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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. so I was watching one of my epis last night... the one where she freaks out about the age difference between her and Paul, who let me say, even if he is as big a jerk as they come, was really cute with her and they had a lot of chemistry. It was kinda funny. She stared at herself in the mirror, obviously thinking she wasn't good enough and came out the next scene in spndex leggings, a florescent pink jcket and some strange skirt and sequined top. She looked a bit like Barbie and the Rockers!!

    I saw that too on one of these edits and it was hilarious. Ned told her it was a good look for her...if she was madonna! Too funny. I watched the whole dillon labor/birth/premie thing today. Paul was very loving to Tracy then and they seemed to be very close and bonded. I forgot what happened after that...will have to keep on watching these dvd edits. It takes forever

    Regency...loved you story. MinervaFan loved yours. Today is a banner day. Now if only we get the scenes that last more than two seconds with tracy/luke/lulu today I will be a very happy camper.

    Love all this posting/writing.

    Mrs. Q hope you get to take a break today. I am wiped too from staying up til 2am two days in a row. I am getting too old for that.

  2. Would you believe that the day I go to post my new fic my comp comes down with the virus to end all viruses? Yeah, it did. So, I'm getting online from school right now. I'll have to try again tonight.

    *waves at Everyone* I've missed you guys.

    ETA: Regarding how Jane's been looking, I actually did that little gasp that girls do when they see other pretty girls when I've seen her the past few days.

    ETA2: Guess who bit the bullet? Moi. Upwards & Onwards.

    LOVED IT! What a treat to read. Made my day. Thanks. Maybe we will get lots of tracy today and it will be a banner day all around!!

  3. Darn...I wanted them to steal it from Skye, not Emily. Not cause I like emily, but because with St. Emily tracy will really look like an evil stepwitch. If it were skye, then at least we couldn't blame her!!!! But then again, who cares if Tracy and Luke get to team up together...they can steal it from Monica!!!! AT least he didn't leave it to Jason I guess.

  4. Yeah, what they said. Wow. The Muppets are breathing a sigh of relief.

    Oh, and I just wondered something. Are they are bringing Jane in like, everyday, filming 30 second/two minute scenes? Or did they film all the hospital scenes at once? Because I can so see Jane--Okay, let me get this straight? I get up, get in my car, fight LA traffic, have my HAIR STRAIGHTENED, put on my make-up (which is supposed to look like she's not wearing any), put on my costume, go to the set, film for 25 minutes, go BACK to the dressing room, take off my costume, take off my make-up, put my street clothes and make-up back on, get BACK in my car, fight the LA traffic again all for 30 seconds of film? And you want me to do this every day this week?

    Yeah, no wonder she's stressed and tired looking.

    Bummer, so only one short scenes today again huh...I haven' watched yet. You are so funny...I can totally see her saying that. Hopefully they filmed all her little hospital scenes together at once like she said in that soap talk appearance to save time and money. Maybe she is laughing driving home saying, "I am the most overpaid, underworked person in daytime"

    MinvervaFan, when you get a chance, could you tell me how to post something on the fictathon site. I wanted to edit that story a little bit more and then post it.

    Thanks :)

  5. Ok, my two cents about the spumor... (I already gave one opinion, but I put no money on it till now)

    Never gonna happen. gotta love my mommy for bringing down the voice of reason. They will never make a Main character a killer unless they are mob related. And yes, no matter how much we b-tch and moan about how little she is on, she's a main character and on way more than any other vet with the exception of TG. They'd never do it b/c it means they'd lose them and I don't think they'd be willing to lose her. She 1) just keeps coming back, and 2) she makes the show when she does, no matter how many cheap knockoffs they write, she is the real deal and no one does it better.

    so we're all safe..... though I did have myself a good cry, Ms. Q, got over it though

    now debate if you must, but those are my beliefs and I hold them near and dear to my heart. ain't nobody gonna ruin it for me!!

    Yeah! That's my story (well your story) and I'm sticking to it as well :)

  6. She can't be Rick Webber's killer...she just can't. She wasn't on the show then in 2002 and then she acted totally surprised when Monica said she had taken up with rick again. Maybe she found the letter that alan wrote a long time ago and covered it up? I just can't accept that she could have killed him.

    It is probably some stupid rumor!!!! I like the spy idea!!!!

    Too funn about the muppets!!!!

    I'll be home this evening if anyone is up for a chat!

