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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Thanks for the tips...he is keeping them in til my husband gets home (he is coming home now after lunch--yippee--LOL) to help him. He just said, "well look at the bright side mom...at least I can see really well with them on. I will try to mascara idea...


    No Tracy today...such a boring episode...don't bother watching...nothing at all good!

    Fits with the extremely boring, miserable day around here! Thunderstorms on and off again. SO bummed. All the writing classes that I wanted to take in the fall are being offered at horrible times I can't do...from 2-4 in the afternoon or 4:30-6:30 in the evening. So much for that. I gotta find something to do or a job that I will enjoy cause I am bored out of my mind!

    Going to see the sneak preview of Hairspray tonight just to get out of the house.

    Where is everyone today???

    Edit again

    4:50 pm central time...anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  2. Okay...having a horrible morning. My son got contacts that you only sleep in and then take out for all day (they are supposed to reshape your cornea) only I can't get them out. I told him not to get contacts cause I couldn't help him and the whole thing eeks me out...he is now crying and freaking out that they are never coming out. THey were a fortune and I KNEW he wouldn't be able to do them properly. It is getting worse each day, not better and I want to scream! The eye doctor gave them to us at his cost which was still $750!!! NOT A GOOD MORNING SO FAR! I don't know what to do....I might have to take him back to the eye doctor's office and let him take them out.

    I woke up with a huge migraine headache (no LadyAshton...not a hangover--LOL)

    But good news with the spoilers that TL posted. Anything with Luke and Tracy and her needing him in the same sentence is good news to me! So hoping she is on today. I started a fic last night but have to go back and finish it today hopefully. Sorry no smut in it though.

  3. Hi all...I finally got a vcr hooked up and watched the proposal my husband did when we got married...so hilarious...it was from 3/29/90 and I am like fast forwarding through the proposal part to see if tracy was on that episode! She was but only two scenes...she was with Ned at ELQ and gloating cause Alan was humiliated in the papers with Lucy Coe. Monica was on a plane to get a divorce in Mexico!. Then another scene she is leaving with Ned and dawn and hadn't a clue what the secretary's name was...she is like nancy, suzy, alice.....then Neds steps in and says "goodnight Mary" Too funny!

    I am having so much trouble getting into the breakroom...I cna't get in there. everytime I try, my whole system freezes up and I have to turn off my computer and start over---ugghhh!!!

    I am going to try again in a bit....it is 3pm central...

    I have two ideas for fics, but cant' seem to get in the mode to write them...need some inspiration!!!

    TL--two nights in a row I have passed out by 11:30! Tonight I am up for a late night as I have so much to do on the computer!!


    Finally got in the breakroom...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 3pm central time

  4. Woo woo!! Tracy is way in the lead at Hellagood and Luke and Tracy are way in the couples lead!! It gave me satisfaction today to give Luke?Tracy a point and take one away from Luke and Laura!!

    Another rainy saturday in H town!! anyone up for a few minutes in the breakroom? 12:30 central....


    from SOC...nothing new...but a little more specific for this week (so she must get out of shadybrook this week)

    Tracy and Scott barge into Logan's room and find him with Lulu.

    Scott and Tracy drag Lulu away forbidding her to ever see Logan again.

    One more from Wubs...same song...different wording..

    **Tracy and Scott are both appalled at the Lulu/Logan situation!

    Edit again

    LadyAshton...are you around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    (1:35 central time)

    Another edit...

    I like the song Time for me to Fly by REO Speedwagon..makes me think of Tracy/Luke and him always leaving, but it should be Tracy saying "Time for me to fly"

  5. Yes doing your laundry was probably a good choice Deb! :) I have a story I just have to sit down and write. I have another one too for the lust a thon I need to write too!

    You need to write so people can read a good story...not one of my lame ones--LOL!!!

  6. Did anyone watch nightshift last night....here is a recap in case...it is filmed like a tv show..

    starts out with Robin in the shower and patrick joins her, they get paged and everyone knows what they have been doing. Spinellis shot himself in the foot with jason's gun, so jason brings him in to the hospital...some patient in the ambulance blows up because there is laughing gas in the amublance and someone lights a match. Superhero jason braves the fire to try to save the girl but ends up burning his hands. The woman is declared dead, but at teh end in the morgue she raises her hand up and they find out her name is Barrett (brenda). Maxi is hanging by handcuffs in the supply closet having sex with coop! Someone opens the door and they are busted. And Mac walks in....she is like "um hi daddy!" Jason takes the blame for spinelli and says he shot him by accident so that spinelli doesn't get arrested for illegal possession of a handgun. Spinelli has a new crush on the blonde nurse. The nurses are horrible actors (the three new ones). Oh...Patrick gets blown away by the flames and gets knocked out so he becomes robin's patient. He flirts with the brenda look alike nurse and pisses robin off. Billy Dee Williams is the janitor. Some pregnant lady comes in who is HIV positive and Robin is all into her case. She mentions it to Patrick.

