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Posts posted by juniorz1

  1. Please keep posting in here Elsa!!  I love reading your thoughts, as you seem to be one of the few who saw the same time period in the 80s that I did.  It makes me sad that Loving never developed a following- it was always the lowest rated soap, no critical praise, no cult following.  I've always found it to be a solid half hour soap, far more balanced than B&B.

  2. Just now, DRW50 said:


    Watching the old clips again you can see how much vibrancy Carrington has as Kelly and how she made the role her own. Robin is very good as well, her work holds up extremely well and I don't think anyone else could have given all those "Kelly in peril" stories the intelligence she did, but Carrington suits the looser and more unfocused years of the show more.


    Just now, DRW50 said:


    Do you think that's why the Dobsons had an issue with her? Was Eileen supposed to be some return to an intelligent Kelly?


    If I'm being honest, I think the Dobsons were trying to replace Marcy Walker without recasting Eden.  It didn't work.  One thing that sticks out in the Dobsons' interviews is that they have always said they write and create for themselves and not the audience.  They claimed at the time that they felt with Kelly having had 3 marriages under her belt, they felt it should show more on her face (i.e. she was too young).  It simply wasn't true and doesn't ring true.  Carrington was our 2nd Marcy- they already had a MW replacement and instead they didn't trust her.  Obviously they hadn't watched 1990 because Carrington was actually featured more prominently than Marcy that year- it was Kelly carrying the show on her shoulders, not Eden. (MW filmed a pilot and would have left had it been picked up but it wasn't- the writers and producers were preparing for that)


    For my money, the best thing the Dobsons did when Marcy left was bringing in Nina Arvesen's Angela.  Had they not done that, I may have stopped watching, losing Marcy, Louise Sorel and Carrington within a month of each other.  I'm glad I didn't.  I do wish the Dobsons had written the show til the end and Pam Long and Kim Zimmer were never brought on.   I really think they were on a path to restoring the show to its former glory and had they continued, they'd have made more headway.

  3. On 3/31/2008 at 3:48 PM, Y&RWorldTurner said:

    One of the most creative soaps that ever existed! At its creative peak, it could handle both serious subject matter and light campy humour. That's not an easy balance, later both Sunset Beach and even GH would try to emulate its model, but they've failed miserably. Not to mention, SB during its glory years (roughly 87-91) had the best dialogue on daytime television.



    On 8/24/2008 at 10:58 AM, Cat said:

    Bumping this thread because I got nostalgic for some SB and happened upon some Robert and Eden edits yesterday on YouTube (hence my avatar). Wow. WOW. I am ashamed to admit I nearly cried, the quality was so good. The dialogue, the acting (Marcy Walker, Roscoe Born and A Martinez must have been the most intelligent, intuitive soap actors of the day).


    I don't know how to explain but there was one scene where Eden told Robert that she loved him. Anyhoo, she hugged Robert and it's probably just me, but there was more chemistry in that one hug than about 90% of pairings right now on soaps.





    A Martinez always used a Roscoe Born quote to describe Marcy Walker.  Here's the quote-


    "A colleague of mine, Roscoe Born, always says that working with Marcy Walker isn't work.  You just look at her and wait for her to get to you and she does."


    Man, there's so much truth in that.  I think there was a genuine love between those 3 actors like in no other storyline.   


    Also, I have to say, Carrington Garland always said that when they put her in story with Roscoe Born was when she got her best acting training.  Or something along those lines.  But it's true.  She came alive in that story.  Her scenes with Marcy Walker were among the best in the show's run during that storyline and it made such sent that Kelly's resentments toward Eden would finally come to the surface in that situation.

  4. 21 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    What do you think was the best story Loving ever did, and the worst?


    I'm going to touch on a couple that I really enjoyed- Loving is that soap where nothing sticks out as my absolute favorite.


    The first one that comes to mind is the initial story that was airing when I began watching, which was Cecelia/Steve/Trisha.  Trisha had that strength, sometimes quiet other times confronatational, that I often admired in female soap characters back in the day.  She also loved Steve with everything she had.  I don't remember a lot of detail about it because I was only 7 & 8 and Loving was my 2nd new soap (Santa Barbara being my first) and nobody in my family had an history with it (my paternal Grandmother started watching in when Search went off the air- I watched with her).  But I remember Steve and Trisha's wedding, and Steve being shot dead.  It was heartbreaking.  They had been made to suffer for so long all for him just to die?  Difficult to deal with.   His death was so sad and effected me as much as Mary's death had on SB.  It was similar in its level of tragedy.   And I'd be remiss not to mention that Colleen Dion's best role was that of Cecelia.  She was perfectly cast.


