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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted even once today. Tracy looked so beautiful and sad yesterday. I loved that line about "one glimpse of paradise." That is SO a story title if ever I heard one.... I love the LuLu-Tracy bonding, but WTH is Dillon? I'm serious--he needs to be there. And Ned. What is wrong with these men? She may be nuts, but she's their mother and she needs them. It's not like she hasn't jumped through hoops of fire on their behalf in the past....only, they don't see it that way, do they?


    Did you guys read that Natalia Livingston is no longer with GH? Not that I'm a big Em fan, but...well...there goes another Q...

    You know...as much as emily does nothing for me...I hope they recast the role...cause she is a Q! Sometimes you would like to slap these actors and say "who do you think is going to come beating down your door???" She is not that great of an actress! Ha ha!

    And I sort of wish they would recast Dillon too in a few months...if SC woudln't come back, but ONLY if they would not have him be such a dufus like he has been.

  2. Nex---thanks so much! I am downloading now and posting on savefile for staci! I think she said she might get online today.

    TL--didn't wake up for my class today..figured I needed sleep way more than exercise--ha ha!

    Today is my little ones's birthday, so he is having back to back friends over..one in the morning, one in the afternoon, we are ordering pizza for lunch for them. Of course I bought party favors figuring at least one kid wouldn't come for his party on sat. but now they are all coming so I have to go back to Target and hope they still have these bubble gun things...

    Just watched yesterday again...Her face was so sad when Scott said he would always choose her over you...Grrrr...I can't wait to see Tracy stick it to Scott and blackmail him. Do you think he even knows he has a son somewhere?

    I have this fic idea that I hope I have time to write today...we'll see...if the crowned birthday prince will leave me alone for long enough to write--ha ha!!

    It was so sweet because my grandmother had a card that was stamped and ready to be mailed on her desk to him when I was at her house. She had written out the card and the check on May 22nd---she always bought her cards a month in advance for the following month---I can't even send a card on time ever!!!


    Some spoliers from GHH2...most we know already...but.... (for the week of July 2, 9th) Ned comes back on the 4th it says. Dillon's last day is the 6th. Wubs also has a spumor listed that she thinks Spinelli is a Quartermaine--that would be hilarious...maybe he is Ned's son or something. Can you imagine tracy's face if she found out she was spinellis grandmother---LOL

    Ned assumes his gatekeeper role and swoops in to save Tracy from herself. He discovers that

    Tracy is 'haunted by guilt', emodied by Alan. He warns Scott to back off both Tracy and Lulu.

    Ned refuses to help Tracy get out of Rose Lawn once she confesses she altered the will.

    Once again, its Lulu to the rescue.

    Scott goes after The Haunted Star

    Skye reconnects with Ned and ends up at the Q's.

    Dillon and Georgie reconnect too.

    Dillon has news for the Q's.

  3. BSG...good news on the sinuses! Yuck for the TMJ but that seems maybe easier to deal with. You MUST watch today...I am working on finding clips right now...I am sure Nex will edit them for us when she gets a chance, but I will try to find the megaupload link from hellagood or somethingmore if I can so you can watch them pronto! :)

    BTW...don't be surprised if you see me in the next room down from Tracy at Shadybrook on tomorrow's episode...I should have been taken away in a straight jacket trying to go shoe shopping (not for me) for my three boys to get them dress shoes or like not skanky sneakers to wear to the Bar Mitzvah....it was a nightmare...they were all skateboarding around the store and goofing around. My little one got those heely shoes with the wheels that you can sort of slide around or skate around. I was totally losing my patience cause they couldn't tell me if they felt tight or not or were too loose, they just wanted to get the heck out of the store. UGGGHHHH! I so shoulda had girls! LOL

    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 It is 8:45 central...I am in here

  4. 7 scenes today! A Tracy record at least in the past few years!!! She was in every segment!!!!! I LOVED the Tralulu. I agree TL..she should have said that my dad loves you Tracy. Love also how she said "my stepmother" several times and listed that as one of the reasons she was upset to Logan, along wtih Jake's kidnapping and her dad having to take her mother on the run.