  7. Laughing so hard at the elmo thing...but let's all just think about this....Tracy has never killed anyone. That is not her style, unless it is self-defense or to protect one of her kids, etc.

    I refuse to believe that....la la la la I am not listening to that spumor at all.......

    Do you really think they would let her go in May??? Surely not! Let Monica go first......she is more expendable now that alan is going to be dead. Not our Tracy!!!!!

  8. I think she definately thinks of lulu as her daughter now, especially if you look at the way she and her own kids interact... not that different, so why wouldn't she? I also think she is much better than LC. No disrepect to her at all cuz I do like her, but there is just something about it that always seems like she is acting to me. and her teeth bother me a lot. don't know why, they just do, they look really fake.

    Oh yeah, and i thought she looked amazing today, by the way. She looked younger (not that that makes a difference)and happier and less tired than she has in maybe 2 weeks. LOVE her!!! (and she was hysterical and fabulous, even for only one scene)

    Ok, here's is the question I know is on everyone's mind... (obviously, not really, but I'm going to take my own little opinion poll) way OT, sorry

    What should Kristin do?....

    my friend Louise wants me to take over her yoga class for her Mons, Weds, and Fridays. a couple of problems to go along with this so I've made myself a little pro and con list.


    -I enjoy yoga and would be doing it anyway

    -would be another job, so extra much-needed money

    -can make my own schedule, so don't have to change

    anything at work now.


    -I haven't had the time to practice lately, so bit of a problem

    -Haven't been to an actual class in 2 years so not sure what to do

    -probably run out of things to do pretty quickly.

    list goes on, but it stays pretty even and I can't think of them right now. I really do want to teach the class and it is in my town, which is a plus, but I haven't been to a class in so long that I really don't think I'd remember what to do or enough to keep it fresh. I can do the same thing over and over again in my own practice and it won't bother anyone, but not so much there.

    so, again, what should Kristin do?..... feel free to share, even if it's an eeny meeny miny mo kind of thing.

    thanks so much

    oh yeah.... and thanks so much for the story Reg, it's been so long! I can't wait till you put it up

    Do the class...you can always quit if it doesn't work out or if you feel it is too much. But if they find someone else, then you might regret not doing it But I would go with your gut as your gut is always right.....sounds like you want to teach it.

  9. Just an observation from today...

    I just rewatched the tracy/monica scene today (JE is such a better actress than LC) and when Monica asked about Emily, Tracy said no, and there is no sign of lulu yet either. Then she said she was going to yell at Mac, but realized he had a daughter in there too. It was like she was relating them all three having daugthers in there like Lulu is sort of like her daughter! I hope we get at least one touching scene between them at some point in this crisis.

  10. Thanks soooo much Hooked!! I really appreciate it. I downloaded Friday's explosion from Hella Good and well they showed Alan having his heartattack again today outside the MC, so I don't need those clips.

    Oh, one more please... Do you have the clips from when Spinelli was first introduced to Tracy and the rest of the Q'maines?

    I am so pissed off. I'd hate to regularly start having to download from Hella Good just for backup because I'm only interested in Tracy and hate having the extra footage I don't need. I"m afraid my computer is going to crash. I have to figure out a way to burn the clips, and mVids etc. to a DVD, so I can't take the rist of having extra stuff. I am also very pissed cause there's nothing like watching on my TIVO. I usually save all my tracy/LuNacy scenes on my DVR and when Jen Bengley comes out with a new Luke and Tracy DVD I erase them BUT she doesn't have every Tracy scene on them. Usually only with Luke/Lulu and by herself only if it has to do with Luke s/l.

    But thanks again! You're a lifesaver:)

    Wow...I actually got to help someone instead of asking for help! So glad!! I will look for the other one. It was on 12/18/06 i believe.

    I have a PTO meeting at 6 and art at 7pm, but will be home around 9ish. May check in later.

  11. Regency, YAY!! I can't wait to read your fic!

    Nex?, Ms. Q? Do either of you have edited clips of Tracy/Lulu when Tracy was wearing the blue robe thing last month I think? and Tracy/Lulu/Dillon/Spumoni stuff? AND the segment of the epi from the explosion of the MC from Friday? My damn cable company screwed up and disconnected my cable!!!! When I noticed this, this morning I flipped out! I called them up and they reset it for me. BUT a few of the epis I had saved where missing from my DVR!! ARRGGHHH!!! All my Tracy scenes from last week are gone too but at least I have the clips that you all posted last week. My Alan scene of him having the Heart attack is missing also. If neither of you have them, maybe I can still get them from Hella Good, problem is, I don't know the dates of the shows. I would be eternally greatful if either of you could help me out. Thanks.

