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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Okay...I am almost done packing, so I figured I could check in...guess no urgency to watch today's episode--bummer! Maybe Tracy Tuesday tomorrow? But that hasn't worked for the past couple of weeks--actually she hasn't been on Tuesday in a while...it was W-F for a few weeks, then just a Monday and then just a Wed. last week. Hopefully JE was just needing some time off this summer and that is why!

    Try to be pop in the breakroom tonight around 10 eastern if you can (9 central)....


    Yes today's episode was stupid...can jason have more visitors in jail??? Does he even go in his cell?

    Only funny part was alexis and carly for those few scenes...

    My friend is coming over with a bottle of champagne now to celebrate/toast the Bar Mitzvah---and of course, who am I to turn that down--ha ha!!

    Will be online tonight about 9 central..

  2. Well the Gods were smiling on me this morning...my son has strep--yippee...24 hours of antibiotics and he will be good to go tomorrow! Plus he put the other two on antibiotics to prevent them from getting it since it is highly contagious! I am happy that at least it wasn't tomorrow morning he woke up sick!

    So it is now 1pm and I have yet to pack. Going to do that right now!

    Maybe the TQ gods are smiling on us today too and she will be on? I can hope huh?

    Check you guys later....I can't get on the computer again til I pack!!!!


    Okay..so I lied...I'm still on the computer searching for spoilers...not much luck except this which hopefully could be Tracy-relate?

    Lulu has been banned from crossing paths with Logan, by being grounded.

    Comment: If it is Tracy, and I hope it is...why would Lulu listen to her? I am sure she won't!

  3. Well that is a bit of Monday morning cheer Deb that TQ is going to be on! How do you get that GH scoops email?

    So in typical fashion...we leave tomorrow for Hawaii and last night my son has a sore throat and wakes up this morning with it really hurting. So it is off the pediatrician we go....NEVER FAILS! IT is like clockwork...we always are there the day before a vacation. I hope it is strep and he can get drugs and be done in a day. This doctor prescribes antibiotics at the drop of a hat (which is not a good thing in most cases, but in this case it is a very good thing cause I don't want to deal with a kid not feeling good for 8 hours on a plane).

    Okay...still haven't started to pack so going to do that right now....since today is the only day I can watch GH this week, I am hoping she is on today. MY tivo better work while I am gone.

    If not....Nex...will you post clips for me--pretty please??? At least until Staci gets back...cause she said she would do it from there!

    I will be around this afternoon hopefully and this eveing!

  4. Hey everyone! Try to be in the breakroom if you can around 10pm eastern time/9pm central tomorrow night (Monday)...I am leaving Tuesday for like 9 days...need to get my chat "fix" in before I go...

    Please someone tell me TQ will be on at least one day this week...although with the Jason trial..who knows...

    Catch you guys tomorrow...

    Deb--I want to read your fic! Hurry and post it!!!

    Ms. Q if I don't catch you....hope you have a safe trip home (if you check the thread) and will catch you on the 2nd at night!!!

    LadyAshton/BSG found the whole sinking ship stuff clip..to save you time from reposting LA! It is called "ELQ TRACY sinks at : http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

    Also, Remos...I uploaded a few clipsa few clips there from before the vow renewal..I can't find the part for some reason of her in the white ugly dress and Luke jumping out of the window....I can't imagine where it could be...does someone have those clips when Luke is supposedly writing his vows and everyone is getting impatient, etc...

    I know I had it...if only I were more organized....

  5. I third that knh--you shouldn't do it if it makes you uncomfortable and you should get to know your cousin first!!!

    I am staying home today doing laundry and trying to start packing...I just voted on hellagood.

    TL/LA/knh--you guys around for a quick chat? It is noon central time....

  6. TL--are you going to be around late night tonight? You working this evening? I'm in the breakroom but it is 4:35 central and I have about 20 minutes or so before I have to go get dressed. If not, will try to catch you later or sometime this weekend...cause I leave Tuesday am!


    Hey...I see you guys are still on here...wish I had time to chat...

    LadyAshton--the tapes are ready, but I told her to mail them to me on August 1st, so I will get them by the 4th probably when I get home from Hawaii. I will send them to you shortly thereafter.

    I just went into the garage to get a bottle of water out of the fridge in there and saw a whole case of these energy drinks someone must have given my husband to try. They were called "Whose your daddy?" energy drinks. I cracked up!!

  7. TL--you around for a few to chat???? Did you like the hairspray movie? My husband bought the CD at the bookstore last night which I thought was pretty humorous for some reason as he is such a top 40, VH1 countdown type of guy!

    knh--that is awesome news about your stories! I really think you should enter them!! I have missed reading your stuff!