    Loved Tracy's line with Scott about "what fun, Club Med with a catatonic". I did feel so bad for her today with Alan and Scott constantly reminding her that Luke would choose Laura over her in a heartbeat and offering her a "dignity" deal. It pisses me off that they haven't once given a reference between Scott and Tracy about their affair that last almost a year back in 1990. He so easily could have said, "I'm offering you a dignity deal for old time sakes Tracy...because we did have our moments back in the day and I know you deserve better than Luke" or something like that. Of course nobody bother to check out history ya know.

    Also wanted to slap Alan...he was being so mean today. Calling her a bitch, telling her luke doesn't really love her... I did like how she said to him, "nobody is in my marriage but Luke and me so you are in no position to judge". I just want Luke to come back and sweep her off her feet and smack all these negative losers (alan, scotty)--ha ha!

    Anyway, thanks Nex for the comments. I am gonna post the link to Lainey cause she is travelling when it is posted at hellagood in case she logs in before we have clips. THanks for the clips you posted last night!!!

    Loved your story Deb...commented to you on LJ, but I think we so need a follow up to that one--a real sordid encounter :)

    I'm off to buy my almost 7 year old (tomorrow) "Cool" shoes like skateboarders wear...he is the closest thing to a daughter I will ever have to shop with--at least he is into clothes/fashion--ha ha!

    I will for sure be online tonight around 9central...lots to chat about from TQ today and she even made the previews for tomorrow!!!

  5. coolkid: if you're lurking out there, I thought of you this weekend when I watched a few clips from the GH 25th anniversary special. JE was decked out in this gold sequins 80s evening wear extravaganza and was greeting/hugging Anna Stuart. I would love to see the two of them act together someday. Unlikely, but I can dream, can't I? :)

    Hey BSG...where did you watch those clips? At the museum of Radio TV FIlm?

  6. Thanks Deb! That is a huge compliment--especially coming from you! :) I think somehow when I stopped worrying about having a plot, it was easier to just write the emotion in the moment...what I always felt I was lacking before. I could always do the narrative part, but this strategy seems to be helping me. I am trying to decide whether or not to take this intro to novel writing class or a short story writing class this fall.

    I am not watching GH live, but hoping TQ is on!

    Edit Thanks TL! Woo woo--hurray for #300!!! Too bad it doesn't give us a breakroom time count--you and me would be off the charts as of late!!

    Nex...that is a great idea...I didn't realize you could buy a combo that would do that. What brand did you buy? Have you tried it yet? Is it easy to just pop them in and copy? I am so going to walmart this week and buying one. IT would be good to have anyway...all our old home videos of the kids when they were little were on VHS, as well as several parties/wedding/events. Thanks for the tip! Besides it is not a bad idea to have a working vcr in the house. In 20 years they will be like $500 on ebay--ha ha!

    BTW--I think Ms Q said she would be online today around 4 -5 central time if anyone is around

    Edit again Here is an updated link to the story I postd earlier that has the last few words in it (for some reason they got cut off when I was cutting and pasting.


    Edit Can I edit this post a few more times today ya think??? But I forgot earlier...I think it was Deb who told me they drink tea a lot (green, white and red) and that you and fey have tea...we went to dinner with my parents friends who the man is the plastic surgeon...and he said to take the green tea bags after you drink them and let them cool off and rub them on your face and it is good for your skin!! The wife said he facial person noticed a difference in her skin within 4 weeks...who knows if that is true or not, but guess it couldn't hurt to try it. I did it today...my kids were like WTF are you doing mommy???

  7. Okay...just wrote this fic called "The Call" It is Lunacy so TL can read it--ha ha. But not smut--sorry...too pensive right now!

    I tried to edit it, but I have two kids annoying the crap out of me every five minutes asking me to take them to chick fil a for lunch. I am ready to strangle them. SO I just posted without too careful of editing. I would totally teach them a lesson and say "since you bugged me, we are not going", but it sounds pretty good to me at this point and then I don't have to make them lunch--ha ha!

    Here it is:

    http://hookedongh.livejournal.com/6535.html (oops just noticed the last words got cut off in this story when cut and pasted. It was "sleep peacefully." Will go back and fix it later. Sorry--darn kids! Ha ha.

    I wonder if they are just sony vhs tapes and not professional ones if they would do it. I do have a VCR somewhere in one of my kids rooms, but I would rather them be on DVDs. I will keep checking...

