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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. Just now, Cheap21 said:

    The housewives shows didnt exist in her heyday. They exist now Marcy in 2017 isnt as glamorous as Eileen was when cast in 2014


    You're right.  Nor is she living nearly as glamorous a lifestyle as Eileen.  It's not as though she's living in BH, married to a Van Patten!  I get you. ;)

    8 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Just stop. 


    We don't want Marcy nor A. Martinez on Housewives or Santa Barbara star for that matter. 


    Are you sure?  Because NLG would be as messy as they come on Housewives..... Food for thought.

  2. Got it.  Thank you.  Interesting that JFP supposedly contacted her about appearing on AW after GL.  Another World, while one of my fave soaps, is a show I could never see Marcy fitting into.


    IMO, after AMC (which she should have left earlier, if she wanted to continue her career), I think she would have made a fantastic Samantha re-cast on ATWT.  I could also see her on Y&R as Ashley (the Brenda Epperson version of Ashley).

  3. On 6/6/2017 at 5:31 PM, cassadine1991 said:

    Makes you wonder why they didn't hire Long when Marland died or convince Claire Labine


    I feel like Pam Long is one of those writers who is only a good fit for one soap (GL).  Her stints on Santa Barbara and One Life to Live were less than impressive.


    I actually think they should have brought over someone like Nancy Curlee or even Millee Taggart.

  4. 8 hours ago, GSGfan2017 said:

    Um, how would Marcy Walker fare on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?


    To quote Dorinda, "Not well, bitch"


    7 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Uh no. 


    Yeah, where the heck did that come from anyway?  Marcy's persona has never been one that I would even connect to a Housewives show.  Not even close.  Linda Dano as an NYC housewife?  Yes.  Michelle Stafford and Nancy Lee Grahn on RHOBH?  Absolutely...


    But Marcy Walker?  No. Just no.

    2 hours ago, GSGfan2017 said:

    Why not, Nothin'ButAttitude?  Eileen Davidson has been a regular since 2014.


      MW and ED are not at all on the same level.  Never have been.  Two totally different personality types and acting styles.  It's why ED was received so coldly by SB fans when the show tried to replace Marcy with her.  Same for Kim Zimmer (who I could also see on a Housewives show, incidentally).


    2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    B/c Marcy Walker would not be a fit on this show or any housewife show for that matter. 


    Thank You!

    2 hours ago, GSGfan2017 said:

    Why not?  Is she too modest?  Is she too nice?


    In a word, yes.  Also, Marcy has always been a very private person.  No way would she open her life up in that way.

    2 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Eileen and Marcy are on two different levels anyway. Eileen just screams more glamorous in a way that Marcy never did. She looks like she'd be very boring


    I disagree about Eileen screaming more glamour than Marcy.  In her heydey, Marcy was gorgeous.  Eileen was a dog.  Has the dog aged well?  Yes she has.


    But I do agree that Marcy would be boring on this type of show, in the sense that I can't see her playing ball and engaging the other women in the way  she'd be expected to.  It's part of why I love her so much- something like Housewives is just not in the cards for someone like her.


    2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    B/c she is not a fix for these type of shows. I don't even think Marcy would subject herself to a housewives type show. 



    Thank you. 


    Again, THANK YOU!



    53 minutes ago, WTGH said:


    Real Housewives of Arkansas?


    41 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Hey now...that is more like Mississippi.:ph34r:

     Hey hey you two!!!   Last I heard, she was doing her ministry thing in Oklahoma.  So Real Housewives of Oklahoma.  Hell, TayShana (aka RHOBH's Taylor) could be a cast member, Briana could move back and be a cast member, Vicki could pop in....It could be quite the series!


     I come back and re-visit SON for a few days with my MW avatar and.....is this what I invited?  I mean, I love Marcy Walker, always have, and I don't apologize for it, but I never brought her into every thread.  Next thing you know, it will be suggested that she replace Kevin James's wife on Kevin Can Wait!!!

  5. 1 hour ago, GSGfan2017 said:

    Well, juniorz1, veteran soap journalist Lynda Hirsch brought up the Another World stuff involving Marcy Walker in a July 1995 column.  Keep in mind that Jill Farren Phelps was EP of Another World at the time.  The column in question also brought up Marcy's departure from Guiding Light.


    I don't disbelieve you, but I would like to see that article.  I have followed Marcy's career for YEARS and I don't ever recall that being mentioned.  I can't see her working for JFP again so soon after what happened on GL.


