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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Ms Q/Nex...I voted early this morning on Hellagood! I'm not slacking I promise! :) I liked today...like how she said she hoped their was a female judge who would find him as devastating as she did...loved how she came in at the last minute and grabbed his hand and they showed her as window dressing, but her hand wasn't in his, but still sort of on top of it. Even though not much airtime, still they did seem very together as one and she did seem accepted as his wife. I mean she was sitting next to him, not bobbie, not lucky, etc.

    She did flub one line today...anyone notice that she said that Scott was going to bring up stuff about Laura, and then she will start in on Nicholas or something like instead of he will. THen she said and then Alexis will turn around and blah blah blah...

    Breakroom tonight about 9 central anyone? I'm off to a make up art class.

  2. Sounds like a good day Lainey (especially the shopping part) ha ha! Oh, btw...remember we were talking about flip flops that could hold a lip gloss or chapstick? Well I saw in In Style that Reef makes flip flops for the beach where the heel slides out to make a secret compartment to hide money and a key so you don't need to bring a purse to the beach or leave it by your towel, etc. Why or why couldn't I have thought of that and marketed that idea--I could be rich! :lol: I am for sure needing those for Hawaii!

    Deb That is hysterical about the wendy's cashier and the purse.

    Ms Q-- LOVED your video and all the new clips...but WAIT...there is a clip I don't have in your video at 1:45 in...she is wearing a quilted silvery/grey jacket...at the haunted star I think...you must upload for me before you leave :) (if you have time)

    So this is the first official day of summer and the kids home wth no school or camp at all this week. I am praying and I do mean praying which I never do that they are all going to Dallas this weekend to see my inlaws and leave me home alone for three days. It is my ultimate mom dream fantasy...three days alone with nobody bugging me, talking to me, asking me for food, drinks, friends coming over, etc. If they go, I am even boarding the dog. Sad, what your life comes down to! Sad, but true...

  3. Deb loved the story! Love that she keeps a "trophy" from each person from the past. We should send you purses more often if you keep writing stories like this one!

    Ms Q...So is that Tracy's court jacket? I think it is the same one from the Skye trial in 04 huh? I just watched those clips you sent me the other night...too funny..but I think that is the same one White, with black piping. Hey at least she was in the previews huh? That is rare! Going to watch your video in a few....thanks for the almost going away present. Love the banners. I want to steal the second one as it matches my avatar...

    LadyAshton...love the update...each chapter is getting better and better! Love it. Obessed with TrAsh right now!

    We had people at our house from 2:30 til 9:30 last night. It was really fun. It rained and rained, but the kids all swam in the rain. It finally stopped and got nice around 6pm. Don't know why I popped up at 6am this morning. Everyone is still alseep and it is 6:45am. I should go wake them up like in knh's story and go jump on them and sing...but there is no school, so no reason to do it!

    Hope to be around tonight...around 9pm central...have a make up art class...

  4. Slowly, now that I have my classes, but surely. Right now (I have my next story finished a week early) I have a longer short story due. As of this moment I don't think I have any guidelines for this one so I was thinking of using that scene from the docks, Hooked, what do you think? I will be changing it of course b/c it's not part of a whole book anymore, but still. I was going to do the longer scene, the second one at the dock where she is sitting there thinking about yata yata and he shows up too. I don't think I will have him as a character for this story. I want it to just be her thoughts. I'll send you a link when I've finished it.

    edit: for anyone who wants to read it... ie. Hooked, here is the newest story for my class. I was supposed to write a story in which the character is doing one thnk and thinking about another. Those were the only guidelines. Carrie, let me know what you think b/c I want to see if I got where I was trying to go without telling you first. Thanks!!


    knh...that SOOOO could have been my life you were writing about. Very good story. Love it. Love the carpool kids superhero thing! I can so relate! And the making lunches part...I loathe making lunches!!! And the waking up part was so realistic as well!

    Great job.

