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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. If anyone wants a link to a channel to watch The Doctors, PM me. (The people who post the episodes don't want to lose their channels, so they don't want people to link videos in public.)


    Edelstein knew Carolee Campbell, and was the reason her part was expanded, so I even with the weirdness (like the Althea/Nick dream sequences) I can't loathe him.

  2. I think one of the reasons streaming is awful when it comes to soaps is this: fast-forwarding. If you have a DVR, you can record your show, and easily only watch the parts you want to see, and skip the advertising. The online platforms at least in my experience can be glitchy and it is a pain to even fast forward the parts of a soap you aren't interested in like flashbacks or scenes with characters you don't care for. You basically are stuck watching the entire show, plus advertising, so it takes as long or longer to watch than your DVR or live.


    I say longer because of a recent fight I had with watching a legal streaming show on the AMC family of networks. I tried to watch an episode, and well at the 20 minute mark it would start over at the beginning again - even if I didn't try to fast forward the beginning and sat through this portion I saw more than once - this was over a 48 hour period. If something like that happens to you enough times, you're going to probably get annoyed and stop watching.

  3. In the 90s they still had post-season baseball games in the afternoon still and CBS had the rights. You need to check those dates in October 1991. 

    October 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 were the ALCS (Tues, Wed, Friday, Sat,. Sun) and the NLCS were October 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 - Wed, Thus, Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed. - 12 & 13 were Saturday and Sunday, so soaps weren't pre-empted. But on Wednesday the 9th, they wouldn't have shown two games at the same slot, so one had to be in the afternoon. I can't recall how many days didn't have soaps, but I remember seeing promos about how you won't miss anything due to baseball years ago.

  4. I've watched or rather listened to television soaps on the radio. There used to be receivers with a television band. The radio had three bands, AM, FM, and television, and if you were in an area where you could get over the air reception, you could listen to regular tv. Once the HD conversion happened, this was no longer an option, as these machines no longer got signals as they were airing the analog broadcasts. The last time I used a machine like this was in the 90s, but honestly if someone didn't realize that it was a tv band and thought it was the only way a soap aired they didn't understand the technology (now out-of-date and obsolete) they were using.  


  5. My GL knowledge doesn't go back as far as some others here, but this is what I believe, if anyone can update or provide additional information that would be great.


    I don't know when they started calling the part of town where the Spaulding Mansion was the Hill. Basically everyone outside the Coopers on 5th Street, and the Reardons/Boarding House on 7th (I think it was 7th) across the street from Cedars. I'm basing this on later 80s designations solely as I have seen more of that material than earlier. So if anyone can correct me that would be great, or at least show how things morphed. It was a big deal for Reva, when she and Josh moved as a married couple to the Hill --Revabend was somewhat out of town compared to the other houses. Ross's home was on the former Wexler property, though obviously not the main building - as Amanda gifted the Carriage House to Ross and Carrie as a wedding present. I don't know whose mansion Henry and Vanessa lived in over the years, (as by the 90s they never called it the name of Quint and Nola's place...so I didn't think it was the same house just based on location.)

  6. As someone who even with the garbage material, still would put Steve and Carolee as one of my top 10 favorite couples in soaps ever, I have a lot of opinions on the acting issue. With David O'Brien's acting, I wonder how much of it has to do with the material in the last few years of the reruns. Carolee Campbell admitted in an interview that she wasn't fond of the last three years worth of story. Being professional is saying your lines, and not causing problems - playing a scene neutral (or even a bit wry) if one believes it is slightly out of character is more preferable to me than playing it for all its worth, when you and the audience know that it isn't right. An actor's job it to interpret the material, and considering how little time actors would have spent in daytime with the directors, if someone had longevity, they probably could do whatever they wanted within reason. It probably wasn't easy long-term for the actors, so it would influence how Carolee and Steve as characters would interact.


    With the comment about Pam Toll, I loved her on TD, and can completely see her as Mary Ryan. In some ways, I think the Ryan's Hope character of Jack was inspired by Nick Bellini, and Mary reminded me of Liz except with the large Irish family.

  7. I think Penny and Althea were fighting over the same man - Nick. They just didn't go far enough to have Penny sleep with him. The scenes where Penny imagined her and her mother marrying Nick and being a family were disturbing to say the least. 

  8. Speaking of Billie Piper, Collateral with her, John Simm, and Carey Mulligan (Sally Sparrow) is on Netflix (after being on BBC first in the UK only). Has anyone else watched it yet?

  9. I don't think Good Omens (which was not mentioned is a weird choice) though it is is a US/UK co-production. The people behind the original UK show, did DT have a relationship with them?

  10. Does anyone know what episodes Jim Pritchett's (Matt) real life daughter appeared on the show? I had read she was on the hour long but due to part of it being lost, I don't know if we missed her. 


    Thanks in advance to anyone who knows...


    So agree about the loss of the NYC industry with the lack of soaps in the city, and also how it enriched the theatre.

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