    The next that comes to mind, or rather the other one that entered my mind, was Stacey/Jack/Lily.  Britt Helfer (Robert Newman's wife) played Lily to the hilt and she had tons of chemistry with Perry Stephens.   I love how they involved Ann, Jack's mother, as Callan White was always a favorite of mine on Loving.  She was involved with Harry Sowolski at the time, who was Steve's dad.  Jack eventually did the noble thing and went back to Stacey, keeping in his character, but he was always tempted by Lily even when he shouldn't have been.   I thought that should have been a throughline in his character, but that trait didn't show up again until the affair with Dinahlee.


    Others that come to mind are the Alex Masters/Ava/Clay Alden story, everything with Egypt, and the Jeff Hartman/Trisha/Trucker storyline.  All of those were very good.


    But if I'm going for the best, it's not a storyline but rather, everyday scenes between Nada Rowland's Kate (I remember her name finally!!!) and Roya Megnott's Ava.  I just adored their relationship, especially when it was shown against the much different (but still compelling) Gwen/Trisha relationship.  The mother/daughter relationships were the most interesting ones on Loving and for me, a theme for the show.  Those two contrasting relationships were the throughlines for the Roya years and weren't the same when Lisa Peluso and Elizabeth Savage came on the scene.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    What did you think of the twist that Cabot sabotaged the plane that Shana's husband and child died on, and of all that stuff with Dane Hammond around that time? And what did you think of the different variations on Isabelle?


    I can't speak to the Dane Hammond story as I wasn't able to watch it because Loving didn't air in St. Louis.


    But Isabelle I can and will.   Let me start by saying first and foremost, Augusta Dabney was and is Isabelle.  She was the quiet but strong presence that balanced out Wesley Addy's very "CC Capwell"-like Cabot.  She was reserved, beautiful, and had a delicate way of handling Cabot.  She was stern when she needed to be but always soft.  


    Celeste Holm is a PHENOMENAL actress who was miscast as Isabelle.  She made her strong and her features, even if they were married in real-life, were too masculine for her to look right with Wesley Addy onscreen.  Gone was the delicacy and softness and delicacy we had with Dabney.


    Patricia Barry was an improvement.  She looked better with Addy but she was too fiery for the part.  Again, she wasn't soft enough.  Better than Holm, but not even close to Augusta Dabney.


    Obviously the producers agreed because in the end, Dabney was brought back.

  6. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    What did you think of the Alex/Clay twist, and the Alex recast, and Egypt, and her brother Todd?


    The Alex/Clay twist was jarring and confusing for me as a viewer that started watching in 87- Randy Mantooth was the only Clay I ever knew and I'm not sure I quite understood why that did it.  At first anyway.  I then realized it was to test Ava's love for Alex and provided her with a compelling dilemma- love or money and power.  She chose wrong, at first.  I think it also gave Lisa Peluso some great material to sink her teeth into and get the viewers to accept her as Ava.  That's one story where I can't picture Roya- I just don't think she would have gelled with James Horan.  Peluso had chemistry with both Horan and Mantooth- totally different energies though.   Here chemistry with Horan was sexual and intense, while with Mantooth it was playful and fun.   There was a sparkle in her eye with Alex that wasn't there with Clay.


    Egypt I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED!  What a hoot of an original character!!  She wasn't your typical ex- wife- she was smart and crafty, but kind of out in left field.  The way that character went about doing things was so different from the norm and certainly far left of other characters in daytime.  People compare her with Opal which I guess I see but I found her more cunning and eccentric than Opal.   Linda Cook was a gem and it makes me sad when I think that both she and Roya are no longer with us.


    I don't remember Todd so I doubt he had very much impact.  I do remember Minnie Madden though- she was exactly the kind of friend you'd expect a character like Egypt to have.  They were peas in a pod- two eccentric, kindred spirits who found trust and comfort being with one another.  One thing about that friendship- while they may have disagreed internally at times, they would never EVER go against each other around or with other people.  Just a lovely and fun to watch female buddy team.

  7. Ok you guys- so I private messaged A Martinez the other night and told him that I was re-watching the split personality storyline and enjoying it.   Here is our conversation-


    juniorz- Just wanted to share that I was watching Marcy Walker's exit story yesterday- the split personality- and you are all so good in it.  What a giving, generous group of actors you all were/are.  God I've missed that show.  Glad I don't have to miss it anymore.  Just thought I'd share.


