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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Just got some email with May spoilers...they seem boring and a waste of time. Only good positive is that is that "she who shall not be named" is not in them--ha ha. Seems almost too late for GF to come back now. Says the sweeps starts April 23 til May 20 or something like that.

    Watched yesterday's show finally today. IF they don't knock off this three stooges thing with Lulu, I am going to puke. Wonder where Dillon will pick her up for their date...maybe we can see where she is residing these days.

  2. Wow guys...I feel bad as I have had an excellent day today--one of the best in a long time! I got so much accomplished, caught up with two old friends I hadn't seen in a long, long time, exercised, got all my volunteer work for our fundraiser done, got two more sponsorships totally $800 donated, found out I won volunteer of the month for our elemtaryschool, BUT MOST HAPPY THING TODAY was...I finally got my DVDS edits in the mail from Eldon. I feel guilty now in light of the yucky days you guys had!

    MinervaFan wow...that is horrible. Was she wearing a seat belt? Thank god she was o.k. I always freak out in cabs, especially with my kids, as I am like the seatbelt Nazi in my family. My kids love going in cabs as it is the only time they don't wear one. I am so so happy she is fine. The ER sucks no matter what the circumstance is...have been in enough of them to know that! Sooo glad that Fey is going to be fine. That is so scary to get a call like that.

    Ms.Q So sorry you had a crappy day at the oral surgeon. Let me know what he said. I will try to be around later tonight about 9 central as I have a meeting tonight. We need to make contact with these recent youtube posters and ask for the files in wmv format. I am going to do that this evening. I need to remember my account info there so I can log in. I forgot it yesterday when I tried. Also, the spoiler is sounding like maybe now Alan will get to haunt edward if he gets a cut of the ELQ pie. Or a trick for Edward to get Tracy to admit she altered the will. Maybe he is wearing a wire--ha ha!

    edit I just opened another youtube account as it was easie than wracking my brain and nothing was working. Anyway, I emailed that person who posted those tracy clips with baby dillon on the plane and of her leaving and asked her if she had them in wmv format. Told her I would be happy to give her any old clips in exchange and to let us know....I will let you know if she responds...

    Oh..and that nik/em clip was too funny with tracy doing her needlepoint and her snarky comments about the groom arriving in shackles...and please...lulu with her jet black hair...she must have started hitting the dye bottle about the time she hit her growth spurt and ages about 6 years in the span of 2!! LOL

    Nexglad you liked the fanfics. I actually started another one this afternoon in between carpools. It had been swirling around in my head all day today. Didn't get too far, but will try to work on it later.

    Aren't you guys glad I don't work outside of the home (the pc way to say a stay at home mom these days--ha ha). Othewise, I would be the writing machine that I am at the moment--LOL I know the streak will end soon though...so I am trying to enjoy it while the creativity is flowing.

    Smirks I absolutely love your banner. Was laughing about you snorting your coke...the kind you usually drink. Thanks for the info that GH sucked today. Don;'t have time to watch it anyway, so now I won't stress...

    The rest of you...Lainey, TracyLoveL, LadyAshton, Regency, et al....hope your days were o.k!!!

  3. Wow, I read this board everyday and I still never catch up. Between the clips and fic I have yet to download and read/watch it's like Tracy heaven in here! :)

    Ms. Q, I checked out the site for the FF you posted but whenever it starts to play, it immediatly stops and that happens with all the days. Do you have these as clips? Also - great job on Lainey and Hooked's banners! ;) ... AND yes, of course the dream with Deb must have been about the LuNacy bus :) what else? heehee

    Loved your vid Ms. Q! But will rewatch and tell you my fave parts later :)

    Hooked, Loved your LuNacy fic!! Loved how you had it take place after the LL2 wedding and the cute ending of course. Wouldn't it be grand especially since Tracy might not be on this week, that Luke istn' eiter and then when they finally show them, it the morning after "their nigtht" in her bedroom? YUM! You know I am a LuNacy junkie, so I'm going to have to need another fix ASAP - happy to see you are going to be supplying soon :) - AND.... Congrats on your 300th post!

