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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. wow...everyone is online right now! Thanks for worrying about me Ms. Q!!! I have been out all day long...home for like five minutes in between--yeah...it is not like me to be so quiet!! :)

    TL--Hope your appt. went well today. Didn't get a chance to look at the story but promise I will.

    Ms. Q--glad your observing went well. Your welcome for the paragraph help. Finally got on soapdish forum and figured out how that works...just running commentary stuff huh? I was up so late last night again.. Couldn't sleep--guess it is going around huh? I ended up somehow on a Lila Q website from Wubs and it was making me so sad reading of how she was fired and how she really needed the money at that stage of her life. And how she was so devastated. Stinking show!!!

    Knh--I didn't forget about your story--I am so sorry it has taken so long. I have been playing catch up this week and planning this part for Sunday at my house for my son for his Bar Mitzvah celebration which is now up to 90 people coming. Yikes. THey go back to school on Monday, so if you can hang on til then I will read it I promise.

    I am around for a few if anyone wants to pop in the breakroom.??? 5:20pm central time

    From soapdish-- some Q&As posted there tonight (not sure of the source of this so grain of salt (gosh I feel like Staci)

    Insider! Can you answer some of my questions please?

    What's going on with the Qs?

    Sentimental moments. More of Tracy/Ghost Alan and Monica. Luke returns in October to stir things up.

    Anything on Scotty, Ric, Skye, and Spin?

    Scotty will be on the Mayor's short list. He'll also continue to mix things up with Tracy, Lulu, Logan & Luke (when he returns).

    Got backstage info on SD and LLs contracts?

    SD will be offered recurring. LL may stay on for a story with Spinelli but the decision will come down to the wire.

  2. Read this excerpt from GH week in review from serial drama site (especially you Ms. Q!!) I love this site!!!

    "I know the writers seem to hate Scotty, but do the showrunners also dislike Kin Shriner? Like, do they refuse to let him use a dressing room and hair and makeup, and force him to sleep on a park bench?

    (There is a photo of scott and tracy from shadybrook with him all scruffy and in the blue sweater)

    "In addition to the several hair-related issues, that see-through shirt/undershirt/gold chain combo is giving me hives.

    Jane Elliot's hair, however, continues to amaze."


    Now this is hilarious...I was reading the comments to that blog entry and saw Regency posted this:

    "I think Jane's hair might be the 8th wonder of the world."

    I agree with you Regency!!

  3. MinervaFan--I Loved Tracy's hair during the Paul era! Think that was my favorite time!! Love that avatar photo too LadyAshton, although I already told you that. I was up til 3:00pm last night with this stupid snapfish album!! Sometimes I HATE computers!!!! I didn't wake up til 10:30 this morning...the party is over here real quick with the late nights and the late mornings as school starts one week from today---YIPPEEE!!!! I always think of that school supply commercial from Staples I think where the kids are all long-faced shopping for school supplies and the moms are like dancing down the aisles!!!

    TL-I forgot about the Grease party--that sounds so much fun! You have a very cool job!! You going to be around tonight?

    Hope you got your kids up for "school" today Remos!

    Funny about the HG game. We still need to vote for Lunacy though! :)

    I'm off to go get passports for my kid!s!

  4. You need a job done...ask Ms Q--she gets right on it with the b-day list!!! Your new banner is so colorful...like a rainbow of Lunacy! Makes me happy each time I see it :)

    I have been online for 4 hours now...I am getting carpal tunnel syndrome from the breakroom tonight and I already had surgery for that once!

    TL--missed you tonight...hope you are home safe!

  5. Hey Remos...I'm on the computer for the next two hours or so...still working on this photo project that I am determined to finish tonight. ladyA and Ms. Q were going to try to meet back in the breakroom around 8pm central time (9pm Eastern) if you are around. Glad you had fun with your company!!

    I find that so funny too...I was in NY with my girlfriends from high school last year when we all turned 40...and we all had three kids and were all doing the same exact things but just in different locations throughout the US! Only all my friends have all girls!!! I must have not gotten the memo about our high school group only being allowed to have girls! :)

    Hope to catch you in a little while in the BR (Lainey you around tonight????) TL--you home yet????

  6. Ms Q--Love the hair in the big square on the banner....Love the various kisses! Yeah..the flash is very "flashy"--ha ha--but I like it! :) Been in the house all day and it is the first day in forever it hasn't rained. Avoiding all stores of any kind as it is tax free weekend here and everyplace is jammed. I'd rather pay the tax tomorrow rather than fight the crowds today!!

