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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Wubs Spoilers...

    I don't like the sounds of these! Not at all! Not one bit! Nope. na-ah. NO WAY!

    **While Luke is busy with the Laura stuff, Tracey is busy with Scott Baldwin making a deal! Me: Okay, this one we knew. We're hoping she is scaming him.

    **Scotty and Tracey--a deliciously nasty duo! Me: Um.. Uh.. This doesn't sound like a scam. It sounds frightening! Muy, muy frightening!!!

    Thanks for the mail, TL!!!

    Hooked, I can't open the attachment!!!!!!! YOU LOCKED IT!!!!!!

    Oh sorry...I decided I should start locking my word documents as we are all networked together in my house and didn't want my kids to somehow open and read my smut--ha ha!

    Does it ask you for the password? Cause it is lainey for that story if you can enter it. If not, I will work on it later and put it into another document. I didn't do that much anyway...

    I feel like I am getting sick and I have no time for that at all. I am taking mega vitamin C and echinasia with goldenseal tody and airborne....trying to knock it out!

  2. The closer we get to Luke and Tracy Lovin' the more I want to write. :rolleyes:

    I Didn't Forget, fiction by pinkpopsicle

    Loved it PinkPopsicle! Your best story yet I think...loved the spanky's daddy..and loved that she just wanted to cuddle! Too cute! You gotta keep writing to get us through the 16th

    MinervaFan...found someone who sells tapes of the City, but not dvd edits....Nex might have a few clips she said she would look for them for us.

    http://www.geocities.com/cityfan01/tapetrading (here is the link...looks like they have some Gh stuff too. I don't have a VCR though anymore...

    knh Hope you are feeling better. I finished my two paintings...I need to email you them to show ya...not as good as your work by any means, but at least they are done. One was a holiday gift to my dad (a little late huh????) Going to bring it to him at the end of the month in Florida.

  3. I will see what I have when I get home. I do remember that the clips I do have are in Real Player format and the screen is teeney tiny, but at least you can hear it. :) I'll check my cd's as soon as I get home, which might be pretty late. If I don't get home in time I will bring the cd's into work and post them tomorrow.

    Thanks Nex...where did you get those cds? Did you have the original clips? I wonder if someone sells them like they do the GH edits. Thanks in advance for whenever you get a chance. No hurry!

  4. Nex...thanks for the URL (and thanks TL cause I know you would have posted it too.) Nex do you know anyplace that has old City clips from when Tracy was on that show? Someone thought you might have had some old clips. Or do you know anyone who has dvd edits of that show to purchase? Just curious.

    I can't believe I wasn't online last night...first night in a long time. I actually watched t.v and played with my kids....imagine that?? Ha ha. Ill be around tonight though for sure after about 9pm central cause I have a ton of work to do for my fundraiser and to fill out a bunch of tax stuff.

    We owe a lot of money...which is never fun. :(

    So my crazy mother in law is now coming to watch my kids, but she won't come on the day we leave for London cause she has a secretive "previous engagment" that she won't tell us what it is? I mean WTF is up with that??? So I told her I am a bit uncomfortable leaving the country with my kids sleeping at various friends houses, hoping her plane comes in on time the following day. Also, I won't be getting to go over instructions and stuff with her and going over medication one kid takes, etc. She is like you can just email it to me. She will be here almost a week...there is a lot of stuff. But whatever...at least I get to go. Just hope I wont' worry the whole time. But I am sure I won't...I am good and separating myself once I leave.

    Ms. Q how is your mouth doing?

    MinervaFan...know the feeling of losing your mind/brain...feeling that way today too. What a bummer no Tracy today. She has to be on tomorrow night?

    Smirks Happy Belated birthday

    LadyAshton Hope all is well with you...we have missed you around here!! :)

    Lainey...hope your day is not too horrible today. I sent you something to read

    Check ya guys later around 9ish

  5. Oh my god.....Ms. Q that story was INCREDIBLE!!!! I love your internet sobriety now....stay offline more often so you can write more!!!!!!!! That was your hottest story ever! So perfect and amazing! LOVED IT....you made my night....

    Lainey I wrote a tiny bit....will try to write more later...

    Chat with you guys later maybe???

  6. Loved your videos Ms. Q!!!!! Glad your internet sobriety doesn't apply to video making :)

    Lainey...you so should have joined us. We got out at midnight, but then got back in late night by accident sort of, and ended up chatting til so late. Crazy!!! I totally thought of how I am going to start our story this morning...

    Deb...glad all is well

    Happy Easter everyone who celebrates. I hate that everything is closed today though...I need to go to Target, but forgot it is closed.

  7. Does anyone know where you can watch or access any old clips from when Tracy was on The City? Surely someone out there has an old tape collection or might have a dvd edit?? Anyone have any idea? Just thought I would throw that out there....it is going to become a quest....

  8. Lainey is using her 200th post to tell the world....





    Woah! This high speed thing is cool. This afternoon, I watched every damn Monica-Alan clip on YouTube. Wow. Woah. Weeee. I may never do anything productive ever again... ever! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yeah for the 200th post and yeah for high-speed!!!! So glad they got it hooked up for you. I posted a story for you last night as present...sorry it sucked--ha ha!

    Edit I just noticed this was my 350 post! Yikes..I need to get a life! :)

  9. Deb, thanks for the comments. I emailed you. You were dead on...It was 1:00am and I was wiped and just wanted to hurry up and post it. I should have waited and worked on the ending today. Oh welll....but I can still fix it right??