    Love the banner TL!!! Gosh I had a fun night last night! Didn't get home til soooo late! I had a girls night out. This morning my friend called me to go to a Hot Yoga class with her (where it is 105 degrees in the room and you can't talk or make a sound for an hour and a half. I was like "um...are you out of your freaking mind???" It is 95 degrees outside...there is no way I am sitting in a 105 degree yoga class!!!

    TL--you were up til 4:30am and you weren't even up chatting with me!!! :)

    Totally need to write something today!!

    Edit...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 I see a few of you are around (9:30 central time) I know it is early...

  7. Your welcome for the clips BSG...if anyone wants to see anything else, I am happy to post 'em if I have 'em.

    Any hopes of TQ today??? I bet today is the total set up for Nightshift again as it premiers tonight at 11pm Eastern time on soapnet in case anyone is interested....


    As of just now...TQ has pulled ahead in the Hellagood game

    Lucky 95

    Sam 102

    Tracy 103

    Go vote today to keep her in the lead!

    Edit...where is everyone today???

  8. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 (6pm central) Sorry I must have missed ya Deb!

    I am here for like 30 minutes, then am dragging myself to a latin dancing aerobics class at the park tonight outside in this horrendous heat...only because my instructor is making a video for her new Rumba Fitness line and she really needs bodies there....I will not be in the front--that is for sure...I am going to be standing in the very back row all the way out of the wide angle lens--ha ha


    TL--you are right..this show is so screwed up with timinig. So lulu was going to start the next night at Kelly's meaning tonight, and then georgie covered for her. Then you have Monica saying to Edward that he stood there a few days ago telling Tracy not to screw up with her son like he did with his. Then Edward says that lulu is always working and not there for dinner (hello?? Did she even start the job yet???) UGHHHH!!!

    So sad...there is a thread called "are the Qs phasing out or something like that at SOC. I am going to start a new thread called "Save the Qs campaign". Go post on it!!!

    Edit again...Robin used the word "a**" on GH again today...the writer's new favorite word!!

  9. Hey...looks like TQ is about to take the lead in the hellagood game! Yes, I am SOOOOOOO bored out of my mind that I am checking the scores today....if you didn't vote today...go vote....Ms Q would be so proud of us!!!!

    Lucky 96

    Sam 102

    Tracy 102

    OK..some positive spin...even though TQ has not been on the past days...both days she has been mentioned at least...yesterday by lulu to logan and mike and today by edward....

    Maybe thursday she will be on again...somehow she and scott need to get out so they can bust lulu/logan next week

  10. Deb- I downloaded your video the other day and just now remembered I hadn't watched it. I really liked it...especially since I was just watching old dvds I bought and never watched today.

    Speaking of which...LMAO...watching an old dvd of a scene from right after Scotty and Tracy got together for their affair...and she is sitting there kissing him in the foyer of the mansion trying to tick off Lucy...she goes up to change her clothes to go on a picnic,and Lucy tells Scotty she has never seen anything so disgusting and vile in her entire life...and Scotty says to her, "Well what about the first time you saw Alan naked!" Too funny--he and Lucy were actually such a great pair! Funny cause Tracy/Scotty were such schemers together as a team, til he double-crossed her....wish they would reference their past sometime on the show now. I mean it was a pretty long affair for the soap world...from like March til December of 1990ish

    Funny to think 17 years later, they are back in scenes together now.

    I had a doctor's appt at 7:30am this morning. Geez today is a long day already and it is only 1pm!

    Edit Thanks BSG for fixing the Hellagood character game. Here are the current standings...

    Lucky 97

    Sam 103

    Tracy 100

    TQ pulled ahead of lucky! She was tied with Sam earlier today...if you haven't voted today...go vote for our girl

    PS...when is that game over anyway?

  11. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 7:30pm central...anyone around for a few?

    Remos...I do have that clip somewhere...let me try to find it...

    Someone from Nintendo just shipped my husband a Wii LadyAshton...so happy as they will all be occupied all night! :)

    Here are those 39th birthday clips Remos...




  12. Finally watched yesterday's show just now. I just pointed that out to staci in an email Nex that she said "I'm still your mom" and not mother....

    I guess the word "a**" is acceptable on GH now...that was funny Alice asked if they wanted her to kick scott's "a**" out the door. Even with no makeup--she is amazing! I, too, loved how she was scared about him not coming back, and also her faces when he was telling her how he never made one single friend cause she dragged him all over. Like it hurt her deeply to even remember that. At least her mean brother said not to remind her of that to Dillon! :)

    Deb--will watch your video in a sec...I bet we won't get TQ for a few days...although at some point they have to address whether she went back to shadybrook or not, cause next week on the 17-18th she and scott find lulu and logan. I wanted to slap edward when the second dillon left he wanted to get her out of shadybrook...in the middle of his high and mightly lecture of supporting your kids to her---JERK!!!

    I loved how Dillon kissing tracy on the head too and hugged her...she looked so little.

    I am so bored again today...I HATE SUMMERTIME!!! Downtime is always nice, but three months of it is too much. I need to do something productive and I can't seem to have much motivation to do anything....but watch GH--ha ha.