    So only I could manage to have all these people over and not cook one single thing! My husbad is grilling everything...and when people asked I told them to bring everything from fruit, to coleslaw to desserts to corn bread, to dips, etc.... I DON"T HAVE TO MAKE ANYTHING--I am so happy (and extremely lazy)

  5. Ughhh...I woke up at 7:30 today cause my son has a tennis lesson at 8:30...I walked the dog and it started raining cats and dogs. Now I can't go back to sleep and I am sure there is no lesson and it is such the perfect rainy day to sleep late! Oh well...guess I should clean up my house as we are having like 40 people over for a barbecue around 2pm---which is going to suck if it is raining out cause I don't want them in my house ! :)

    Is GH on today? Probably huh? No TQ thought right Ms Q? At least we don't think...til tomorrow

    I saw on some Wub spoiler that alan might start hautning monica this summer when she falls for a new young doctor? Could that be? I sure hope so for LC's sake...could give JE some storyline while TG is away (like maybe Alan wants her to help break it up). Who knows...

    Minerva...hope your email is back up soon.

    Lainey...hope you are having a fun weekend

    LadyAshton...hope you are writing anothe chapter

    knh...how is the book coming?

    Pinkpopsicle Thanks for the screencaps...have you been writing at all lately?

    Ms Q...it's coming down to the wire huh...only a few more days til you leave us for the summer (kind of like TG--you sure you aren't going to Amsterdam with him instead of mexico? Ha ha)

    Chat with you guys later...

  6. Hey Deb...that was adorable! So light and funny! Perfect! :D Totaly getting me in the mood to write some more TrAsh! BTW...who else would have been in the room besides LADYASHTON!!!! The Trash queen!!!

    I am totally going to continue my TrAsh saga...they are just so much fun to write! Thanks for sharing and for writing that story! Totally brightened my day! Now I have to go clean out my closet--fun fun fun!

  7. I think the spoiler about alan trying to get her to tell the truth refers to the fact that scotty killed Rick Webber. Maybe Luke finds out she knew and tells her that it is her fault he lost custody and that is how he "crushes" her! Then he takes off like the big jerk he is...for the summer and he can be thinking of ways he can beg her forgiveness when he gets back????

    I read somewhere lulu is shielded from the hearing. Wonder if that is true...

    Ms Q Hope you are o.k and made it out to dinner with the weather. Post a link when you get home later and I'll keep you company!

    I think I have convinced my husband to take the three kids to Dallas next weekend without me. I told her to tell his mom I am on a scrapbook weekend or something with friends. That is like my ultimate dream fantasy...to have three whole days in my house ALL TO MYSELF!!!! PEACE AND QUIET with nobody to do anything for! Sad what your dreams come down to...ha ha! I might even board the dog so I don't have to take care of her either!

    We took the kids to see Shrek the Third...very stupid. The first two were much better, but they liked it so that is what counts I guess. It was pouring here today...went shopping for patio furniture in the rain. We had one good thing happen today...bought a patio set at Home Depot that was listed on sale for $699 but it rang up for some reason at $499 so we took it an ran--ha ha!

    Hope you guys are having a good memorial day weekend.

  8. Darnit...was hoping for a follow up! Home from my surprise party. We totally pulled it off! She was shocked so that was good. My toast was the funniest too (if I do say so myself).

    Love your banners Ms. Q... awesome as usual.

    Thanks so much for the clips Nex. Hope you are going somewhere fun. Ms. Q...suck it up and spend the weekend with your family. Even though we will miss you!

    TracyLuv...have a wonderful trip! You deserve a break after school, work, etc

    We are not going anywhere this weekend...will be a long one. Our small memorial day barbecue is now up to about 35-40 people--OY! I guess we are going to Sam's tomorrow to buy stuff. Thank god I don't have to cook....(not that I ever do) but grilling is totally not my department.

    Upon watching yesterday again, it was funny how tracy hid the wig under her jacket.

    Edit...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 (It is 4:40 central time) anyone around for a few?

