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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Me too! Just got home from art. Around for a few minutes if anyone is around for the BR It is 9:15 central time

    First loose tooth for my 7 year old is happening and almost ready to pull out. He is so excited! Big news around my house. No less exciting the third time around.

    TL--getting adam evaluated informally tomorrow by the school speech dept. They said that unless there is academic need (like it is interfering with the teacher understanding him or other kids making fun of him) then teh school doesn't cover it. Guess there is no "free speech" ha ha. At least she can tell me whether or not I should pursue it privately. Thanks for motivating me to do something about it today TL!!

  2. Well we had a Tracy Monday last week, but I have a feeling it might be Tuesday this week with the stupid shocker of a Scott/Logan paternity reveal. Somehow Tracy will probably be with Scott when he finds out or something.

    Great talking to you Deb...total perfect analysis of Tracy/Lulu relationship--sounds like the basis of a good fic to me! :)

    Watching Jenna Bush on Today show...she really comes across as mature and intelligent.

  3. Sorry TL/IluvAandM--I went to lay down with my kids and fell asleep for about twenty or thirty minutes. Went to watch DH I taped earlier, and now it is midnight and I am totally wired and can't sleep. I had coffee (lots of it) around 1pm today so wonder if that is why. Meanwhile I came back upstairs to my office/guest room to find my little one snuck in here and is sleeping in this room. Why he is less scared in here than in his room I have no idea...

    Catch you guys tomorrow...

  4. Tl--You're back--yay! sounds like you had fun. How was the party? Tell Dana happy b-day for me. Hope you will get TQ on screen for your b-day TL!

    Deb--great chatting with you tonight!

    BSG--went to the meeting...not as bad as I thought...I have my lifetime thing there, so I didn't have to pay as I was .2 under my goal. Of course I set my goal way high years back. I had 5.8 to get back to where I was in January.

    In the best mood today...saw Mamma Mia! cant stop singing. I was freaking my boys out singing "dancing queen" on the kitchen chair using an ear of corn for my microphone. They thought I flipped my lid! Too funny...gotta shake em up every once in a while!

    TL--you there for a few????

  5. LadyA I would love to chat, but am late for soccer game and I have to bring half time snacks for the kids. Will you be around later this afternoon? Around 2 your time? I will post a link when I get home!

    BTW...from daytime dish...

    Yes. Leslie is killed because of what she is doing at the time. Sorry, can't give away more than that, but it happens after Luke's return. Not before.

    Comment: Well that stinks but if this is true, at least DA is retiring. Not that she has much to retire from. Anyway...at least maybe Luke will be home when the spencer house explodes hopefully. Tracy will be secretly happy that place is blown up. At least she can be there to comfort Luke and that is not the reason he comes back. I think that when Scott finds out Logan is for sure his son, Tracy will somehow blackmail him to drop the charges against Luke and then Luke will somehow come back. Just my take...

  6. Nobody has posted yet today. What is up? We need Luke back and Lunacy soon to get this thread hopping again!

    Just checking in...on my way to soccer game and birthday parties...

    LadyA--hope to catch you this weekend. So glad you got the software ordered...post a link if you are around.

    Ms. Q--hope you got to sleep in a bit

    Lainey--hope you got to bed last night

    TL--Hope your party went well last night and that you have fun in Atlantic City this weekend!

    Remos--Glad you checked in

    Knh--glad your leg is better

    Deb--great pics from the rally by the way!

    BSG--Going to WW tomorrow am at 10 (bofore going out for breakfast--ha ha) You got me motivated last night!

    Nex--I am trying to book BI for next summer now! Having major withdrawls!

  7. Choke was awesome Deb as usual! So glad you got it down and out of your head! :) Hopefully this will open the floodgates and get the fic rolling again!

    I have spent the last three hours cleaning out my kids closets. Rearranging their rooms, etc. Now my back is killing me and I am totally exhausted. It is 11:30 central time...anyone around for a quick few???

