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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. Does anyone know what episodes Jim Pritchett's (Matt) real life daughter appeared on the show? I had read she was on the hour long but due to part of it being lost, I don't know if we missed her. 


    Thanks in advance to anyone who knows...


    So agree about the loss of the NYC industry with the lack of soaps in the city, and also how it enriched the theatre.

  2. That's the question, was it someone holding the cue cards, or were they operators of the prompting machines (which weren't computerized yet).


    Disclaimer: Like I said before I love Steve and Carolee. The Aldriches are my favorite part of The Doctors, actually they are my favorite thing on any soap opera currently airing anywhere that I view (and I keep up with the four US soaps, Hollyoaks and Neighbours.) That said even with that passion, I compartmentalize due to some issues like Steve and Karen's past, which back in 68 would not have been a crime, and now would be a he said/she said scenario and depending on who one believes would be a crime or not. Also the whole rewrite of Steve at 21 eloping with 17 year old Ann, which seems disturbing to me, but probably less bothersome to people back in those days. The one time, where Steve actually blamed himself for Karen and Ann's issues (along with Kathy Riker) made me really happy and shocked. 


    I can't disagree with anything you said about Carolee's development as a character amybrickwallace. :) On paper the character is stronger than the writing. Also I feel like more than once the show wrote for them because they had to so to speak, and not because they liked them as individual characters or a couple. If you want to hear a rant, get me started on their lack of a real engagement scene, their wedding ceremony, one night honeymoon or how they were married close to a year and knew each other for much longer until we finally saw them in bed. Carolee had that with Dan (though the agreeing to marry him episode got lost/damaged).


    My issue at times with Steve and Carolee is how dismissive he is of her, and the audience knows Carolee is correct. When Steve finds out Carolee was right, we don't have Steve tell her that I should have listened to you, and that acknowledgment would help. Of course, this is a function of the writing, not the acting. At least after Steve left their bedroom due to Mona, and then told her he was sorry, he did apologize for his behavior, BUT that happened during a writing strike.



  3. Greta is a form of Margaret, and she was named after her mother. This was actually discussed on the show when Greta and Toni were speaking about baby names. 


    I actually love Carolee and Steve, and well it helps to know that Carolee Campbell had major issues with the writing for three years before she left. They are as they say a "problematic fave"...


    Perhaps the show got prompters because of some issues they had with actors not knowing lines, the cue cards being in the wrong place and the like. I wonder if they were taking care of mechanical teleprompter machines or functioned more like prompters that work in the theater (who are there at rehearsal and assist with lines.) 



  4. Homefront ran for two seasons, but the second was on against Cheers at 9 PM ET on Thursdays during its final season. During its first year, it was on Tuesday night, so maybe your grandmother didn't realize it was on at a different day. It is still one of my favorites from the 90s, and wish it had continued though I was glad to get the 40 episodes we did get.   

  5. It isn't anyone's fault except the person who crosses the line. People shouldn't have to be afraid to be alone with another person in a private setting as that doesn't give either person the right to do something the other doesn't want. Amy that was brave to share your experience, glad you are getting help, and that you were believed and not blamed.


    With the situation with Kevin Spacey well the gay part I knew, but the rest I did not because I didn't take the time to look. With Weinstein I knew about the rumors about him before it blew up in the media.

  6. 258 episodes equals no time off at all, maybe 2 days the entire year though what do they mean by specials. The US soaps don't even air that many episodes a year. I actually welcomed the break, the four weeks was a bit excessive, but I liked having a week or two without the show. (I actually like scheduled breaks if they are a few days.)

  7. If you watch the scenes at GL from the period many of them are shared instead of "actor showcase". This hurts an actor's chance of winning, and the year Zaslow did he had the most focused on his character. 


    At the end, the Emmy wins had little to do with quality, but more about other factors sadly.

  8. I'm the person who a long time ago said something about the amount of videos (and long magazine scans as well though those can be placed behind spoiler space, which is good if someone is responding so I don't have to see the same article numerous times.) I have a Mac, and I think it is an Apple issue, the board and embedded videos don't play well together. It has gotten better for me, but it still sometimes acts up, which is rather annoying. 


    I do prefer if there is a caption as to what is being posted, as sometimes that causes discussion or if in the future the video disappears at least I know what people were chatting about. (More than once I've gone back into a thread, looking for something and it disappeared, but there isn't much that can be done to avoid that.)


    I'm rambled enough hope I haven't upset anyone.

  9. Holly and Fletcher worked together at the Springfield Journal as Holly needed to get away from WSPR so she bought into the newspaper. One night after a fight with Roger, Holly came into the office and they ended up having sex on the desk. This was in late 1994, prior to McTavish. Fletcher and Holly went public with their relationship in Feb/Mar of 95, again prior to McTavish. The wedding of Fletcher and Holly and Meg fell under Laibson and McTavish. (I had a video tape of their wedding, with credits, as I converted it to DVD, but now it is misfiled, so no easy way to check, if the wedding was one, or both.) I just recall the switchover happening in the summer of 1995.

  10. In the early 90s, GL had money, and Sherry was willing (plus they weren't paying Liz K per old info she talked about how she was in NY for weeks without starting and not getting a salary yet.) Actually I wonder if part of the reason they asked Sherry to stay longer was how well the story was going, and due to how Kim Simms left the show, they didn't want someone new to take up that much airtime.


    I don't think GL understood who Blake was after they made her kid obsessed, and well that was McTavish, compounded by Zaz's illness/departure (putting it nicely) were things that made it harder. Blake due to being legacy made it harder for the writers or at least seemingly so, as there was history to draw upon. McTavish did the paranoia with Amanda (totally miscast due to age, when played in that story) and Rick as well. The whole plot was something that McTavish and her writing partner heard about before getting GL, and they thought it was a good plot, so it was stunt not character based from the start. (Especially due to Rick and Blake being "siblings" as small kids…) 


    The only other time I saw Marland be a little mean was what he said about Liz Hubbard at "The Doctors", but that got patched up obviously as he did write for her at "As the World Turns". 

  11. The show knew that Sherry Stringfield planned to leave the show before Blake decided to go after Ross to get revenge on Holly. She stayed for weeks beyond the end of her contract leaving Keifer to wait in the wings literally to start. Soap Opera Digest wrote about this years ago.


    I wonder if the looks issue was just an excuse with Mart Hulswit. I recall reading something about him being involved with the union, (I wish I could find the article...was it posted here?) and if that was a factor. 

  12. I hope the show isn't too frustrating in 74 and isn't just about Alan and Margo or Nick and Ann. I wonder why they put Ann in Nick's orbit, but perhaps they needed someone for him, and she was the "lucky" one as they decided not to revisit Nick and Althea. (Why they didn't is anyone's guess.)

  13. Until they hired him, there was no hunk factor on this show. I'm not joking or being mean, but it felt like they cast more for personality than the factor of taking off ones' shirt on screen. 

  14. I find it hard to watch anyone from The Doctors from time frames later than what we're seeing except for Liz Hubbard (since my mental picture of her is much more current.) The video of Jim Pritchett a year after The Doctors ended makes me think about how old he looks, but then I realize that I see him as 10 years younger than that advertisement. 


    The change to no longer having silent regular cast or "people" is an adjustment, but it seems more contemporary to have the action and then the title screen. 



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