    BSG--I can't believe you are 1/3 way done already. We went to Barnes and Noble last night and there was a huge costume contest. My friend's son went as a "hairy potter" and he has all this scotch tape on his chest and arms and face with black fake curly hair taped to it and was holding a big plant pot! IT was very creative, but didn't win. The girl who won was a weeping willow tree and she had a car stuck in her head with plastic harry and ron figures stuck in it and her hair was in a zillion ponytails to look like branches. It was cute!

    It is so quiet around here on the weekends you guys! I voted on Hellagood today...we need to keep TQ and Lunacy going strong! :)

    Going to a "white" party tonight for my husband's friend's 40th...supposedly the "white" theme is the hollywood rage---I am rebelling and wearing a white shirt but black pants--I hate this guy anyway! LOL!!

    So nothing too much going on around here....LadyAshton I think the clips you were going to look for I already posted for BSG. They were of the Ashton's moving into the gatehouse, etc...

    I have not seen TQ in any spoilers or mentioned for next week or the week after---I think it is all about Jason and his trial...and the stupid baby Jake thing....and lulu/coop/logan, etc

    BTW...I watched nighshift thurday night--I must say..this episode was much better than the first...

    TTYL...Will try to be around late night tonight!

  8. Where is everyone today????

    Lainey..so glad I can be of use to someone--ha ha! Glad you got your tickets. Will be a great trip I am sure!

    BSG--We ended up taking our two oldest to a Harry Potter party at Barnes and Noble...but we left at 11:30 after all the costume contests, etc. My mother in law already ordered them the book so we didn't bother to wait in line.

    My little one got invited to a sleep over at 9pm tonight (a little late for a 7 year old to be calling for a friend to sleep over don't ya think???? But...being the night owl family we are...we were out for dinner that late, so we dropped him off. It is his first sleep out away from home ever! So far, so good. I was totally expecting a call to go pick him up. I hope he makes it through the night over there! It is so quiet around here without my little motor mouth!

    TL--did you like the movie?

    I got a new browser installed today called firefox and it seems to be working so much faster than internet explorer...anyone have that one?

    LadyAshton...hope you didn't mind I posted the drunk tracy dancing clip for BSG on savefile...trying to save you the trouble of reposting! How is your story coming?

    Remos Sorry I missed ya today too...hope you got your tickets all booked

    Ms Q--even from Mexico she is posting youtube clips for us! Thanks!

    It is 12:25 central time...I am going to be up for a while...anyone around???


    Okay...so guess who DIDN'T make it sleeping over at his friends???? It is 1:30am and he just called my cell phone to come pick him up cause he couldn't sleep. So I went and picked him up. I can so vividly remember my dad having to drag out in the middle of the night to pick me up from someone's house I was sleeping at cause I was scared...so I really didn't mind! :)

  9. Qucik spoilers from WUBS site...then I gotta scoot out of here...

    **Edward will become mucho interested in baby Jake once he hears Elizabeth's confession on the stand. Another round of "THAT'S MY GREAT-GRANDSON" will ensue for years to come!

    **Tracy is let out of Shadybrook

    My comment: By who? Edward, Scotty? I wish it was Luke, but that is too far off!

    Oh and RC...in your dreams baby--Luke is SO over you! I would rather have him back with the catatonic vegetable than Skye! Tracy would kill him or "twist it off" before she let that happen!!! :)

  10. Just wanted to share this cool photo of my son who is going to be 13--my friend who is a photographer caught him in the air, strumming his guitar (jumping). He is the one who is getting Bar Mitzvahed next weekend! He looks like a rocker huh?

    Mabye he will support me in my old age! http://www.sendspace.com/file/8gwm9w

    Keeping my fingers crossed for TQ today...gotta be some follow up...

    I had a yucky thought...maybe the reason Skye was at the Qs the other day (cause she was really there for no apparent reason) was because Edward is going to ask her to move back in to watch out for Lulu while Tracy is still at Shadybrook...there were the spoilers she was going to be moving back in...maybe this is how? Ewwww....we don't want Skye back in that house and nobody should be looking out for lulu but her step mama! Hope I am wrong on that one!!!

  11. BSG, Remos...you guys around this morning? I have people working in my house all morning so I am around....breakroom for a few?

    Deb--can't wait to read your fic

    Lainey--SO glad you got to hold the sky mile tickets! That takes a huge chunk out of the price of the trip!

  12. Tracy & Scott were a breath of frsh air yesterday. I'm FF-ing through most days.

    I agree, they act a little more comfortable & flirty with each other when Luke is not around. I think it's just a kind of "you can't b.s. me, I've been there with you" attitude that ex-lovers can have with each other.

    Totally agree with you MagicHappens! Especially since I have been watching old episodes with Scotty/Tracy when they were involved in their little joint schemes/affair together. I like them together (not romantically) but as "been there, done that" partners in crime sort of way!