  8. Okay.. I don't have this idea fully formed.. but it's in my head, so I'm sharing.

    You said your next prompt is "choked." How about if Tracy and Monica get into a rip roaring brawl, and Monica starts to choke Tracy..and then Alan sorta invades Tracy's body (If he's her conscience he's a part of her body, right?). Alan (as Tracy) tells Moinca to stop. And Monica and "Alan" end up having a conversation. A real funny part would be if you could write in the sexual tension. I mean Monica is longing to kiss Alan, because she misses him.. but it's really Tracy. Anyway-- Monica's touching (choking) of Tracy is sorta what makes the connection to Alan possible.

    I'm telling you.. in your hands, Deb, this could be brillant, and hilarious.

    Could it be (I think it IS!) that Ms. Q KNOWS she should write LuNacy Sex into Oh Baby... but she can't bring herself to do it... so she is putting off the ending?!?! Hmmm... Hmmmm...

    Go for the LuNacy Lust, Staci. GO FOR IT!!










    It took me a good couple of weeks to get back off that crazy time change Lainey. I am telling you, take some benedryl one night at like 10pm and it will kick in and you will sleep hard and get up early and hopefully that will get you back on track. I was up til all hours after Hawaii. Hey did you Middlesex? Did you like it? I am reading A Thousand Splendid Suns now (by the author of the Kite Runner). So far, it is great!

    My kids are off school today. They all have projects to do, so I am off to buy poster boards.

    TL/Ms. Q--can you believe neither one of those teachers emailed me back yet?

    Please someone...write some fic (talking to myself too)!!!

  9. Nah...it is not going to be Tracy. BTW LOL Ms. Q--I think that was me who said "could it be Tracy since she is not mentioned in the Luke spoilers" only cause i wanted a bunch of those people to shoot back "Of course it is not Tracy. THey would not kill her off, etc" But nobody really did answer it. I have seen some people speculated Emily but none of the Qs are going to get killed off. I am very confidant about that one for some reason. There is no way they are going to kill Tracy off with her ghost alan storyline as that is his only link to the canvas at this point.

    That soapdish site is nuts. They are saying one of three people are going to die...Sam, Alexis or Emily. That is BS!! They were speculating Mac cause then it would make sense to bring Anna or Robert back. I guess there are a few insiders with info that pans out, but most of it seems like people just spouting off whatever they feel like.

    Only two more weeks til Luke comes back on the 10th so I guess we will all just have to wait and see. It is strange though we got that one or two little Lunacy spoilers that luke comes back and Tracy remains cool with him and updates him on lulu/logan months ago it seems. And the spoiler with and Skye rekindling embers and Alan rubbing it in to Tracy, but now that he is coming back we get nothing!!!

    My husband is taking kids to see the GamePlan sneak preview movie tonight, so I will be online later. Grey's Anatomy is new tonight--yeah. I love when new seasons start up again. Such a long, boring summer.

  10. Warning: School rant coming up: Skip over cause it is boring!! I justr need to vent!!

    Can I just say that I HATE THE WAY SCHOOLS ARE THESE DAYS????? Remos I know you will be nodding up and down saying that is why you homeschool! My 13 year old came home in total tears cause he found out he failed two tests today. He was so upset. He thought I was going to be mad at him and he was so mad at himself. He got a 36 on a math test. And...he said he got one of the highest grades in the class. I am like HELLO??? If the entire class fails, would ya think the teacher would have a clue that she didn't teach the lesson well? So she gives them the test today and tells them to make corrections to it to bring their grades up to a 70. But he still didn't understand how to do them correctly as it wasn't like she "re-taught the lesson" Makes me want to scream. Then he got a 54 on a science test cause he didn't finish it. The teacher told him "Too bad, so sad" when he told her he didn't finish. HOW RUDE IS THAT? I mean fine, he deserves a poor grade if he didn't finish it, but she didn't need to be so rude about it. He is like the one good kid in a class of 30 horrible wild kids. UGGHH! I told him that everyone bombs a test from time to time and this is 8th grade and will make not one iota of a difference in his life. He is still in his room all teary. Poor guy.