    LadyAshton, Hooked, Thanks for the clips AGAIN!! Thankfully there is no way to overdose on the drug that is Tracy Quartermaine Spencer. .....ahhhhh

    LuNacy Bus Driver MinervaFan, Congrats on your 1000th post!!!!!

    Thanks for the compliments on the story TracyLuv!

    I will try to be around late night tonight. I have to endure the hellacious wrath of Chuck E Cheese for a birthday at 6 (unless I can find someone to pawn my son off on when I get there who can drive him home) , then I have my art class and won't be home til later!

    Gathering Tracy was not on today as nobody has mentioned anything this afternoon.

    Talk to you guys later!


    MinervaFan...did you see the marco dane reference I inserted into the last lunacy story for ya??? I was just watching a clip with him in it today...they were SOOO cute together!

  4. WOW! It seems like I have a bunch of catching up to do. There are lots of clips to download, fics to read, music to listen to, and a vid or two to watch. :) I swear I will comment on all as soon as I get a chance.

    Ms.Q and smirks, I love the new banners and I love all the green. Thanks for posting the clip of Tracy and baby Dillion leaving town from You Tube but did anybody check out the full 10 minute clip of Tracy saying goodbye to Ned, Lila, and AJ?.......well here it is!


    ETA: page 293!!!

    Thanks for pointing me to that longer version. What did you search to find that? I never seem to find these unless they are fairly recently posted.

    Yes, you have lots of catching up to do...you will have time this week as according to Ms.Q, Tracy will not be on....Here's to hoping she is wrong! :)

  5. Ah Ms.Q (got the right marital status--ha ha) Thanks for the youtube clip. what search did you use for that?

    I just watched the Tony jones memorial service with luke giving the eulogy. THe montage was so great and the flashback.. 100 times bettter and more appropriate than Alan's send off. That reall sucks for SD! They should be ashamed of themselves!

    Regency good luck with your writing.

    MinervaFan loved your music. You are so very talented--writer, singer, etc

    Might try to write something later today....have an idea....lunacy of course! :)

  6. minervafan, we are in breakroom now! Downloading your songs as we speak

    Edit...just listened to Jesters Waltz...it is awesome. You are so talented it is amazing. It takes a while to download these, so i ma going one at a time. Thanks so much for sharing

  7. Mrs. Q thanks for the kinds words about the story. ANd OMG...I really think this was your best video yet. The clips are perfect and the song is perfect....SOOOOOOOOOOOO LOVING IT!!! Everyone notice my new banner...credit goes to Mrs. Q--the banner maker extraordinaire!!!

    Did it take anyone else forever to download those clips from JE online that Melissa posted? Mine took like twenty minutes or more each. Can't figure out why.

    I will be around in the breakroom for a while....I am watching some things and getting ready to listen to MinervaFan songs. Can't wait. Doing some PTO stuff and writing some letters to teachers.

    EditLadyAshton...you were right. The clips I backed up to CD did work with the audio. That is great news. Tracyluv, you can just back up your clips to free up computer space by buring them to CD. LadyAshton told me that since they are wmv files they will work and she was right.

    Although you have a mac right, so I don't know if it would be different. I am such a happy camper right now. Now that I know if my computer fries, I still have my clips!! It's the little things in life you know!! :)

  8. I finished my lunacy fic. Just sat down and wrote it in two hours!! WIll post it in a bit. I have to do a few things right now. Just wanted to make you wait in anticipation--ha ha

    MinervaFan...can't wait to listen to you songs. Thanks for sharing them with us. I will download them when I get home later.

    More in a few minutes....

    Edit OK..couldn't even tease anyone as nobody was here....

    I didn't really edit this story a whole lot, but here it is goes...This one is for you TracyLuv as I know you are dying for some new lunacy fic!!! Hope it can get us through the long week with no-Tracy!!! Lainey, you are going to love this one!

    Knh, can't wait to read your last chapter.

    Mrs Q thanks so much for the banner

    LadyAshton, glad you liked the Trash story. THe happy ending was for you. Looking forward to more Trashy clips!! :)

    This is what happened offscreen when Tracy/Luke left the wedding on Friday....enjoy!


    BTW...this is my 300th post! Whew whew! I will be around tonight later!!!