    It was definitely the right move for her to go back to AMC.  Liza was nothing short of amazing from 95-2000.

  6. 13 hours ago, GSGfan2017 said:

    It's my understanding that Marcy Walker was offered a chance to join Another World in 1995.  I think it's just as well that she apparently turned the offer down since Frankie Frame was murdered not too long afterwards, infuriating Jamey Giddens and so many other fans.


    I have never EVER heard that.  I can't imagine who they were going to have her play.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    When during the shows run would everyone agree that Ceuz/Eden dominated the show?



    1987 would be the most egregious year IMO- this was during the Elena storyline.  Eden's paralysis with Cain, they reunite, Eden in the wheelchair, Elena killed, Cruz arrested and tried for her murder, Cruz convicted, Cruz escapes, Cruz & Eden reunite to try to prove his innocence- even Pamela's return (during the trial) was overshadowed by Cruz & Eden.  Most all of the characters became a part of this storyline and little to none of them had much story of their own.  The only other major story that year with some traction was Julia/Mason/Tori.  Even Kelly's wedding to Jeffrey was all about Cruz & Eden.  They were and are my favorite couple ever but even I could see that they were dominating the show that year.  It didn't help that the Lockridges were phased out that year and the entire supporting cast, including Keith & Gina, were directly involved in this dominating story.


    1988 was Eden's rape and while it was a major story I never felt like it ate the show.


    1989 started with the whole Adriana kidnapping mess which did dominate the show but once Robert Barr was brought in, everything shifted gears.  Story was being written for Kelly and Mason & Julia as well as the DiNapoli sisters.  CC had another illegitimate son in Greg- so other things were happening and they didn't dominate.


    1990 they were actually somewhat backburnered, with the return of the Lockridges and the Flame/Quinn/Kelly/Robert storyline.  Say what you will about John Conboy but I actually really enjoyed the stories being done at the time as well as the characters he chose to feature.  He brought back Nicolas Coster and Louise Sorel and featured them heavily, which also gave story to CC & Sophia.  He brought back the Keith Timmons character, even if they did have to miscast John Novak when they couldn't get Justin Deas back.  He saw the writing on the wall with Marcy (she filmed her first pilot in 1990, "Bar Girls" which didn't get picked up) and made the conscious decision to shift the focus back to Kelly, with Carrington Garland carrying much of the show.  Julia's rape by Dash wasn't the cleanest story but it was the first major storyline given to Nancy Lee Grahn that was solely ABOUT her.  Bringing back Minx was long overdue.  Cassandra Benedict was a character that worked played by the formidable Karen Moncrief.  Recasting Terry Lester's Mason with Gordon Thomson was brilliant and saved that character.  IMO, 1990 was the last REALLY GOOD year of Santa Barbara

  8. Killing off Hayley was a mistake.  Another soap death I'll always remember- her getting hit by that car.  Was it Ted she pushed out of the way?  Or Gina?  I think it was Ted.  Hayley provided a conscience for Gina that she badly needed.


    I love that cute scene of Eden frisking Cruz and finding out he got his badge back.  I love them.

  9. Yes.  I believe initially that year though, Robert disappeared for a bit and she was paired with Craig Hunt.  Then Robert came back and she went back to him.  Then Quinn and Flame/Debra London.  Re-watching some of that storyline and Flame was such a wild unique character.  I LOVE HER!!!

  10. On 4/25/2017 at 9:58 PM, Soaplovers said:

    The Dobsons in their second round side create Angela Raymond...but I didn't like that they made Mason/CC tread water in their relationship or that Mason suddenly didn't like Sophia again.


    Katrina was written a bit better under Pam Long..but by then..the character was beyond saving.


    Yes!  Angela was the last GREAT new character on SB.  She was one of the few things that kept me watching that last year.

    On 4/25/2017 at 9:46 PM, Wendy said:


    The Dobsons totally screwed the pooch in Round 2 of their tenure. They would not have needed a faux Kelly replacement if they hadn't fired Carrington Garland, who was popular and had chemistry with the cast. Eileen Davidson is a good actress, but she was woefully miscast as Kelly. (And a small petty part of me was glad to see her version fail since she made a bunch of derogatory comments in SOW about Kelly being stupid before she took on the role or whatever.)


    I get Eden was gone, but I think - had Carrington not been fired - she could have filled the void on her own. JMO here.


    Agreed that the show should have been handed over to Carrington's Kelly.  When Marcy almost left in 1990 (for Bar Girls), that's what Pratt and Conboy were setting up- Carrington actually aired more than Marcy that year.  That was their big mistake.


