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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Hey--did anyone else notice the new GH beginning??? I noticed it on Friday and slow mo'd it to see who they added and who they took off finally. They added Kate, Jerry Jax, Spinelli, Logan and Coop. They took of Dillon. Added Lainey (or maybe she was there before I can't remember). And they still have Alan on there. I usually FF through it, so maybe it has been there a while and I hadn't noticed before....

    Getting ready for this shower in a couple hours...

    LA--still haven't set up my tv thing yet, but going to do it today

    TL--hope your class was fun today

    Deb--Sorry I didn't get up here earlier today to catch you

    Lainey--write another fic soon!

    BSG--enjoy those clips--I was so tempted to pop back in last night, but I had to go to bed.

    Maybe she was trying to not look Tracy-like when she escaped so she took off her makeup??? And just how did she happen to have that blonde wig still in her room there? Only on soaps!!!

    Oh, BTW...I asked Tracey on JE Online if she knew if Ned was going to be on more this summer and she said as far as she knew it was only for the Dillon exit storyline--boo hoo!

  2. AWESOME STORY LAINEY!!!! YEAH for Lunacy Reunion Smut!!! Read it again too just now. Going to try to go to bed before 1am for once in my life tonight!


    TL...if the link to the clips didn't work, try viewing today's clips at savefile...I uploaded them. She is at the end...only two scenes...but this clip is 15 minute and has dillon/lulu and rick on it


  3. POST YOUR FIC NOW LAINEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that I am anxious or anything! Thanks as always for posting clips Nex. Uploading for STaci now instead of watching live.

    I like those spoilers too!

    Here is one more I saw on GHH2

    Tracy and Scott agree that Lulu and Logan must be kept apart.

    Will post those clips for you soon BSG...have to take my son for some bloodwork and go shopping for this shower tomorrow at my house. I am so not into having it, so I waited til the last minute which is not like me!

    So glad our girl is getting spoilers. She is really getting some good airtime lately...and funny as hell scenes...she just must be having so much fun with this storyline with SD...it must be so hard to keep a straight face half the time with his comments and the others not supposed to be seeing him.

    I don't get the spoiler about Tracy turning to Ned...I thought Ned was leaving with Dillon...maybe he sends Dillon out there first, and he comes later on if he is only scoring the music for the movie!

    It is pouring again here for a change...it is never-ending rain!!!!

  4. Thanks Nex...I tried to upload for Ms. Q to savefile and it is not letting me do it. So annoying. She wants to watch them at 5pm and said that megaupload is not working ofr her. I am going to try sendspace... By the way...Staci said she will be on around 5pm in the breakroom if anyone is around.

    Found this spoiler on Wubs site...

    **Tracey and Scott discover something from the past that will change many lives! LOL..can you guess what it is?? Can you!? Begins with an "L"!

    Ok...so please don't tell me it is love???? That is just WRONG!!!!! No way would she fall for that. Maybe Logan is what they mean????


    TL...you still on? I am on the phone with the catering manager finally! He is apologizing left and right and I am being so tracy-like with him. Although now I am on hold and being a bit nice cause now he is scrambling to do everything while I am on the phone. About darn time!!!

  5. It is midnight central time...TL..you around? Any other late nighters??? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    We ended up having plans after all tonight. My bridezilla cousin who I am having the shower for on Saturday came over with her parents for dinner. It was really nice actually. No fireworks around here but we watched them on t.v.

    Lainey...so excited you wrote something! You NEED to post it. We need Lunacy!!! Was the turtle bean soup cute on your niece==ha ha! I was thinking of you today when my little one told me read all of the "corrections" on how to put these little sharks sponge things in the bathtub to make them grow!

    Sorry I missed you Ms. Q!

    Brownstonegirl...did you make a rainbow cake??? Didn't watch today at all...taped it. Will watch in the am! So did ned not even go visit his mom at all?

  6. Happy 4th of July! It is a disgusting, dreary, rainy day in Houston. All fireworks have been cancelled. Everyone is cancelling their get togethers. We have nothing to do, which is fine. I would have joined you early today Deb, but I dragged myself out of bed to go exercise.

