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Posts posted by ~bl~

  1. That video was made in 1995. For me the rape is a factor in the relationship, but it isn't all there is. As you saw in the video, this wasn't forgotten or glamorized like with other shows.

    The voices of the various actors on GL were so specific, you could almost just listen to the show and know who was on screen.

    I was the same way when I first saw Chris Bernau, I was in shock at how wonderful he was.

    In 1996, GL split the opening into two one was the "Reva" version and the other was the "Roger" version. I don't think Reva or Roger was the most popular character of all time when it comes to GL, but Bert. :)

    In Roger's mind, Ross was a villain and originally the character was supposed to be only very short term (6-9 months) being bad. Everyone in town was able to forgive Ross and he became a respected part of the community, while Roger never could get over his past. Ed, who Roger always hated became Ross's best friend for example, and Ross was able to turn Blake against both Roger and Holly. Holly and Ross dealt with his part of what happened, and it was acknowledged with lines like how until Holly came back to town the only person who didn't like him was Alan. Another scene that touched upon this was after Ross/Holly had broken up and Vanessa was dealing with her attempted rape, Holly was telling Vanessa the importance of pressing charges on the guy who did this to her, while Ross looked on and the scene was just brimming with subtext.

  2. Cat welcome if you have any questions please ask one of us can fill you in on the older stuff. Hearing about what GL was and then seeing what you saw it is understandable that you didn't get it.

    That comment from Carlivati was so offensive on many levels.

    I felt lucky at the time when GL was on and really wonderful as I never saw anything like it. We were lucky that we had the time we did, and I wouldn't trade that away.

  3. WNBC in NYC made the decision to air network game shows from 3-4 pm instead of in the morning. Santa Barbara was switched from their late afternoon slot to noon. They were targeting Santa Barbara fans who watched ATWT because now GL and SB weren't in competition. (I used to watch SB after school, and once it was moved to noon, I could only see it if I home sick.)

  4. I don't get why Knots isn't on one of my "old television" channels, as then I could watch the show. I hope I can find that YouTube parody. I know of the show, but for most of its run it was after my bedtime.

  5. I like how intelligently the fan letters were written for the most part. It wasn't fawning over performers hotness. I wonder what happened to these kind of viewers.

    I like the whole pyramids are triangles with depth. :)

  6. While you could embed the video it won't play on SON...weird.

    Yes there was another Rick before MOL, he didn't work out, and they hired MOL who was the guy who did all the auditions for the Beth/Mindy actresses.

    Gene Palumbo is someone I am familiar with due seeing his name in the GH credits over 20 years ago. Don't know anything about L. Virginia Browne.

  7. What is on the Dutch ATWT disks is it same as US, the packaging looks pretty!

    I'd be okay with occasions, but that should not be the main thrust. For example around Thanksgiving time, they have a few holiday episodes to celebrate. Otherwise I think the themescould be avoided unless they are a lot more specific.

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