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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. testing to see if changing my avatar worked

    Edit Yeah it worked! Now I gotta figure out how to change a banner! Lainey...I just realized this was the picture I emailed you and Deb...if you were planning to use this avatar..I'll change mine! :)

    Edit again

    In case anyone missed the edits of clips Nex has posted for us...I have saved them all in one place for Ms. Q when she returns or if anyone else wants them. Here is the link. http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

    This savefile doesn't ever expire. I messed up on the first couple and didn't put the date in the title, but I will keep a running tab on Tracy clips til Ms. Q gets back to resume her clip goddess duties--:)

  2. I really liked today's show too. I felt so bad for Tracy when Luke called Laura "angel" and later when she almost lost it when yelling at Alan, I wanted to give her a big hug. :( Boo! to Alan for making her almost cry. I do have some bad news, according to Shazzer at GHVT she no longer is going going to be posting daily clips, so it looks like we only have Hella Good to download now. Unless anybody knows of another place to download daily clips....anybody?? If anyone knows please let me know. :)

    Anyhoo, here are todays clips:


    Clips provided by Shazzer, edited by me!

    Thanks a million for editing those so quickly...hellagood only had the whole show! I don't know of any other place for daily clips. Maybe Ms. Q does the next time she pops in. I will upload these to savefile account I started for Staci and anyone else who wants it from June 07 forward.

    I felt so bad for Tracy also when he called her angel. I really wish he would have given her a kiss goodbye or something (Tracy) today or a hug at least. IT would have been so much more poignant if Alan was yapping at her when she came home alone and started drinking...so sad...I wanted to hug her too!

    I think she is on tomorrow (well today) asking Lulu to move back to the Qs. Or maybe that is after Lulu bails her out..I don't know...I thought I saw the 12th for that and the 13th for alan paying her another visit to inform her of what edward is up to. The 18th is the straight jacket day I think...according to the media net photos.

    IT is 2:15 am and I have to be up in four hours or so...I can't sleep!!!!

  3. Hey Nex congrats on the 300th post...feeling like a big loser now cause I am 200 ahead--ha ha! Obviously I need to get a life! :) Hellagood only has the whole show again today...what is up...they are getting lazy--ha ha!

  4. Great recap TL...I just watched...she did sound like she was going to cry at the end....Those spencer kids better be kissing her you know what for helping Luke like that and taking the fall so Lulu didn't have to get involved or incriminated! That was pretty noble and unselfish of her!

    Be around tonight around 9pm central if you guys are up for the breakroom!!!

  5. Deb--She is for sure on today as she was in the previews from Friday (she and Luke). Dont' know how much, but she is for sure on at least...so don't hurt anyone just yet--ha ha.

    Edit...spacy--that is funny! TrAsh is still my fav though as far as a name goes (with the exception of Lunacy of course)

  6. VERY IMPRESSIVE banner TracyLuv! I LOVE all those kisses--even got a quote in there too! Next thing you know...you are going to be writing Lunacy fanfic and making videos!!!

    Isn't it crazy how much you miss this place when SON is down?????? Kind of scary actually.

    Deb...can't wait to read your fic...will do so in a few minutes. I haven't watched the fountain clip yet with sound as my sound is all screwed up but am going to do that now.

    Keeping fingers crossed for a goodbye kiss and an ILY!!!

    Edit Just read it Deb...can totally imagine that dialogue coming out of spinelli's mouth...you captured him perfectly! I think you said it perfectly...Tracy has been healed by love...all she ever wanted was to be validated and appreciated for who she is....Luke gave her that gift! :) See--he is good for something--ha ha!

    Edit again LadyAshton...finally got my sound working on my computer..OMG..that was hilarious (the fountain clip). Thanks so much for posting that for us!!

    Edit yet again...I think it must have been Lainey with the spinelli idea Deb!

  7. Wow..the board was down a long time yesterday...so annoying. Hope today is good GH day for last Lunacy for a while. I agree knh, it will be nice for Tracy to get some airtime without Luke, but I have a feeling it may be good for the next couple of weeks, but then she is going to be pushed to the back burner for the summer of Lulu vs. Maxi and of course, the ever present mob and their girlfriends/wives/neighbors! :) But...we can hope!

    At least we have to have her involved with Dillon's exit storyline...even if it is only a couple of days. And with WK when he returns to help with Dillon's exit story (unless they have her locked up in shadybrooke off camera).

    But I will choose to think positively that maybe she will get some great shadybook scenes! :)

    Check in later...