    Also..I like finishing a story way better and posting it than doing it in chapters. Easier to keep up with. My new writing method of choice!! Ha ha.

  9. I love coming here...

    LadyAshton, I love you! All of these clips are just so much more exciting for me because I wasn't watching GH back then, and it's just amazing to be able to see a small fraction of what I missed. I actually get more excited about new clips than a months worth of GH. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?

    And THE PICTURES!!! thanks pinkpopsicle !

    Did anyone notice that Jane is sitting on a dolly that says "General Hospital Props"...photographer has a dry sense of humor, no?

    If I would have known there would have been pictures, my new banner may have been different *shows off new banner*. But well, it's pretty damned irresistable the way it is. I heart them.

    Love your banner smirkes!!!!

    You should join us one night!!!

  10. OK I have the most FAB idea for a lunacy fic...writing it tonight for sure!!!! Lady A and I were in the breakroom and she told me I should mkae it a story...it is going to be so funny!!!!!

    Just a teaser.....

    Oh and I found the receipt for those jeans (for those of you in the breakroom last night) they were $39.50 and my hsuband didn't even say a word about it this mroning. He wasn't mad anymore so I didn' need to apologize--lucky me!!

  11. OMG...Mrs Q is going to love you more than anyone right now for posting those. She has been dying. My scanner isn't working or I would have done it. Thanks so much. Isn't that just the cutest photo of her in SID...so playful and fun and untracy like IMO!!!

  12. Good morning everyone!

    As promised in the breakroom, I come bearing clips! This edition of "Tracy Blasts From the Past" features Tracy and Scott (aka Scumbag.)


    Tracy is suspicious of Scott and Lucy during after "the desk" and before Cheryl's dinner at Delafield's


    Tracy is suspicious of Scott and Lucy during the hostage situation at GH

    Do we see a pattern evolving here?????

    And just cause I felt like it....


    Ned plots against Paul while Mom gives herself a facial (FYI this is before they start dating)



    You are the best LA!!!! You promise and you deliver! I can't wait to watch them in a few minutes. In return I will finish the TRASH chance encounter story for ya this weekend....maybe even today!!!!

  13. Found the SID magazine today. After my pajama jaunt this morning, I actually checked walmart fully clothes in real clothes--ha ha! Found it. I didn't read it yet as I had to go straight to lunch and a meeting and then home with a bunch of my kids friends all here yelling and screaming. I even baked cookies (break and bake---don't be impressed) for all these little boys. I did look at the photo and it is so cute. She looks so casual and fun. Think that means she is going to be wearing that jacket again soon?

    Mrs Q--hope you are feeling better today

    Regency---Liked your story...Maybe they fell in love all those times Tracy had to call him to report Luke trying to kill her (ha ha)

    I have to go to some big event thing tonight and get all dressed up. SO not in the mood.

  14. TL, as someone who suffers from claustrophobia, I can totally feel your pain on that MRI thing. OMG, just thinking about one makes my skin crawl.

    I'm pretty sure TQ will be on today and (sorry, Lainey) I think all we're going to get of that "dinner" is the off-hand mention from yesterday. TIIC drop hints all the time and let them crash, unnoticed, to the floor. Maybe we'll get to see Tracy and Luke on the floor playing jacks. (Nah-nah, MsQ! I read the article!) Either that, or Maxie will crash the wedding and TQ and Luke will become wallpaper.

    Sorry, I'll try to be more positive tomorrow? :D

    I just stopped in the grocery store on the way home from carpool! I was literally in my pajamas (could pass for sweatpants though) and a sweatshirt over them but figured who cares what i look like I must find that magazine...but it wasn't out yet...still had the old one. I wasn't about to go store hopping in my pjs!!

    Deb...did you see the old clips that Schatzepage put on JE online...she added about three more yesterday. There is more of tracy/paul the jerk and him turning her down yet again....then a scene with tracy and alan and her asking him what she should do and why paul wont' sleep with her. She hugs him....go watch them...

    BTW...for those of you in the breakroom last night...I checked the transcipt from yesterday and Luke said, "Come on NOW (the missing word I couldn't tell what he called her) your snob is showing". Now I can move on with my day--LOL

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