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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. I agree with you TL about the triangle...I wouldn't mind it actually if it would get Luke jealous and get Tracy more airtime. I don't see them really having a big interest in giving KS a real storyline though do you guys?

    I am about to leave to drive my parents to the airport. It is a two hour trek there and back. My son just got his Mac laptop with his BM money so he is all excited and has a friend over helping him set it up. I know I am gonna be jealous!!! He is all into that photobooth program and then there is some garage band thing where you can record music and plug your guitar into it with some special cord and record songs, etc. Should keep them all occupied for a long, long time.

    I miss chatting with you guys the past couple of nights!! I will for sure be around tonight. Can you believe I still haven't watched Th or F??? Going to later today when I get back.

    Well it kind of stinks that lulu is moving out of the Qs...maybe when Luke comes back she will return.

    I will post a link later when I am online.

    LadyA--did you watch any more City clips?

    I got april through Jun 1991 episodes to describe in the mail today. Someone needs to teach me how to post clips!!!

  2. Thanks for the clips Nex!! Hey even if it was only a minute scene, at least it means she was in three episodes this week, bringing her count up for the year. All she needs is 4 more right Ms. Q--to beat last year's count????

    My family is still here til tomorrow evening. I have'nt watched yesterday or today's brief scene yet, but I don't like how it sounded Colette...do you think Tracy was trying to make lulu feel guilty??? That is so un=Tracy like to admit that. More her style to get some dirt on logan and team up with Maxi or something!

    LadyA--how was your bowling last night? Did you laptop do the trick?

    BSG--Were you the one who had the short cut or knew the way to load clips to your ipod? Someone posted a way to do it here.

    I have late night ice skating pick up at 11pm tonight, so am on the computer for about 30 minutes til I have to leave if anyone is around for a few...

    It is 10:15 central...


    Hope your babysitting wasn't too bad today Ms. Q

    Colette--thanks for the recap for today

    knh--glad you are home!

    Lainey---have a great trip if you check this from Atlanta before you leave!

    TL/Remos-/Deb-Hi! Hope Tracy is luring you back in Deb! We miss you posting.

  3. Assuming no such luck today with 3 days in a row since nobody posted anything. I know Staci is away today, but I see Colette (waves to Colette) online and she has not posted a recap! I didn't get to watch...still busy with my parents, who are leaving tomorrow night.

    Hope to catch up with you guys later tonight. Hey at least we got two days this week--more than the whole month of August. Could it be that they would have yetserday's lulu annoucement have a follow up on a (dare I say it...MONDAY??) Could Tracy rate a Monday episode??? Only if it entails lulu propping I guess. So sad!!

    Just posted in the SOC thread...love that the Tracy love is still going on over there.

    I am at a loss for what to write about now due to the end of the Shadybrook era--ha ha!!

    EditJust noticed we are on page 425!!! Doesn't it just seem like I won the prize for turning to page 400? Pretty good conisdering the lack of Tracy this past 6 weeks!!!

  4. hola chicas! I just got done studying for a spanish test with my son. My whole entire family has been outside tonight swimming and such. It is really nice cause when your family lives so far away and you only get to see them 5-6 times a year, it is fun to all be together.

    Dying to watch GH, but don't have time yet. Still entrenched in homework out the wazoo--stinks when they kids have to miss school and still make up all the work.

    Yeah Ms. Q--not the best way to honor alan and monica, but wishful thinking that tracy will be the "go between" I can see alan saying to her "If you do this for me, I will leave you and Luke alone for a few days when he comes home.

    I am going to try to get on the computer around 9ish central. Hope to catch you guys.

  5. Haven't watched today yet, but here is my take and then I have to drive my son to art---maybe alan and monica will have their anniversary memories through tracy and she will relay his stuff to Monica...remember they spoiled alan and monica will hae a special anniversary but not in the way you would thinkg (like him appearing to her). Tracy maybe will convey what they each want to say to each other??? Could work and get Tracy some airtime! Hopeful thinking!