  11. You guys, watch this music video.  I relate the words of the refrain (and the constant images of the blue eyed blondes) to the climax of the Lisa/Eden storyline, on the cliff.  Note the stock footage used for the water in the video.



  12. 15 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Eden's rape is one of the most, if not THE most, disturbing soap storylines I've ever seen. But MW certainly rose to the challenge, and more than deserved the Emmy she won in 1989.

     I watched it as a child. The violence of the rape was somewhat traumatic (I had to look away at times).  Marcy rose to every challenge they threw at her.  It's why I miss her so.

    On 3/15/2017 at 2:50 AM, Wendy said:


    No, the Keith recast was played by an actor named John Novak. (And he was not Keith, try as he might.) The potted plant Julia was with, David Raymond, was played by John Beck, whose character was married to/separated from Angela Raymond, played by Nina Arvesen. Who, of course, went on to battle Cassie for Warren.


    David just seemed to vanish/leave town once it was clear that Mason and Julia were on the road to reconciliation. And thank God. He sucked. All I recall was he was a judge and there was some story involving Angela's never-seen sister, Marilyn, dying or something.

    Marilyn was killed in a drunk driving accident.  I believe we were led to wonder whether it was Angela or David that was driving.  If I'm not mistaken, it turned out that it was indeed Angela behind the wheel.  I believe Cassandra is the one who found out the truth.

    On 3/15/2017 at 9:03 PM, Soaplovers said:

    What is the story with anne howard bailey?  Was she ad bad as the dobson's thought?

    In a word, no.  She actually plotted some of the best stories the show ever did.  IMO, she was the strongest head writer the show ever had.

  13. On 3/14/2017 at 4:03 PM, Wendy said:

    As a viewer of SB from its great to not-so-great years, I didn't like Terri Garber's Suzanne. She was boring as all get out, and I couldn't believe how utterly devoid of brain cells everyone had to be to NOT recognize Eden as fake Suzanne in a bad wig and glasses.


    But with that said, I think Cruz with freaking Jodie Walker was a billion times worse. We're suddenly supposed to buy this past shared history with Cruz and the newbie hog - and, oh yeah, Cruz! Chip WASN'T the first kid to be sired and not originally raised by you! IT'S A GIRL! Bleah.


    I loved the show until late '91, then Pam Long stripped it of its very identity until axing the show was a mercy killing.

    Zimmah.  The thing that ate Santa Barbara.

    21 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    What do you think the story was about?

     I think Augusta was trying to, in the end, goad Dash into attempting to date rape her.

  14. On 3/14/2017 at 8:43 AM, DRW50 said:

    The Augusta/Dash story makes me sick, as does nearly anything with Tim Gibbs. What offensive trash. 


    Marcy Walker, A Martinez and Judith McConnell did some tremendous work in that split personality story, especially Marcy. 


    Even from that one short clip you quickly see just how miscast Eileen Davidson was IMO. Of course to be fair to her the dialogue and situation are embarrassingly trite. 


    I've always felt that the Augusta/Dash storyline was misunderstood by everyone involved.  Misunderstood was a recurring theme in Dash's character.


    Poor Eileen.  She was put in a terrible position by production.

  15. So I found this set of scenes from 18 years ago, but it's the scene between Ric and Kelly that I've remembered all these years.  Carrington Garland was new and still a little green here.   Peter Love, who played Ric, I believe had some experience from either Ryan's Hope or Capitol.  But this shows you what I mean about Carrington having chemistry with her scene partners.  This was her very first romantic pairing on her very first soap and she's a natural!!!



  16. It's quite odd because she was popular on SB, the fans missed her (and Marcy) and some may have even followed her to another show, what with the dip in quality of SB in its final year.  


    I have to say I'm watching a taped fan event with A & Marcy right now from  1991.   Tom Eplin is also there and at one point, he talks about how they used to watch SB on the monitors at AW (Linda Dano has also spoken on this- she loved A & Marcy and SB).   He says that the producers would look at the scenes and tell them, on a higher rated show, to watch how A was doing something and ask them to emulate it.   I just thought that was a real nice thing to say.   I've always been fond of Tom Eplin and thought he had chops.   Jake was a great character in his own right, probably my favorite, most complicated male character on Another World.


