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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. I couldn't take McT and after she was out at GL, I was glad, though when she ended up back at ABCD, I ended up changing the channel on whatever soap she ended up in the headwriting position. There are very few people in that role that ever made me glad when characters I liked to watch weren't on screen. 


    The Brent/Marion thing disgusted me as in those days the long term drug regimes weren't known to be long term yet (they were just starting to come about), and they had Lucy who wasn't HIV positive start a drug protocol or something of that nature. GL became about shock/awe which the show wasn't about.

  2. Blake wasn't supposed to be Christina, and had another back story, which never happened (no idea who she actually was supposed to be though it could have been a new character not tied to the canvas directly.) The whole Christina thing happened due to Chris Bernau's illness, a phone call to Zas asking if he would play Alan as Chris would not be able to act anymore. Zas saying that it wouldn't make sense for him to play Alan Spaulding, but perhaps Roger could come back to town. 

  3. That promo, was so upsetting - it was beginning of the nightmare of being a day-behind, and things like spoilers didn't match anymore. (Only good part was if there was a national partial country preemption, there was a chance for others to get a morning tape from the next day.)


    I can watch something and think oh that story wasn't good, but I enjoyed the performances. The problem is if it is a movie a few hours of not-so-good story while annoying is only a short amount of time, the clone was months, and did a number on Josh Lewis. 

  4. The sad thing about this situation is I'm more annoyed with RTV than the person who posted the link. RTV is not available in so many parts of the country, and they haven't done anything to fix that issue. And SFM who is owns the shows hasn't done anything to help and has actually hurt the audience. (Ironically the guy who did it is in charge of the DVD division, but they haven't had any official releases.)


    The person who posted these three episodes is not going to be regularly posting. I'm extremely worried that this person's channel is going to disappear...before everyone can see it if the wrong person sees it. :( 


    The last time TD was pulled was due to a fight on a Facebook group for TD. Things got nasty and someone tattled to RTV and everything was lost at that point. I'd be good with someone livestreaming from their system to whatever and then it being up for a day or two, and everyone has to join to watch (not on YouTube).



  5. The scene from The Doctors in that 1974 clip was romantic, the problem was without dialogue it made no sense. So unless you saw that day, you would be very confused. 


    I didn't mind the airhorn on the TGL ad. I think it was supposed to make people look away from what they were doing (they thought everyone was ironing I guess...) and look at the television, as since you couldn't hear any dialogue the only way you knew what was going on was watching the screen. (I'm only partly joking.)

  6. Yes some person went on the RTV Facebook and mentioned  YouTube having the material. They were trying to help as some people lost their affiliated channel, that's what is frustrating about this, RTV isn't available in so many areas now, so there are literally two options for many of us: not watch at all or watch a feed that isn't authorized. 

  7. At this point, I just want a scene where Steve apologizes to Carolee and blames himself for everything that happened to his marriage to Carolee starting with the sex with Annie. He admitted his wrong-doings to Jason, but not to the person he wronged. I do wonder since The Doctors was taped so quickly before air if things were changed due to audience response, and the reunion ends up happening sooner than planned. Like the first scenes between them when she was back, and then the material where she realized she knew he married, there was a break for a couple of weeks, and then it started writing a reunion right away. 

  8. At this point, I am just so glad to see Jada in scenes saying more than just random words. When MJ said that Billy may have issues with what is going on, I was like she should say what happened. The thing about how if Carolee was around would he had married Ann, well the look on his face when the news came that the divorce was final said everything. Did Jason not see that? I guess not. I doubt O'Brien was supposed to make such a face, but it was this look of disgust and apprehension over her shoulder when they hugged.  I laughed way too much than I should have. 

  9. The weekend showings are from the past, and not at the same time frame either. At one point, they were showing twelve "new" episodes of The Doctors a week (Mon-Sat). There are some episodes that are missing, which is a disappointment, but I agree about the whole intriguing seeing years of a show thing. Also with the compressed time frame I think there are certain things one can see that the viewers back in the day wouldn't have noticed. 

  10. I wish they had played them a little faster, and gotten to other stories. Or else have one run this long and the other end in November... I feel like watching these episodes we're seeing Marland make all the mistakes he tended not to do years later.

  11. I think ABC had to air PC at the 12:30 ET slot, because they had given the 30 minutes back to the affiliates years earlier in the 90s. Too many local stations probably had news broadcasts in that time frame. Baltimore had an even worse schedule for PC as it didn't always air in the afternoon. They had GH from noon to one (a day behind) for a time, and then aired Rosie O'Donnell in the 3 pm slot.

  12. The Doctors didn't show court material, not when Steve "killed" Dan, or Penny "killed" John Morrison. So them not showing it in this case, is not surprising. Marland won one of his writing Daytime Emmys for Guiding Light trial material (saw the video clip of his speech online from the awards and the package had courtroom during the Jennifer Richards  trial story). Perhaps they didn't want to pay for a courtroom set. 


    When it comes to the writing of the characters, I see this as an evolutionary process. The Pollocks were very plot-oriented, which in the long run hurt things. Other television shows what I've seen of this era have very underwritten characters in drama - the comedy shows that I've seen reruns from the MTM family and such are much stronger. So I can sort of accept this failing, it isn't like today when the characters are ill-defined, when I know soaps did better. 


    The dream line-up I think most of us wouldn't get any sleep if that happened, as it would be too many hours in the day to keep up with these shows.

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