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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Wow, Carrie. I'm so sorry to hear that news. So scary and sad. :(

    On a lighter note (I hope it's appropriate that I use the same post for this), I am helping my brother with his geometry homework, and he has to solve for the segment TQ. It says TQ = 7x - 9. Here's a bit of our conversation:

    Staci: TQ equals... Oh! TQ! Those are Tracy Quartermaine's initials!

    Brother: Oh my gosh...You are sooo weird.

    I could not solve that equation if you paid me $100! I have no earthly idea what that means. Boy am I in trouble for high school math huh???

    Well I just finished my "homework" for the night, filling out forms and am off to soccer practice. I would complain, but I am so happy to be back in some semblance of a routine....

    Already made lunches for tomorrow so I can chat uniterrupted tonight--ha ha.

  2. Yeah I hear you on the subtracting age thing Deb! I just told my husband who is in San Antonio...that is his biggest fear..ever since he found out he had all this plaque build up in a ventricle of his heart and is on cholesterol meds. He is a big time runner too. He is the healthiest eater, runs marathons, works out, etc but it is genetics--high cholesterol.

    Kids due home in 15 minutes from the first day...my god it is quiet around here...I am loving the silence...didn't turn on the radio/tv/etc...just enjoying the "sounds of slience"

    Tonight is when I have homework...all those forms to fill out and emergency contact sheets and policy procedure stuff...yuck.

    Assuming no TQ today of course...

  3. Thanks Ms. Q for the clips...I think I am caught up except for the few clips from August which I'll get from hellagood.

    Backing them up on CD now...

    Ok..puts losing videos in perspective....my friend just called me and told me the nurse at our school's husband died in his front lawn today of a massive heart attack...he had just dropped his kids off the first day of school, took his car to the shop and jogged home. They found him face down in his yard. 42 years old...I just saw them out to dinner about two weeks ago celebrating their anniversary. How horrible is that???

  4. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I saw my video file had transferred over and thought all my clips were in tact. But now I just looked and the folder is EMPTY! WAAH!

    Ms. Q--could you post your savefile links for me again pretty please?

    I think I have most of the older stuff backed on CDs but of course they are not labeled as that would have been too organized and made too much sense. Now they are not easily accessible...such a bummer.

    My father in law just told me that there was some stuff left on the old hard drive or a second part of it that wouldn' t boot up.

    Well at least I got all my photos and word documents back, but my Tracy collection---so sad. :(

    TL--Thanks so much for all those bookmarks so I didn't have to go searching for them again.


    Ms. Q--Love your new video as usual!

    Edit again...

    Ok...at least I found my old CDS and I had backed up clips to 5.24 so I am not that far behind...they are just on unlabled clip cds instead of my desktop..whew!

  5. Thanks for reminding me Deb that there are still so many people out there who need help. I am going to buy that CD this morning.

    For sure write the Ghost Tracy!! Not that it was my plot bunny, but we know you would knock our socks off with that fic! :)

    Can you see me screaming for joy this morning? Three kids...AT SCHOOL! In laws gone! Husband in San Antonio til tomorrow night!

    If TQ is not this week, I don't know what I"ll do...cry maybe? Scream maybe? Write another fic maybe?

    Tonight earlier in the BR at 9 eastern for whoever is around. We have to get back on a school schedule--ha ha!

    Edit--Page 413---didn't it seem like ysterday I won the prize for page 400???

  6. Hello everyone! Thanks for the good party wishes..no rain. exactly 100 people were in and out of my house between 12-6 and it was a HUGE mess to clean up. I am EXHAUSTED. I want to chat, but I gotta get my boys to bed as school starts tomorrow---can you feel the happiness through the computer on that one???

    I will check in a bit and see if anyone is around. THe party was great though....he got a ton of $ and gift cards!! Will watch your vid in the morning Ms. Q!

    Thanks Lainey, Deb, TL, Ms Q, Remos on the fic comments....

    Happy birthday TracyLuver!!!

    Love the possible spoiler Ms. Q cause it doesn't have anything to do with Laura!!! I bet they will make lulu get caught in a mob war thing cause of logan...to get luke back in october. Funny they are spoiling stuff about his return already. Only what...5 more weeks. Let's hope we get TQ before then!!!!

    Going to go get them to bed....try to pop around 11 central.

  7. I love that workout list BSG!!! thanks for the comment on the fic! I didnt' get a chance to edit it again, but oh well...

    Great news...I knew there had to be at least one good reason I married my husband...for his father!!!!! He recovered all my stuff from my old hard drive, hooked up a new computer to my monitor...transferred/copied all my old stuff on the new one and reconfigured my speakers. God I love that man!!!! My new hero!!!