    It is taking FOREVER to sort through four people's pictures from our hawaii trip and then to figure out which ones are the best of the lot (translated to which ones do I look the best in--LOL!!). I gotta make these online photo albums on snapfish for my family, as promised so I don't want them to be like 200 photos or more. Always the simplest things seem to take forever to do. I want to write too and this is bugging me as I have to get it done first.

    Tonight...I am home all evening...where is everyone in the breakroom these days...actually having a real life--ha ha!

    Remos---Hope you are having fun with your company.

    TL--post a link tonight when you get home!

    I am on the computer for a whlie now with these photos...if anyone is around (gosh I sound pathetic today...this is the third time I have posted about the breakroom http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  7. Wow...she was only one once during at two month period that summer? That stinks! She is doing a little better this year. I can't believe she was on less than LC and JI that year.

    Anyone around? It is 5:20 central time....http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    I still haven't watched Wed, Th and Fr of last week. Been watching old clips today from March/April this year. Want to write...need to write...need to think of an idea! :)

    Will read your email attachment later Ms. Q--maybe some motivation!

  8. I'm finally back online after a long night and long morning! I am going to be on the computer for a while if anyone is around. I'm in the breakroom. It is 1pm central time and I have a bad headache...but am trying to catch up! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    Lainey--Love the new banner (you too Ms. Q!!!)

    LadyAshton...hope your grandmother is doing ok

    Deb--going to read your fic now! Awww....just read it....that is soooo sweet and touching! Great job as always. Love anything about Lila too. She reminds me so much of my grandmother!


    Ms. Q--watched your wardrobe video, your stand by me video and your Qs video---LOVED them all as usual! So much fun to catch up on this rainy Saturday!!

    So reading back in the thread a bit from while I was gone...here is my take on GF coming back. If she does, she does and it will give LuNacy some great material. We did get some great stuff last November and think of how much deeper and more connected they are now than they were last Nov. Plus, any couple that is couple worthy on a soap has conflict and problems in their path...so to me, they are considering Lunacy a real couple if they throw Laura in the mix. I simply cannot imagine that they wouldn't portray Luke having agony over his situation, and while ultimately in the end game when TG wants off the show, I can see them having Luke ride off into the sunset with Laura, it would be too simple and boring to make them all lovey dovey again right away. She will HAVE to find out about Tracy this time. Maybe she will only remember being married to Scotty or something. In any event, whatever it is, it is...at this point, if it gives JE some awesome material and great scenes, then it might not be the worst thing...especially cause she won't be on contract as she has too buys of a life in Maine.

  9. Sorry Remos! My aunt called and I have to be nice to her as I want to use her apt. when I go to NY this fall! Sorry I missed you. Have fun with your friend and have fun on your night of escape!

    Where is everyone today???? I am home and nobody is around :( Guess I can go watch all five episodes from this week to catch up--four of which I can FF through most of).

    If anyone is around later, post a link!

  10. I think I am not even going to go to SOC to catch up---sounds like it will just be aggravating! I have to catch up on all these videos, and clips and articles.

    Ms. Q--that is the missing TG/JE one I think I could never find (not the one with the vegas honeymoon but the other one). Can they freaking take a new photo of her wearing something besides that teal jacket (although I like that jacket). About JE being missing from TG's comments...who knows.

    There was a whole 8 page spread in SID this week (read it on the plane) about GH's fan club weekend. Almost everyone was there, but guess who? The whole Q brunch had even old Qs like Jimmy Lee Holt there. Sean Donnelly was even there (don't know why?). Every Q but JE!!! I mean what is up with that???? Enough of this privacy issue--LOL!!! They said SD was the only one who got a standing ovation and that it is time for fans to start up again to keep him on the show as he said he would accept a recurring status. They said if they could bring back Starvros and others from the dead, surely they could find a way to bring back Alan.

    Well I am off to middle school orientation and then to go buy school supplies for my son and then back to middle school to set up his locker. Fun fun fun!

    Missed you guys. BSG/Remos...you around today? Maybe I can catch you guys this afternoon. I have a belated birthday dinner tonight with three of my friends who have august birthdays, but I will be around late night! Having late night chat withdrawls!!!

    Lainey--will try to write something this weekend if I can get a chance!

    -TL-that party sounded fun!

    Any hope for today? Probably not huh? Any new spoilers for next week or beyond? When does TG come back? Beginning of October? Just to mention...in SID and SOD for the 21st and 28th week there is NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION of GF. Not even their typical teaser or photo, etc.

  11. I'm back!!!!! Did you guys miss me??? Good to be home! I am trying to go to bed, but couldn't resist popping in and checking out the thread!!