    A Martinez- Thanks for those good words, Greg.  It was among the hardest stories we were tasked with in the whole run- I actually second-guessed myself at one point for not quitting in protest- but it was our job to find a way through it.  And I think you hit on the key thing, which is that the esprit de corps, if high enough, can  carry everyone over the abyss sometimes.  Very much appreciate you sharing this with me tonight, brother....I miss that show, too.


    juniorz- If you're talking about Cruz not recognizing Eden when she wore a Brown wig and glasses then yeah, I can't blame you.  Don't worry. The audience was savvy enough to not buy that part.  But the part where you recognize that Lisa was pretending to be Eden was so poignant.  As a viewer, I could see Marcy would do something very subtle with her eyes when she was Lisa.  I picked it up right away too and it was nice to see Cruz was smart enough to see it too.  I mean if I saw it, he had to.


    A Martinez- You make a good point.  And yes, I was talking about the wig and glasses moment, and the dancing...... (he goes on to address something I posted on my personal FB page).......


    juniorz- I just wanted you to k now that I was gifted the responsibility of being an actor from the moment I could speak.  I studied you all as a child when I watched SB- every story was a master class in acting, even where the writing my have fallen short.  The discipline and love of your fellow actor that it takes to commit to material that you sometimes don't believe yourself is so rare.  Even more rare is having the luck and good fortune of working with a company of actors who have that same gift and discipline.  What it is and was is magic.  Marcy's Emmy speech always stood with me- to be aware that what you're doing is magic in the moment that it's happening is not only rare, it's once in a lifetime.   Thanks for listening and responding.  That means a lot.


    A Martinez- A pleasure.  Hope you had a fine weekend.

  8. 26 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Ah. Thanks for answering all my repetitive questions. I won't keep asking as I'm sure it gets annoying, but if you ever have more thoughts on this or SB or SFT or whatever, the few of us here who still talk about past soaps will enjoy reading it.

    Keep asking!  I went to bed at 9 and I'm up for the day, 2 cups of coffee in, and bored.   ;)

  9. No.  I liked her better with Curtis.


    And I was no fan of Jeremy either.  Not on AMC or Loving.


    As I said, there wasn't much to cling to on Loving at the time.  Dinahlee came on and it was gasoline on a match.


    I believe that Carly Rescott was also during this period of time, another character I never got into.

  10. 7 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Thanks for the rundown. It makes sense. I guess the show was lacking a bit of spark at the time she came in? 


    I didn't know she was there when James Horan was. I never remember when he left (was he fired or did he want to go?). Some of those episodes that appeared on in the last few months made me appreciate his acting more than I had before, especially when he had those difficult scenes with Alex about their past. I liked Dennis Parlato too but his Clay seems more one-dimensional. I've never seen Larkin's.


    Ava had settled down some and was married to Clay.  I forgot that this was her initial story with Peluso, bitter rivals as she seduced Clay away from her.


    I believe that Horan was let go and Malloy was brought on as Clay during the AMC Jeremy/Ceara invasion.  Malloy didn't have the same spark with Collins and he didn't have that devilish look about him that Horan had which captured Clay's villainous nature.  Parlato was far better than Larkin, but never as good as Horan.  Yes Parlato was one-dimensional, but at least it was the correct dimension.  Malloy's voice and inflections was too kind and never curt- henceforth, never Clay.


    The show needed a vixen at the time and Collins with her sultry lips, sparkling eyes, and natural talent provided it.   Starting her off with Stacey and Jack worked bc, if most viewers were like me, it was easy to root against Stacey.   Giving her those 3 storylines back to back to back just clicked at a time where not very much was clicking on the show (this was the time of Rocky & Rio, Shana's 1st departure, and much being lost from the 80s version of the series).

  11. 8 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I agree with some of his views, although I stopped paying much attention when he crawled up Guza and Braeden's hindquarters. I do think he had a point about her. He also criticized Liz Hubbard for overacting all the time as Lucinda, which I get, but I think it suited the character. 


    I never agreed with him about Jensen Buchanan's Vicky, whom he loved and I could never accept.  He also didn't like the Buried Alive story on DAYS, which had me glued to the set.  Once he came around to see what Reilly was doing with the show, he was all for it but initially, he resisted.

  12. On 3/1/2017 at 8:16 AM, DRW50 said:


    Me too. I am more interested in '80s Loving than the later years, but I'd still like to see it, and see more of what the Dinah Lee hype was about.