  9. Being the shopping queen...I think I saw that shirt she was wearing at Chicos. I don't ever shop there, but happened to go in there once last week with a friend and bought a bracelet (they have cute jewelry). Of course could be from anywhere...but that is so the Chicos style clothing she was wearing yesterday. Looked good on her though...not some curtain-like jacket!

    She did seem a bit off...totally noticed her smile like she was going to laugh at him in his jogging suit. THe flub up of the line was really awful that they didn't bother to fix it! Nice to see that she is human and can flub up, but they could have reshot that I agree...

    So hilarious Nex about tracy undressing in front of luke. DIdn't think about that one. But from the way they are playing it, that wouldn't be the first time! Wonder how she was planning on "Collecting" for the favor??

    Lainey..I was up all night last night too! I should have posted a breakroom link. I went to bed, then woke up cause I could'nt really sleep. I had this whole fic thing going on in my head, but I was too tired to write...

    I'm off to my friend's surprise lunch....I hope I can keep a straight face through the charade of going to the restaurant, etc. Her mom and sister flew in from chicago and are suprising her and pretending to be the waiters...then once she is shocked, the rest of the people are going to be at another table.

    I am so bad at the "poker face" I need lessons from Tracy!!

    I hope today continue as well from yesterday but that would be so like them to just blow it off and leave it where it was yetserday.

    Also...what is up with luke calling her "tasha" (Alexis) He is too lazy to even call her Natasha anymore. If I were alexis I would be like 'don't ever call me that again Luke or you are on your own defending yourself"

    I also liked when Tracy said alice was in love with her before she fell in love with you!

    One more commetn and then I have to go....Poor LC. I mean I like her totally...but she looks so...darn...awful! She can't even move her face....I would be suing that plastic surgeon...she is sooo skinny too which does not look good when you are older (see so I should just keep on eating--ha ha). She must hate JE. They are roughly the same age, but JE is so much prettier and younger-looking and hasn't been under the knife and botched! Plus she is getting all the good screentime with SD and is 60 and has semi, half-ass love scenes with Luke (well not love scenes, but you know what I mean)

    OK..must go...check ya later!

  10. TracyLuv...totally noticed she said she was tripped. I was like WTF???? I rewound and relistened. She sounded like she was trying to cover her mistake. Surprised they didn't cover that or reshoot it. Also liked when Alan said, "you see Trace..." like so brotherly and cute instead of the more formal Tracy...

    What was up with Luke calling her popsicle and not "Pink Popsicle?" No color today...just popsicle?? The outfit wasn't so bad...she looked sort of tiny in it...not so much oomph Ms. Q, but not bad either...total agreement with you....pelo no malo, no bueno...solamente o.k..... (practicing for Ms Qs hair reports while she is away)

    TL...hope you have a great trip! I liked today's episode too...I liked how he said I owe you and she was the one who suggested this was their only option. Of course when he said that he needed leverage on baldwin and like right now...she could have told him about the Rick Webber murder...that would have been too easy. I hope they follow up tomorrow.

    Why the heck hasn't luke found lulu to tell her yet??

  11. knh...I am totally going to read your story you wrote...tonight...i have to do a few things on the computer and then am looking forward to reading it. I haev also been trying to find some pictures to send to you...will do that too. I have a few put aside!


    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 it is 7:50pm. anyone around?

    Knh...read your monologue...it is quite good. But then again you knew you were a great writer. I think you owe us a Lunacy fic.

    Ms Q...was killing time today while my kids were at art...went into Bed, Bath, Beyond, Kohl's and then Ross. I walk into Ross and there were two size bright purple suitcases on their shelves by the purse section. Was thinking of you and cracking up!

  12. OOohhh...sounds good! Thanks for the recaps Ms Q! I am dying to watch...will it be continued tomorrow ya think? Had an end of the year party with the kids at someone's house to swim, have to go now to take them to art, we have people working on our paito...so I will have to watch it later in peace!!

