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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. And we're back. :) SoapDish's newest "insider"

    doesn't know if Tracy is going to be at the ball or not.

    I hope SR is right though (hooked, as I said in that email, I have no idea who that person is).

    So...I don't know how some insiders know things and others don't if they're all getting the same breakdowns. Maybe they're not all getting breakdowns and have other sources? Or more likely, not all of them are actual insiders. Sigh. I just don't want a whole Sweeps without any Tracy. Bright side is that the one insider

    who doesn't know if Tracy is at the ball or not


    Ghost Alan is a huge hit.

    Also... HERE A HAPPY LUNACY VIDEO!!! Song probably would've worked better before they were really, really married, but here it is, anyway. Enjoy! :D


    And now, I must run. Later!

    And if SD is a huge hit, and they go with more airtime for him, that means more airtime for Tracy, as Guza sort of backed himself into a corner saying that he isn't a ghost, he is Tracy's conscience. One way for her to get some airtime besides Luke.

    I still think she will be at the ball. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Why wouldn't she go there with Luke, they are all lovey dovey these days, why wouldn't they go there together? Plus they keep talking about her sharing some scenes with Scott and he is there. Why the heck would scott be there over Tracy?

    Oh and this morning it said that Luke cuts into a dance between Lulu and Logan so that is why he is dancing with lulu in the pics.

  2. This Q&A was just on soapdish in the insider's scoop:

    That sounds good, thanks! Can you spill anything else?

    not much else. I can tell you that Luke does suffer a heart attack while arguing with Logan. Scotty and Tracy both have humorous arguments on who should take care of Luke. Johnny and Logan have several fights over Lulu.

    Since that is supposedly happening at the ball, at least that means Tracy is there right???? Maybe that is where the tracy ends up somewhat embarrassed spoiler came in somehow! Let's just hope she is not in some hideous outfit for the ball like her white wedding fiasco dress she wore--ha ha!!! Or that it doesn't involve fur!! :)


    Some insider at SD named SR (Ms Q is that person legit as the yseemed to have lots of info) said that most couple had nice moments at the ball. I asked "Do Luke and Tracy have any nice moments before he has a heart attack" and they answered yes they do. So again, at least she is there I think. When I asked if the other Qs were there, they said no. :(

  3. You beat me to post that Ms. Q! The ball stuff starts on the 31st I think. Wonder if she will be on at all this week. On the brightside...at least she is on next Monday the 29th--maybe in a scene or two without Luke hopefully as well???

    This was funny...someone posted this on Soapdish...

    "I'm still holding out for February sweeps:

    The Quartermaines' Last Stand

    With Tracy pulling the plug on Luke, and shooting anyone who tries to come in and save him. Edward and the rest of the Q's, along with Ghosts: Alan, AJ, Emily(?) and Big Alice and COOK making an armed compound out of the Q mansion, as they try to fend off any further attempts by Guza to kill them off. "

    Have a good day everyone...anyone else noticed that nobody has been writing lately at all?? Myself included! Well Deb did write, so with the exception of Deb! :)

  4. Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for New York and will not be able to post clips, so if infact Tracy is on this week somebody else will have to do the job. :) Otherwise you will have to wait until I get back, which is on Halloween, to see the clips.

    Also, about Luke's "health crisis" it occured to me that Guza is saying that while there will be drama, there will also be some black humor involved in the storyline and it makes me wonder if they are taking a que from the movie

    Something's Gotta Give

    , I only bring it up because I saw the movie twice over the weekend on TBS. You know Luke suffers from a funny heart attack, while in the hospital it would be dramatic, but him recovering at the Q's could make for some really funny scenes......just a thought!

    MinervaFan, so sorry to hear about your fall.

    Hooked, can you send some of that rain my way? The fires here are so bad that you can't even breathe. Believe it or not but the sky is actually red!

    I was thinking of you today Nex while I was on the elliptical machine watching CNN and the southern calif. fires. Hoping it wasn't too bad where you were. I hope you have a great trip to NYC...too bad we are just missing each other by a week there. Are you going for fun or work?

    I totally agree that they will play luke's health crisis serious and we will get some good TQ scenes with Luke, and hopefully with lulu/lucky, etc. Those stupid bratty kids should thank tracy for caring about their dad so much! :) But afterwards, I think it will totally be played for laughs at the Q mansion for a while. Maybe luke will have to go somewhere to recover and that is how he will get offscreen for two months---going to dry out somewhere in rehab or something.

    Okay Ms. Q--you need to be on clip duty when Nex is gone!!! Let's hope that she is on a little before sweeps which s tart on the 31st I read.

