screaming she's a f--king bitch. Of course when she was in Teresa's face during that trip, she was all nice and supportive. I dont get why the show kept trying to play her off as this calm innocent, when clearly she was lashing out and talking greasy on camera, but they kept that off air during the season

    Did you not pay attention to what was actually going on in that scene? The ONIONS made Melissa cry, she was just messing with Joe Gorga about hating Teresa and her being a bitch. It was a joke and Teresa was joking right along with her. They actually were getting along.

  3. Oh, and Karent CLEARLY set up Joe Francis. All he said was he dated both of them, SHE was the one who asked if he slept with both of them too. Karent is a lot of things, but she's not dumb. She had to know Joe was going to say yes whether it was true or not. No sooner did he say that she was dragging him over to Joanna and telling her what he just said. She failed to mention that she was the one who instigated it. I wonder how Joanna is going to feel about Karent after seeing that last night. I wonder if she's bright enough to see through what Karent was doing.

  4. By the end of Season 1, though, I really liked Camille, and I was one of the few that adored her in Season 2. I pretty much agree with Eric's assessment also.


    I'm Team Joanna, though I hate Karent. But I hate Adriana even more. She is the most immature, obnoxious, grating Housewife of them all, maybe of any series. I agree that Karent doesn't know how to behave socially, but Adriana certainly isn't the one who should be giving a lecture on it.

    I LOVE Lea- I don't know why, but I think she and I would get along famously IRL, again, probably moreso than any housewife on any series. Marysol I can't stand one minute, and love the next. I about DIED when she and Joe Francis cut off Lisa's "The moral of the story is..." line immediately with "Don't say anything around Karent" (Marysol) and "Stay away from Karent, she's the devil" (Joe Francis). HILARIOUS! Throw in her calling Karent "the carrier pigeon" and calling Lea over (in her feathers) when Karent was berating her about the wearing fur and Marysol was the official comic relief tonight, which was a nice break from her usual wimpy victim self. I actually think Joanna set Karent up for the fur conversation though- she had to know Karent would go running over there after she had that dramatic reaction to the Marysol's outfit. Marta was clearly rolling on ecstacy at this party- it's painfully obvious. I think she was in the Mynt episode as well. Her cracking up when Joanna was talking about Joe Francis was PRICELESS! IMO, she was laughing because she knows they both slept with him and probably were both high end escorts in LA.

    I really like Alexia and feel for her. I understood her going off on Karent at the party- her nerves are frayed from what's going on in her home life as it is so she has zero patience for Karent's boorishness. Yes, she got more than a little extreme with her at the party, but I get it. If a mere acquaintance who'd never even met my son threw "Didn't I pray for your son and reach out to you?" in my face at MY company's party, bitch would be done.

    I like Ana a lot also, though her relationship with her ex is a little off, as is her strange obsession with Rudolfo. Are these women dumb or stupid? Karent is a beard (and doesn't know it)- Rudolfo's gay as all hell. He totally pings for me and that weird tongue thing he did with Karent SCREAMED closeted gay and his beard. He's actually probably running around town with men and letting them all think it's women he's cheating with.

    But the biggest surprise for me this season has been Lisa. I thought she was going to be a trashy ho pretending to be a society maven. Man, was I wrong. She is easily the most real of the bunch, clearly knows herself the best, and behaves the classiest. She's another one I think I could be BFFs with IRL.

    Besides the main cast and the fresh dynamics between them, there are a couple other things that add SO much to this show and appeal to me as a soap fan. First, they EASILY have the largest supporting cast of any Real Housewives series. You've got Mama Elsa, Romain, Ejames Lancaster, Marta Krupa. that OTT Thomas guy who we're sure to see again, RJ (Lea's awkward kid), Frankie, Alexander (don't like him- Adriana's boyfriend), and now BB6 Beau Beau and Joe Francis have been added to the cast. It's like watching an ensemble soap. In fact, the soaps should be taking notes on how to weave in an ensemble cast because everyone I mentioned is in almost every episode and I feel like I know them all and have kept up with them. It's a far more developed supporting cast than any other Housewives franchise and it adds so much to the show.

    The other thing I LOVE is how it's SO Miami. Everything from the scoring, the locations (which have been literally all over town), the colors, the clothes, the night life- it SCREAMS Miami. They capture the city far better than NYC, Atlanta, and Beverly Hills. (OC and NJ I'd consider more suburban- one is Knots Landing, the other The Brothers and Sisters Soprano) Plus, the mansions are serious money- Lisa's is especially gorge, with that beautiful Spanish influenced architecture. Plus you have Lea's posh mansion, Adriana's and Alexia's on the water, Ana's suburban household, and Romain & Joanna's typical South Beach million dollar high rise apartment- each type of home/lifestyle is represented. I love the city of Miami and I feel like I'm actually there every time I watch.

