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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Wow..MS Q---a real spoiler (although I am sort of partial to the ones Deb and I posted earlier--ha ha) Can I just say that the browser firefox opened every single one of those photos as a separate tab....I think my screen is going to explode!! My favorite pic of all time is the one in real life of JE/TG kissing...(notice they are really kissing in real life without her hand blocking their lips--ha ha)

    So I have come to the conclusion that the TQ on the city was part "lucille ball" Every thing that could go wrong happened to her and she kept getting into these ridiculous situations but somehow using her quick wit and charm to get out of them (and her devious mind). She was much more "kooky" back then (TL I know you like that word--ha ha)

    Might take my kids to see the high brow comedy the Simpsons later as they are fighting like crazy. They had so much fun with the "simspsonsizeme.com" website...thanks BSG for giving that to us.

    Get ready for the Hellagood war tonight ladies...before midnight and after....Lucky is going down!!!!

    Thanks for the wonderful Oh Baby updates Ms. Q---LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

    Oh here is another FAKE SPOILER...cause MinervaFan had me laughing my butt off with hers a while ago!!!

    Spinelli finds out that Luke is actually his real father, so he is now Lulu's stepbrother and Tracy's step son. Turns out Luke cheated on Laura one night when they lived back in Texas on the ranch...left Spin's mother high and dry and told her his name was "Scott Baldwin!

    Now Spinelli is a Spencer and living at the Q mansion with his "dad" and the wicked (but not really that wicked "stepmother" He is trying to turn off his feelings for the "blonde one" cause he is now the "almost incestuous one!" And Luke really is the "paternal one!"

  2. LOL MinervaFan! At least you have you sense of humor! :)

    Ms. Q--May I just say that your video editing skills are getting more and more superb each time. I FINALLY watched immortal....that was great! It wasn't even depressing at all...GREAT JOB!

    Off to watch my last three city tapes....I must say...JE is divine in The City---but that haircut---OY! Still can't get used to it...It was funny though, there was a scene of her in the park with Laura Wright and their kids playing. She was sitting in almost the exact same spot as she was in Baby Boom looking exactly the same with that short haircut! She was much more human on that show---still scheming and devious, but she had some light, funny moments with some of the "lowly" people who lived in the building...guess not having zillions of dollars can do that to you! Ha ha.

    Can someone please write some lunacy for us??? Or Trash? Or whatever?????

    We were joking in the breakroom the other night that we needed to make up some TQ spoilers since there are none....for example:

    Luke dumps Laura in Switzerland and swoops in to rescue Tracy in Shadybrook

    Or...how about:

    Luke gives Scotty custody of Laura so he can be free to live his life with the one woman he truly loves--ha ha!

  3. Did anyone see NL hair yesterday on GH? THere is a funny article on serialdrama website about budget cuts in hair and makeup dept...lulu's drowned rat look and how can anyone ruin NL's hair...she looked very strange yesterday overall visiting Jason...and why hasn't Monica visited Jason in jail....everyone else in the entire town has.

    Bigger question: Why am I wasting space and time talking about these other characters???? Why???? Cause we haven't seen TQ since July 25th---HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Nex!!!

    Lucky is down to 5 in the Hellagood game. Catch you guys later!

  4. Just my opinion knh...but since you asked....and since I have read the story, Genevieve doesn't strike me as the name of that character...seems sort of demure or something...I think you need a bolder, stronger sounding name...but feel free to ignore me...it is your book! :) I like Jackson for his name...no offense to anyone named Oliver...but it sounds like sort of a wimpy name to me.

    I am going to watch another one of those city tapes and then will be on the computer around 9pm central...if anyone is around.

    Can I just say that GH is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring without Tracy!

  5. Running in and running back out....since I don't know how to do clip art of hugs like Ms Q, I am sending you a virtual "hug" now Deb! Hope your day gets better.

    Assuming no TQ today. Ms Qi I will watch your video second version in a bit...didn't even get to watch the first yet...woke up late and had to run the kids to the dentist. Friends over chaos happening here...will have tonight to myself to catch up!

    Thanks for posting those clips Ms. Q--will watch them later too....

    Don't forget to vote on hellagood today everyone!!!

    Sorry to be annoying with the reminders! :)

    TL--Got the "all clear" today :)

  6. Deb--miss you around here! Hope you get some creative juices soon! Go vote on Hellagood--ha ha! Hope Fey is doing better. Watched the second city tape today...god she was so scheming back then...but so sad too cause Edward/Ned really did a number on her...stealing her jewels too...trying to get dillon from her by trying to bribe the nanny to spy on tracy...

    We are still in the breakrom if anyone in saround 9:20 central time

  7. Well Ms. Q--you knew it couldn't last (the royal treatment). Thanks for pointing me to the compilation of quotes about Jane!

    Well Lainey is gone so maybe a small glimmer of hope for TQ this week? Maybe???

    I am around this afternoon and evening if anyone is around for a chat?