  13. Of course no Tracy follow up scenes today..only Lulu/logan which were a bunch of nonsense! UGGHH! I am not into this once a week Tracy at all--we have been spoiled the past couple of months!! ALways hope for tomorrow huh?

    Today's episode to me was a bunch of nonsensical dialogue...sonny and kate were round and round saying nothing...lulu/logan saying nothing. This new guy Cody is gross...Coop is so boring (cute but boring) and blah...even he is making Maxi boring...jason/sam blah blah blah...

    Someone post a good fic for us please----TL/Lainey...how are yours coming along?

    Edit--TL--found the "yad" for only $19!!! Blue enamel with flowers...seemed sort of hawaiin! :)

  14. Funny TL cause I thought the same thing yesterday when she hit him...like maybe a hint of familiarity from their days of scheming together...also, she seemed to have less disgust towards him yesterday...

    You around for a few? Breakroom for a couple minutes??? It is 11:00am central

  15. woo-woo---7 days til Staci returns I believe is correct Deb! It is yet another rainy, thunderstorming kinda day in Houston.

    Yeah lulu did defy tracy yesterday by sneaking out. Maybe that is how Tracy gets out finally, that they agree they need her home to keep lulu in check? I am not buying this lulu/logan story at all..I don't think they have any chemistry between them (and Lulu to me seems too little girlish or something anyway to be in a romantic role for some reason). And, she goes from still telling him she hates him yesterday to saying "why don't you kiss me then" to then sneaking out and jumping him on the couch?

    I wonder whose hands maxi's tape falls into? Tracy's I hope...but have a feeling it will be into Coop's.

    I know most of you ff through the rest of GH, but I wanted to puke yesterday at sam's breakup with jason. She is unreal how she can turn the whole thing around to be "poor poor me". Blah!

    So I leave on Tuesday, and am going to write one more fic before I go...have had this other story in my head for a few days. I, of course, don't like Tracy/Scott together in any romantic way (god forbid--LOL) but for some reason I am liking them fighting and bickering with each other the past week or two....hoping to write a little today


    Okay...just saw this rumor on SOC boards by one of their posters. While I'm all for new Qs popping up...this seems a bit far-fetched...he has no where near enough personality to be a Q!!


    Just read some gossip by Carolyn Aspenson from the Eye on Soaps website. She says that Cooper will be the son of A.J. Quartermaine and Julia Barrett. I'm not certain that this is an official spoiler but more of a rumor.

  16. Hey TL--see you are online too! I think I was not on the computer from 6:30pm on last night---a miracle in this house! I actually fell asleep before midnight! Another miracle. I am up bright and early this morning though!

    Pinkpopsicle...good to hear from you. So sorry about your grandmother. I just recently went through the same thing--a month ago to be exact. My thoughts are with you. Colette--hope your grandfather is doing better.

    Tracy comments from yesterday for Ms. Q in case she checks the thread today....She looked GORGEOUS ! Recycled green 3/4 sleeve jacket you liked from when Luke was getting ready to leave in May...black pants/shell thing...good jewelry, but most importantly---oomphy hair, great makeup!

    Okay..this day pass stuff is getting really stupid. She gets out of the looney bin as much as Jason gets visitors in his maximum security prison and his interrogation room/cell at the PCPD.

    She was very maternal with Lulu/protective and said "see I wasn't the only one that was frantic (hard to picture Tracy as frantic with worry)" The curfew thing at 11pm was pretty funny...

    I liked at least that Logan pointed out to Lulu that at least the Qs care about her. She did say that since her dad is married to Tracy they are sort of family, etc...

    The best Tracy scene was at the end...love those exaggerated eyes she makes when she points out when Luke finds out there will be hell to pay!

    Hope we get a continuation today . Please someone find another Tracy spoiler...I think what happened yesterday was the only one I have seen...

    Guess they are planning to keep her shadybrook storyline going for a while...unless she convinces Scott to get her out. Edward doesn't seem to be budging.

    On a side note...I have been watching Tracy clips from 1996 when she came back and had that plot with Jax to take over ELQ and when she broke up Ned/Lois's marriage.....you can sort of see why Ned wouldn't want to help his mother! He was really evil when he threw her out of Port Charles with Dillon and told her that if she tried to touch her stock that was in trust for Dillon, he would give her tape where she admitted the hit and run on Jenny to the police. Tracy was not looking good in 1996 IMO! That short haircut was yuck and her smoking those gross cigars???? She seemed to be overacting or something to me too...maybe it is just that she has mellowed a bit and her softer side has come out in recent years!

    BSG--love your avatar as well... I will post that clip for you from LadyAshton to save her the time.