    I hope the ratings spike this week for this drama-filled 2 part event and start trending up for the rest of the season because they deserve it. Andy Cohen seems to love it so I hope that BRAVO brings it back regardless. Really, what's hurting it is it's airing along with 2 other very popular series- 1st NYC and NJ, and now ATL and BH and it's not easy to keep up with 3 of these shows at once (I do just fine- I can't get enough, but everyone's not me). I'm hoping that since Miami is standing alone this week and is hitting its first dramatic peak of the season that it will get a boost.

  5. Holy crap! Did anyone watch Miami? I think I watched it 6 times already, mainly for the previews for Sunday.

    Can't WAIT to see Beau Beau from Big Brother 6 get pushed into the pool!

    And it just figures that Adriana is the one who slaps Joanna. Such hate for that bitch (Adriana).

  6. I liked Cali Timmins, but I LOVED Judi Evans as Paulina and I thought she had scorching hot chemistry with Tom Eplin. I agree that Paulina's story arc would have been much different if Cali had stayed in the role. She was more vulnerable, but also more calculating. I could easily see her being more of an antagonist than Judi's Paulina.

    See it's totally the opposite for me- it was Timmins that had the scorching hot chemistry with Eplin. The first time Paulina slept with Jake is one of the hottest scenes ever to air on daytime. There was something about Cali, her looks combined with her line delivery, that just gelled in the role of Paulina. Evans came on and Paulina became a bull in a china kitchen, which was preposterous when you consider the original character. I just wish Cali had stayed and often wonder how different it could have been. The producers were very shortsighted in letting Cali go at the same time Anne Heche was leaving, having the Frankie/Cass/Kathleen triangle to distract from their departures in the summer, then letting Julie Osburn leave in the fall. It was the first MAJOR step toward cancellation IMO.

  7. When I saw this clip for the first time since Soapnet I thought I'd be drawn mostly to the location footage, but instead I just said, "Cali Timmins!" to no one in particular. I'm glad I was not watching AW at the time this era aired, as I would have had a very, very tough time getting past her departure.

    Carl, you don't even know- she and Anne Heche left at the exact same time, then Kathleen left a few months later! It was an AWFUL time as a viewer and I just could not get down with Judi Evans and Jensen Buchanan in those roles. It just didn't work. Thank GOD for Tom Eplin, Anna Stuart, and the arrival of Alicia Coppola's Lorna because I might have checked out otherwise.

  8. Return of Alex... Bitch got sh-t to say!

    <iframe width="500" height="375" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OhJaY6TCbGU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Actually, she's still been doing them every week, but they haven't been using RHONY in the title, so I just search for Rumor Fix every Tuesday and it's there. I wub.png her recaps too! I wish she had taken the Jenn Gilbert "Friend of the Housewives" job this season though.

    RHONY reunion was awesome! Just the right doses of snarkiness and fighting without there being all-out hatred, threats, and humiliation. Totally agree with Chris B and DaytimeFan. You bring up interesting points about Carole, and how she didn't come across as being so witty and quick-thinking without the help of editing and preparation. I did think there were points that The Countess looked a little defeated and like she had put her foot in her mouth. 100% agreement about Aviva and how she backpedaled due to viewer backlash, and loved that Ramona called her out on that. Then there's Heather... I grew to really, really like her. She really tells it like it is, and maintains composure and class. I think she was the clear cut "winner" out of all of 'em. And she's right: it's better to remain calm and just put a smile on your face when you're having a disagreement in a public place rather than to go off like a chicken with its head cut off.

    Looking forward to next week's Part 2 and the Jill Zarin interview!

    P.S. I love Alex's NY recaps!

    Yes to all of this, ESPECIALLY Heather. Talk about a class act- I, too, love her more than any of the others- a housewife I can actually relate to! They always talk about Carole being such a "downtown" type girl but I'd say Heather is. Carole's more Upper East Side or Manhattan, if only because of her pedigree. Had my mom not told me, I'd never have known that Carole was actually quite unattractive when she was younger. I tried finding a picture but all that came up was RHONY era pics.

    As for the who does Antonia Gorga look like debate, I agree that she most closely resembles Melissa, not Teresa. I actually think that Milania and Gia both look exactly like Teresa in the face but have Joe Giudice's hair color.

