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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. I enjoy the little bits we get online from various people. That being said the vintage stuff can be fun, but due to not being around for most of it sometimes it makes me want to bang my head in frustration reading about things that sound so interesting that there is no possibility of ever seeing.

  2. I wish they made the old DVDs available in a format that would be viewable in all regions. I would spend the money out of curiosity. The problem is these episodes get pulled when posted, as you can buy them. 


    At least Neighbours has a yearly hiatus, unlike US shows so it is a bit less to view. Wish a service would pick up the older episodes anything, actually. 

  3. I'd love to see the CBS Daytime Wheel of Fortune, as I never saw it with soap stars. 


    I just ordered the "Writing for Soaps" book from the 80s, there is a later version from the 90s called "Writing for Daytime Drama" that I read years back, but never saw the older edition. 



  4. Black and Decker, ha ha :)


    I feel like ATWT had more building blocks and had burned less things to the ground than GL. So it would have been easier to see it continue, as while ATWT's focus was slightly off its axis for me, what TPTB saw at GL as important were even more cockeyed. That though is for another thread.

  5. Marcy Walker did too, during her first run on All My Children. 


    I would hope TD protected Meg Mundy from the worst of the hate mail. The you are a good actress, though I hate your character for being a lying manipulator are fine, but the burn in a fire ones are not. Glad to hear off screen, she wasn't like her character except that she looked the same (natch).



  6. His nickname is Fletch. Why is that so appropriate? How silly that video is, but nice of people being there for him. 


    I agree I've appreciated Karl and Susan in the Toadie/Sonya story, even if I didn't see the story they are referencing.


    When it comes to the Tanaka boys paternity I'm baffled as why would they think having

    Amy and Leo doing what they did, and now they are half siblings. Wacky..then again they didn't screw.

  7. This was Ira Avery alone, after he and his wife were no longer writing together. (I don't know exactly when they divorced, but perhaps that was part of the issue especially due to how Avery handled the end of Nick and Althea's marriage.) 

  8. My biggest problem with Arrow, and why I stopped watching (other than the CW having way too many DC shows), was that I didn't care about the new people. By having Diggle, Thea, and Lance all not be on much, I was bored out of my mind. Bringing back Katie Cassidy isn't going to entice me to come back as a regular viewer, as the character's death isn't why I lost interest.

  9. Anna was one of my favorites and I still miss this character. 


    Another weird thing that I enjoyed that I shouldn't have was the problems with the closing credits. When they were updated after Liz Hubbard returned and Campbell and O'Brien were promoted to make it a group of six, the text didn't line up and it wasn't just at the end of one episode but many. Eventually they got it right, but it made me laugh though feel bad because obviously in those days it was done by hand, which was more difficult. 


    And then you have the behind the scenes people, and the tie-in between Dark Shadows' sets being inherited by Ryan's Hope, which is a whole other game. I adore geeky stuff like that. 


    What gets bad eventually with TD in 1970 is that things start to drag with many many flashbacks, which will save time, but are annoying. (They didn't plan it well when Liz went on maternity leave, as we had Althea flashbacks, and it was frustrating, like they didn't know she was going to have a baby and not be available. They could have done something with the other characters in that story during the interim like have them practice medicine, and have Althea out of town visiting Penny.) 

  10. LOL TimWil about Geri being critical of writers and not producers. I can comment a bit on the GL material with Marland, but have not seen any of his TD stuff. Sometimes I wonder why people can't do more comedy, but that's the nature of the genre typically.


    I think I have to watch The Adams Chronicles before the rest gets pulled, but knowing myself I'll spend too much time laughing instead of paying attention.


    Getting back to Martha, more recently I've been happier with the character, but when she was all OMG Nick and Althea are going to get married, when Althea wasn't divorced I was rather annoyed. She is smarter than that. 


    I wonder if it isn't because at work sometimes Carolee is called Simpson by Matt. Althea never changed her last name even if at times, she was married to people that weren't Dave Davis. 

  11. I just wish that Martha wasn't so doting on Nick. He isn't perfect and she shouldn't always be on his side. I wonder how this happened with casting that he didn't have chemistry with whom they paired him with, did they test them with other actors instead, which is why it didn't work? I understood why they got rid of Rico at that time, even if I liked Richard Niles. There wasn't anyone on canvas for him to interact that was near his age and having him work at the hospital didn't exactly fit. If Penny had been slightly older and on screen, I would have thought they would have put Penny with Rico. 

  12. I enjoyed Liz on the ledge, actually I really enjoyed Liz Liz (trademark Jody Lee Bronson) even if not all the stories were too my liking. Monika you heard from CC Courtney that's fun, hope he is doing well.

  13. TimWil thanks for posting all of that here. Did your friend Geri ever share how she came to get on Guiding Light? I'm asking as Allen Potter hired her for TD and then years later she ended up as Amanda's mother on GL. I'm hoping they had a good relationship or else that wouldn't have happened.


    Is the Adams Chronicles available anywhere? I'm wondering because it would be fun to see. :)

  14. I have my copy on order from Amazon and they have the release date listed as March 21. It hasn't shipped yet, and since I don't have prime it will take time for me to receive it. 


    When it comes to the OLTL story, I think they were confused as I thought that Carla was passing as white, and people in the audience freaked believing she was hooking up with someone who was not. Is that what was meant, but it was edited badly?

  15. DRW50, wow you have some avarice towards Tim Gibbs. (No idea what he did, so please explain since off topic can you share at least when it happened.)


    Individual episodes of Santa Barbara were extremely well written it was just the stories on whole that were offensive.


    I agree that soaps shouldn't focus on one person or else they can get screwed. With Santa Barbara, they did have other people with story that weren't Marcy, but those actors ended up getting bogged down with recasts, making things not as strong.

  16. I wonder if that episode is at Paley from 1976 as Gerald Gordon was listed as cast. Does anyone know? If they skip or edit it at least then there would be a possibility to see it.


    When it comes to the 1982 episodes that were shared from watching it sounded like LeeAnn was brought to Steve for a medical appointment and the girl's behavior alarmed him. (OFC Steve seeing Billy's child as a doctor is a bit weird, though Matt or Maggie would have been even worse, was there no one else other than Althea? There was a line about Billy, so she may be afraid of men in general.) When we saw her, she wasn't talking or interacting like a child of that age normally would. I hope my guess is correct and if not someone will correct me. 

  17. This isn't a real spoiler, but I was amused by the credits from those episodes in early 1982. Why because only Althea is listed with her medical title? Was this the norm or just a strange fluke? Also what was interesting was that these episodes were done by Harding Lemay.

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