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  1. Misguiding Light Episode 1 Monday January 21, 2008 Written By: Dan Gobble “Look out!” Tony Santos yells as he grabs a suspicious backpack from the floor of the WSPR studio. He lobs the pack down the stairwell where it suddenly explodes. Chaos ensues as the studio filled with the screams of the crew and studio audience. “Get the bomb squad in here!” Gus yells into the radio. “Levy, go down in that stairwell to see if anyone was hurt in the blast!” Josh rushes to Reva’s side to see if she’s okay. “Reva, I think we should forget this idea. The stalker obviously knows what we are up to. It just isn’t safe.” “What are you saying Joshua? That we should lock ourselves into the house and wait for the stalker to come after us? I’m tired of this. I ‘m tired of living with an armed guard at my door. This is going to end. Today.” ---------------------- And Now "Misguiding Light!" ---------------------- Frank walks out of the production booth and finds Gus and Harley. The bomb squad believe the explosion was from a pipe bomb, he says. Probably homemade. “Levy went down the stairwell, but there were no injuries,” Gus replies. “We’ve got officers going through the building. If this stalker is still here, he or she couldn’t have gotten too far ahead.” “Frank, what did the bomb squad say?” Josh asks as he and Reva approach them. “It was from a homemade pipebomb,” Harley replies. “Listen Reva, I think we should stop the show. For all we know, the stalker could still be here in the building.” “Frank, I know you mean well, but I’ve made up my mind. The show must go on. But if you want to get rid of the audience, then fine. I’m staying here.” “Fine. But if things get hairy again, we’re pulling the plug, okay?” Frank happens to glance at the audience and notices Holly sitting next to Ed, Blake and Ross. “I thought you said Holly declined the invitation?” Frank asks. “She did, but she told me that she came to clear her name.” “I see,” Frank answers and walks over to Holly. “Hey Holly, could I talk to you for a moment?” Frank asks her why she came to the station when she told Reva she wasn’t coming. “I came because I’m not going to stand by while everyone flings accusations at me. I would like to clear my name.” “Well, when you came to clear your name, did you happen to bring any backpacks?” “What are you trying to say Frank? Do you honestly believe that I would destroy my own studio?” “I’m not saying anything. Given your history of alcoholism, not to mention abducting my daughter, brothers, and your grandchildren. I’m sure you must have been pretty angry when your board of directors asked you to step down, weren’t you?” “Holly—don’t answer that,” Ed interrupts. “Ed. It’s okay,” Holly says. “Yes, I was angry, but I wouldn’t harm my studio, especially with me in it.” “Maybe. But just in case, I think I’d like you to come down to the station after the show, if you will?” Frank walks away and tells Harley and Gus that he’s leaving to find Edmund before the show. “Keep an eye on Holly, Harley,” he says. “Make sure she doesn’t leave the building.” Harley nods. Reva returns and tells her that everything is ready for the show. Gus and Harley strap a wire on Reva. “If we find out anything, you’ll be the first to know. Once we get a call, it will take about a minute for us to trace the call. So keep everyone talking as long as you can.” “Reva, you’re on in ten,” the director says. She makes her way to the stage as the theme music begins. “Hello everyone and welcome to a special edition of the Reva Show.” ------------------- Holly gets up from her seat and sneaks off down the hall. Ed spots her and follows her out to the hallway. “What are you doing Holly?” “I—I had to get out of there. Didn’t you hear Frank? Now they think I would be insane enough to bomb the studio, my studio!” “Obviously, they’re wrong,” Ed smiles. “It makes no sense. Why would you want to go after Reva for?” “The walls seem to be closing in on me and I can’t get out. I need to get away.” “Holly, you know that running away will only feed into their suspicions.” Holly nods. “It’s hard, I know, when friends don’t trust you. But remember, you don’t have to go through it alone.” Ed says as he kisses Holly’s cheek. “Come on, let’s go back in.” ------------------------ Phillip and Olivia return to from Cedars and find Alexandra glued to the television. Phillip asks what she is watching. Alexandra replies, “Reva’s show. Apparently, she has a