    I am going now to Walmart to buy that tv vcr/dvd combo that Nex told me about. That way I can have at least a VCR in the house to watch old videos on. I think I have told a few people in the breakroom, but my husband propsed to me on General Hospital years ago. We used to tape it and watch it every night, and the day he was going to propose, he took it to work (he was working at a video production company back then) and edited in this whole proposal that was an Emergency broadcast system type interruption. So when we were watching it that night, it cut in and I was totally shocked, etc.

    Anyway, I haven't watched in in about 15 years and I am determined to find the old tape. The sad part is I am not so anxious to rewatch the proposal, but I am dying to see what episode it was! And if Tracy was in it--ha ha. It was from March of 1990. Wouldn't it be funny if it was one of the clips someone has posted here for us like LadyAshton or something...or scotty and tracy on the desk scene, etc...

    Hope it is a sunnier day where you guys all are!


    Yes I'm here LA!

  7. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 It is 9:40 central time...anyone around?


    I had read dillon's last day was July 6th (friday) but I just read now that his last airdate is Monday, July 9th and that Anna comes back on July 13th. So that means we won't have a whole week without tracy...she should be on Monday with Dillon too! Even once a week is better than nothing! :)

    TL/BSG..post a link later if you are online..

  8. Welcome Colette! Glad to see someone new join the group! You'll have to come chat with us one night in the breakroom. If you want to see any old clips of Tracy, let us know..many of us have libraries of them these days! :)

    Love your banner as well! It is just perfect! :)

  9. Sorry I missed you last night Ms. Q--you just left when I came in and talked to LadyA!!

    TL--I made it up for my class believe it or not...although I am dragging!

    Wish we could find some Tracy spoilers for beyond this week with Ned/Dillon exit...Do you guys think she gets out of Shadybrook for good or just somehow gets a "get out of the nuthouse free" pass cause her son is moving and you know in port charles, you can be in jail for murder, but get to hang out in the interrogation room all day and call whoever you want, so maybe Tracy is allowed to get out to have her nails done or something! Ha ha!

    Has anyone seen anything beyond the next few days with her mentioned???

    Edit Wow...I missed my 600th post! This is 601! :) I am so busy talking I didn't notice!!!

  10. Hey Nex!!! See you are online right now! TL posted the clips from Friday so you don't have to edit--hurray! Hope you had a fun weekend.

    BSG--hope you had a fun bacholerette weekend!

    TL...I tried to go to bed last night early...couldn't fall asleep forever, but I guess I finally did around midnight! I almost came back up here to get online...it is pouring cats and dogs here today. SUch the day to stay in bed. So I did. Til almost 10am!!! I was up at 7, but went back and finally, finally finally watched Friday's episode. I loved her face and the evil scheming Tracy when she told Lulu she was a persuasive girl and she would figure out a way to get Logan to cooperate!!!

    I am making myself be productive today. I have made all my appointments for doctor/dentists/kids eye doctors, etc. I have done everything but the never ending laundry....going to drop them off at the eye doctor with my husband and then go on a massive returning streak!!!

    I am hosting that wedding shower at my house this sat. and have done absolutely nothing about it!!!

    Hoping for TQ today, but have a feeling she will be on wed. thursday and friday!!!

    Any new spoilers or scoop anyone???

    Ms. Q--we miss you!

  11. Hey Deb...LOVE the hair. Looks very easy and is very flattering.

    And I know I have said this before, but I was able to witness first-hand last week what a gift Locks of Love is. My friend who is undergoing chemo and I went to get her wig fitted and styled, cut, etc. Because it is a real hair wig, they have to wash it, cut it, style it, and even put hair products in it to defriz, etc. I know that Locks for love is children I believe, but it is such a great thing to do. I send LadyAshton a link to another place like that through Pantene Pro V that only requires 8 inches instead of 10. In any event that is a very noble thing to do.

    I am watching Grease with my son right now. I LOVE Grease!!! ONe of my all time favorite movies. I saw Sweet Charity this afternoon with my friend. It was pretty good (especially since the tickets were given to me free :)

    Going to finish watching the movie, but will be online around 10 central or so if anyone is around.