  8. Oh my...that was hilarious...thanks for posting that Deb! Too bad we never get to see those type of scenes--ha ha! From Dillon asking Edward the other day if lulu was back, I guess it means that she did move back in there. But who knows...

    Hoping today that she is on!!

    Edit WOW!!!! NEX--That video was AWESOME!!!!!! Your best ever...love how many shots you had in there...love all the hugs/kisses...love the quick editing....I am just bowled over...so terrific! Thanks so much!! Wish I could figure out how to do this....

    Okay...how do you take a vhs tape and covert it to DVD? Are there places that will do it for you? Does anyone know? I have located someone who has all those Tracy episodes of the City...but they are on VHS tape. Do you think I can find someplace to do it for me? I guess I can google it....if i can find someone who can do it, I will make copies for whoever wants them...

    Edit again...just found out Ritz Camera Stores will do that..convert VHS to DVDs...yeah!

  9. ]LadyAshton...you are the goddess of all things GH clips!! Thanks for posting that lost interview...so many people had wanted to see it!

    Nex...can't wait to watch the video in the morning...I have a sleeing child in here or I would blast it on right now. IT is downloaded and ready to go for the morning!

    This comes from ABC message board spoilers on Hellagood

    Scott offers to drop the charges against Tracy if she tells him where Luke is, but she refuses. Later, she gets info from a PI and learns that Scott has a bastard son. Tracy confronts Scott with evidence about his son and threatens to expose his secret if he doesn't drop the kidnapping charges. At the same time, Lulu tells Logan she believes he's Scott's son.


  10. No TQ today! :( But tomorrow is Tuesday, so we can hope for Tracy Tuesday! Ha ha. I know she is on wed. for sure. So it will likely be Wed/thursday unless we are lucky and get more than two days this week.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but as much as I love seeing Tracy scenes, I do miss Luke (when he is not spouting off about the catatonic Blonde One.) I mean I totally look forward to them, but then I am sort of like, I miss Lunacy!!!

    Oh, BTW...I watched a few classic Tracy episodes today from 1979 and from 1980 with the heart meds, etc. It is so funny cause all the nurses at GH wore these silly little nurse hat things. Richard Simmons was having exercise class at the campus disco...Tracy woke up in bed with Mitch and tried to kiss him and he pushed her away...then tried to back peddle and say he was under stress, etc when he was just having an affair with Susan Moore. Poor Tracy...they always have her loving the man and him not loving her back...she is always married or involved with someone who does not want to be with her. It is so sad. Luke is probably her most dedicated husband and look how much that says! :(

    Also, it was so strange but when Lulu was on on Friday, they had her hair up in like a loose bun thing with pieces hanging down around her face. In the episode I was watching with Laura in it from 1979, Laura had the exact same hair style. They looked very similar.

    I am going to try to go to art tonight to get back into doing something normal...I am still kind of in a daze. But I will be online later tonight around 9pm central if anyone is around to chat.

    TL.. It was funny last night cause I went to bed and he was almost asleep and then I said well I will just read this one page of my book and I fell asleep too!

  11. Lainey...I will post the megaupload link to you for clips or I will post them to savefile...Hope you have a safe trip!

    I know TQ is on for sure on the 27th which is Wed. I bet she will be on Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs. But I sure hope it is today. I woke up with a huge headche and it is a rainy, yucky, stay in your pjs kind of day. Of course I can't do that as I have to go do some things today, but it is nice because my outdoor exercise class is cancelled--so I don't have to feel guilty about not going to it :)

    Been looking for other spoilers to post, but I don't see any that we haven't already seen before!

    BTW--here is a link to the savefile account where I have posted the clips for Ms Q since June 1st...just in case anyone wants to catch up. The Tracy/Monica fountain fight clip is in there so she could view that one as well.


    I am hoping to get a chance to write today at some point! If I can get these kids to stop fighting!!!

  12. Deb..loved your story as usual...commented to you on LJ. Wow that was so awesome you cut your hair all off and donated to locks of love. What a mitzvah (hebrew for good deed). How ironic you would post that today because my friend who his undergoing the chemo, called me today to see how I was doing and told me she shaved her whole head today and her wig will be ready on wed. She is having a real hair wig made. You did something wonderful!! Can't wait to see the picture.