stalker and is trying to fish him or her out on her show.” “There goes Reva and Josh in yet another drama,” Olivia says as she rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they are faking it just to be the center of attention again. It is almost sweeps isn’t it?” “I certainly wouldn’t put it past her,” Alex adds. “ I don’t think her life is complete without a little melodrama.” The commercial break ends and Reva appears on the screen. Olivia notices that Josh is sitting next to her and releases a small sigh, which Phillip hears. “Do you have any… regrets?” Phillip asks. “Regrets about what? About Josh and me?” Olivia pauses. “No. Frankly, I’m glad to be out of that mess…because despite how far apart emotionally Reva and Josh claim to be, anyone who gets in the way of their connection is already a third wheel. You can’t build a relationship when you are always playing second fiddle to someone else. I guess I learned that the hard way, didn’t I?” Olivia stares at the television. “Those two deserve each other.” She caresses her stomach and excuses herself to bed. --------------------------- Harley and Gus remain in the production booth watching the show. “The show’s almost over and the stalker still hasn’t called in yet,” Harley remarks. “The only calls have been supportive of Reva.” Suddenly, Harley’s cell phone rings. “Oh God,” she replies. “Thanks Frank.” Gus asks her what happened and Harley answers that Frank lost track of Edmund. The two cops glance at the monitors and see Reva on the set. “Thank you so much Sara. I’m glad you called. Thank you everyone for joining me. I’m sorry that we weren’t able to make contact—Oh, I’ve been told we have one final caller on the line. Who is this?” “Wouldn’t you like to know Reva?” a distorted voice cracks. “I see my little present hasn’t stopped the show. You thought you got rid of me, didn’t you? But I’ll always be around,” the voice hisses as the show fades to black.
  2. Edit: The date of the premiere episode for Misguiding Light has been pushed back to January 22. We appoligize for any inconvenience. Stay tuned for weekly spoilers and promos coming soon. 2008 Previews The past haunts the denizens of Springfield in the New Year with explosive consequences when the new series Misguiding Light begins on January 22. Headwriter/Executive Producer Dan Gobble previews: Reva/Josh Reva’s battle with the stalker escalates into a desperate life-or-death struggle when the stalker kidnaps her. Will Josh be able to find his wife in time? “The stalker’s identity will be revealed in time for February sweeps,” Gobble explains. Cassie/Danny/Michelle/Bill Cassie’s burgeoning romance with Danny is halted when a man claiming to be Richard comes to town. “Cassie is floored by this new development. She desperately wants to believe it.” But can she? Is he telling the truth? If he is, then whose heart did Rick get? Meanwhile, Danny’s obsession with the stalker case allows Michelle and Bill to grow closer. However, when the unexpected happens, who will she turn to? Gus/Harley The two sleuths zero in on the truth regarding Gus’ true parentage. However, the truth may be harder to take then Gus realizes. Ed/Holly/Blake/Ross Ed and Holly’s romance is on again, but the past continues to be an obstacle in the relationship. “Now that Ed is back in Springfield, we can fill in the blanks about Ed’s time in Africa,” Gobble previews. The tortured Bauer left town in 1996 to escape his past. However, “we can tell that whatever Ed was trying to find in Africa, he didn’t find it.” How will Ed cope when the past comes back to haunt him? Will his new relationship with Holly survive? Meanwhile, the New Year finds Blake and Ross blissfully planning their wedding. Alexandra/Edmund/Alan Edmund and Alexandra’s professional alliance turns personal when the boardroom meets the bedroom. However, when Edmund finds out the full truth about Gus’ parentage, will he tell his boss Alan? Phillip/Olivia Although Phillip and Olivia have vowed to raise the baby as their own, Alan continues to be a threat to their happiness. Will Alan find out the truth and who is the true father of Olivia’s baby?
  3. Dan

    Cast Announced!

    Misguiding Light Word has leaked out about the cast of the upcoming mySON TV series Misguiding Light As the show will begin, story-wise, on March 3, 2003, the cast will remain exactly the same as it was back then with no additions or subtractions (yet). To see the full cast list, check the side of the blog homepage.