    Have to write a 50th birthday toast tonight for a suprise party tomorrow for my best friend....anyone have any clever ideas for me? I am thinking of a David Letterman top 10 style list of the reasons why I love her...like 10) she is the only person who loses more things than me...9) who is messier than me...8) who is more neurotic and thinks they are dying with every little health problems than me....etc... Or i could go with a poem...trying to think of something witty and clever. But that is not working....my brain is not rhyming tonight. Gotta dig out a picture of the two of us, etc

    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone around??? It is 3:30central

    Edit...I'm with ya staci on the blonde wig thing....maybe it is our hair obession???

  13. LOVE the banner LA!!! Good job Ms. Q. I have like cranberry colored luggage set and it is so much easier to spot. Glad you are keeping your purple one (my fav color). You are right about everything Ms Q...but I meant the article in SID about the quote from SC...but I am taking it you are not the one who told me about the quote...maybe it was Deb!

    Had an impromtu swim party after school today which lasted til just now (9:30pm) after chinese food order and american idol finale. Glad TQ was not on today (not glad, but at least I don't have to rush to watch it tonight)

    Yeah Stace...she said she was "awfully glad he was born" in the little quote from JE to TG.

    Here's hoping for tomorrow!

    Nex...BTW love my brown reefs!! I'm a calif. girl at heart!!!

  14. I so would totally shop for ya Ms Q! I am keeping my fingers crossed for her to be on today. Remember I was telling you guys in the breakroom I was trying to think of a present for my friend to keep her focused, etc for chemo...found the perfect thing today at Nordstroms (even used my giftcard for it from my PTO board dinner gift). It was a tigers eye round beaded bracelet and it had a gold charm hanging from it that said "courage" It wasn't expensive and they gave me a brown velvet pouch to put it in (not a medicine bag, but close enough). I hope she likes it.

    One more day of school left! And half a day at that.

    Sorry Ms Q your teeth are still giving you problems. Bright purple suitcase....I would probably like that one!

    Saw the article in SID about SC leaving. Nice quote you are right about JE and JI. Then tehre was a TG birthday wishes page. JE said she had been waiting to work with him for 30 years to be his acting partner. She was glad for the time to get her game up (I think it should be the other way around)

    Catch you guys later!

  15. Will she be on? Will she, will she, will she? I won't have a clue 'til after the show is over. Going out to lunch with the sister AND some friends, so thank goodness there will be no GH talk.

    Thanks for Monday's clips, nex. In the event that she's on today, do you want me to edit? Because I can. :)

    "Whinest Kid?" Haha. Those award things are nice, hooked. Let us know what he brings home. I got one in 6th grade for "Most courteous." :) LOL.

    Ok...So he didn't get whiniest kid. He got the most artistic award from the art teacher, and the writer award because he hated writing in the beginning of the year and now he loves it and wants to write in his little journal all the time. And from the class he got voted best soccer player--woo woo!!

  16. Thanks for the edited clips Nex! The pressure is on you now cause Ms Q is leaving us for the summer :(

    TL and the rest of you who are in school...good luck with your finals.

    I think today is going to be another good Lunacy day (I hope). Although we seem to get one good, one bad. Maybe today is the anniversary mention day??!!

    Lainey...I agree...loved the back rubbing part (especially cause she was doing it in front of Alexis--they don't ususally show them being affectionate when others are around), loved him playing with her hair (although he was probably thinking "gosh your hair lacks some oomph Jane" Ha ha.

    It is thundering and lightening and raining...I love these kind of mornings. Although today stinks...have to go work at school from 10-12:30 and then the older one gets out at 12:45 due to finals. Then I have to go back to the other school for the first grade awards ceremony. I am sure my child will win the "Whiniest Kid" award! :) He has my vote for sure! LOL

    BTW..at least I got a good end of the year goodbye gift last night from my PTO board and I am officially done!!! Yeah!! Our former treasurer goes on trial June 18th for her theft from the middle school. I so badly want to go and sit in the peanut gallery to freak her out. I want to get a big group of parents together to go! She requested a trial by jury cause she thinks she cany get sympathy from a jury as to her situation why she embezzled all that money from a school. The bottom line for me is...it just doens't matter what your reasons were....you are still guilty and you committed a crime.