  5. BSG/Colette--happy for you guys the Sox won!! Good luck with the apt. BSG! That is really exciting! Luke's health thing is supposed to happen at the ball. Hope that means we get some tracy scenes there. Hope our girl is on this week. She is still supposed to cut a deal with logan. If that spoiler was true.

    Today was crazy hair day at school for red ribbon week. I was busy putting pony tail holders and making little ponytails all over one's head and then spraying hot pink and green hair spray at 7am!!

    Hope to catch you guys tonight...have art, so it won' be til about 9:30 central.

    Sorry about your fall Deb! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. Back!! Glad you guys missed me! :) Had a great trip, but am tired! It was nice to get away with just one kid (and we took the good one--ha ha). Did laundry, unpacked and helped with some homework. Now i wanna collapse!

    Emily rumor: I keep reading that she is going to die, and the body appears to be emily and Nik the killer, but things aren't always what them seem. So I am sure she is not dying really.

    I think maybe NLG was just not joking with JE cause maybe they were in different scenes. I heard RC is hardly on at all during sweeps. I am guessing Luke's heart attack will be during sweeps too! JE has to be involved with that. Heard they are wearing the same outfits all fo sweeps like last time (hope tracy's doesn't involve fur!!!) Ha ha.

  7. 5:30 is just way too early to wake up (I feel your pain Ms. Q). Gotta wake up my boys and get the two younger ones off to a friend's who is driving them to school and the rest of us out the door, but wanted to say a quick goodbye and have a good weekend everyone.

    Three days of Lunacy is quite a tease...leaving us wanting more...maybe next week!

    Ms. Q--bet her episode count is going up, even though they are brief scenes!! :)

    Catch you guys Sunday night!

  8. That would be way nice Nex! Yes that was a spoiler somewhere on soapdish I think but who knows if it is true. Should give JE some good scenes when she thinks Luke might be dying. Also will be giving some good comedy with Alice trying to keep him on a good diet (hmmm...was the sausage she was trying to serve him another piece of yesterday foreshadowing to breakfasts to come with oatmeal only--ha ha!

    Ms. Q--Hope the storms are gone now.

    I am around...finished packing everyone up. Trying to get my son to finish his projets so there is no work to be done on this trip! I hope my clothes all fit for this weekend as I haven't tried them on in weeks....

    In the breakroom for a bit....8pm central if anoyne is around...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


    BTW--dinner's ready. Pasta marinara with vegetables with no cheese, baked ziti, fettucini alfredo, garlic bread and salad for all....come and get it while it is hot (and if you believe I cooked all that I have some ocean front property in arizona to sell you--LOL)

  9. Gosh I didn't even notice that Colette!! Now I really need a life! :) I gotta go pack right now for my trip, so I can chat later tonight!

    Everyone on soapdish agrees that luke has a winner with tracy and he loves her and skye is a thing of the past and that there is NO triangle there. Maybe she asks him to help her and he is interested in some money for some reason, but in reality, he has all the money he needs being Mr. Tracy--ha ha. Plus his little sum he swindled for himself out of alan's will---he has got no expenses really--no rent, no bar tab--ha ha!

    Wonder if he will have a heart attack during the ball? Would be sort of sad if LUke couldn't help out in the rescue attempts, etc. He was sort of sad chained to a pole during the metro court crisis.

  10. Okay...that is sort of sad that I was the one who turned to page #400 and now #450--hmmmm....let me think about that one---maybe I need to get a LIFE!-- ha ha.

    Taking no TQ today from lack of any postings at the moment. What a waste of her great outfit and pretty hair/make up from yesterday's show. Maybe she will be still wearing it next week.

  11. From wubs.net this morning...goes along with what Ms. Q posted yesterday...

    **Luke realizes he's mortal after all.

    **Tracy gets the scare of her life and it involves someone she loves.

    From soapdish...

    Luke suffers a heart attack while arguing with Logan

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    BTW...Ms. Q--I noticed the same thing about Tracy drinking water the past two days while luke was drinking alcohol. Maybe she dried out a bit at shadybrook! They are always having a beverage though those Qs... also, did you noticed Logan called her Mrs. Spencer in front of Luke when she was threatening to get a restraining order. The other day he called her Tracy though.

    Off to get these rugrats to school....I'm leaving early early tomorrow for the weekend to FL, so I won't be around this weekend til Sunday night. Will hopefully be around later tonight.

  12. Thanks Nex once again for the clips...you are back in business huh with clip posting!! :) We appreciate it as always!