    So I am back in business girls---woo woo!!!!!

    Gotta go to bed...finished all the party decorations tonight...40% chance of rain tomorrow at noon for our swim party...98 people coming...dont' want htem in my house! Do a "un rain dance" for me you guys!!!


  8. Thanks Remos and Ms. Q on the comments. Hey at least my internet it back up and running--trying to be positive. On our way to dinner for my inlaws anniversary in a few...try to check in later tonight.

    Darn was hoping that spoiler was "real". IT is going to be another long week with no Tracy. Let's hope for a suprise appearance this week.

  9. Help--it won't let me in!!! Just downloaded something java or other...seeing if it will work. SOOOO FRUSTRATED!!!

    Yes---I'm in...life is good again! :) TL you around? Stace? It is 2:20 central time. Lady A and Remos and I are in here

  10. Colette--SOOO happy to hear about your grandfather!

    LadyA--my whole freakin' hard drive just crashed out of the blue yesterday. Remember we were chatting? I left cause my inlaws were here. Came home a few hours later and the whole thing was haywire. Screen all messed up, started it again, it was like going on and off itself.

    My father in law is a computer engineer type...systems engineer, programmer. He was like "I have never seen something like this before."

    Anyway, at least he got an extra computer we had in the closet that already had windows XP upgraded and loaded hooked up for me so my system is working again. I am just praying he can recover my old hard drive somewhat. It kept saying "problem detected in hard drive". He said he can install it as a secondary hard drive so I can access files. But now that it might be corrupted...who knows. I will get over it...but right now I AM JUST SOOOOOOOO STRESSING.

    Thank god I backed up some of my clips til maybe march of this year. I should be able to catch up. More stressing over all my stories I have written that might be gone with the wind.

    Love the stuff you posted Ms. Q--all those scans, etc. So I thought there was something spoiled for the week of the 27th with her and the paternity test thing again.

    Can't take another week wtih no Tracy.

    LadyA...you around for a few...going to try to see if I can find a breakroom link.

    Edit...not good...I can't get into the breakroom...it says "your system doesn't support the blah blah blah needed for this room...download some java thingy...trying that now.

  11. Totally depressed. #1) My computer is totally fried--lost everything on my hard drive; still trying to figure it out Lost all my stories/ T related and others, all my kids saved book reports and projects--all my PTO files; but most importantly..all my tracy clips and stuff and #2) I missed an major breakroom party last night! I so hate to miss a party! But as I said to TL/Ms Q--at least you guys got a chance to talk about me when I wasn't there as I am always there--ha ha.

    Thank god I emailed TL a copy of the fic I wrote yesterday or I would have lost that too. not that it is so earthshattering, but I would have been ticked off that I worked on it during the morning and then lost it.

    Here is it...I am beating the shadybrook dead horse again!


    Gotta go be sad again. :(

    My father in law is going ot work on it today, but now they want to go shopping to the mall (I mean really..what is the priority here? Them going shopping on their anniversary (inlaws) or my computer?????

    Thanks for all the offers to rebuild my clips. I know I will take you up on them all.

    Gotta catch up on the thread. ON the kids computer now. Hate their ocmputer. Hurts my hands as I have an ergonomic (sp?) keyboad.

    Catch you guys later. Have a busy night tonight and Justin's BM party tomorrow. 98 people RSVP yes and it is at our house for swim, etc. Praying for no rain. Or I am royally screwed!!! Would be my luck this weekend.

    Oh. and my ribs are totally killing this monring. Maybe stress isn't good for healing ribs either!

  12. 5:45 central...where is Ms. Q today---is your internet down??? Missing ya! I am in the breakroom. Remos and TL left and I am all alone...anyone around?

    Posting a new fic tomorrow...dont' get too excited...no lunacy smut...but you got that from TL and suggestive smut from Ms. Q

  13. Deb--you are SO funny...what a perfect spoiler for Ms. Q's fic!!!

    Ms. Q--My thoughts on the person who they are spoiling to die is Sam cause they keep saying she is leaving the show in October or something. Have heard coop might die too.

    Somehow lulu will get dragged into this newest mob thing because of Logan or something, and that is why Luke will be getting involved. I honestly don't think he would risk his neck for Skye anymore.

    You know it is sad...they don't even let Monica have one scene with Jason after he beats the murder rap. I mean he is her SON. He can everyone else come visit him and hug him, but not Monica...and they even gave her a new multi-year deal. So sad how they totally disrespect the Q dynasty on that show.

  14. Wow it is a good morning...reread both fics....yeah for fictional lunacy!!!!

    BTW..anyone watch nightshift last night? I have to say that they are totally trying to copy Grey's Anatomy. Robin was actually very good in this past episode I think...even spinelli cried and Jason...