  8. Hey hope everyone is having a good sunday. It is quiet around here. I read in SID that June 11th is TG's last airdate (which would be tomorrow) Boo hoo! No more Lunacy til October...at least we will get some Tracy though for the next couple of weeks. Behind bars, straight jacket...should be fun!

    On a major cleaning mission today...will pop in later!

  9. some spoilers from soapzone...not so new, but a tiny bit more informative or specific....

    Luke and Tracy stage an intervention where Laura’s concerned, before Scott arrives to sweep her up in his guardianship.

    Scott arrives at Shadybrook, sees Laura missing, and goes bonkers.

    Luke allows Laura’s children a brief visit before spiriting their mother away, safe from Scott.

    Tracy takes a firm stand in bringing Lulu back into the Quartermaine fold.

    Scott charges into the Quartermaine mansion, loaded for bear, roaring at Tracy about stealing Laura from him.

    The Quartermaines close ranks around Tracy, chasing Scott out.

    Alan’s ghostly apparition alerts Tracy to Edward’s secret shenanigans.

    Scott throws the lawbook at Tracy for stealing Laura.

    Tracy remains behind bars—without benefit of the Quartermaine bail-out.

    Lulu pays Tracy’s bail instead of the Quartermaines.

    Tracy chews out the Quartermaine family for failing her.

    Alan reminds Tracy to look at Edward, he’s up to no good.

    Also...here is a thread at SOC about the "new" Tracy...we should all post to bump it up! http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=257911

  10. THANK YOU LadyAshton! You are the greatest! You have like the gold mine of old clips. Nobody on earth has that clip. Do you know what episode date or around what date it is? Do you have it on your tape? Thank you so much for posting that for us! It is like the brass ring of Tracy clips--ha ha!! Can't wait to watch it! I started to write a few sentences BTW! Love your new banner...very impressive you made that yourself!!!!

    [b]TracyLuv/Lainey...and anyone else who has a mac...my kids just spent the most hilarious 45 minutes in the apple store playing around with photobook...making these crazy faces and taking pictures, etc. I was laughing so hard I was dying...cheap entertainment for them!! We were like the biggest loser family sitting in the store cracking up so hard that I was almost in tears....didn't help that I am slap happy tired from staying up so late last night and waking up so early today.


    8:10pm central...deb/lainey/ladyA...are you around...I see you on the thread!

  11. Don't worry I promised I would post these and here they are........clips of yesterdays and Thursday's show. I had to wait until GHVT had posted their Thursday clips so I could fix the Hella Good clips.



    6-7-07 Credit goes to Geena and the last scene to Shazzer from GHVT


    6-8-07 Credit goes to Geena

    YOU ARE AWESOME NEX!!! Thanks so much! I promised Ms. Q I would put all the episodes she missed onto a savefile account so she would have them all in one place....thanks so much! Yeah...now i can delete the whole show downloads...

    hope you are having a good saturday in sunny SoCal!!! Wish I was there instead of hot, humid Houston!

    Just got a fare on southwest for $57 each way to Denver for August...all five of us can fly for like $650 roundtrip! Don't know where we are going yet...but hopefully it will be in the mountains and cool!! It is already blazing hot here... next best thing since we can't go to Newport Beach!

  12. I would do it for you lainey if I knew how! I don't know how to make the words on it or effects.

    Loved yesterday. I also loved how he said "we would get further if you called her" and JE said, "no, you try first, I'll play second string. what do you have to lose?" Love that she is his backup...but also think she wants luke to mend the fences with Lulu and not let other people do it for him....

    You know what...Tracy has really grown up and matured and evolved because of Luke (which is strange cause he is so immature and irresponsible and self-wallowing, etc. However like Deb said...she is not jealous and suspicious or insecure like she has been in all her other marriages/relationships...always thinking the person is cheating, etc... (course they usually were so she was right).

    And since they writers are obviously not going to show a love scene between them, I actually think that was a good way to make it "known" without showing it that they are sleeping together by Tracy making that "sex life" comment.

    knh I think the last time lulu said "step witch" or "step monster" was either when she went to see laura at shadybrook and then said "she shouldn't call her that as she knows what it is like to lose a mother" Or when spinelli was over and they were looking up rick webber stuff and tracy barged in the room and told him to leave and lulu was like "don't argue with the step monster" Those were both within a day or two back in January when Tracy was on 8 days in a row!!! I think that is the last time...although they haven't had all that many scenes together since then...a few in the hospital with scotty but not much interaction I don't think

    Do you guys think Lulu will move back to the Qs? I sure hope so.

    Edit...Nex...do you Thursday and Friday's dowloaded from GHVT? Hellagood only has the whole show. If you do...do you know what segments they were?