    Here are the first couple of scenes you requested. The first is Tracy/Lulu, the second is the Spumoni stuff



  12. Regency, YAY!! I can't wait to read your fic!

    Nex?, Ms. Q? Do either of you have edited clips of Tracy/Lulu when Tracy was wearing the blue robe thing last month I think? and Tracy/Lulu/Dillon/Spumoni stuff? AND the segment of the epi from the explosion of the MC from Friday? My damn cable company screwed up and disconnected my cable!!!! When I noticed this, this morning I flipped out! I called them up and they reset it for me. BUT a few of the epis I had saved where missing from my DVR!! ARRGGHHH!!! All my Tracy scenes from last week are gone too but at least I have the clips that you all posted last week. My Alan scene of him having the Heart attack is missing also. If neither of you have them, maybe I can still get them from Hella Good, problem is, I don't know the dates of the shows. I would be eternally greatful if either of you could help me out. Thanks.

    I think the tracy/lulu blue robe was 1/8 and 1/9. I have them but they may not be totally edited. I will upload them when I get home from driving carpool.

  13. Good for you Hooked! Glad you got it all done. I'll probably be around for a chat later. It's been so long so I hope I can. I'm sitting here in the pitch black of my room b/c i my light blew out (too lazy to change it myself), which I am taking as I sign that I don't need to draw today. Got in a fight with my sisters a while ago, so I am pissed off and don't want to go back downstirs. I'm staying up here and getting some work done till I cool off. I'm actually pretty cool right now, but it won't take much to start something again, so I'm keeping my distance. I don't even know what we were fighting about but b/c I'm the oldest I should know better and be "the example" (even if they are old enough to know on their own, my sisters are 12, 16, and 20!!) and therefore, I am the b-tch with the attitude, never the other ones.

    Warning Parents: stop doing this to your kids! I know it's inevidable, but try b/c it sucks for us.

    anyway. I'll take the hint from my broken lights and be writing a little more. I check in in a while to see if anyone is one.

    (woohoo, page 43!!... still no decision on the names, though)

    Funny as I have three boys and my oldest is the easiest, most laid-back, never gets in fights, etc. The middle and youngest are constantly fighting. The oldest and the midde get along great for the most part. But...they are 12, 10 and 6, so the fun teenage years are coming up so who knows how it will all play out!! Nobody is moody yet around here but me!!! I am the only girl in the house, except my dog!! :)

    Do you draw as a hobby or for a class or something? I have been taking art for a couple years now. At first I hated to paint and liked drawing better, but I prefer to paint...I am doing these mixed media paintings...I am starting one now that is going to be about shopping (for my mother in law). It is going to have a lady trying on shoes (but you only see the legs) with a bunch of pairs all over the floor and boxes stacked up and is going to say, "if the shoe fits...buy it!" It is all in my head, but I have been doing lots of research on google images to get photos of shoe boxes and various shoes, etc. I am starting it tomorrow night at my art class.

    You sound so creative with your writing and drawing!! I'll be around at 9ish.

  14. Anyone around or free tonight to gear up for the week of hopefully TQ at least three days???? Maybe around 9 central? I will check in around that time.

    I just finished my marathon taxes! I got the whole organizer filled out and miraculously found all the paperwork to back things up with it to give to the accountant tomorrow! Yeah...one major thing to cross off my list!

  15. I'll give you as quick a description as I can, otherwise I'll be writing on here forever. This is everything I thought of when I was devloping all her backstory before I started the actual story. (I don't have as much for him, but oh well)

    They went to school together in a small town in CT. They bothed moved away but he's been back for about 15 years b/c he bought a restaurant. She hasn't been back since. She comes to visit her family and everything, but she hasn't lived ther. She has just moved back, however (not sure why yet). She lived all over the world. She was a teacher, was married and had 2 boys. Her husband died when her kids were yound, he was sick, so after her kids grew up, she quite her job, started writing and has been traveling ever since. She is opinionated and says what's on her mind (was the town !@#$%^&*] when she was in school. she was never really mean, but got the rep b/c she said what she wanted to, regardless of the consequences). Aside from that, she is classy and well mannered. She's very close to her family, adores her parents. She is artistic, but it's become the secret talent, she doesn't share it at all. She's intelligent and interested in everything, passionate about everything she cares about. She's fickle and gets bored with people very easily, but she is still loyal. She doesn't miss anyone that's not family, so she can pack up and leave when she wants to, and usually does. She's not an emotional person at all. Hate's compliments, loves arguing and confrontation (finds it stimulating and kind of fun). Has low tolerence for bullshit, doesn't know or care what people think about her. Italian mom, french dad (just incase it has any baring on the name suggestions)

    I now that was kind of long, but I gave you everything i could think of.