    Wow, I have a lot to catch up on, but obviously only one day of Tracy this week. Missed you guys! Thanks for the clips Nex! Can't wait to watch, but my pain killer is kicking in and I have to be at middle school orientation at 9am tomorrow morning! Why the pain killer you ask? Cause I fell off my mountain bike like literally one minute after getting on it and wiped out in the middle of the main intersection in Breckenridge--right as the light was turning green!!! My wheels hit a patch of loose gravel and I fell and smashed my ribs! But of course I couldn't have been in some remote spot where nobody could witness this very graceful fall!

    So much for being Miss Outdoorsy girl!! However, I did "suck it up" and finish the 11 mile bike ride later that afternoon! Other than that, we had a great trip! Colorado is great in the summer...was wearing a jacket and jeans yesterday and savoring the moment before we returned home to this nasty, rainy, hot, humid city!!! Oh we did get stuck in a hail storm at the continental divide at Independence Pass at 12,500 feet trying to go look out on the observation area. That was fun--LOL!

    Lainey...I was not at Intercontinental that day...we flew on Southwest out of Hobby! You were right! :)

    Will catch you guys tomorrow and will catch up on the thread.


    Deb--what time sunday morning are you around???

  12. Hi Josh! Glad you stopped in. :)

    Lainey, you have a couple of PMs. Ignore the first one. (I messed up the spelling).

    hooked, here is the link to We All Need LuNacy where I compiled the quotes.

    nex, I saw your comment at YouTube this morning. Thank you for the support.

    Hope everyone's having a good day so far.



    OT, but things are getting to be normal at home again. Upon returning, my family treated me like royalty, but well, now, I'm no more special than I was before the trip. LOL. It was nice while it lasted though. :lol:

    Remos...it is in this post! Clikc whre it says "here" underlined)

  13. Lainey, well I guess I'll miss ya. I am leaving tomorrow morning til Thursday late night. Hope to catch up next weekend. We are in the breakroom now.

    BTW...drum roll please....we have a new member of team tracy!!!! LadyAshton has finally succumbed to the peer pressure placed upon her tonight in the breakroom and signed up for a hellagood account!!! One more vote for TQ each day and Lunacy! YAY!!!!!


    But wait...she is having a problem...she can log on, but can't agree to the rules....did anyone else have that problem? What do you do?

    Edit again!!!!

    I won the prize....I won the prize....PAGE 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't even realize it til i just logged back in. Where is my signed newspaper by JE???

    Edit again and again

    Remos just signed up too! Two recruits in one night...I'm on fire!!!!

  14. Yay for Friday!

    Ms. Q, loving your new avatar :)

    Hooked, The Godmother has departed the Lone Star State enroute to The Big House :P

    I think this is the clip you were looking for:


    I'll be around this evening, meant to come back last night but you guys stay up way too late for me :D

    Hey LA...thanks so much...yes that is the clip I was talking about, but when I downloaded it, it still has no sound at all. Did you furnish that one for JE online? When you play it does it have sound (or anyone else who has downloaded it? I have my speaker up as high as can go and all I can hear is white noise".

    Thanks for trying for me anyway though! :) Cracking up about the Godmother package!

    Be around later!

    Colette...keep the banner for your signature on Hellagood...it is soooo cute!

  15. Yeah I was only kidding knh about us all using those banners on Hellagood...it would a bit obnoxious considering it is a Sam forum turned GH forum as Ms Q pointed out. I will read your 10 pages, I started to earlier today and make a few edits, but got distracted. I will try to do it before I leave tomorrow morning, if not, will next weekend be too late? If so, I am so sorry.

    Does anyone (ladyashton perhaps) have the clips when Tracy takes Ned to lunch to have the "talk" about why Paul won't sleep with her til she is married? It is on JE online but there is no sound on it. I know some people have said the sound is there but it is just not that loud, but I can't detect any sound at all. I would really like to hear that clip at some point if anyone has it....no hurry!!


    I was just reading serial drama website blog about Nightshift and how bad it stinks and is getting worse with each episode...one funny thing they wrote I wanted to share! Cracked me up about the "mop" part!!! From serial Drama with comments pertaining to Maxi who is about to die on NS and only Georgie and Mac are with her...

    ...where the hell is Felicia? Don't tell me the best they can do is that she's still taking care of her grandmother. Her grandmother must be 264 by now. She's been on the verge of death, like, twenty times. If they refuse to bring Kristina Wagner back (sigh), can't they borrow the mop that plays Laura these days and put a Felicia wig on her?

    Wow...GH is really smart...they have figured out the secret to budgeting...use brooms/mops and stick wigs on them to bring back long lost characters instead of hiring actors which cost money!

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