    TL/Lainey..any other late night'ers...will try to be in the breakroom again around 10:30 central. I have to take a break from the earlier round in the breakroom to get a few things done around here--ha ha.

    Edit Read this column on serial drama if you have a minute...it reiterates everything we have all been saying about Lainey and how JE rocks! http://serialdrama.typepad.com/serial_dram...-revi.html#more

  13. Home safe and sound...gotta love southwest airlines...they get you in and out and off on time. I met this really cool guy from Austin with his son and his dad who went on a three generation cruise out of Miami. We talked the entire flight, which kept my mind of things...(he was really cute by the way--ha ha).

    It was so funny cause right when I left my grandma's house today, I saw a multi-pack of those tiny tissue packs that you can stick in your purse laying on a table . I opened it and took one and threw it in my purse, along with her little tiny pouch that had a rainhat in it. She ALWAYS had these things in her purse. On the plane, this guy was in the middle of talking and turned around to his dad in the row behind us to see if he had a tissue. He wanted to take a nap and he wanted to stuck them in his ears cause some kid was screaming. I just happened to whip out my tiny pack of tissues...he was like "wow...that is so cool you had one right in your purse." I was like "thanks grandma" Then when we landed, it was pouring rain and we went straight out to dinner from the airport (however I did NOT put the rainhat on--ha ha).

    I feel so happy though as I took this beatiful tiny violet needlepoint that was always my favorite of hers that was framed in an octogan and hung it in my house. I got such a warm feeling when I did that. My kids liked all the stuff I brought home for them from her.

    Anyway...time to get back to the living. I am going to get in my pjs and crawl into bed and catch up on GH from tues-friday (of course mainly Wed. and Thursday!!!

    I will try to catch up with you guys tomorrow! Thanks again everyone for your kindness to me this past week and all your sympathy and good thoughts. You guys are the best! :)

    Deb..can't wait to read your story.

    Edit...Like your new avatar TL

  14. Thanks for the clips Nex...will watch them when I get home tonight (I didn't watch at all this week).

    We are heading up to my grandmother's so I can put aside some things that I want and that she wanted me to have to be shipped up at a later date. Her stuff was so important to her, so it feels so yucky to have to be rifling through it all deciding what to throw away, give away, save, etc.

    She had a huge collection of violets needlepoints and china violet pieces. I think I am going to take one needlepoint with me now. She has probably 80 of them. Then I am heading to the airport for home. I feel like I have been gone quite a while.

    Can't wait to watch the two days of Tracy this week. It was a party in the breakroom last night! Six of us at one point! We missed you Deb, Ms Qi, LadyAshton, Brownstonegirl and everyone else!

  15. Welcome Inyron to our little group! I woudl be happy to read your story as well if you want to PM me too. I am out of town til tomorrow evening due to a death in the family, but will be home over the rest of the weekend.

    So glad to have a new writer in the bunch!

    Lainey..my cousins from NY all flew jet blue back from the funeral and were so pissed off as they cancelled their flights and they had a horrible time at the airports, etc. Glad you are back home safely. I will post the clips to that savefile thing as soon as Nex posts them tonight.

    Deb/TL Hope you guys are feeling better today. I have only had that experience once, but I know it was very disconcerting to feel that way.

    Well I will talk to you guys later. My dad just came home for lunch and he is obviously needing to talk. It is sinking in now that eveyrone has gone home (except me) that his mom is gone.

    Chat with you later. Hope TQ is on today!

  16. Thanks for the recaps. I am looking forward to watching yesterday and today when I get home on sat. night. All I have done today is sit around and eat ALL DAY LONG!! I have never seen so much food, deli trays, desserts, etc.

    I am glad at least it sounds like Tracy isn't desperate, but has a plan. Hope she is on tomorrow too!!!

    So I guess if dillon asked where lulu was or if she was there, it means she is living at the Qs.

    Sorry I missed you in the breakroom Ms. Q Can't believe you have already been gone for almost a month! At least time is going by quick for us til you get back! :)

    Nobody mentioned how TQ looked today (I am guessing the same as yesterday).

