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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. It's 2pm central time....I'm on the computer for the next couple hours playing catch up on some stuff...if anyone is around....I am going to open the breakroom window too...


    If not, I will catch you guys later tonight hopefully.


    Not new...but just worded differently from GHH2....I think I don't care they are the same, but am just so happy Tracy is mentioned...

    Tracy manages to score her release from Shadybrooke with help from Scott.

    Scott and Tracy plot to keep Lulu and Logan apart.

    Scott decides a test needs rigging.

  2. Wow--it has been slow...hopefully things will pick up when she is on next week!

    Concert was fine last night, but so FREAKING HOT!!!! Outside concert. But not as FREAKING NIGHTMARISH HOT as my son's soccer game was this morning. 97 degrees out and those poor 7 year olds running around for an hour in the sun. I was dying sitting on my butt in the shade under a tree.

    Back home in the A/C now! Was thinking about the lack of lunacy type spoilers and that luke was going to be all involved in the mob. I think if they were going to break Lunacy up they would have them in a story together, because they have built them up, but maybe not ready to tear them down. So maybe things will be just status quo for a while and they will still be married.

    Will be around this afternoon in the breakroom around 1:30pm central time. Will post a link. I have to finish a bunch of stuff on the computer and back up some stuff on CDs. If anyone is around....

    Missed chatting with you all last night!

    Ms. Q--didn't think you were being rude at all! :) I just can't navigate that soapdish site too well to keep up with who is who or who is posting what and if they are real or fake...that is a crazy site!

  3. Okay...so I can't navigate soapdish that well! I can't tell what is what on that site...it makes me nervous all those people posting and yelling at each other--ha ha!

    Been out all day, home for an hour and have to leave again tonight. I am tired. Went to this area of Houston called Harwin where they sell all the knock off jewelry/purses, etc all for like dirt cheap. My friend has a wholesale card there and invited some people along. I didn't really get much of anything though, but it was fun.

    So we will get some Tracy it seems, but not really any Lunacy storyline which stinks. They better at least have a few good scenes together when he comes back.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. This week seemed to go by fast. Catch you guys over the weekend hopefully.

  4. Sorry for this triple post...something is wrong with my computer and I am not seeing any icons for spoilers of bold, etc...sorry if anyone doesn't want to read these, but here goes ..... From Soapdish...anonymous so of course...grain of salt...

    Tracy beats Edward at his own game and is released from Shadybrook

    Another anonymous Q&A

    What have you on the Qs? How does Tracy get out of the crazy house? Who helps? Luke is set to save the day. But he's then preocuppied with thens when he returns.

    Tracy is tangled up with Scott, LuLu and Logan

    Is she still seeing Alan? Whatver happened to the "Topper" story? Is that still happening with Monica?

    Yes and Yes.

    However, this presents total conflicting opinions as one is saying that Luke saves the day, but then it says Tracy beats Edward at his own game and is released. Who knows....

  5. Glad to hear from you this morning Deb...we were talking about you last night wondering if you were okay. We were all saying hi to you in the breakroom---maybe you were feeling the "love?" Glad you checked in. Nothing much to talk about on the TQ front. Hopefully she will be on next week.

    I actually went to bed before midnight last night! I actually got almost 7 whole hours of sleep--some kind of record for me as of late!!!

    I found the golden egg of Tracy's clips that we have been searching for. The goodbye scenes with Monica when she was banished in 1993. Some of the goodbyes are posted on youtube, but not the Monica scenes. I should be getting at episode on DVD soon. Then will send it to LA who will post it! Yeah for LadyA!!!! She is also about to get a bunch of stuff in the mail from me like the JE Merv Griffin interview for her SOD award and will post it to the thread when she gets a chance! So thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Colette--hope it is a great day! Wouldn't it be nice of Tracy was on today??? Don't hold your breath! :) She is like NEVER on on Fridays these days.

    I sure hope they don't kill of Bobbie. I would rather they just put some of those people on recurring and off contract like Mac and Bobbie than kill them. Just think how much more screwed up Maxi will be without Mac there. Felicia hasn't seen her daughters in what like 5 years? And Frisco not since they were babies...I hate that GH ignores stuff like that. They could put a throw away line in there like Georgie had been visiting her mother all summer when she was not on. They have to explain lulu's absense for a week on a cruise.

    Okay..enough ranting for one morning....off to go exercise. Going to a Brooks& Dunn/Alan Jackson concert tonight with a client and his wife, so I won't be around later. Wow a whole night without chatting...hmmm...will I survive--ha ha!