    In the breakroom if anyone is around for a bit...ladyA you still here?


    Gotta go do some homework help, but I will be back online around 10pm central if ayone is still up...TL? Remos? Lainey? BSG? Any other late nighters!


    anyone around for a few...10 pm central time. I'm in the breakroom for a few...

  13. Ms Q---you around for a quick chat??? Rachel??? breakroom 6pm central?

    BY the way...that is awesome preview Ms. Q--sounds like a heart attack to me...maybe that is where the "luke dances with laura at wyndyms spoiler comes in" cause he is near death and that is what he remembers---blah...gah...puke...sorry disregard that thought!


    Wait...forgot two more thinks I liked about today...

    Tracy empathizing with lulu and how it doesn't feel great to make an embarrassing mistake and have your dad be the one to point it out to you. She so relates to lulu and thinks of her as her daughter; and

    That they mentioned good ole Ashton today--too bad not in a very positive light, but hey, LadyA he got a mention!! Maybe he is the text message killer--ha ha!

  14. knh You are making me glad I have three little boys instead of three girls! :) Sometimes in life it sucks to find out who are really your friends and who aren't. Been there, done that...even when you get older...still happens. You gotta just realize that they are not worth your aggravation or time and energy. Hope you feel better soon.

    Top ten things I liked about Lunacy today.....although it wasn't earth shattering or anything

    #1 -- Luke and Tracy were sitting together very close on the couch while he ate breakfast

    #2 -- Alice stepping on her toe and the look tracy was giving her when she was all over luke (I agree knh)

    #3 -- Luke called her "pumpkin"

    #4 Luke offered to cater to her every whim because he had missed the pleasure of her company for so long

    #5 -- She gave it back to him saying if you think one bloody mary will make up for that

    #6 -- It was all very playful and familiar -- they definitely had a good night together the night before (that is my story and I am sticking to it--ha ha)

    #7 --The way she told Logan that ovbiously lulu didn't want him--love when she is all sharpy and snarky with other people

    #8 --She was being honest and filling him in on everything like lulu hitchhiking and being picked up by Zachara...good they are trusting each other

    #9 --The way he said "my wife thinks lulu is with that kid" to sonny and how it just came out so naturally without skipping a beat or calling her Tracy or her stepmother thinks or something

    and #10-- She looked awesome. Very skinny in that outfit--fitted clothes work so much better on her don't you think? Good shiny hair, not the oomphiest ever, but not flat...seems to be getting lighter and lighter

    I think the Qs are for sure there, but just didn't make the photos...how could they not be a ball in Alan's name. Also, there is a spoiler about Tracy luke and scott mixing it up there...I think almost everyone is there...

  15. Someone dropped another spoiler today about TQ at the ball on soapdish...grain of salt, etc

    Musical couples during a glittering evening lead to a few sarcastic exchanges.

    Tracy, Scott and Luke mix it up at the Ball, leaving a somewhat embarassed Tracy.

    My comment: Hey at least she is at the ball with Luke. Maybe somehow the sleeping scott thing comes up between Luke and Scott?

  16. LOVED LOVED LOVED yesterday's LuNacy! all 1 minute and 33 seconds of it!

    I just melted when she put her head on his back. And she looked sooo purdy too. LOVE when they touch. :)

    Loved Luke touching her hair of course. I didn't think he would say ILY back, not because he doesn't, but ya know it's not like she said straight out "ILY" and he didn't respond. She said "I love you just the way you are". But he could have touched her face or something. He'll say it to her though. You can tell he loves her, so he will tell her again soon. HE BETTER! lol

    Nex, thanks for the clips!

    Ms. Q, LOVE your new avatar and banner!

    Hooked, LOVE your new banner too! - You think you could enlarge it a little? LOL ;)

    I read in a spoiler over at SOC that Emily is the female character being killed off. I hope this is not true, though I think she is a drip, but how many more Q's do we have to lose?

    All you SOCers must post on Ms. Q's LuNacy thread over there: "I Love You Just The Way You Are (Tracy to Luke)" http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=297020

    Just 19 more days 'til I see bsg and hooked :). Can I lose 10 pounds in 19 days ya think? heh

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing TL--right as I was eating a breakfast taco thing--ha ha!

    Posted on Ms. Q's thread. Lots of lunacy fans out there who are giving up on laura! Yay!

    Deb--where are ya? Hope you are doing okay!

  17. Thanks for the clips Nex!!! I would want them even with the sound delay, from the other day, but only if you have time. Don't do them just for me. I lost all of my old clips when my computer crashed, so I am trying to rebuild my LuNancy/Tracy library.