    Anyhow, I've completed the split personality storyline and I'm happy to say it's so much better than I remember it.  Marcy was very lucky that Bridget and Jerry came back to right the ship at that point- otherwise, God knows where that story would have gone.   Marcy was always one of Bridget & Jerry's supporters and can be seen on her feet, along with Nic Coster, when Bridget gave her infamous Emmy speech.  You notice how In spell Bridget Dobson's name- well guys, that's how it used to appear in the credits, I've convinced myself!  No matter how she spells it now, she'll always be Bridget to me.

  17. 58 minutes ago, Elsa said:


    In some ways TPTB were always preparing CG to take over as the show's "new Eden" in case MW left. This is the funny thing with recasts; sometimes we hate the new actor, sometimes we like the actor and hate him in the part, other times someone new takes over and the character becomes a new person and we don't mind at all. BTW CG would have been amazing on Y&R 


    I never felt that Kimberly McArthur was meant to stay for a long time. Perhaps they were interested in another actress (Carrington?) and wanted to help the audience accept her easier.


    I think you're dead on with both of those assessments.  I don't think they meant for Kimberly to be long-term either, just to continue the story.  As for Carrington on Y&R, I remember reading that she auditioned a few times for them.  Too bad nobody ever snapped her up.  I could see Carrington not being the best auditioner but she was such a hard worker and always had chemistry with her scene partners, especially her romantic ones (Peter Love, Roscoe Born, John Callahan).

  18. 10 minutes ago, Elsa said:

    Carrington Garland was a gorgeous woman and I liked her as actress, but she was never Kelly to me. Never. 


    Many years ago I read that TPTB had considered recasting the part of Eden with Leann Hunley. Have you heard that?


    I didn't mind Louise Sorel written out, I had stopped caring for Augusta (not her portrayer) years ago. 


    Thank God for the Dobsons bringing back the old Capwell set. They tried to write ED's Kelly like Eden and had Catrina as the nu-Kelly. I also liked Wanda de Jesus as Santana, but I still missed Ava Lazar. 


    For me the show's best years were from 1984 to 1987. By 1988 it had started becoming too dark and sad for me.


    I never heard the Leann Hunley thing but that wouldn't have worked.  The only actress I've ever seen that I could picture as a recast Eden is Brenda Epperson, who ironically took over for Eileen Davidson on Y&R.


    Augusta was THE BEST.  I totally minded.


    I disagree about Carrington.  She wasn't Robin's Kelly but she certainly made Kelly her own and I actually prefer her Kelly to all the others.


    I totally see what you mean about ED's Kelly and Katrina, but I hated both of those characters.  ED's Kelly was just wrong, Wrong, WRONG!  They should have just created an entirely new character for her or cast her as Suzanne.  For me, she was never Kelly.  Never.  Cruz's last scenes and her histrionics on the airport runway were a low point in the show's entire run for me.


    As I said, thank God for Nina Arvesen.  She was the only heroine besides Julia I really enjoyed during that time.

    2 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Yes, Carrington reminds me more of Marcy than Eileen did; Eileen is a much colder actress and also more mechanical. (which is why she suited Kristen so well - I sometimes wonder if one of the reasons she seems somewhat ambivalent about Kristen is because it does suit her so well...) 


    Why do you think they did such a poor job with that Kimberly McArthur recast? You'd think they had years to prepare for Robin leaving. 


    What did you think of Keith? To me his value kind of ends once the Cruz in prison story is over. 


    (watching that again recently I was surprised they actually touched on prison affecting his psyche and hurting him - soaps rarely do this because they want us to see the leading men as BAMFs)


    The Kimberly recast was too soon and they wanted her to still be Robin's Kelly, which she couldn't because she wasn't Robin.  Kimberly actually wasn't that bad but she didn't have the playfulness that Robin Wright had and therefore came off more cold.   Same with ED.   


    Carrington was allowed to be different from Robin.  Still Kelly, but different.  After what Kelly had been through with Joe and Jeffrey and Pamela, it made sense.  Plus she looked like Marcy, their mannerisms were similar, as were some of their acting choices.  It was so uncanny that you believed they could be sisters in real life.  So the jealousy stuff coming to the surface, which is such a sisterly story but never would have happened with Robin, made sense.  Kelly was always in Eden's shadow, especially when it came to the love of their father and that of their older siblings.  I mean, think about how much was done with the Mason/Eden relationship and how little was done with Mason/Kelly.  Kelly was always closer to Ted & Eden, and Ted was absent during Carrington's entire run.  Perhaps that was why her jealousy came out more- the one person in the family that looked up to Kelly wasn't there.

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