  6. Glad to hear from you this morning Deb...we were talking about you last night wondering if you were okay. We were all saying hi to you in the breakroom---maybe you were feeling the "love?" Glad you checked in. Nothing much to talk about on the TQ front. Hopefully she will be on next week.

    I actually went to bed before midnight last night! I actually got almost 7 whole hours of sleep--some kind of record for me as of late!!!

    I found the golden egg of Tracy's clips that we have been searching for. The goodbye scenes with Monica when she was banished in 1993. Some of the goodbyes are posted on youtube, but not the Monica scenes. I should be getting at episode on DVD soon. Then will send it to LA who will post it! Yeah for LadyA!!!! She is also about to get a bunch of stuff in the mail from me like the JE Merv Griffin interview for her SOD award and will post it to the thread when she gets a chance! So thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Colette--hope it is a great day! Wouldn't it be nice of Tracy was on today??? Don't hold your breath! :) She is like NEVER on on Fridays these days.

    I sure hope they don't kill of Bobbie. I would rather they just put some of those people on recurring and off contract like Mac and Bobbie than kill them. Just think how much more screwed up Maxi will be without Mac there. Felicia hasn't seen her daughters in what like 5 years? And Frisco not since they were babies...I hate that GH ignores stuff like that. They could put a throw away line in there like Georgie had been visiting her mother all summer when she was not on. They have to explain lulu's absense for a week on a cruise.

    Okay..enough ranting for one morning....off to go exercise. Going to a Brooks& Dunn/Alan Jackson concert tonight with a client and his wife, so I won't be around later. Wow a whole night without chatting...hmmm...will I survive--ha ha!

  7. yeah she does look like first she is going to laugh and then "eww". Cracking up at this clip as many times as I have seen it. Oh...lack of oomph BTW...not as bad as some...but not as oomphy as it could be! :) Totally notice TG reading the cue cards as TL pointed out to me...when he says "does anyone else want to know what makes the heart doctor's heart race?" They pay him enough, he is gone for 6 months of of the year...can he not memorize his lines???

    Yikes...gotta go pick up my kids!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Oh baby Ms. Q--but you knew that. Maybe there will be a sequel in the future? Oh teenager???? LOL

  8. Hey a new, "Old clip" added to youtube today...alan and monica are forced by Lila to invite Tracy to move into the mansion with Paul!


    OMG---you have to watch this clip added to youtube yesterday...it is hilarious...before the wedding when Monica is so mad Tracy is making her wear a hideous green dress. Alan comes in and says he is going ot sing at the wedding. He breaks into song and Jane and Leslie C. are dying laughing...it says it was an ad-lib on Stuart's part. Back in the good ole days when Edward was just a "ghost" not Alan! :)


    Ok...one more...this is HILARIOUS...great lines from Tracy...she is so funny...save the syrup for your waffles Alan! When he is being all sugary lovey dovey with Monica...this is when he and Monica announce they are getting married---AGAIN!


    Hey we gotta fill the tracy void somehow...oomphy hair Ms Q!!!

  9. Ok the list of confirmed deaths on soapdish (grain of salt cause who knows who confirmed what and everyone on that site is constantly saying this is false or that is false, etc)

    But it includes

    bobbie, mac, stan and leticia. Although it makes more sense to have it be bobbie dragging Luke into the war than Skye. Still stinks they have to do that to vets. They say on soapdish that John York wants out and that JZ is doing a movie or something. Who knows.

    I also saw on Wubs (grain of salt too) that

    Monica gets her anniversary wish so maybe that means ghost alan will appear to her. Hope Tracy is involved with that somehow in helping Monica to see or feel him! Or maybe he channels through Tracy!



    Looked at the epside count...it is amazing to see how much more balanced the show was back then....the 12 or so were all within reason of each other....not so lopsided as it is now. G uess our girl was not on that yea--she probably had more appearances as TQ on the CIty in a few months than she did on GH all year this year.

  10. Now that would be so sad for Bobbie---but she has no storyline whatsoever and no purpose anymore which stinks for JZ. Neither does Lesley, but they are not paying her when they don't use her, so I could see Guza deciding Bobbie is a better person to "kill off". Plus better Emmy material for TG as he likes Lesley I am sure, but messing with his sister would certainly drag him into the mob war, although why would they kill bobbie from the mob? Unless this Zacahara person is trying to target Luke from the old days as well. Or retaliation for him helping Skye.