    Sorry I missed you yesterday Deb.

    LadyAshton--where are you???? Hope all is well

    TL/BSG--the benedryl worked but I slept like a rock til 10am this morning!


    Don't forget to vote at Hellagood today....Lunacy is way in the lead and TQ is way in the lead also!!! Lucky is almost outta there which will leave a show down between Tracy and Sam

  8. Ah...Ms. Q--I so missed all your tidbits of info while you were gone! Like episode counts, spoiler info, media photos, etc...Not to mention videos, banners, avatars.....Don't ever leave us for 8 weeks again okay??? :)

    In answer to your question, I am going to be gone the 11-16th (Sat. to Thurs). We are going to Breckenridge, CO. I am going to torture my kids and make them go whitewater rafting with me again. They hated it last summer and it was a wussy float trip! I went on once that was so scary I literally thought I was going to die, where you had to wear the wetsuit and the whole gear. I almost got divorced over that one that he convinced me wouldn't be scary! But these that they take the little kids on are just basically floating down the river and they splash you a tiny bit to get wet!!!

    I just finished watching five episodes of GH and nightshift (oy...it stinks) and Entourage. I must say...I didn't think I would like that show at all, but my husband made me watch it with him and it is pretty darn funny in a Hollywood sort of way! I am tv'd out.

    If I didn't already know it...I have just confirmed that I am THE WORST cook on the planet! I tried, I really tried to make dinner tonight. I bought Ahi tuna and even marinated it, and tried to sear it and it was TOTALLY gross and disgusting. I made this whole salad too to put it over and blah!!!! I was so sick of eating out so much while away and since we are about to go away again, I thought I would try to cook. Bad plan on my part!

    However, I did make one mean bowl of easy mac for my son and a great cup of microwave success rice for the other! :)

    August is going to suck for episode counts I am afraid if she isn't even going to be on til the week of the 13th!!!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Lainey! You went out of town and not Tracy huh? It is getting really, really, really boring with no tracy or spoilers in sight! I hope JE is enjoying her vacation cause we all certainly aren't!! :)

  9. Well since nobody has posted yet today, I guess I should! Where is everyone???

    Was up again last night til 3:30. At least I had to wake up early this morning. Tonight I have to take an tylenol PM or something to get myself to bed early to get back on central time. This five hour time difference is killing me...was fine on the way there, but getting back hasn't been so easy.

    LadyAshton--where ya been?

    So TQ will be on the week of the 13th when I will be gone again.

    You guys all go vote at hellagood--don't forget.

    Will be around all day today catching up on last week's GH and trying to watch these City tapes which so far are very bad quality. If anyone is around later post a link to the BR!

    Happy Saturday!

  10. Maybe LadyAshton has that clip??? LadyAshton you around? Have the clip of Tracy/Luke kiss from June 23, 2005? She is in a red jacket?

    Anyone around for a quick breakroom chat? 7pm central time http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


    Ms Q---LOVED It you video-making machine you! Making up for those lost 8 weeks I see...Good news for us!!! Loved the ending! There is an article on LL in the ABC SID from 8/14 Stace about how she is so sad and doesn't know where she stands at GH...poor LL! Says her contract is up Sept. 1st

  11. I love my Simpson's gift BSG!!! Love the oomphy hair too! I have caught up on last week's episodes. Now just have to watch this week which won't take as long as I know there is no Tracy so I can watch quickly.

    I am reading all the fics today...Staci...Deb...and watching videos now. It is 1:15 and none of my kids have come downstairs yet. Two are up but are so tired and mellow that they haven't even asked for food!

    Which is the kiss in the wallpaper where Tracy is in the red jacket...like the 5th tile in or something on the top row...can't believe I am slipping...must be the jet lag...am trying to remember which kiss that one was in which scene?

    Tracy's hair is exactly the same cut as Kate's. Think they go to the same stylist? But I like Tracy's better cause it is darker!

    I got my city tapes i finally ordered in the mail today. And my shoes from the Nordstrom anniversary sale that I ordered online before I left! It is a good day! :) all when my husband was not home to see the packages arriving--even better! Happy B-day to me presents--ha ha!

    Catch you all later...I must go finally get dressed and face the grocery store. I was up til 4am last night. I couldn't fall asleep with the time difference from Hawaii. The dog woke me up at 8 and then I went back to bed til 11am!!!

    TL--today wasn't the day after all...it will have to wait til Monday...we slept too late :)


    Ms Q--just watched your videos...OMG...how we missed your videos when you were gone. LOVED them! Now I am in a great mood! Thanks!!! Going to read some fics now!

    Deb--read your fics...LOVED them both! You always amaze me!

  12. Truke--That spoiler has been on there forever and ever and ever, so I wouldn't worry about GF just yet! There is also something on GHH2 about an Alan/Monica 30 year tribute that will be remembered in a special way on the show (august/sept) are there 30 year anniversaries with GH...so now they recognize it after they fire SD and then keep him around as a ghost.