  13. anyone around? I know it is way late...almost 1am central time... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    just got home...

    did anyone notice today (TL?) how tracy started smiling slightly (only on slow mo) when Luke said there is a difference between being on the run and keeping laura away til he figured out how to keep scott in check. Tracy totally smiled when he said "I'm definietly comeing back this time" or something to that affect!!!

    edit... It is soooo late...I should be sleeping...knocked up was a very cute movie BTW...

    Loved Tracy today and the sex life line...I take it this is not their last day on air together...maybe monday? So happy they chose to end it on them with being all lovey dovey! And glad we finally have the definitive answer to "are they sleeping together?" That would be YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. OMG--wait til you guys watch today is all I am going to say...the very first scene answers our question for SURE! :)

    Five scenes of tracy today....some tracy/luke/lulu...and they are in the previews for Monday which means I think she is on Monday, tuesday and wed. of next week. I won't spoil for those who haven't watched. But we must be discussing it later :)

    OK...MinervaFan...so I hit their cars twice...not totally consistent--ha ha. Their daughter is babysitting for me tonight too. Oy...she will think it is funny cause she is a college kid and she laughed when I hit her saab convertible (it was a tiny scrape) and told me not to worry about it...but I was like "Um..I think your dad might want you to worry about this" and ended up paying out of pocket as she had other scrapes to fix and it was like $100 and not worth running through insurance. But this one was a pretty big clunk...my kids were like mommy...did you not see the car right there cause we did. I was like "Oh shut up you know it alls" ha ha.

    I hope Hellagood has the clips from today up. Yesterday was the whole entire show as one clip. I know Nex you said you were waiting on GHVT to do the clips from yesterday. Maybe I can upload all these edited clips to that site the Ms Q put the lunacy clips to or something so she can view them all when she gets home. Wonder if I can upload to her site she put them on...hmmm...Ms Q?????

    Edit...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 5pm central...anyone around for a few?

  15. Ms Q--I will try to upload all the tracy days from when you left and put them somewhere for you. That hasn't happened yet, so maybe there is hope she is on today again.

    Are you still in the computer lab? It is 1pm central? Just in case.... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 Edit OK...guess you are not still online Ms Q...gotta run..

    OMG...I just got into an accident backing out of my driveway. Hit the neighbor's stupid car which was in the worst possible spot on the street right in front of my driveway. Thank god it was a rental car of theirs, cause this is the second time I have hit one of their cars (I hit my babysitter who is their daughter's car about 6 months ago). You would think they would learn to NOT park their cars in the that spot on the street. My friend Pam also hit the dad's jaguar that was brand new with paper tags still on it four years ago on the first week we moved into our house.

    They were so nice about it...but you know they want to come bomb my house or something. Now my bumper of my stupid minivan which is very hard to back up in cause it is so long is all loose and hanging off. Oy--what a mess I am. But at least nobody got hurt. I am so distracted all the time when I get in the car and totally just didn't see it backing out....

  16. Hey everyone! Knh...promise will read the story today!

    Thanks so much Nex for the edited clips. MinervaFan...hope everything worked out ok wtih fey and school crisis.

    Didn't get home til late last night. So sorry I missed Ms Q in the breakroom.

    Loved yesterday!!!! I didn't get to watch it til this morning. You know I slow mo'd that last scene like a thousand times! We really couldn't have asked for more in terms of the way luke leaving...except maybe him telling her he loved her...would have been a nice touch. So is that their last scene together you think? He still has to kidnap her huh? Will she be involved with that or not I wonder???

    Love those medianet pictures Nex...thanks for pointing us to them.

    LadyAshton...where have you been???

    Will be around this afternoon...talk to you guys later!

  17. Tracyluv & Angel2Devil (thanks for the details..have'nt had a chance to watch yet) was too busy watching the movie sliding doors with Gwenyth Paltrow from a while back (which was pretty good by the way) Have to return it tomorrow.

    Can't watch GH til later cause I am going out for Sushi and to a wine bar wtih my friends tonight. I am getting very accustomed to these girls nights out! :) I told my husband I didn't have time to go grocery shopping today cause I was too busy, so he said he would take the kids and go tonight--works for me! Him and his coupon organizer-loving self can go have fun! Ha ha. I will try to be online later tonight when I get home to chat..sounds like today was a good one!!

    You know TL I will be in slow mo heaven! So is this Luke's last day you think? Was that their last scene together? Or does she help him get Laura out next week? I know the kids are supposed to go say bye to her right?

  18. Ah...Ok..thanks knh and Deb and Nex and anyone else who made that make sense for me...totally see what she was saying now! Guess I was overanalyzing again...or my usual ditz self

    Loved those spoilers...do you guys think Lulu will agree and come back to live with the Qs? Sure hope so! Loved that she is thinking of her as a daughter too!