    One comment on yesterday's GH episode...can Maxi be any skinnier???? She looks like she needs to be in Shadybrook in their eating disorder wing.

    Major cleaning rampage about to start at my house....fun fun fun! I was so tired after being up so late once again, I fell asleep in my clothes and am still wearing them now! :)

    Bracing myself for the in laws coming in tonight.

    BSG--you are so funny..sneaking to read TL's fic before you went to bed at the Ficathon!!!

    LadyA...try to catch us this evening...

    My in laws will be here all weekend til Monday, and they will be sleeping in my guest room which is also where my computer is...might hamper some late night chatting so if I am not on late night this weekend, you will know why.


    Saw this on soapdish...not really about TQ, but finally saw her name in there. Not sure how accurate. Hope he still will keep interacting with Tracy though, too.

    For fans who have been hoping to see Alan interacting with people other than Tracy, it's going to happen but perhaps not the way one would assume.

    Alan pays a special visit to Monica

  15. Here's my first (and last :P) fic ever:

    Click my livejournal link below for "On Hold"


    Special thanks to Hooked for her input and for editing this crazy-ass story. ;)

    Off to read Ms. Q's fic.

    woo woo for TL's first fic!!!! How great was that???? Read it again before bed. Like it better each time I read it. Love the "caper" scene. Now if only Luke would come back like that to her in October......we can only hope right???

  16. sorry have to post again Ms Q but I have to look at your banner some more--ha ha! I'm off to the bagel shop for lunch for my kids...go read your email--I am cracking myself up today! Hey how do get this stuff from soapdish..is it in the insider's lounge thread?

    Ribs feeling a little better...haven't even taken anything for the pain yet today. I am choosing to "believe" as you said because it is so stupid and also because I have to hold out hope she is on next week.

    I have an open word doc out to write something, but haven't had a chance to do it yet. I actually got dressed and everything today--blew my hair straight with lots of oomph--ha ha. It is meet the teacher night/day today...gotta at least not look like such a mess! :) Gotta fake that i have it together!

    Catch you guys later....

    P.S. LadyA--you around at all? Wondering how your grandmother is doing.

    Colette--hope your grandfather is doing better.

  17. Hey MF--glad to know you are still "with us". I know...this summer garbage GH is not worth even mentioning--let alone viewing--yet still I watch...what is wrong with me???? Have you been in the writing mode at all? I don't watch OLTL--but sounds like I should. DId the actor who plays Asa die in real life? I know he was sick.

    I have seriously sleep issues...I cannot go to bed before 3am it seems and I am going to have to stop that very soon as I will have to be up at 6:45 as of Monday!!!

    I am stuck home all day with repair people today who are cutting huge holes in my wall to do this wiring stuff. My faux painted walls I might add which they are going to patch with big ugly things and it will take a while to get someone here to fix them. Meanwhile I am having 90 people here Sunday for a party. WHose bright idea was this you ask???? Not mine--let me put it that way!!

    Determined to write something today! Maybe will have something for you guys tonight!

  18. Thanks for posting that lovely banner for me again! Ha ha. You have got mail now Ms. Q!!! Going to deal with kids, dinner, laundry, etc...be back online around 9pm central!


    It is 9:30 central...anyone around? Colette...we are still in the BR if you are around 10:20pm)

  19. Hello...the quiet is about to end because here I come--ha ha! Had a busy day today again today and was out until now (5:40pm). Guess I missed nothing on GH. Ugghhh...I hate summertime as there is not any good TQ. Hopefully she will have a better fall season! :) I know what you mean, Nex...we need some new fics and videos to get us through!

    I am going to be around tonight Ms. Q! I am around now if anyone else is 5:40pm central) for a few....

    Kids have a friend over and my house is a disaster once again.

    Where are you MinervaFan...you haven't posted today either...you are being way too quiet! We miss you!

    So much for getting back into routine today, I had to pry my kids awake at 10am...even the little one. Remos...I need you to come here and whip my kids into shape!!

    Lainey--hope work is not too nuts today!

    TL--Let me know later what you think...

    Ms. Q--going to read your thing now!!!! Post so I can see your banner again--ha ha!

  20. Ms Q--I like posting after you so I can stare at your banner while I write!!! That is my fav banner of all time I think....I know you are obessed with it too--ha ha! :)

    Colette...so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Thinking of you. Seems like a lot of us have had a rough summer with parents/grandparents health issues.

    LadyA--have you watched the tapes yet? Hope your grandma is doing okay too.

    Tomorrow is Wed...any hope for the "others" day to happen again? Doesn't look promising huh?

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