    Who do you think this person will end up being? I bet it ends up being someone on canvas already or someone from the past on canvas who is really good turned evil like they are spoiling. LIke the old Burt Ramsey Mr. B--now that was a real twist at the end of that storyline. Maybe it is Spinelli--ha ha

    As long as they don't touch Tracy, they can kill any other character--ha ha. Except another Q!

  11. OY!!! Speaking of grammar errors bothering you....I just got a email from our principal who I just bitched too because they scheduled school and classroom pictures on Rosh Hashana this week---hello???? IT is on every calendar. I know it wasn't intentional, but this is the second time this happened and the last time I complained and so did a bunch of others. Anyway, it was an apology email and it says ... "thanks Carrie...see you on tonight". Instead of see you tonight! I have heard her make this error several other times. She was an English teacher also before she was principal.

    Off to a doctor's appt for my son...

    Hope that was just a rumor....Nov. is pretty soon for EWCBO to come back as they are probably shooting october now. Although at this point, it would give Tracy a story so maybe it wouldn't be so bad....

  12. At 12:28 central time, with Ms. Q, Hooked and TL waiting with baited breathe....Pineapple and Mrs.Vaughn cast the final two votes to knock out Alan and Monica and make Luke & Tracy aka "Lunacy" win the first Hellagood couples game ever!!!!

    BSG--we wished we had your cell phone so we could have called you to wake you up to be on the sidelines again--ha ha!

    The Power of Tracy/Lunacy fans prevail!!!!! Now what are we gonna do with our lives???? No HG game to vote in, no Lunacy on our screens? We might actually have to get some real life stuff done!

    Thanks for everyone in our awesome thread who voted and played. Of course it is all fun and games, but it's sure more fun to win than lose!!


    Just saw this is my 800th post...further evidence that I really need to get a life! :)

  13. Finally got the breakroom open if anyone is still around...it is 10:40 central time.

    So I found out it is not my ipod that is broken but my computer. I have bitched and moaned so much tonight that I think I need a new one. I found out that this isn't a dell, but just a dell case, and the computer "guts" inside are 8 years old. Something in it is corrupting my ipod. And I am sure other files. No wonder why I am having so much trouble watching any clips, etc....

  14. remos, were those the Skye/Luke/Tracy spoilers? If they are, they originated from an anonymous person at SoapDish, so grain of salt and all that.

    hooked, you got more email when you have a chance.

    MinervaFan, aww, thanks! I'm happy to be part of the Ficathon and speaking of, here is more fic!

    Oh, Baby

    Chapter 95: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/95/Oh_Baby

    Chapter 96: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/96/Oh_Baby

    There's a fantasy SL that keeps popping up at SoapDish. Tracy's included, so I'm bringing it here:

    Robin and Alexis become lovers and take out the entire town except...

    - Jax - best friend and bankroller

    - Tracy - snarky but wise friend, who has Jax as her boy toy

    - Georgie - nanny and student at PCU

    - Cruz - Robin and Alexis' man on the side

    - Cooper - Georgie's boyfriend, who walks around shirtless; Cruz's PCPD partner

    - Mac - father figure to the girls

    I'm guessing the girls are Kristina and Molly?

    Anyway, just thought it was neat that Tracy got stay in their little version of the story. :D And I might still have a soft spot for Trax! Haha.

    EDIT: This? From SOC?

    Where do you THINK her "story" will go?

    She's over 50, her kids are off the canvas, she no longer has mob ties, and she's married to a guy who's never around... I don't think it will go anywhere.

    is soooooo sad, but more than likely true. :(

    Yes, sad but true Ms. Q (hey that rhymes). Well maybe they will figure out something for her to do I hope I hope I hope.

    Here is what someone posted at SOC in terms of Luke returning (compiled from a list of sources GHH2, Wubs, Soapdish, etc...to quote Ms. Q a very BIG "grain of salt". Nothing new...but a compilation. Hey at least her name is mentioned!!!

    Luke rides into town to discover a few things have changed. After being caught up by Tracy, He demands that Scotty keep his spawn away from his daughter. Luke tells Scott to keep his bastard away from LuLu. Luke helps spring Tracy, but Tracy remains cool towards him. Luke learns that Skye is struggling as Lorenzo left a debt behind. Luke decides to enter the game. Tracy remains conflicted about Luke, especially after seeing him and Skye rekindling some old embers as they talk about LuLu/Logan/Scott. When Tracy gets sprung, she and Edward go head to head for control of ELQ. Scotty offers his help in exchange for a piece of the pie. Which side will take him up on the offer?