    Edit I just found out from the police officer on the case that I may be called as a witness in the trial even though she is being tried for another case. Yikes. I didn't sign on for that.

    OK...I will shut up now. Have a good day! :)

  17. You did not offend me at all Stace--you goof! I was just telling it like it is....it sucked...it is o.k...I'm okay with that--ha ha! I"m off to a dinner.

    Can I just tell you that I want to pull every hair out of my almost 7 year old's head. I want to freaking scream!!!!!!!!! He does not stop whining from sun up to sun down. I left him crying on the pantry floor and freaking out for like 20 minutes today over not knowing what he wanted for a snack and how I don't love him because I don't buy what he likes to eat. I just closed the door and left him in there crying in the dark (not I didn't lock him in there of anything and he could get out whenever he wanted to). I just put myself in my room and gave myself a time out (to rewatch GH).

    I am seriously about to lose it and go crazy. Whew...okay...just needed to vent there.

    BTW...isn't it funny how they put us on this rollercoaster of ups and downs with Lunacy. One day they are all lovey dovey like today and she is rubbing his back and stuff...Friday he was a jerk saying she isn't fun anymore...last week she was kissing him at GH, then talking to him about the rape...

    BTW again...guess Lulu still lives at the Qs...today Luke said he and lulu were still finding their way...living under one roof...having a few laughs. Guess that answers the question where they are living.

  18. Does anyone else just love Tracy's hair as much as I do? I'm going to have to post in that thread and express my ahem...displeasure with the current style. I suspect hooked will back me up? :)

    Watched Tracy's 3 (wish there were more) scenes today...

    Comment #1:

    Show of hands...Who thought the blonde wig was going to make an appearance? Luke, however, shot down Tracy's idea to kidnap Laura. He shot it down in a nice way, in case anyone is wondering.

    Comment #2:

    Since it's night out, I'm just going to assume Tracy's in her pajamas...Only explanation I have for what she's been wearing. IIRC, SoapQueen said she's on tomorrow, so let's hope she puts on something better.

    Comment #3:

    Heh. Luke thought Tracy was doing this all for him, but she brought up it's also because of Lulu, who, as we all know, she has become fond of.

    Comment #4:

    No anniversary mention, but Luke kissed her on the patio. Ahh...The patio. And squee! He played with her hair!!!

    Comment #5:

    I'm wondering what Luke's last line was. I need to think? I need to do something? Hmm, maybe he won't be around for the hearing Tuesday thru Wednesday after all...although he did say he wasn't going to miss it.

    hooked, maybe I'll catch you tonight? I liked the story, BTW. :) I do think you had Tracy catch on REALLY quickly though, dare I say almost too quickly? Don't take it the wrong way. Tracy and Luke attempting to babysit Jake was hilarious, and I loved that you got Alan involved. But as you pointed out the ending sort of seemed disjointed from the rest. But anyway, it was still much fun. I'd paid for something like that to air on the show. :lol:

    At least he played with her flat hair Ms Q!!! LOL! He said, "I've got some thinking to do" I think. Loved today though...she is so in love with him it is sick. I wish he would have said, "you know I really do love you" when he kissed her on the patio...but hey...I am happy for what we got.

    OK...so I won't give up my day job...that story did suck. I should have not gone off on a tangent like that...oh well...CAN'T WIN EM ALL!!!!!! :rolleyes: I should take some lessons from Lainey...don't rush and if it isn't good---scrap it!!

    I have a PTO end of year dinnr tonight at 7 til about 9. Will try to be in the breakroom around 9:30 central...be there or be square--ha ha!

    Total SLOW MO day for me and TL today--especially the last scene!

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