  4. Misguiding Light Get reaquainted with the final week of Guiding Light before the beginning of the new mySONTV series Misguiding Light! Recaps courtesy of CBS.com Monday February 24 2003 Gus and Harley’s search for the truth leads them to Gina’s grave. Gus comes face to face with the last resting-place of the woman he now knows to be his mother. The inscription on the headstone presents yet another clue: “A Promise Kept,” leaving Harley and Gus wondering what promise and kept by whom? They learn from the Sexton in charge of the graveyard that an anonymous benefactor made sure the grave was taken care of. Gus is determined to track down Baker, the one person who may be able to fill in the missing blanks in their search. When Michelle breaks up with Bill, Danny is caught between trying to give her space while wanting desperately to sweep her off her feet. Danny agrees to give her time and vows to be there for her and Robbie. Reva recoils at being a victim and tells Josh that she is determined to use her power and the bully pulpit of her TV show to turn the tables on the stalker. Josh admires her courage but is concerned her actions will put the family in harm’s way. He wants Marah to move home as Tony proposes that she move in with him. Marah is thrilled and informs Reva and Josh, determined to stake their independence and love. Rather than hit the ceiling, Josh proposes that Tony move in and become both the Lewis’ guardian and their houseguest. Tuesday February 25, 2003 In Chicago, Gus and Harley are at Gina’s gravesite. Gus figures out that the grave could not have been dug up as his friend Gennaro told him. They meet with Gennaro at the coffee shop and he is very reassuring but Gus knows he is lying. He refuses to be stopped and goes off to see about getting the body exhumed. Harley sees what this is doing to Gus, so she calls Buzz and Frank to come to Chicago with shovels, right away. Alan awakens on the island from his drugged stupor. Olivia believes she has trapped him there but he had a contingency plan in Ben, whom he arranged to come to the island just in case something like this happened. Lizzie visits with Beth when she returns home from school on break. Meanwhile, Olivia waits for Phillip’s return and crosses paths with Beth. She grows uneasy when she finds out Phillip was away with Beth. Alexandra goes to Company where she runs into Buzz. She tries and fails to defend herself to him and leaves. Buzz finds her outside in tears, and there, they have a more honest, open exchange. She tries to do what is right but finds herself turning into the person she despises most, Brandon. Buzz tries to tell her that it doesn’t have to be this way, but we sense that she is in way too deep and doesn’t know how to get out. Wednesday February 26, 2003 In Chicago, Gus, annoyed that he cannot find a police report on a stolen bracelet, goes back to Springfield intent on confronting Alexandra. Harley volunteers to stay and keep working on getting answers, but really, she is waiting for Buzz and Frank to arrive to help her press for the exhumation order. The Coopers arrive and start digging but are surprised to find a trick locking mechanism that prevents the coffin from being readily opened, but when they finally get the lid off, the coffin is empty. Back in Springfield, Alexandra examines the glittering sapphire bracelet, muttering wishes that she had the nerve throw it away. Edmund arrives and tells Alexandra he won’t have to play lapdog to the Spauldings anymore and is waiting for the arrival of a diplomatic courier from San Cristobel, with a job offer from his brother. Alexandra worries Edmund will betray her since he no longer needs her but is proven wrong when he helps hide the bracelet from Gus’ sight. Gus tricks Alexandra into calling the European hospital where Roy is and gets the phone number. He makes flight reservations for that evening, but when he calls Harley, she pleads for him not to leave town yet. Later, Edmund tells Alexandra that he’s been appointed Ambassador and Alexandra confesses she recommended him for the position. Shayne returns home from school with a sweatshirt someone put in his locker that says “Dial Mom for Murder.” When a brick comes flying through their window, Reva, fed up, calls her family together to announce her plan to lure the stalker out of hiding. Thursday February 27, 2003 Reva and Josh have their hands full as the clock ticks down on putting together a live broadcast of her show as a means of tricking the stalker into making contact. Reva meets with the Suits running