    Luke confronts Logan and things don't end well for young Logan.

    Luke is the only one who knows/has seen Zacchara in some past association and he'll be working with Sonny and Jason. Luke is pulled into the mob war after Leslie's death.

  15. I think you're missed your calling, Ms. Q, you should be teaching Statistics, not Spanish.

    I'm up again, after nearly 72 hours in bed waiting for my head to explode. (Drugs are such a wonderful thing!) Thanks for all the good wishes, both private and on this board.

    So, I see some September spoilers on SOC listing Tracy.... any word from any other sources?

    Where did yo usee those Remos and what did they say? September spoilers??? No way! That is good news no matter what they are.

    MinervaFan. What a nice thing to say about our little ficathon! My sentiments exactly!

    Assuming no TQ on GH. I have been running around all day and have a crazy double shift carpool tonight. Didn't have one second to write today. Maybe tonight???

  16. OK I posted in that SOC thread too Lainey and Ms. Q! And I voted. A&M have only like 8 points left.

    And it can't believe i didn't go to bed when i said i would. it is 12:15 now and I am going right this second!

    Oh yeah--Ms. Q posted some episode counts by month last night...it really hasn't been a bad year for TQ...Until August with a whopping 2 episodes, she was on between 7-11 times during the months...Mostly hovering around 8, which is twice a week, which isn't THAT horrible. She only needs 7 more episodes til the end of the year to beat last year. Makes me a feel a little better! :)


    A&M are back up to 10 points at HG this morning. We need to finish this game off so we can move on with our lives (ha ha). So vote today so we can end this! :)

  17. Oh I got some good news for you Ms. Q and TL and others who are wanting the first Lunacy kiss clip missing from 6/23/05!!! I got the whole episode in the mail today on DVD out of the blue without asking for it!!! I had asked Curlygirl if she had that episode (the one I am doing the descriptions for from 1991) and she said she had it and when I finished doing the next batch for her, she would put that on the end of one of the other DVDs. Anyway, guess she decided just to be nice and send it!!!

    So I wish so badly I knew how to put in a dvd and edit a clip from it, but luckily our very own LadyAshton who has been SO SO SO SO nice doing this for us can! LadyA...good thing I didn't make it to the post office again today! I will send the other two I forgot to mail today, plus this episode to you!! Hopefully we can all have that clip soon! Unless someone can tell me how to do it!

    Thanks for all the addresses Ms. Q!!! I am for sure writing some more letters. I posted on soapdish about it this afternooon and everyone was like "tracy never gets anything when luke is gone". Or "she is still locked up there" Big help. Nobody had any spoilers to post about her. Bummer.

    You around for a few Staci at about 8pm??? OR anyone else??/

  18. NEWSFLASH....even though Tracy wasn't on today, I kept trying to figure out why GH wasn't so irritating. THen I realized, it was the first day in recent history that I can remember that JASON was NOT onscreen. No Jason, No Lulu, No Sam!!!!

    Annoying parts for those of you who stopped watching altogether while Tracy is off: Lucky/Liz going round and round about their stupid marriage for the 100th time; annoying Carly/Jax fighting about him sleeping with that ridiculous Irina--then making up.

    Not so annoying parts: Sonny/Kate scenes--her saying she believes him not Treavor. Cute spinelli/georgie scenes (or at least refreshing to see LL on screen for a change). Nik/Em not being so nauseating as usual, and finally Patrick and Robin being surpringly cute today.

    But I am sure tomorrow will be back to business as usual....

    Oh...watching some 1991 episodes today trying to do the descriptions for future generations of Tracy fans who want to order them (doing my civic duty--ha ha) and there is a scene where Ned launches this lawsuit to get out of the ELQ ship disaster. Tracy is sitting there smirking as the other party basically blows Ned out of the water. The lawyer leaves and she says to Ned, who is all dejected, "Well you obviously are of your father's genetic pool, and I....am putting you up for adoption." Then she turns and walks out. LOL---she is SUCH a supportive mother. But she was so darn gorgeous in 1991...love that big, oomphy hair parted to the side! Around the time when Dawn bit the dust!!

    Might have a new fic to post tomorrow if I can work on it tonight.

    Remos---Hope you are feeling better.

    BSG said to say hi and her laptop is still sick and she might not be able to get online tonight again (she was driving home from Maine all day yesterday)

    I sent LadyA the Merv SOD award thing on DVD today. Hopefully she will be able to post it to the thread evenutally so you guys can see it.

