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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. Thanks for the photo and the year, it is a bit sad I watch the old episodes from 1973 and there are so few people I recognize in the picture half of them are kids. 


    I love that Lydia and Jim are in the center as they should be, but am not fan of the mustache. How long did Jim have it?

  2. The death of Rachel was planned from the start, so that didn't bother me. With Nathan I wonder if it was the he's been on a year, and that's it. James tried to tell Nathan, and he didn't believe it. Too bad people still don't know. I actually found Mac and Lisa entertaining and loved the part with Cameron. The problem was that they should have had Lisa discover everything that Mac has done wrong, and then destroy him. That would have returned her to HBIC instead of just weak.

  3. I was okay with Jade dying because of how she died. It wasn't a silly car crash or something of that nature. Celine's death was horrid, Cameron is an awful human being and needs to be stopped already. Yes Nico is finally toast, but Cameron needs to go too. Joanne is also away, and considering the corner she was written into there was nowhere else to go.


    Made me happy to see OB in the credits for a guest visit.

  4. Sherry Stringfield's departure in 1992 was announced in SOD, before the Blake and Ross story really started. They just felt it was going so swimmingly that they kept her on longer and delayed her leaving town. Totally agree that Maureen Garrett is underrated or at least someone that isn't as known to people who didn't watch GL. 


    What everyone has said about Bert's death being a year after Charita passed. It did feel like they had to do it, and that episode felt strange. Rick being all I'm going to kick drugs because of Grandma, or whatever, what? That said at least MOL had a legitimate on screen relationship with Charita. 

  5. Bit of a spoiler, they didn't know what to do with Althea after Penny left again. Marland was rearranging the show based on the two major families: the Powers and the Aldriches, and Althea didn't have a spot in that reorganization according to this one magazine I have from that era. (One of the few I have pre-1980.)

  6. Thanks robbwolff BTW do we know what Potter was doing from the time he was gone from TD and before he was executive producer at GL? 


    I could find sympathy with Mona even if she thinks Steve is way too perfect. Carolee's behavior from the outside looking in, would be questionable. Would you really trust a woman who left your child for someone else especially if you aren't comprehending that he wasn't always faithful to her.



  7. I can understand why Channel 4 did that, but the fact the show was available in the US and then cut off made up some of the viewers YT was getting. The other streaming option disappeared due to someone stealing videos from one site and putting it on another. :( The amount of ads if you can watch it live from the UK isn't bad, when I had the chance to do that a couple of times. 


    Jade's death was spoiled on twitter, in a video promoing Stand Up to Cancer. 


    I think more is to come with Dirk's nephew, it is just how they cycle with this show. 

  8. I agree with you about him as a producer and feel it is part of why I became a fan of the reruns of "The Doctors" so quickly. It reminds me of "Guiding Light" in some weird ways, but I digress. (Wish you would watch it Khan, from his producing time frame, so we could get into a discussion on the topic, if that makes any sense. Anyway Potter having worked with Irna Phillips back on the radio show Woman in White is that the title says a lot about things. For example what year did the Bauer Power thing start, and was it a dig at TD and the Powers family?)


    It was the first time a soap won any sort of award of this nature so I get it. I do wish we knew exactly what he submitted, as there is nothing on the list of episodes in the Paley Center from the season they got this Emmy. With "The Doctors" the only showed the honor once, and there is maybe one surviving cast/BTS people photo that still exists. It wasn't like what they did at GL, which I thought was a bit crazy. 

  9. If people meaning Martha only showed her stuff from her first stint that would make sense as early on in the reruns the main story cycled around them and the short-term characters that appeared just for one or two story arcs like Terry Kiser's John Rice or James Noble's Dr. Winters. The earliest exception to this was Liz Wilson, who continued after the break up with Nick and beforehand was in a story with an early Mike. The Ira Avery stuff can be pretty bad, but you can see how the story shifts and how the program tried to do a failed spinoff.



    There are certain things that you may want to watch after January 1972 and before July 1972.

    For example, how Althea and John's marriage crumbled and why he ended up in the hospital. Steve and Carolee's wedding was glossed over, so while there were a few things of interest, you can watch without missing anything important except her finding out why she can't have kids. The material where Karen "lost" Matt for good, well some may want to see that and her second suicide attempt. With Maggie, you may want to see why she ended up needing surgery and what happened once she returned from Wyoming. With Mike/Vito/Toni, we got more information regarding Toni's mother, and that's about it.

    Yes I'm spoiler spacing things from this era, as while I'm vague I'm giving up plot points.

  10. They brought the wheel from The Price is Right, that is a tad better than a random suit that Drew Carey wore. The Paley Center got donations from both ATWT and GL over the years even if CBS doesn't have anything left, hopefully they sent things that were collected from NYC to LA for this event. (That aren't people appearing on "The Talk".)

  11. I want Cameron to pay because it is ridiculous that he is getting away with murder. The mess with Diego being a con amuses me, Myra then totally is his soulmate as she is one too. 


    Jude is new to me, as not a lot of the really old HO stuff is online. I liked her though, as she seemed genuine/multi-dimensional even if she isn't "good". Her comment about OB was funny, and I get why Tom was annoyed how his sister is never there for anything including funerals as that is a good point. Nearly everyone who has looked after him has ended up dead except for his current guardians and OB. 

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