Holly’s station in her absence. The proposal: Tie the city’s 911 system into the studio’s phone bank, and use the capabilities built into the system to instantly trace every call made to Reva while she’s on the air. Reva must get approval for her idea by a very reluctant and cautious group of executives. Finally, Reva and Josh emerge victorious, but it doesn’t make what she’s trying to do any more safe. Marah knows it and questions her mother. Reva admits she is scared, but she’s more scared to leave her family exposed to this anonymous stalker. Olivia is anxious to make contact with Phillip and tell him about the pregnancy, but Alex attempts to waylay her call. Phillip foils the attempt and agrees to meet with Olivia at a set time. Alex realizes she’s working with precious little time to instill doubts in Phillip’s mind. She informs him that Olivia will tell him she’s pregnant, but further, she’ll try to make Phillip believe himself, not Alan, to be the father. Alexandra makes a very convincing case for not trusting Olivia, especially after she produces proof that Olivia may have arranged for Alan to be out of town when her opportunity to talk to Phillip arrived. Phillip is dubious. A conflicted Olivia is with her brother Sam as she tentatively explains her reasons for letting Phillip believe the child is his, even if it’s not, since he would be so much a better father than Alan could ever be. Sam tells her she is just trying to rationalize to get what she wants. Later, while looking at her sonogram, Olivia feels a twinge and is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Phillip is talking to Rick and notices Olivia wheeled in by EMTs. Friday February 28, 2003 Holly confronts Reva when she takes offense to being an invited guest to her own television studio. She tears up Reva’s invitation and says she is not coming to the broadcast. Holly wants Reva to worry about what she’s doing the entire time she is on the air. Later at the studio, Marah is still worried, but she trusts Tony to keep her and her mother safe. The audience begins to arrive and consists of all of Reva’s friends and family, and one addition -- Holly. She wants to be there to clear her name, and Josh warns Tony to keep an eye on her. As the broadcast draws near and Reva heads to the set, Tony notices a suspicious backpack in the studio and hurls it out the door, where it violently explodes. As she is wheeled in to the ER, Olivia fears she is losing her baby. After Rick assures her that the baby is okay, Olivia stops Phillip from calling Alan and admits that Phillip might be the father. She tells him that she considered lying to him about the paternity, but ultimately fell in love with her unborn child. Olivia makes it clear that she wants Phillip to be the father no matter who the father is. She wants Alan nowhere near her child. Phillip is moved and agrees to help Olivia raise “their” baby.
  5. Misguiding Light! A new Guiding Light fan-fiction will begin airing this January 2008 on mySONTV! Dan Gobble, longtime poster of The Soap Opera Network and former co-Headwriter of The Guiding Light, brings you a new Guiding Light fan-fiction entitled Misguiding Light. Slated to begin airing in January 2008, the show will transport Guiding Light back to 2003. "I hope to present an alternative to the misdirection of the previous two regimes," Gobble said in a statement. Gobble will serve as both Executive Producer and Headwriter of the new program. Casting and story previews will be released as soon as they are made available. No specific first airdate could be determined.
  6. 1. Sandy Foster 2. Kim Zimmer, Jordan Clarke, Tom Pelphrey, and Gina Tognoni 3. Cassie Winslow and Olivia Spencer
  7. 1. Jackie and Justin Marler 2. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Spaulding (Is it just me or does anyone else think it's weird that Phillip married a woman and then named his daughter the same name as his "mother?" This would have been a good conflict to explore without making him insane). BONUS: Frederick "Rick" Bauer
  8. I'm a tad late, but oh well. 1. Billy Lewis 2. Richard Winslow (Or Stiff Dick as I liked to call him) 3. Vanessa Chamberlin 4. She was named Dolly (after the sheep) and passed off as a long-lost Shayne cousin.
  9. 1. 1987 and it was held in a hangar that was owned by Johnny Bauer. 2. It was at a Cedars Charity Bazaar/Carnival 3. Josh and Reva
  10. 1. Nadine Cooper (Jean Carol) 2. Alan-Michael and Phillip Spaulding, and Gus Aitoro 3. Hawk Shayne (Gil Rogers)
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