    Ta ta for now!


    So how is this for traditional Rosh Hashana TL/Lainey?---went to Mexican food for lunch, and my husband just made this huge pitcher of margaritas for us all for happy hour. So much for Manishevitz grape wine huh???

    Hope to catch you guys tonight. If for some reason I miss you Lainey--have a fantastic trip to Hawaii! I will post the clips of TQ for you while you are gone at my savefile and email you the link.

    Almost done with Middlesex lainey--really interesting book. I was reading it in the sweltering heat while my mom and i took Adam to the park that he was begging to go to. I felt so rude reading while my mom was there with me, but I looked over and she was dozing on the bench, and I was reading and adam was talking nonstop to both himself and us on the swing!

    Colette--thanks for the recap

    Ms. Q/Nex--Thanks for the clips from yesterday and in advance for them from today :)

    I am assuming no new outfit today as no wardrobe comments or hair comments from the peanut gallery around here!! :)

  6. Okay one more thing....This was funny...on Wubs blog page...called today, "Special Teams Day on GH" Too funny. They said, the Qs were all on, Diane was on, Kristina was one, Cameron and baby Jake, etc. So sad the Qs are lumped in with special teams. They used to BE GH!!!

    Also in her blog she said this , "Tracy's hair looks nice. All "Spicy"...LOL. I can only hope the ELQ intrigue will be as "front burner" as the mob story (stop laughing!!)" Ms. Q--did you write this?

    Thanks for the story comments knh. Looking forward to catching up with you.

    TL--I am gonna try to get on later.

  7. I just saw this on soapdish...posted by anonymous but I don't know the real poster if it comes from a reliable source. It says:

    Tomorrow Lulu announces she is moving in with Logan so it has to inolve the Qs right? Like Ms. Q said.

    Also from this source is:

    Scott and Tracy are none to pleased when Lulu tells them she has decided to move in with Logan

    Liz is annoyed when she hears Lucky call out Sam's name while asleep

    Edward overhears Tracy and Scott scheme to tear apart Lulu and Logan. Edward has his own ideas

    Thanks BSG for the holiday wishes. I had no challah cause I forgot to buy one. My briscuit did come out yummy. My once a quarter homecooked meal was good! :)

    sneaking in some computer time cause I know my parents will go to bed early and my computer is in here. Maybe I can sneak on the kids tonight to "debrief" as BSG said. Too funny. We need a Tracy debriefing!!

    Glad to see she is in some spoilers. I am choosing to believe this was JE's long summer vacation and she has just returned rested and ready to go! :)

  8. Hey guys...I don't know if someone posted this here a while ago or not, but I just ran across this promo for Tracy's 1989 return on Youtube!! Oh to only have a promo all about Tracy in the milennium!!!


    Too funny huh?

    My parents are about 10 minutes away so I gotta run!! Hope to catch you guys tonight.


    BTW--Leyla is some brenda-look alike type nurse from night shift was was given a contract!!!

  9. Oh Ms. Q!!! You and I are *like this* when it comes to hair and clothes!!!

    She was TOTALLY packing up the outfits she had been wearing in shadybrook---I was surprised TIIC even bothered to remember what she was wearing in SB! Although you and I could have spouted them off in an instant. Cracked up seeing her Oopsie Daisy top and her long lime green thingy...Also cracked up at her Louis Vitton suitcase! So Tracy like. Can't believe they actually paid attention to that. Also cracked up at the "your ass is grass" line. Told you guys GH FLOVES The word "ass" these days. It is used in every episode.

    So glad I posted my story before today aired. Would have TOTALLY ruined it for me if I hadn't! Ha ha.