    I'm not sure which story you're inquiring about but I could tell you what the Dinahlee hype was for me- she was the firecracker that set Loving off when she came on the scene.   I believe initially, she was hired as a nanny for JJ, Jack & Stacey's son.  This was when Christopher Cass took over as Jack.  She had an affair with Jack that was reminiscent of the Jack/Lily affair, in that Jack had some spark with her.  The only time Christopher Cass came alive in his entire run is when he shared scenes with Jessica Collins.


    The producers and writers saw what they had very quickly and shifted her over to the vets- aka James Horan's Clay and the newly returned Christine Tudor's Gwen.  Smart, crafty move.  Those 3 actors had off the charts chemistry!  James Horan was a FAR better actor than Christopher Cass (he was the definitive and best Clay IMO) and throwing Dinahlee into his orbit was genius!  Collins only grew as an actress working with pros like Horan and Tudor- she got as good as she gave, which can not be said for her scenes with Lauren Marie Taylor and Cass.  



    By the time they got her over to Trucker, she was legit the ONLY character I and the audience would accept with him after Trisha.   To put a fire-cracker (I keep saying it but it's true) like her with the laid back Robert Tyler in order to redeem her is one of those cases of the clouds parting and the gates of Soap Heaven opening.  IMO she had more chemistry with him than  even Beck did.  


    People complain that Tyler was wooden but not with Collins.  There was an intensity about him that made it compelling to watch.   It was almost akin to watching a snake slither up a stiff tree and the tree doing everything in its power not to shift even slightly.  They were magnetic.  Chemistry like that is rare and when the lightning strikes, it's fire.   


    To me, the final death blow for Loving was Collins and Tyler leaving.

  13. 27 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I remember Michael Logan heavily criticized her work in that story. When he interviewed her a few years later, she took issue with it and basically said the writing was so bad she felt she had to play it that way. 

    I remember it as well.  Say what you will about Logan, but for my money, his criticism of soaps is generally spot on.

  14. 10 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Question to my fellow AW fans--what are your thoughts and opinions on the Justine story?


    I've been rewatching clips from that era again and maybe it is b/c soaps are dreadful now, but I find the story not as bad as I did when I'd originally watch it. Yes, some things could've been taken out the story to prevent it from going all the way over the top (i.e. Justine locking Vicky in the basement), but the basic gist of the story isn't all that bad. 


    Is it just me?

    Let me preface this by saying that I didn't watch the entire story.  I had gotten into "One Life To Live" during that period and stopped watching "AW" for periods of time.  My issue with that story is nobody reigned in Vicky Wyndham.  Many say this was when her acting when into the theatrical, over-the-top mode, but the astute viewer saw the shift in her performances occur during the NYC storyline with Carl Hutchins.


    BUT this was a story in which she not only chewed the scenery, she overdosed and regurgitated it.   To make 2 characters different, an actor doesn't necessarily need to make one OTT.  Different and opposite are adjectives with variances in their meaning.  Because nobody was DIRECTING her (or she simply wasn't listening), Justine became a caricature from the beginning, which was a crime because Vicky could play a bitch like no other (see her early work as Rachel).  IMO, the writing wasn't the issue, it was Vicky and because her Justine was grounded in no type of reality, it  made it impossible to care about her, hate her, or be frightened of her.  She was something of a joke and IMO, Vicky never recovered from the storyline.

  15. You guys, I'll tell you what, I am re-watching Eden's split-personality storyline on YouTube and am completely mesmerized.  Every actor involved turns in top-notch performances- Gordon Thomson, A Martinez, Jed Allan, Judith McConnell.......


    But Marcy Walker's acting has me transfixed.  When she goes into the Lisa personality, she does something with her eyes and eyelids that immediately lets you know that Eden has left the building and Lisa is running the show.   It is subtle as can be, which is what is so engrossing about MW's work.  I know people say Bev McKinsey.  Others say Susan Flannery..  And there are even a few who say Kim Zimmer.   But for my money, when Marcy Walker burst onto the Santa Barbara scene, she raised the bar to a whole nother level.  It doesn't hurt that the dialogue writing is impeccable.

  16. On 3/1/2017 at 1:57 AM, DRW50 said:


    It's good to see you posting here again. Have you gotten to see any of the Loving episodes put up these past months, or any of the Search clips/episodes put up last year? There's also a new Santa Barbara channel up putting up clips.