    Tomorrow should be just a normal day around here. On sat. we are going up to the house for me to see if there is anything I want of my grandmother's. I am just going to put some stuff aside and get it later on. Then I leave to go home. Should be home Sat. evening.

    Check in tomorrow.

  17. That is hilarious MinervaFan about Lainey!!. Her best advice to patients is probably, "hey if you are upset...grab a friend and go to Jake's and drown your sorrows in tequilla shots til you are too drunk to care--works for me" Bring back simone hardy (wasn't she a psychiatrist?)

    I just woke at at 10:30am--nobody is home...don't know where they all went, but people are coming over to pay condelence calls at 2pm. I was up til 3am with TL in the breakroom getting a dose of normalcy--ha ha--in this time of chaos! :)

    So here is a spoiler I saw on SON for the week of june 25th (she is on at least on the 27th I think I read somewhere)

    For some reason I can't find the insert special item on my screen so sorry but








    Tracy tries to blackmail Scott.

    Maybe she gets lulu to help her get out of shadybrook by telling scott they have the dirt on him killing Rick and to let Tracy out??? Hopefully that is it and can give us a few good tracy/scott or tracy/lulu scenes

  18. So I will download the clips and watch when I get home, but thanks in advance Nex for posting them.

    Well I held it together today and didn't lose it during the ceremony. The rabbi (although a rent-a-rabbi from the funeral home) was unbelievable. She was the most spiritual, compassionate woman I ever met. She treated our family like she knew us for years and you could tell she had studied Kabbalah and mysticism and totally changed my view on death and dying. She put everything into such a positive light for me and totally explained aspects of jewish traditions that I never understood (lainey/TL I will fill you in sometime)

    Of course it is way late, but I wanted to thank you guys all again for thinking of me.

    knh So glad you got great comments on your story.

    Little tl...hope your graduation went great.

    Ms. Q Can't wait to see the oomphy hair and good makeup when I get home.

    My grandma and I always talked about GH and her comment to me last week about the ghost alan was "Oh it is so crazy and convoluted...I can't watch that nonsense anymore...and all that crazy shooting and mob stuff..." How true! We were talking today (my family) and I was remembering being like 4 years old and her watching Edge of Night in her red leather recliner and watching with her trying to act all interested in it just to be sitting on her lap with her.

    BTW---I like Diane too!

    TL/Lainey/other late nighters...it is 12:30 central time...I am around for a bit on the computer. If you are here...I am going to see if i can get the breakroom to work.

    Edit sorry..don't know why it didn't let me just edit, but reply to the last post, but wanted to say to Deb...loved your story. I swear those thoughts come out of my mind all the time watching my boys (especially my little one) sleep and see their long, long eyelashes...I always think to myself..I would kill for those long lashes that I put mascara on every day to get but never look that good..I always think how ironic it is that the boys are the ones who get them). I am sure one day I will be at that "empty nest" syndrome...(although I dont' think I will have as many regrets as Tracy!!--at least I hope not)

  19. So I will download the clips and watch when I get home, but thanks in advance Nex for posting them.

    Well I held it together today and didn't lose it during the ceremony. The rabbi (although a rent-a-rabbi from the funeral home) was unbelievable. She was the most spiritual, compassionate woman I ever met. She treated our family like she knew us for years and you could tell she had studied Kabbalah and mysticism and totally changed my view on death and dying. She put everything into such a positive light for me and totally explained aspects of jewish traditions that I never understood (lainey/TL I will fill you in sometime)

    Of course it is way late, but I wanted to thank you guys all again for thinking of me.

    knh So glad you got great comments on your story.

    Little tl...hope your graduation went great.

    Ms. Q Can't wait to see the oomphy hair and good makeup when I get home.

    My grandma and I always talked about GH and her comment to me last week about the ghost alan was "Oh it is so crazy and convoluted...I can't watch that nonsense anymore...and all that crazy shooting and mob stuff..." How true! We were talking today (my family) and I was remembering being like 4 years old and her watching Edge of Night in her red leather recliner and watching with her trying to act all interested in it just to be sitting on her lap with her.

    BTW---I like Diane too!

    TL/Lainey/other late nighters...it is 12:30 central time...I am around for a bit on the computer. If you are here...I am going to see if i can get the breakroom to work.

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