    So our nex fixation is watching JE on Guiding Light to fill the TQ void. Been there, done that with the City now--ha ha. Might have to rent the Elvis movie next--LOL


    I just sent an email to ABC SID called "Where is Tracy Quartermaine" Not sure if email is effective or not, but maybe if we all flood their in boxes with similar emails they will print one!!!!

    Also just read that Amelia;s last airdate is 9/20 and she got a part on 24 this season. So I guess she gets blown away in the pre-mob violence maybe?? Leticia is rumored to bite the dust too soon as a mob message.

  19. Ok Ms. Q--that is POSITIVE because she is only 7 episodes behind last year, and she HAS to have that by the end of the year. She simply WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember POSITIVE!!! )

    Love that video! Even though it is a sad state of reality.

    Now the libary won't transfer to my ipod. My husband said 'well you have this piece of @#$% ipod mini that is so old". I am like "well fine I will go buy a new Nano for myself then." And he changed his tune and said, "no no no this is like a collector's item now....it is perfectly fine." Of course, this comes from he who has the latest and greatest of EVERY technology...got the first Iphone in Houston, etc.

    Meanwhile while we are on positivie thinking....get him OUT of my house every morning...it is DRIVING ME INSANE! Didn't leave the house til 11:30 today....OY OY OY!!!!

  20. Summary of Long Weekend:

    1. Accomplished no writing.

    2. Accomplished no web work.

    3. Accomplished no chatting with friends online.

    4. Accomplished no laundry.

    5. Accomplished nothing.


    And I left work with the Alabama warehouse in crisis and the on-site manager planning to work the entire weekend, so I can't wait to see what I walk into this morning. Ain't life great?

    I didn't watch the rerun of GH yesterday. I think it's civilized that they give their employees the holiday off without making them work overtime to get a new episode in. I just wish they would have chosen a better episode to repeat. And then, MinervaFan looks back over the last six months of GH and realizes, wow, they really don't have much to choose from, do they?

    Hey, I did see that MsQ added SCADS of YouTube links over on JE.com for Jane as Carrie (Guiding Light). That's positive, right? Right???

    ETA: Ooh, I just saw MsQ's new video to the Martina McBride song! Yummy!!!!!!


    Hope that means that when you listed all the things you didn't accomplish, that you did at least get some down time to veg and do nothing! Cause that is important too!

    Go vote at hellagood today everyone. A& M are getting low and Lunacy will prevail!

    Can you feel all the positive TQ thoughts out there in the universe??? Even Ghost Alan positive thoughts!!!

    Love your video Ms. Q! Thanks for posting all the Carrie clips (GL, as opposed to me--ha ha) on JE. Enjoying watching them. Wouldn't care if JE went to another soap now as long as she would have a story!

    LadyA--started another fic yesterday, but it was going nowhere fast! However, just thought of a twist that you will like!! :) Mailing you some more DVDs today hopefully. Hopefully you can put the Merv Griffin interview up to the thread for all who are wanting to see it

    Ta ta for now...going to exercise and then try to write a bit!

    I loaded 394 songs to my ipod last night and was up til 3am! Paying for it this morning as I gulp down my 4th cup of coffee to get kick started!!!! And no I didn' t buy those songs....I loaded CDs which took forever and then stole songs from my husbands and sons' lists that are on a shared drive (legal I might add--ha ha)

  21. Echoing our sentiments exactly...read serial drama's column from today!


    I commented for the first time and asked cause she writes a column in one of the soap pubs what happened to the Qs and why would morgan, cameron and baby jake have more episode appearances than the fabulously talented JE?????

    So we decided in the BR tonight that like the book the "secret", we need to send positive TQ thoughts out into the universe so she will appear on GH during the month of september! Hey we have nothing to lose right? Ha ha!

    Lady A--hope you had fun watching those tapes this weekend.

    Remos--Missed you the past two nights You too BSG!

  22. Hilarious LadyA about the liver! Tracy told Carla Soleito that liver would help her pregnancy troubles and she needed to eat lots of it to piss her off (ha ha). She was so deliciously evil!!! That was a great stepmom/daughter hatred rivalry!! I never heard that in real life...I would have taken my chance with the baby rather than eating liver though--ha ha.

    Trying to rebuild my ipod library tonight!

    BTW--Tracy was only in one scene today...they had edited this episode to a montage type deal in the beginning...Tracy didn't come in and tell her how much she loved him this episode.

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