    I watched part of the 1989 episode because it had redhead Gwyn (her real name escapes me) who I always thought was a solid recast.  And I have been all over the new SB eps because they're posting them in full.  For SB, what I most want to see is summer 1990, when Lionel "died" but actually returned and they held his funeral in the Capwell mansion.


    For Loving, what I really want to see posted is 87-88, the Lily/Jack/Stacey triangle, Cecelia/Steve/Trisha up to Steve's death, Luke Perry's Ned and the blonde girl who tried to take him from milquetoast April, and everything that was Clay (Alex) and Ava's torrid affair and every scene Roya shared with Nada Rowland.  For my money, that was the peak of my Loving viewing.  


    Ok, ok, and the initial Trucker/Dinahlee affair would be pretty sweet too.  Robert Tyler was the original Mark Collier for juniorz!  LOL

    ETA- Oh and those Shana/Dane Hammond scenes I watched and they were pretty tense.  Loving never aired in St. Louis and I believe I was living there when that storyline started and only watched when I was home in Niagara Falls for the summer.

    On 3/1/2017 at 4:31 AM, Elsa said:


    I think that Stacey was created by Douglas Marland as a new version of Hilary Bauer and it worked for her. I never bought her as a leading lady.


    Watching all these clips and to this day I cannot accept Lisa Peluso as Ava. Roya gave life to that little show.

     From your lips to God's ears!  As I've said previously, I only came to accept Lisa because my Grandmother had such an affection for her from her days on Search as Wendy..  However, in order for me to ever get into her, I had to just decide in my mind that Lisa's Ava was a completely different character from Roya's Ava, a la Clay/Alex.   I literally set my mind to that and that was the only way I could enjoy her performances.


    If Marland conceived Stacey as a character derivative of a someone he wrote on a previous show, then Lauren Marie was never given the memo.  See, what I loved about 87-88 is every character on the canvas had purpose.  Steve, Cece, Trisha, Ann, Harry, Cabot, Isabelle, Jack, Lily, Ava, Clay/Alex, Rick, Mrs. Rescott (why is Nada Rowland's character name not coming to mind?!?), Shana, Jim, Ned, Blonde Slut, Even April.


    The only character who I felt had no purpose was Stacey.  I believe it's because we were supposed to sympathize with her but the way Lauren Marie played her, all you could do was pity her.

  17. On 1/29/2017 at 0:59 AM, DRW50 said:


    I think @juniorz1 when they used to post here, felt Stacey was a weak spot on the show. I don't mind her that much, but I agree that I'm not sure she and Jack were that great as a couple. For me Linden Ashby's Curtis and Roya Megnot's Ava could have been a supercouple. I've always found Ashby boring in all his soap roles so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed what I saw of him as Curtis. 


    Did you ever watch those lengthy clips someone put up a few years ago focused on the Jack and Stacey conflicts when she was with Rick? If not I'll try to see if they're still around. 

    Stacey WAS a weak spot!  She was so boring and drab and just.... blech.  Even Rick Stewart couldn't make her interesting.  I always rooted for Lily in the Lily/Jack/Stacey triangle.


    Funny thing was, I actually liked the show's other heroines.  Trisha was my favorite and I always thought Shana to be a strong character.  But Stacey was such a milquetoast that I always rooted against her, even when I knew I wasn't supposed to.  I never understood the purpose of her character and surprised she lasted as long as she did.  Unfortunately, loving didn't air in St. Louis when I lived there so I never got to see her get murdered.

  18. Thanks. I subscribed. 


    I'm still heated about A Martinez claiming JFP created Cruz/Eden. Ugh. 

    That has actually always been the story, part of it anyway.   JFP got them 2-3 episodes working together, which A & Marcy had been requesting.  It was a sequence where they got locked in a room together.   However, Marcy Walker wrote their backstory herself, their breakup on the Orient Express, etc...   It was a collaboration and JFP championed them.  In the original bible, it was intended to pair Cruz with Santana and Eden with Warren.

  19. OMG. The Potomac reunion was epic. Damn. I think their second season is gonna be epic. 


    Potomac is the epitome of posers fighting about nothing. But, its ratings were decent since it followed Atlanta so I guess it's here to stay although it's about as relevant as Miami was to the overall franchise. 

    Hey, lay off Miami!  Lea Black is always relevant!!   Besides, Miami season 2 provided what was, IMO, the most entertaining 2 part episode in franchise history- Lisa's Lingerie Party!!!   If nothing else, we got to see Big Brother Beau get tossed into a pool!   In all seriousness, that party was EPIC!