    Someone on soapdish posted the most hilarious line ever...she said she thinks Leticia killed herself because she found out Carly was pregnant and she couldn't take raising another one of her bratty children! Too darn funny!!!

    Oh and our girl made a spoiler on soapdish...nothing major or new, but at least it was good to see her name in a spoiler

    Tracy makes a deal with Logan.

    Luke confronts Jason.

    Oh comment from yesterday: Don't the Qs live a ways away from town. Does Lulu not have a car? She just leaves and decides to walk back to kelly's or logans or jasons? Does that girl not learn a lesson not to get in a car with that nut. Luke is right...she is stupid. Oh and um Luke, you do have a son---what was his name again? Hmmmm...starts something with an L. Does lucky even know he is back in town? That he is divorcing Liz, about to lose his kids and doing Sam????

  18. hey lainey!!! I knew you would love that Diane scene today. Was wondering where you were tonight!!! Luke totally better tell her ILY...he hasn't said it in almost a year!!! He had the perfect opportunity today, but maybe as someone pointed out, it was too mushy for them both to say it. Maybe alan will harass her about him tomorrow and he will say something to her...

    anyone else wish nik would have done the deed and slashed carly's throat today????

  19. Love it Ms. Q!!! Thanks for posting that. I did read SID today and the article where Guza said as long as Tracy is around, so will Alan! So sounds like they are both keepers. He said they are having so much fun with the Alan/Tracy thing.

    Tracy in the previews is wearing her ILY jacket when Luke said it to her last November 14th I think (wow I sound just like Ms. Q now don't I). Why the heck did they not have a follow up Lunacy scene today...that loser should have said it back to her!!! Tracy is like soooo warm and fuzzy now. She will get her edge back soon I bet though!

    Even though it was only a minute total, those were good interaction scenes...arms around him, cheek resting on his shoulder, and ILY! So funny Ms. Q--I keep thinking of that song now too! Hey maybe we should write another song that nobody will read or like--LOL

    BTW--Where is MinervaFan...LadyA???


    Anyone around for a chat...9:20--I am in MAJOR STRESS mode...soaking my toe...freaking out at my son's massive amount of homework and the fact he has been doing it since 4:30 and it is now almost 9:30 and still not done, drinking some wine to kill the pain of my toe, along with the advil...but

    all is good in Lunacy land :)

  20. Didn't watch but got up to the minute updates today. Can't wait to watch even if it is only a minute! We have had more lunacy confirmation that they love each other and are really married in the past week than ever!!! :):) :) Hey Ms Q--we need a video now to the billy joel song "Just the way you are" I love you just the way you are...Don't go changing to try and please me.... LOL!!!! You are probably to young to even know that song!!! :)

    Got my toe nail surgery done today and it hurts like a MF!!!! My friend finished her last chemo today. We decided next Tuesday we are going to lunch instead of chemo to celebrate!! It has been a long six months!!!

    And Tracy tomorrow too--woo woo!!!

    I think she changed her outfit, cause he dragged her upstairs offscreen and ripped that outfit off--LOL!!!

    Here is my fantasy scene tomorrow with ghost alan (if I had time I would write a fic, but no can do tonight)

    Tracy walks in all happy and smiling and chipper.

    Alan: Why are you so chipper this morning? Good night sleep?

    Tracy: Good night--yes. Sleep--Not so much!

    Then luke walks in

    Luke: Good morning wife (and hugs her or kisses her)

    Alan: Oh god...not him again!!! Don't tell me you forgave him for leaving you high and dry and let him back in your bed so fast. You are as dumb as lulu!!

    Tracy: Will you shut up already???

    Luke: Oh I see our friendly neighborhood ghost is still in the house!!!

    Wish I had time to write...but homework help calls!!!

    Be back later to chat hopefully!

  21. Funny Ms. Q--I posted that on Soapdish and saw that answer this morning, but decided not to post it here--ha ha! Maybe they will go there together, but then the mob stuff breaks out and Luke springs into action, while Tracy hangs with Alan, Monica and Edward. I am sure it is the whole mob drama that plays out most of sweeps...maybe there is the side A&M story during it which Tracy helps out with. Oh well...we knew it wouldn't be all about them during sweeps anyway. And who was that person who answered me anyway? How can you tell who is legit on that site or not?

    Oh, and what happened to that spoiler that they are one of the couples that grow closer during sweeps?

    On the bright side...at least TQ is on today and I think tomorrow too!

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