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Episode 1: January 21, 2008

Misguiding Light Episode 1 Monday January 21, 2008 Written By: Dan Gobble “Look out!” Tony Santos yells as he grabs a suspicious backpack from the floor of the WSPR studio. He lobs the pack down the stairwell where it suddenly explodes. Chaos ensues as the studio filled with the screams of the crew and studio audience. “Get the bomb squad in here!” Gus yells into the radio. “Levy, go down in that stairwell to see if anyone was hurt in the blast!” Josh rushes to Reva’s side t



Previews and First Airdate Confirmation! Edited 1/17

Edit: The date of the premiere episode for Misguiding Light has been pushed back to January 22. We appoligize for any inconvenience. Stay tuned for weekly spoilers and promos coming soon. 2008 Previews The past haunts the denizens of Springfield in the New Year with explosive consequences when the new series Misguiding Light begins on January 22. Headwriter/Executive Producer Dan Gobble previews: Reva/Josh Reva’s battle with the stalker escalates into a desperate life-or-death struggle



Cast Announced!

Misguiding Light Word has leaked out about the cast of the upcoming mySON TV series Misguiding Light As the show will begin, story-wise, on March 3, 2003, the cast will remain exactly the same as it was back then with no additions or subtractions (yet). To see the full cast list, check the side of the blog homepage.



GL Recap: Week of Feb 24, 2003

Misguiding Light Get reaquainted with the final week of Guiding Light before the beginning of the new mySONTV series Misguiding Light! Recaps courtesy of CBS.com Monday February 24 2003 Gus and Harley’s search for the truth leads them to Gina’s grave. Gus comes face to face with the last resting-place of the woman he now knows to be his mother. The inscription on the headstone presents yet another clue: “A Promise Kept,” leaving Harley and Gus wondering what promise and kept by who



Coming in January 2008!

Misguiding Light! A new Guiding Light fan-fiction will begin airing this January 2008 on mySONTV! Dan Gobble, longtime poster of The Soap Opera Network and former co-Headwriter of The Guiding Light, brings you a new Guiding Light fan-fiction entitled Misguiding Light. Slated to begin airing in January 2008, the show will transport Guiding Light back to 2003. "I hope to present an alternative to the misdirection of the previous two regimes," Gobble said in a statement. Gobble will se



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