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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. I wonder if part of why you felt that way marceline is how many times character have "died" on Doctor Who, but not really? Did you just not care about Clara or is it show fatigue?

  2. He was fine, but was in a car accident between a police van (where he was being driven to detention) and Esther/Kim. They were in a car chase with Grace and Trevor who weren't hit. The women and Dylan all were injured, but Dylan the least. Later there was an explosion due to the accident, and Dylan was hurt in that. He was then poisoned. 

    Nico hit the girl, because she and Sienna were fighting. Nico didn't intend to kill Ben's daughter. 

  3. I'd love it if SOD did that, but it would cause them a lot of work as they'd have to have someone dedicated to watching the show to write the summaries. They don't have anyone watching the show to write the summaries they put in the magazine and use what the show gives them. Also access to the channel in some areas is impossible, and I doubt they'd have someone summarizing off of a web feed, which may or may not work. When The Doctors started airing there was no New York station carrying RTV. I do wish they'd have done where are they now articles with people.

  4. That publication broke the news that Matt Smith was leaving before it became common knowledge. That's the only reason anyone is giving it any sort of possible credence. We'll all find out eventually though it is doubtful the news will leak before this series has aired.

  5. Yes it totally seemed like Cleo and Rhys from Torchwood who is now playing Pete the pedophile, had a prior relationship though they may not have had sex in a way she could have gotten pregnant. Otherwise Cleo was lying to Harry about being a virgin, right? It makes sense why Pete didn't want Cleo with Harry as he didn't want to share.

  6. No Guiding Light was moved from the afternoon time slots due to this show called Day & Date, which began the fall of 1995. It was a live news/information show that was on the owned and operated stations. In the Bay Area of California, GL was pulled from their local station in 93 though. For some that was the beginning of the end due to how many potential viewers GL lost in that huge market.

  7. Jenna is going to be at another panel at comic con on Saturday afternoon 3:45-4:30 sponsored by Entertainment Weekly called Women who kick ass . And Moffat, Jenna and Michelle Gomez are doing a Nerd HQ Panel offsite on Saturday at 10:45 am Pacific time. That one should be streaming on IGN's YouTube page.

  8. Vetsoapfan I think you were the exception to the rule, which is a good thing. I know they were available by the mid-late 1970s, but not that many people had machines until much later, so while available they weren't persuasive like they became in the 1980/1990s. How many hours could you tape on your machine a day? It sounds like your machine allowed you to record things from different channels, which is even better. (Not everyone could do that, I say that as the machine my babysitters had in the 80s the channel didn't automatically change and you could only watch the show that was being taped.)

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