    Hope everyone has a good day today. Bummer no birthday for Tracy this year...but we were saying last night..nobody has birthdays of GH..not even the little kids, so I guess at least TQ got one!!

    I just saw a new actress named Megan Ward will play Kate Howard, someone from Sonny's past from Bensonhurst whose first airdate is 5/4....wow another new actress coming on....love interest for sonny???

    Edit Lainey, is your high-speed hooked up??? You are going to be loving life--a downloading machine! :)

  10. Saw a thread that said Mike will die in the cellar shoot out in May...maybe he is the male character being killed off instead of Dillon. Sonny gets shot in the head...I mean come on....Can they not think of an original story for sweeps...gee a mob shoot out, yet again.

    But...I guess it is better than the chair bound blonde one coming back!!!

    For those of you who celebrate Easter, hope you have a nice weekend!

    Yeah...happy birthday to TQ!!! I wish the hanky panky scene was in honor of her birthday today. Would be nice for her to see Dillon walking in with a busted lip from Logan punching him and asking him what happened...and him saying, "well here's a birthday present for you mom...lulu only wants to be friends with me...and Georgie and I are done! What more could you ask for..." Poor Dillon...wasted his blackmail against Tracy on wanting to date lulu with no interference...now that is over! He is a Hornsby...not a Q!!! Gotta pick something better to blackmail about! Haha!

    I'm off to paint...my husband took my three boys to Hooters for lunch (nice wholesome family restaurant huh?).

  11. I made an icon for I Love Tracy Q and she needed some help deciding which one to use. She asked me to post them here to get some feedback. They're all the same, just with different lighting effects.

    1. th_ILoveTracyQicon.jpg

    2. th_ILoveTracyQicona.jpg

    3. th_ILoveTracyQiconb.jpg

    4. th_ILoveTracyQiconc.jpg

    5. th_ILoveTracyQicond.jpg

    6. th_ILoveTracyQicone.jpg

    7. th_ILoveTracyQiconf.jpg

    8. th_ILoveTracyQicong.jpg

    ETA: Forgot to add that I'm in the breakroom, and YES, Lainey is the bus driver on the LuNatic Fringe Express. (Yeah, it's new. I thought of it this morning.)

    I like number 2 and we are still in the breakroom deb...saw you popped in while we were on a 15 minute hiatus break...me making shakes and TL checking email! Come back!

  12. Hey Deb hope your day is at least over!!! And that it got a tiny bit better. I am just laughing as I think I never read the tag line under your banner closely before to say "substitute bus driver on the Lunatic fringe express". HILARIOUS!!! I got the most ridiculous hat today for the Kentucky Derby. I hate hats...look so stupid in them...but had to suck it up. It will be worn exactly once and then on ebay--ha ha! I feel like Alexis Colby in Dynasty wearing it. I loved her back in the day....come to think of it...she is sorta like Tracy, only not as funny and wears way sexier clothes instead of priestly robes! Ha ha.

    Ms Q Luckily all was 100% fine at the doctor for me today...and with my husband too :) I am sure he will be milking it though all weekend! Will read your email you sent me later when I have time...I'm on the way out.

    TracyLuv Since it is a long weekend and no school tomorrow for the kids, I will try to get busy writing for ya! We missed you last night in the breakroom...hung on for a while thinking you might pop in late!

    knh Hope you are feeling way better. Any progress on names?

    Lainey Hope work was better today and you got some clarity on what you should do.

    MagicHappens and Nex Thanks for the spoilers. Sounds like the hanky panky is what we think it is....but of course just how far will they actually go before Scotty interrupts!

    Lady Ashton Where have ya been? Missed ya lately!

    PinkPosicle Thanks again for uploading those scans...

    IloveTracyQ Hope all is well with you!

    Will be home tonight...and be online for a bit!

  13. knh...so glad it is not mono, and that you can take antibiotics and get it knocked out!! I didn't start writing yet...have so much to do these next couple weeks...but will try! Don't think Tracy is on the rest of the week this week. Boo hoo! But hopefully the following two weeks will be good.

    Pinkpopsicle Thanks for the scans of the articles.

    Have a busy day of doctor's appts today, errands, etc so chat with you guys later!

  14. Deb & PinkPopsicle -- Love the new fics! I would love to pop out a little smut piece... but I'm not fast. Hooked.. oh Hooked.. We need another little smut piece for the ramp up to Hanky Panky. I vote for you!

    Hey.. for those of you keeping track ;) -- THREE MORE DAYS 'TIL LAINEY GETS HIGHSPEED!! YIPPEE

    OK Lainey...thanks for that vote! :) Guess I gotta get crackin huh!!! Maybe tonight! I'll be in the breakroom for a while. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    Yeah for high-speed!!!! THree more days--whew whew!!!

  15. Did anyone notice the mistake yesterday Edward made? Or the writers I should say? In the will reading, Alan left skye Lila's ruby earrings cause she always loved them. But yesterday, Edward said, "Skye got Lila's ruby ring...that should have gone to her real grandaughter" Idiots!!!

    Edit Lainey...the thread at SOC has three pages!

    PinkPosicle and MinervaFan you both are getting me in the mood to write! I was going to write something about the hanky panky last night after all the speculation....but I got too tired. maybe tonight!

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