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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. Considering people really didn't have VHS or even Betamax machines moving a show could cause fans to leave out of no choice of their own. If you were an AW fan and got home at 2:30, you were okay when the 90 minute expansion happened as at least you were home when it was on, but if you only got home closer to three or after 3 pm, you were screwed once it moved to 2:00 pm. Not everyone watching AW were stay-at-home parents, and even if they were depending on the schedules of children, having the show on a different time may not have been convenient.

  2. I was reading more information about background players today on the SAG/AFTRA site. http://www.sagaftra.org/background-extra-performers

    How does a background performer qualify for an upgrade to principal performer?
    There are several ways to qualify for an upgrade to principal performer. Here are the most common:
    A performer is directed to speak a line (other than omnies); or
    A performer is performing an identifiable stunt; or
    A performer is in the (1) foreground, (2) identifiable, and (3) demonstrating or illustrating a product or service or illustrating or reacting to the on/off camera narration or commercial message. (The performer must meet all 3 criteria simultaneously in the spot to qualify for a principal upgrade.)
    --I think some of our background people on The Doctors who don't speak fall into this, they are shown, we can identify them by name...and they are reacting like if Carolee passes them something or the phone rings and they pick it up on screen even if they don't say anything we can hear. So basically it looks like the silent people on "The Doctors" weren't truly extras/background, but were dayplayers, under-5 status at least with how things work today.
  3. From what I understand you have to pay an actor more if their character has a name when they appear than if they do not when they are a dayplayer. (I have no idea if that was how it worked when "The Doctors" was in production.)

  4. It is ridiculous if they block things and only allow Australian viewers to watch as people in the UK and US (via Hulu) actually can view the show legally in those areas. If there isn't a music issue or a spoiler we shouldn't be seeing yet, they shouldn't do that. They turned Neighbours vs. Zombies on worldwide.

  5. This wouldn't work for a 12-part miniseries. For something that long the cast should be about a dozen people in major roles. If you'd just do the part with Zach and James, and Spaulding-Lewis that would be enough story. It felt like fan service that if anyone was omitted that people would be upset, so nearly every character that was on the show in the last few months (or their kids) was mentioned.

  6. Thank you for sharing the note from Carolee. Her character is one of my favorites watching this show I never watched during its run. When I read the history of her acting training at least now I sort of understand why I see what I do within her performances.

  7. Peri, and that's a good thing since Lochlan is her Uncle and her name isn't Sienna. I can't stand Diane, though I loved how she reacted to Tony and Sinead's relationship. I do wonder since the marriage wasn't consummated if Tony won't lose half of everything. (No idea how it works in the UK.)

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