  12. Thanks for the spoiler TL...at least she in in spoilers! That makes me happy! Watched Thursday, but not Friday yet cause my show was interrupted also on TIVO by the news thing. I am taping it on soapnet tonight at 4am so I decided to "save" friday to watch tomorrow morning. Although Thursday was super short, she was in four scenes...I like how she explained "black mail" to Lulu. Why is Alan such a know it all? He could tell Lulu knew more than she was admitting to Tracy? He wasn't even there then supposedly right? Also, it was hilarious that Scotty said "I don't remember, it was the 80s". I love Kin Shriner! But not always Scotty! He looks very cute in green!

    I was just admiring your banner TL as I was typing this reply and noticing how she just has the shiniest hair!! Seems very oomphy in all those kissing pics! :)

    It is thundering here and I am hoping this event gets cancelled tonight as it is outside.

    Lainey...glad you are back and home safely! Hope you got to catch up on some sleep today.

    Edit Some spoilers from Wubs...none directly with Tracy mentioned but here are the ones pertaining to the Qs...

    Week of July 2nd:

    Dillon goes to Hollywood. Ned's back in town; Lainey says no to Edward (I am assuming this is in response to the spoiler TL posted about Edward tries to enlist Lainey's help to steal ELQ from Tracy)

    Alan haunts another Q!

    Lulu sleeps with Logan

    Skye moves back into the Q mansion.

    Edit...one more specific spoiler about the dillon exit from GHH2

    Ned offers Dillon a job as a director's assistant for a film he's scoring.

  13. Inyron...I commented on your story on LJ,but just wanted to say it was really good! I loved the whole Dillon/Luke dynamic there and how Tracy defended Luke, etc. I liked how Dillon was protective of his mom! You must write some more!

    Completely wiped out today...went to bed late, woke up at 6:45 with a huge migraine...had to have 15 screaming 7 year olds at my son's bowling b-day party today. Just got home and we have to leave again in about 3 hours for this local American Idol type event tonight at our town square. My husband is emceeing it, so we are all going to go.

    I haven't watched Th or Friday GH. I can't believe it. I am going to go try to watch now..even though I really should be paying bills and folding a hudred loads of laundry!

    Thanks Deb, TL and Lainey for the comments on the fic!

    Ms. Q--if you are checking in...hope your big test went well on Friday. When Nex gets back Monday, she said she would post clips from Friday for us and I will upload for you.

  14. That is horrible IloveTracyQ--probably one of the most horrific things that could happen to a person. I got the chills when I read that..with my three kids sleeping upstairs in my house while our room is down...I really need to go over fire safety with them again. I will send good thoughts as well.

    BSG...I will save you a piece of cake! It was yummy--and so very colorful!!

    TL--thanks for the marathon chat tonight!

  15. For you Ms. Q--anything! I will try to do that tonight! S00000000000000000 glad you got to watch them .I didnt' watch today yet, but will later tonight.

    Lainey...we miss you...hope you get back from travelling soon! Although when you are gone, we do get good Tracy!!!

    Breakroom anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 9pm central now

    Nex...come in the breakroom..TL and I are in there...

    Ms. Q...your videos have been uploaded....http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264 I also put in today's clips for you that Nex edited (6/28)

  16. Hey all...thanks for the recap TL...I was not watching live as I was watching kids swim! Hope to be online later tonight...

    That is great she is on tomorrow too! We know she is on next week as well with the dillon exit storyline...after that...who knows!! But we can hope right???? Some of the spoilers were for the week of the 9th too.

    Hope to catch some of you later! I just made this rainbow cake with my son for his b-day in honor of my grandma...she would always do that with me as a kid...it is so much fun...you take the white cake mix and divide it into six bowls, then put different color food coloring in each bowl--then you pour it in the pan and swirl it all together and when it is baked you cut into it and it is like this pyschodelic cake! This is about as Martha Stewart as I get--ha ha!!

    EditLadyAshton check your email!

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