    So here is my theory..if they bring SD back to life, they can make Jerry Jax have injected him with some poison or another to mimic death by massive heart attack, but he really has him held captive somewhere in case he needs a doctor....sounds like a cassadine plot eh??? LOL!

    So thank you guys all for the birthday wishes. I didn't get that many wishes from friends of family in real life!!

    I am saving all the videos and fics to read tomorrow. I can't believe I am still up at 1:30am because we had a red eye last night.

    Ms. Q I love all your banners...I like the one with tracy in the blonde wig in the middle for some reason...it just makes me laugh

    Did TL not make the coolest wallpaper present????

    PinkPopsicle...so sorry again about your grandmother. During the ceremony for my son in Hawaii...the lights started to flicker on and off in the ballroom. I kept thinking to myself that it was a sign she was there with us!

    BSG--guess you didn't get your laptop working. Sorry we missed you in the breakroom. Are you off tomorrow for summer Friday?

    Edit from comings and goings on SoapCentral...is this for sure true Ms. Q???

    Stuart Damon (Alan) will wrap up his ghost story in August

  13. I'm here now! It is 8:40pm http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012. Glad you got home early TL!! I just watched last Tuesday's show and Wed. so I could catch up on the TQ scenes...she did look great. Can't wait to read all the fic updates and watch the videos...

    Nex--you can bet I will be in SoCal next summer. Hawaii is nice, but in all honesty, I like SoCal even more. I think it is just as beautiful (with the except of the water which is the most gorgeous blue I have ever seen in Hawaii). I really, really missed out Balboa Island trip this summer. Even my kids mentioned how much they missed going there. We did go to Wahoo fish tacos in Hawaii though--one of our Laguna favorites, although I think they closed the one in Laguna Beach on PCH didn't they? Thanks for the birthday wishes. We just brought in Fajitas and they stuck a candle in the guacamole---improvising!

  14. Hey...we can make it later TL!!! I am too tired to go out for a b-day dinner. I just want to hop into my pjs and watch the sad lonely episode of GH (plus the one scene from the next day)! I would rather catch up with you guys!!


    Ms. Q--did you ever see the article where SC and JE got performers of the week that SC mentioned or an interviewer mentioned to him?

    Also...did SON change it's format? Colors are different..etc...

  15. OMG--You guys are so nice with all the birthday wishes! I just got home around noon today. Unpacked five suitcases and five carry on bags, did three loads of wash, paid my bills which I forgot to pay before I left, have to leave to go pick up my dog in a few minutes....

    But most importantly...just downloaded all the new videos and stories to read. Can't wait.

    So good to be home. Had a great trip. Bar Mitzvah went well...I gotta post a pic of my son with his hawaiin shirt and his lei (sp?) and his tallit (which is like this shawl thing you wear in temple). Too funny.

    The inlaws/parents all got along fine. My MIL does not shut up for two seconds though....

    The wild dolphin swim was amazing and we saw a pod of pilot whales which was just incredible (we were not in the water then).

    The volcano national park was interesting...

    Lainey--I will give you a whole hawaii scoop email today or tomorrow

    Deb please tell Fey I am so sorry to hear about her father and she is in my thoughts. That was so nice of you co-workers/boss to be so understanding--the way people SHOULD be!

    TL--LOVE LOVE LOVE my b-day wallpaper!

    MS Q---yeah you are back, I am back!!

    Awesome about Hellagood standings!!!

    Nex--thanks for posting the clips...happy early b-day to you

    BSG--hope to catch you later tonight!

    Pinkpopsicle So sorry to hear about your grandmother...I know how hard it is to lose your grandma! I still miss mine more than I can say every single day.

    LadyAshton She mailed me those city tapes, so I should get them in the next day or two then I will send them to you!

    OKAY.....Party in the breakroom tonight!!!! Starting at what....8pm central???? Be there or be square!!!

    I have so much Tivo to catch up on...but at least I can ff through most of GH!

    Okay..gotta go pick up my dog now but wanted to post!

    Thanks for all the welcome back and birthday messages. I missed you guys so much!

  16. Okay...going to vote at hellagood now and then have to scoot out of here! Have a great week everyone!

    Edit---had the pleasure of knocking the Super couple out of the park---see ya Luke/laura!!!! Do I delete them you guys? Or let lotamoxie do it? I didn't want to just take them off and have people say who deleted them..

    Shaloha as they saw in Hawaii temple (shalom which means peace and aloha combined!)

  17. Thanks BSG! I am going to vote in the am before I leave at hellagood and try to post one more time here, but just in case...hope you all have a good week and a half and hope for some Tracy goodness while I am gone...

    I'll miss you guys! Keep up the good work at Hellagood while I am gone...I am going to do my best to post while I am gone (we will have our laptop with us) My in laws stay up til all hours of the night, so I am sure I will be up late.

    Going to try to get some sleep...hey..you guys get rid of me and you get Staci back Thursday...a pretty good deal--ha ha :P

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