    Love that they did make her sabatoge ELQ and at least she didn't bribe Scotty to get her out. I loved the Alice stuff too, and what was with that look when she said Mr. Luke???? I liked how Tracy was holding on to Lulu like a little kid in trouble. I wanted Lulu to blurt out that she already slept with Logan and it was too late. Freaking Lulu....Tracy is on to prop her, but WTF cares....Tracy was ON. It is a great day! I wouldn't hold my breath for tomorrow, because I think it is going to be all about Robin and Patrick and Leyla and also sonny/jason/kate, etc. But maybe Friday? Or maybe Scott and Logan go get their tests. Maybe Tracy can be holding both their wrists like a referee!

    Nex has her job back--HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now what Ms. Q--she needs 6 more to beat last year???? My parents just landed and are on their way home to my house. Too bad I ate so much briscuit while i was cutting it that I am full now--ha ha.

    Anyone around for a quick chat?? IT is 5:25 central. I have about an hour before my parents arrive. I will hopefully be able to catch up later tonight but just in case...

    Stace--Oh that sounds somewhat promising for tomorrow....She would be telling the Qs cause who else would care. What is TQ gonna do? Chain her in the house? Cut her off? Time for Maxi to spill the beans!!! So she can move back!

  10. Deb---I posted the story today in an earlier post! It is on the last page! You didn't miss a preview...Staci was just commenting on my story full of holes in it--ha ha!!! Of course we wouldn't leave you out of a fic preview!!!!! Challah is for shabbat every week, but on Rosh Hashana you eat a round one instead of a braided one. I learned from my kids in preschool!!!
  11. Ms. Q--

    I was thinking that mitch was not dead, but then couldnt' remember what happened to him, but oh well...he is dead in my book! Ha ha. And I meant that he said he had some things from his mother (implied meaning that she was dead now) that is why she said "sorry about your mother".

    , but maybe that wasn't clear. I was under a time crunch as I was late to lunch! Thanks for the input. Maybe I should go back and clarify.

    Waiting on dishwasher delivery...will be home til 4pm when I have to leave for the airport. You around for a few stace? I am going to open the breakroom for the next hour while I am on the computer.

    Fingers crossed she is on today...my bet...the black jacket with the silvery circle thingies on it. We were trying to think what ugly outfit they would put her in today last night in the breakroom.

    BTW...my briscuit came out great! I hwon't even poison anyone with it tonight! Ha ha. I have to go cut it now actually for tonight. My family is coming in from Miami this evening. Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year. Nice to have two chances to start the year new...the hebrew calendar and the secular calendar. You eat apples and honey for a sweet new year and you ask to be inscribed in the book of life for another year. You also eat a round challah on Rosh Hashana only to signify the circular nature of life and things begin anew, etc... OH @#$% I didn't even think about buying a challah (jewish egg bread) for dinner tonight...oh well....my brother the total Vegan wouldn't eat it anyway cause there is egg in it! Ha ha.

    Tracyluver---So good to hear from you. Glad all is well in college. There has been no hot tub action around here--LOL!

    Deb--thanks for the Rosh Hashana wishes! That was sweet of both you and Ms. Q!

  12. Right under the shadybrook wire....here is a new fic....


    I must apologize in advance...I had two seperate ideas and combined them in one fic. Sort of an odd combo but whatever...at least I fnished it before she was released today. I am so late for a lunch appt but had to post this. Sorry for not having time to edit properly!!!

    This one is for LadyAshton!!! For uploading all her goodies for us...!!!

    wil post more later when I am waiting for the next repair guy to come!

  13. Wait..nobody has posted since last night when I posted?????? What is this? A dead thread????? LOL!!! Okay...TQ is supposed to be on today, so we better see some thread action!!

    working on my last shadybrook fic this morning while I wait for a repair guy cause hopefully after today, it will be outdated!! I am on the computer for the next hour or so (it is 9:30am) and am going to open up the breakroom if anyone is around? Remos??