    Anyway, back to Tracy land. Bummer she wasn't on today. I head people ranting aon other boards about how they are ruining Diane now with all her fawning over Kate today.

  11. I was just thinking that as well Deb--that it has been so long since any Tracy fic has been written, with the exception of Oh baby! :)

    Maybe TQ will be with Scott next week when he finds this out since they tend to be on together. That is next Tuesday.

    (From wubs)

    **Are Scott and Logan father and Son? Find out Oct 2nd!

  12. Tracy/Alan would be good MinervaFan! Especially if they are going to make Tracy take on more of Alan's characteristics as spoiled. Wonder what Luke is going to say when he sees his wife is still conversing with her dead brother.

    Ms. Q/LadyA--I got the nun stuff in the mail today from 2004 with the Skye/Luke/Tracy scenes. can't wait to watch. I will pass them along.

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday. Dare we hope for TQ today???

  13. Why.







    The tieme change is so hard on the way back. Take benedryl or something tonight at like 10 to try to get yourself back on track to get to bed early.

    Sorry I wasn't around to chat late night. I went to bed early last night unintentionally--watched that new show private practice (grey's spinoff) that I had Tivo'd and the next thing I knew it was 6:30am. I guess someone turned off the tv and light for me.

  14. Thanks funny Staci about your sis saying will tracy say "I gave it to you". I think that it might mean what I originally thought that somehow Tracy is going to speak for Alan to the rest of the family on his feelings, etc...like a go between maybe? Maybe just wishful thinking...

    How was teaching today? Guess no Tracy today huh? Our wed. luck ran out by getting a MONDAY this week.

  15. Oooh...TL i love those spoilers! Hope they are true. Hope Tracy gets something with the mob-related stuff. And hope Luke gets very jealous. But Tracy is no dummy and will know not to get involved with a mobster again. Maybe she and Luke will team up agains him--yeah in my dreams right?

    The stuff about the black and white ball and what people are wearing were likely false. Another person who spoiled it originally said that they hadn't even bought outfits yet and nobody had seen a script as they are not even going to have the script for taping til like October 11th so any who is paired with who is probably just rumors.


    Someone on Soapdish speculated that anthony and tracy were romantically involved years ago...don't know if I believe that or not, but it would be good to make luke jealous! Wonder if Luke knows about her "godmother" days. Maybe LadyA can send him the tapes to watch--ha ha!

    Edit again

    From GHH2 spolier


    Tracy continues to cope with Alan's death by keeping him alive, not only in

    her own heart and mind but in the hearts and minds of all around her:

  16. Yes she did just put it up yesterday Ms. Q! (The Tracy Mob connection spoiler...wow I could have "spoiled" that one too after I had WATCHED the scenes! Take it she si not on today.

    My dog is so much better. She was actually all happy and wagging her tail at me when I came home.

    I keep reading spoilers with Skye and Ric paired off. But she will be working with luke, but initially only. Who knows...who cares...but I don't think they will try to pair her with Luke romantically nor would he go for that again anyway. If they have to have scenes together fine--just don't mess with Lunacy in the process.

    Maybe Tracy will become a kinder, gentler person due to Alan. Ha ha.

    Troops are about to descend upon me home from school. Gotta take one kid to art and the other to the doctor. Has had a cold for 12 days now...I know it is a sinus infection at this point. Breaking down and taking him in.

    Catch you later.

    Ms. Q--How did the observing go today???

  17. That is so cute! I love Andrea Martin, too, in just about anything. (She was great in Hedwig and the Angry Inch.) And TracyLuv, thank you so much for thinking about me on Sunday. I didn't even think about my friends here in NYC actually being able to go to the Flea Market... It's definitely one of those things I'd love to do someday--the celebrity list made my eyes pop--Dana would just be the icing on the cake for me.