    Nex--thanks so much for the clips...will upload them for Ms Q! I am sure you are happy to have your editing job back--LOL--you had a nice break there for a week or so! :)


    Here is the savefile link Ms Q if you are checking from yesterday's clips http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

    BSG--found other three clips you wanted they are at the same savefile link as above...scroll down...they are towards the bottom--one is called making boundaries and the others are welcome to ashtons part 1 and 11

  17. Glad to hear you are feeling better Deb! :) Been thinking about you!

    Remos...just emailed you...your kids are gorgeous!

    I have to finish a very tedious project this afternoon. Putting it off but have to finish it today and am determined to sit and do it now.

    scenes today will probably be a replay of last summer with tracy walking in on dillon/lulu, although not as shocking to her since it isn't her son with his step-sister---just Scott's spawn! LOL!

    Check you guys later after GH!!

  18. Tracy is back with a hefty lead at Hellagood--watch out Lucky/Sam fans! :) And...Lunacy is blowing every couple out of the water with the next closest Robin/Patrick who are more than 23 points behind!!!

    I just a read a spoiler totally not tracy-related so I am not goign to bother whiting it out, but it said that Dr.Lee and Jerry Jax are supposed to have some big secret revealed and that she is the one who ran down dr. meadows ages ago so she could get the OB job at GH (cause you know there can only be one OB on staff at a big hospital--LOL). She is supposedly the one who has been feeding him information on people in Port Charles, etc...

    TL--I stayed up watching tv til 3:30am last night. My son woke me up this morning at 9:30 with $16 and change thrown on my bed, begging me to take him to buy a webkin (these stuffed animals that come with a website where you can register them and play games online). I wanted to strangle him :)

    Ms. Q--if you are checking the thread today...I will post clips later today if she is on!

  19. lainey...ladyashton...you guys around for a quck chat??? It is 8:05 central time and I am in the breakroom...I am on my computer writing.....

    I am the worst mom...chick fil a biscuits for breakfast today, burger king for lunch and now I jiust ordered pizza hut for dinner for my kids! You can tell my husband is out of town...they are in heaven...I am the laziest person on earth! :)

    Deb...since you asked...here are top ten reasons to be happy today:

    #10---We should get Tracy tomorrow

    #9 ---You are the most fabulous writer ever!!

    #8---You dont' have any kids (ha ha)

    #7 ---You did such a good deed by donating your braid to locks of love

    #6 -- You have a very cool purse (LOL)

    #5--- Lainey is writing some lunacy smut

    #4 --TL is writing some lunacy smut

    #3 -- Summer is half way over

    #2 -- Staci is coming back in 8 more days

    #1 -- We all care about you! :)

  20. No way! She wasn't on today????? That sucks! Everywhere it said Tuesday, the 17th--they better have moved the scenes to tomorrow and Thursday!

    So annoying...It has been what...the longest stretch with no Tracy in months...six episodes...no TQ!!!

    I'm off to get my haircut...my husband is on his way to Austin til tomorrow night...

    Catch you guys later...go vote on Hellagood if you haven't arleady today! We don't want those lucky/sam fans catching up with us and targeting Tracy!! I noticed someone said "how did Tracy get so high" and then the reply was "because not enough lucky fans are voting". I wanted to write "cause Tracy fans are out in full force!"


    Waving to Pinkpopsicle...haven't seen you here in a long, long time...we need you to write a lunacy lust story for the lust-a-thon!!

  21. Thanks for the comments Deb, Remos & Nex! I don't know why I had to write that---had to get her history in order in my mind--ha ha!

    Good news...he got the contacts out by himself this morning--no drama!!! Shaping up to be a better day already! Yeah for Tracy Tuesday!

    BTW---Tracy is rocking the lead at hellagood by like 20 points or something....and Lunacy is blowing every other GH couple out of the water in the couples game!!!!

  22. Ditto on the congrats knh!! I am so happy for you!

    BSG---ow about your toe!!! Hope you don't end up like me..with no big toe nail...so many sandals...such ugly pedicure--ha ha!

    Lainey---yeah you are writing again! Woo woo!!! Sending positive vibes. I have a story 3/4 way done. Just gotta fix it up a bit...hopefully


    In such a better mood now...just got home from seeing Hair Spray sneak preview...it was fabulous! How can you be in a bad mood after that movie??? It was very well done (the only stupid part was John Travolta as her mom). Queen Latifa rocked! The whole thing was just delightful!

    Between that and Tracy tomorrow...I feel my spirit lifting already! :)

    breakroom anyone? 10:30 central time....http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


    Okay...so no smut here...just a story of Tracy reflecting on her past. Credit goes to LadyAshton for giving me a history refresher course in all things Tracy-related in the romance dept!!!


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