    I would love it if you posted the edited clips from yesterday tonight Nex--if you don't mind! Since you already edited them. I appreciate it mucho!

    Sounds like we have a good couple of tracy weeks ahead. Just hope she doens't vanish after the 18th week til September!

    Nex...I was this close to coming to Balboa Island in August...but we couldn't find a house for the week we needed to go cause i wanted too long...maybe next summer!

    Edit BTW...Lainey/Deb...I'm with Tracyluv...slow mo'd the opening like five times...I don't see lip licking! It looks like she has her lips maybe slightly open for the first shot and then closes them for the close up!

  19. OK...so...I was not online at all last night cause of the Weird Al concert (which by the way was actually quite entertaning in a 10 year old boy sorta way!). He really is very talented in his own way.

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....nobody commented that Tracy called Lulu "sweetheart" yesterday when she was talking to her in the Q living room and asking her to please reconsider going to court. Also, either JE flubbed up a line or it was written totally wrong....she said to Lulu "If he (meaning Scott) says anything else to hurt you in court, your entire family will rally around you and then Scott is going to look even more sympathetic to the judge." I think that makes no sense at all...it should have been "Pathetic" not "Sympathetic". Either she messed it up of they srewed it in in the writing...but either way GH is getting SO sloppy don't ya think? Gloria Monty would have never let that stuff happen back in the day huh????

    She looked great in her suit and the hair would make Ms Q smile. Pelo con oomph Ms Q we tell you!!!! Was the jacket I think from the date Nex said, but it looked different cause maybe she was wearing it closed. She has to be on today right as a follow up???

    The straight jacket is ridiculous...gotta be edward's doing, but at least tracy will get a story! Especially cause I think LUke is leaving the week of June 11th is his last airdate. The scenes at Shadybrook will he hilarious...I just hope they last for more than 1-2 episodes.

    Deb...the other thing is...if you buy a blow dryer...buy a diffuser attachment...they are cheap, but if you blow your hair when you get it cut shorter, that gives it more wave and body too...all I do these days is use that on my hair with the blow dryer for like 5 minutes and let it dry the rest of the way by itself, I have gotten too lazy to blow it straight and use the Chi thing to make it really straight!!

    Edit Of note...yesterday was the first sonny-free day I can remember in a long time. And sam-free to boot as well...amazing!!! And they drug Georgie out of the closet too. Notice they only showed milo and spinelli worried about Lulu. WTF...where is Dillon? I know he is leaving, but they totally write him out and give him nothing except his last hurrah scenes??

  20. Oh I like that spoiler Ms Q! Even from Mexico she comes through for us! Will have to send you some $ for the internet cafe so you can keep getting online and getting us more spoilers! I can't wait to see Tracy raise some hell at Shadybrook!

    Deb...looking at the picture and will get back to you with the hair thing...

    I have a house full of boys today (why should today be different from all other days, except one of my kids is away and somehow I ended up wtih three additional boys over to swim and play). Only bad thing is I have to watch them in the pool and be outside with them.

    Deb--I think you should write about the therapy session with Lainey Tracy will have regarding Alan!

    Oh..and now my friend can't go to the concert tonight so it is me and three little boys going to Weird Al...I told my son I was going to bring my lighter to hold up and he was like "huh?" I asked him if he would be embarrassed if I stood up on the seat and danced--ha ha. I started thinking of other concerts I went to in Houston in college like sneaking here to go see Springsteen---then I started thinking of those old clips with Tracy/Paul/Ned/Jenny going to a Springsteen concert--so hilarious....they are on the Ned/Jenny DVD edits.

    SHoot the natives are getting restless downstairs...gotta go supervise...

    Edit Deb...don't do anything drastic...do it gradually if you want to go shorter! I would agree with TL...cut it to just below your shoulders and have them angle it on the sides like long layers....don't do layers all over cause it is a pain in the butt to grow out...if you have it angled around your face, it will be a much softer look! Plus you might want to have th option to pull some of it back in a pony tail or in a clip in the hot summer. I'm with you TL...some things are worth splurging on and a good haircut is one of them!!!

  21. Oy! I'm doing a lousy job of filling Ms. Q's wardrobe shoes....Thanks Nex for the save--ha ha. Although from the previews it was such a short glance it did look like this other grey jacket she has, but I just checked out the abc.com and you are TOTALLY right Nex!

    Listening to the Jersey Boys soundtrack my mom sent me...anyone see that show? Not coming to Houston this season--bummer!

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