    Edit For whoever it was that wanted the Snowmobile clips from Staci on youtube, she asked me to post them here for her. In case anyone else wants to see them, they are from when Tracy and lulu came crashing into the metrocourt on a snowmobile that lulu stole money from Tracy to buy. Don't know who to credit, but Staci gave them to me, so....



    Remos...looking for the clips you wanted....

    The face touching one is in here--it is 3-06, segment 2 or 6 I can't remember...I am not sure where the dance part is of Luke, but this was the best I could find. Also inlcuded the one where tracy/skye fight over the jacket from the same night and skye falls down the stairs. Enjoy!




    I must say that I am laughing...cause only a few short months ago....I was the biggest clip beggar ever and now here I am posting clips for people! My how I have evolved--LOL!!!

  13. Did I miss you guys? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 (11pm central)

    Haven't watched today yet. I am dying to but will have to wait til morning. Clips are not up at hellagood yet TL and whoever else asked.

    Ms Q--I can find those snowmobile clips for the person you mentioned...probably tomorrow I can post them.

    Wow today has been a banner day on the thread...so much positivity and new posters! Welcome Deborah! Wow...four kids homeschooling??? My hat is off to you. Mine would not survive one day at home with me for school purposes. I think I would be jumping in the lake!! It takes a very special person to do that--one with a ton of patience! I have three little boys as well, although I am assuming you have one girl since you said you have four kids!

    Just came back from the sneak preview of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was really good! My kids said it was the best one yet.

    So I wonder if TQ will be on at all this week? Wonder if Ned is outta there as of today, or he will at least have anohter scene with Tracy. Sounds like it is going to be next week on Tues/Wed with the Lulu/Logan busting scenes. I thought the same thing about logan being laura's kid with scott...how about Tracy's kid with scott she secretly had and gave up for adoption??? Nah...that would be too long ago!!

    BTW...from Serial Drama blog site....(like this columnist, athough she is the first most awesome IMO!!!

    "The 2nd most awesome person on today's episode was Jane Elliot. Jane Elliot, who is 60 years old, wore no makeup today. And looked gorgeous. Why do some people have all the luck?"

  14. The wedding was great, thanks for asking! It was a lot more laid back than I thought it would have been. My 2 little cousins were the ring barrers. One ran up to his dad during his reading and sat in his mom's arms before that saying 'why do we have to be quiet? Why do we have to be quiet mommy?" over and over again. The other was laying in the pew lokking bored and threw the ring pillow up at the bride (in fun, not in brattiness, he's little) but it made it a lot of fun. My sister and I couldn't stop laughing through most of it, but oh well!! Anyway, aside from having to dance with my cousin over way too many times I had a great time and I met some new cousins that are pretty cool (they're about 158 but they are a hoot and a half). Then there's my cousin Lori. I haven't seen her in years, but she's a damned riot!! She's so Staten Island, but she's hysterical.

    I have to load all my pictures, but here is one for now. It's kind of crappy and fuzzy but I'm the one on the right in the wine colored dress.


    I'll post s few good ones later but oh well. You guys are offically the first (with the exception of the people there) who have every seen me in a dressy dress. And it'll never happen again, let me say that!

    Oh well, looking forward to the show tomorrow. As for Friday, I'm with MinervaFan. I didn't think it was that great (though I did like the 'it's a wig, genius!" line). I don't know if I've seen the whoel show b/c we had an interruption, but the two scenes I saw were a little bit pitiful. Tomorrow looks like it'll be fabulous though! Anyway, goodnight all!!

    You look awesome in that dress! Great photo! Thanks for sharing! My little one is a ring bearer in a wedding in October. I had to promise him $50 to do it!!! I hope he doesn't chicken out at the last minute!!!


    Deb Here is my positive input....You are so right...Luke has been gone for a month already and we have had Tracy at least 2-3 times a week ever since. She looks awesome, she is involved with Lulu...they are pairing her with Scott for some sex busting scenes next week...she gets dillon goodbye scenes this week...she was on with Ned (very briefly) and she has been in Shadybrook for longer than half an episode. She is also third in the character game in hellagood beating out a whole bunch of others to get where she is!!! There is TQ love around!!!!

    Edit again from soap central...

    Found on Daytime Dish

    Take with a grain of salt

    Adrienne Leon is being pursued by GH to return as Brookelynn, also rumblings that the role of Lois Cerullo will be recast with Lisa Peluso.

    This doesn't make sense if they don't bring Ned back does it???

  15. Sorry TL!! :( Everytime I logged into the breakroom my computer froze up and I had to reboot it twice. Finally it was taking so long to start up again, I just gave up and went to the grocery store! Sorry. Will try to catch you later.

    From GHH2--nothing so new...

    Ned is going to try to help Tracy see the error of her ways (regarding Alan's will).

    7/17 Lulu and Logan are discovered by Tracy and Scott.

    7/18 Lulu defies Tracy and sneaks out to meet Logan; they kiss.

    From SOC...not really Tracy related, but lulu/scott

    Scott tells Lulu all about his marriage to Laura and why he will never forgive Luke.

    Lulu defends her parents to Scott.

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