  14. Ms. Q!! It is 9:15 central...just got one to bed who told me he cried today in school cause he didn't understand the papers and the teacher wouldn't call on him when he was raising his hand. I swear, he would he would have never told me that if I hadn't been laying down with him. You get the best info at night out of them! I have to make one phone call and I am coming in the br! Poor Justin has been doing homework since 5:30!

    Wait for me!!

    Remos--where've ya been?

  15. Looks like the SON day by day previews for this week are mixed up, so who knows...maybe we will get Tracy today?!?!?

    Sorry about the computer/laptop issues you are still having BSG--I can TOTALLY relate. It is so frustrating!

    Did I mention I loved Lainey's story???? I think I did, but worth mentioning again!

    Ms. Q--hope your orientation isn't too boring today!!

    Catch you guys later---hope we have some Tracy to talk about tonight! :)

  16. She looks sick to me now (Kristen storms) which makes me sad to think the pressure of getting a storyline made her have to starve herself to lose weight--not that she needed to.

    Hope to catch up with you tonight...I am online for like 30 minutes til I leave for art if anyone is around for the breakroom for a quick chat...it is 6:05 central time.

    BTW--no tracy in the previews tomorrow...but that doesnt' mean anything. Although my guess is wed.

  17. Morning all! I am up and running with my computer again! Yeah! I didnt' get to come back to the breakroom last night as my hsuband was loading office for me so I have word back. I fell asleep while he was doing it! Missed you guys last night.

    So, I'm another another missing finding some scenes for LadyA!! Hope to get an answer on that today!! I am working on my fic again that I started last week. Hope to finish it soon before Tracy gets sprung on GH!

    My art class starts up again tonight..i have really missed that creative outlet! So I will be online late night probably.

    Remos--How is the schooling going? You guys back in a routine?

    Deb--we miss you!

    TL--missed ya last night--maybe I can catch you tonight!

    Ms. Q--thanks for the change of habit clips--aksed for the other "nun" stuff from curlyqgirl!

    Hope TQ is on tomorrow for Tracy Tuesday to stir up this thread a bit!! It has been a long drought for us! Let's bet on what ugly outfit they will put her in this week? Ha ha!

    Nex--Hi! I see you are online! Maybe you will have some clip duties again this week--twice if we are lucky ! :)

    I am doing some work at home on the computer if anyone is around during the next couple hours...post a link!

  18. OMG LadyA!!!!!!!!! That Elivs thing was hilarious. She looks so cute there and young. Love the picture with the scarf--you think he kids made that at camp or something--too funny! Oy to the AMC one on hair and outfit. Need to edit your worst wardrobe video Ms. Q with that one and your bad hair one too! :)

    Thanks so much for posting those and for posting hte Merv clip since "Hooked" is too computer challenged to do so!!! I know everyone appreciates all your efforts!!!!

    Hopefully I will have my new computer up and running tonight or tomorrow. It has all this media center stuff so LadyA promised to teach me how to upload clips! We'll see if I can rise to the challenge!

    Catch you guys tonight hopefully!


    It is 8pm and I am on my new computer! Yippee! Everything is working great, except my ipod still didn't transfer, which means there is something wrong with that still...but am so happy!!! Now i need to reupload all my clips. So strange to have a clean slate hard drive. I didn't transfer anything over as I have some stuff I want saved on the external hardrive of our family shared system thingy.

    LadyA I was almost hating Tracy today watching the old clip of when she told Ashton to "get out" cause she was trimming the fat and cutting back. Hilarious as Tracy says, "we are trimming the fat...how much do you weigh" to him. Then she told him to leave, and he thinks she meant to go take a walk or something, but she is like no for good. It was so sad. She basically threw him out and took his yacht cause she tabluated he owed her $90K. He was so sad about losing his Aprhodite. Then he came to say bye and she had to check his suitcase to make sure he wasn't taking anything of hers. He finally says "Dont you have anything pleasant to say before I leave" and she turns on her heel and walks out and slams the door. Tracy at her bitchiest!!!! I felt really bad for old Larry! :(

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