    Oh, puh-lease! Of course Tracy has seen the upstairs at Laura's shrine. Are you kidding me? Does this really strike you as a woman who would let a little thing like breaking and entering stand in the way of getting every bit of dirt she could find on her biggest rival? No, Tracy could probably recreate the blueprints to Leslie's house from the easiest points of access (beside the doors, of course) to where they stash the emergency money (she lifted a fiver for a latte the last time she was there).

    Just my opinion.

    Okay Deb, you win--ha ha. I was exercising this morning and totally envisioning TQ sneaking up into Laura's room and snickering at her low thread count, cheap sheets and looking in her closet and laughing about her bargain basement clothes--ha ha. Then her thinking to herself...her tastes are so pedistrian--how could Luke go back to that???? Ha ha.

    Off to do my "chemo duty" of the week. Check you guys later!

  18. From wubs.net this morning on her spoiler page:

    **Is Tracey Q connected to the Zaccharas? Hmmm...

    **Edward finds out he may have a new great-grandson to obsess over!

    And this is in her blog (hope it is true)

    I have two people saying Zacchara will be connected to Tracy somehow; we all remember her stint on "The City"--it would fit wouldn't it? I'd love it. Anything to use her, Skye and Alexis more, I'm for. Oh, and Diane too! Let Sam/Liz/Carly/Lulu take a vaykay for a bit. And someone, please get BOBBIE in there.

    Other comment: I love her new site because she has a pic of Tracy/luke from Liz/Lucky's wedding as her screencap for GH news!

    Also for a good laugh this Tuesday morning, check out this serial drama dear abby letter:

    Dear Abby, I'm a Hitman in a Pickle

    Dear Abby,

    I have an etiquette question. My aunt that I haven't really had a relationship with in nearly 15 years got married recently and her new husband has a grown daughter. Let's call her . . . Ruru. Ruru needs a place to stay. She has assorted cousins, a grandmother with a house, an aunt with a brownstone, a brother with a regular-sized house, and another brother with a multi-winged castle. But the slightly spastic kid who works for me (building video games and hacking into government computers) somehow asked my sort-of step-cousin Ruru to live with me instead.

    The thing is, a mafia boss pays me to kill people for a living. So my life is a wee bit dangerous. So dangerous that I'm not with the mother of my child, because we both think the violence that surrounds me is too much of a threat to her and my son if they were to live with me. So dangerous that my last live-in girlfriend took a bullet intended for me to the uterus. So dangerous that my condo has more weapons that many small nations. So dangerous that I have multiple bodyguards. So dangerous that I have bullet proof glass for windows. So dangerous that in spite of all my security, I've been shot more times than 50 Cent.

    So I'm sure you know what my question is. Now that I've made the obvious decision to let Ruru move in, may I ask her to use the everyday towels? The guest ones were full price at Bloomingdale's and I'd rather keep them from pilling.


    Chasin' MoreGuns

    P.S. It's also okay if I tell her not to touch my hair products, right?

    Okay--I'm out of here!

  19. Hey Lainey! Glad you had a blast. I want to hear all about it when you get back! Hey I am coming to NYC November 4-9th. When you get a sec, let me know about Hawaii and what all you guys did...

    Hope the clip works for you when you get home. Lulu didn't take it well, she was hystercial and ran out and hitch-hiked with a stranger who turned out the be the mob guys nut case son. Logan did come to Jason's to beg her to talk to him and they punched him out (jason and spinelli) and told him to leave. She was mortified that everyone knows he slept with maxi and bet maxi he could seduce her. She was like "please don't tell me the Qs know too?" She kept telling spinelli she felt like such a fool, etc. she should have listened, etc.

    Oh Diane was on for like once scene today with Sonny and Kate and one with Sonny and spinelli actually. She is going to get some airtime defind Liz in her custody hearing for her boys.

    any other GH questions, ask me cause I think I am the only one who watches the whole show anymore!!!

    Have a safe flight home!

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