  20. Being that I often lurk in this thread and I caught up on Beverly Hills marathon-style, I thought I'd throw in my two cents on the current goings on.


    Lisa Rinna- This chick is all over the place this season.   I don't understand her outrage at Yolanda hanging out with Brandi & Kim in the least.  It wasn't her event, Yolanda has always been friendly with Brandi, and Erika gave zero f#cks that LemonLyme (I LOVE that name) didn't make it.  She didn't have a dog in that fight, so why confront Yolanda on it?   Makes no sense.   She was either egged on or took it as a personal dig/line in the sand that Yolanda hung out with Kim instead of her.  Either way, it rubbed me the wrong way, as does much of her wishy-washiness throughout the season.


    Eileen- Maybe I'm in the minority, but I am on Eileen's side in this fight with Lisa Vanderpump.  It's plain as day that Lisa knew exactly what she was doing when she inquired (on camera) about the affair that started Eileen & Vince's marriage.  Her lack of an apology to Eileen isn't the issue.   It's the lack of accountability that's bothersome.   Lisa is an intelligent woman-  she knows what she did was wrong.  It rings false to me that she doesn't believe that Eileen has any right to be upset- she wanted to rattle her cage (for whatever reason) and accomplished her goal.  However, by holding onto it and continuously bringing it up, I do  believe that Eileen is playing right into Lisa's hands.  While I do believe she should let it drop, I do understand that feeling that it just festers there without any resolution, which is driving Eileen mad.  On the flip side, Lisa sees this and it makes her even less likely to give her any.  What Lisa doesn't see is it is actually making her look bad as well.   Lisa is facing much worthier opponents than she has in past seasons and they are savvy enough to illuminate Lisa's flaws as well.  So just who is playing who here?

    Erika-  I love this bitch, I really do.  The only moment that I haven't enjoyed her is when she didn't admit from jump that she tattled to LemonLyme about Pump & Kyle.   Other than that, she is pretty flawless.   She is BY FAR the worthiest opponent Lisa has ever had and Lisa knows it.  I do hope that they do eventually become friends because I think they could learn from one another,  yet in some ways I enjoy watching them square off.  I like that Erika isn't totally anti-Lisa and vice versa, but they're clearly sizing one another up.   Beverly Hills finally cast a rival for Lisa that is fascinating to watch- their relationship (and lack thereof) could drive story for years to come so long as they continue filming together.    BRAVO PRODUCERS!!!   One little peeve though- I  would like to see some vulnerability with Erika and I do hope that's to come, whether it be this season or next.   I'd like to see what makes her tick, what makes her feel.   But she is my fave housewife casting in quite some time.


    Lisa Vanderpump- It may sound like I don't enjoy Lisa anymore, but that's  not the case.  I still love her and find her more fascinating than ever,   This is a side of Lisa we haven't seen yet- on the defensive, scrambling a bit.  Though she's trying not to show it, her cage is  rattled, ESPECIALLY by Erika who she can't manipulate nor get a handle on.   It's old school soap watching her keep her composure but when you pay close attention, especially in the Erika confrontation at Wally's, you can see that she's been thrown for a loop by this chick and I, for one, am LOVING it.   Looking forward to watching it all unfold.


    Kyle- Mauricio is still hot.   Ok, ok, there is one other thing I can say about her and it's that you can see how ELATED she is at being Lisa's sidekick again.   It's a role that she's quite comfortable in.


    Katherine- Donnie is hot.  I don't find her very interesting.  She's rather transparent and has clearly drank the Vanderpump kool aid.  I wouldn't mind her as much if a genuine friendship was developing, but she obviously idolizes Lisa and Lisa is only going to use that to her advantage.   Tattling on Erika only amplified what I already knew- she's going to be blindly faithful to "Pumpy."  Even her confrontation with Faye was Meh, which sums up Katherine on this show.

    YoLemonLyme-   I just don't care enough anymore to write anything.   Her tired tagline says it all.

  21. denzo30- Can I just say I LOVE reading your posts in this thread? You have so much knowledge about the old days of AW- my mom always used to tell me about the history of DAYS and AW when I started watching with her as a child in the 80s. Please don't EVER stop coming in here and saying your piece! :)

  22. Question about those end credits- I've noticed in the credits I've seen from that period onward, Constance Ford is listed below Victoria Wyndham and Douglass Watson. AW's credits are listed in order of seniority, like DAYS, so why is she CF below VW and DW? I thought she preceded both of them- didn't she start with Strasser? Was she off the show or off-contract for a period of time in the 70s? What gives?

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