    RHONJ needs a serious overhaul- I hope Andy realizes that. This year's reunion makes last year's New York reunion look like THIS: (8:50)

  9. I don't see any way that Luann will be back next season at the very least. She added nothing to the show all season. Hell, even Kathy (NJ) had more story this season than the Countess.

    How FUNNY that this season, with the arrival of Princess Carole, there's been nary a mention by Luann of her title.

  10. Honestly, i think its all just fan wank.

    Jaq and Kathy wont be back. Caroline will decide if she wants to return or not. Melissa and Tre are back for sure and id imagine 2-3 new wives with an additional 2 friends of spots to see who works and who doesnt for the following season is basically a done deal.

    What are you guys talking about? I thought it was recently confirmed that all 5 Jersey housewives would be back. Like last week? A page or 2 ago in this thread?!?

  11. One thing I must say and question- do you think it would be fair to say that Santa Barbara had the most intricate Bible ever for a soap? I can't think of any other show that started out with as much backstory and history within their characters. Even as the show was going off the air, there were still stories going on that directly related to that Bible.

  12. Thanks for your comments! I haven't seen a lot of the tape story but what I have seen is good viewing. Dylan seems so skeevy though, I don't know why Kelly slept with him.

    So who were your favorites? Did you watch at the time it aired?

    There's also a lot of good discussion here.


    The tape storyline was amazing Carl, one of my all-time favorites. It's certainly a template for how to write a character out temporarily. It made for some brilliant sequences, including CC's "funeral" which is arguably the funniest stuff ever to air on SB. I LOVED when they did black comedy.

  13. Well, I'm not surprised about Jill. She came back from Australia saying she wants to stay out of drama and, literally two seconds later, she's doing it again!

    That's right, Jill goes to "Australia" which is Zarin for "facelift." I had forgotten about that. It was so obvious that she'd had work done when she came back that it was just unbelievable that she'd even bother lying about it.

  14. Sort of off topic, but a friend of mine has a thread on Facebook about movies that you always watch when they show them on tv and someone mentioned "She's the One." They said that it starred Edward Burns, John Mahoney, and Cameron Diaz but didn't mention Jennifer Aniston. So I IMDB'd it to make sure that she was indeed in it and recalled another movie I usually end up watching when it's on TV, which is "Picture Perfect" with Jay Mohr, Kevin Bacon, and Jenn Aniston. I pulled up that page and was SHOCKED to learn that Arleen Sorkin was one of the screenwriters.

    Did anyone else realize this? If so, do you know of any other movies that Ms. Sorkin was a screenwriter on? I enjoy that movie so much that it makes me curious what other films she's written. I know she did a TV show in the early 90s on HBO called "Dirty Laundry" that I've always wanted to check out, but that's about it.

  15. Like last season, this was a troublesome season to film. They DID ask Alex to return as a Friend of the Housewives with the idea that she'd become a full housewife if one of the new wives didn't work out. She turned them down, either wanting to return full stop or not at all. Then they sent the housewives on multiple trips and extended filming (which the original housewives boycotted at one point) to try and get better footage.

    It's too bad she didn't get off her high horse and agree to it. She would have been perfect in that role and had a chance to come back as a regular and film in future seasons. Pick your battles, Alex. You don't have a product yet that's taken off, so keep riding the wave however and to wherever it takes you.

  16. I watched some of the season 4 reunion and Cindy was a huge jackass. What was the problem with the other 3.

    Jill was a controlling bitch who was completely polarizing to viewers by the end of the 4th season. In fact, I could see her being polarizing to the crew as well.

    Kelly was completely delusional and hypocritical. Like, she went on & on about being bullied in season 3 (she wasn't) and then in season 4, she joins in on the bullying right along with leaders Jill & Luann. And of course, Kelly picks on the weakest and easiest target, Alex, who gets nervous and sometimes has trouble getting her thoughts out. Kelly would take advantage of that and steamroll right over what she was saying.

    As for Alex, I don't think she really deserved to be fired, except that BRAVO wanted to rearrange the show a bit and make it, IMO, a little more about wealth & glamour, which Alex and Simon were more on the cusp of. Plus, with 3 new personalities to get to know, they probably didn't want to waste much time on Alex. I wish she was at least made a "friend of the housewives" this season.

    I have to agree with this, as I found Alex's delusional ass to be the most tolerable of all the exiled Housewives. I sure will miss her and Silex.

    Me too. I didn't like her at first, but she grew on me toward the end of season 2 and through seasons 3 and 4.

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