    He's single (a bachelor). He's a nice guy, but he doesn't put up with her crap. He will hold his own and give her a run for her money, which she likes. He is loyal. Impeccible manners and he is very respectful.

    Told you I don't hava a lot for him yet. His is kind of coming as i write.

    they are both in their early fifties (I wanted characters that had already had a life)

    nothing in the story is true, but I took some characteristics from my family and people i know, so I didn't want to name them after them, but I've already used my sisters (amanda, brittany, and danielle), i have gianna, alessanrda, and angelina. John, Joe. I'll take names from my dad's older family for the french side, but I can't come up with these two.

    Anyway, thanks os much for the help. I know this way a lot to put on here.

    For some reason Elliot or Derek pops in my mind for him

  16. Hey, guys. Wanna know fun? I wound up in the Emergency Room this morning! Yup, I woke up around 4 am with dizziness, shortness of breath, tingling in my extremities, and nausea. I get really scared and tell Fey I'm scared. (I've had these symptoms before and talked myself down from them. I almost never tell Fey.)

    Anyway, she's like, immediately awake. Please remember, her mother (who's only 13 years older than me) had a heart attack just over a year ago when we were living with her.

    Get this-it's 10 degrees outside, the car is covered in ice, and the ground is covered in snow. Fey's like, do you want to call an ambulance? I'm thinking of insurance copays and fearing that if this is nothing, they'll make me pay for an ambulance---besides, there's no pain, just other symptoms. So I get in my car and drive the two minutes to the hospital. They do an EKG on me, check my vitals, etc. (I had gone yesterday morning for routine bloodwork, so that was already in their system.) I'm crying and mortified and apologizing profusely to Fey, because I feel pathetic and melodramatic and like I'm taking valuable resources from the other ER patients--all NONE of them. (Ya'll, I don't cry in public. Hell, I don't cry in private. Cue MinervaFan in OverEmotional Mode. Not a pretty picture.)

    Anyway, I was NOT having a heart attack. My EKG was fine, my blood pressure was slightly elevated, and my vitals were within normal range. Apparently, the nauea, tingling, and muscle pain were from the viral infection I've had all week. The shortness of breath, dizziness, and racing pulse were a panic attack, which I used to have all the time.

    Funny, I never went to the emergency room for a panic attack before. I used to be able to recognize them. I guess being 40 and living with a heart attack patient made me overly cautious. Besides, last week my doctor told me that my blood pressure was high enough for medication, which has never happened to me before, so I guess that just made me panic. And as we're driving home at 6:45 am, I also remember the two sodas and cup of coffee I drank last night while watching Voyager--you know, three megashots of caffeine after 10 pm.

    I got home and still couldn't fall asleep for another hour. My pulse was racing, and I was still feeling nauseous and stupid and panic-filled. Man, I totally gotta switch to decaf. Anyway, I'm okay. Just wanted to share my real-life drama with you guys. Now, if only Alan would get out of it with just a diagnosis of viral infection/panic attack...

    So glad all is well. That is so scary. At least you didn't have to wait there for hours and hours. Hope you got to take a nap today. Viruses can do bizarre things to your body....affect nerves, joints, etc. So glad you are o.k.

  17. I'm pretty ecstatic I'm getting this done. I have to take a break soon to get some more drawing done, but I don't want to. I only have to do the general set up so I can take it into work tomorrow and see if she likes it that way, so I can still change it before it's too late, but I'd rather being writing now. The downside to my 1-track mind is that i tend to get on a roll and go without eating for a while and definately without sleeping so I can get it done. That's a bad thing (no kidding) from what I've been told... but I choose to ignore that.

    I loved that video, i thought i was fun, so thanks for posting it!

    Here are a couple of suggestions for the female name: Franchesca, Sophie or Sophia, Alexia, Jacqueline, ??? I'll keep thinking

  18. I was looking like crazy for the dates or transcripts of classic GH episodes one day so i could find which ones I wanted and i found a site about the scorpios. I thinks it's called scorpiofiles. It has recaps of the stories from the 80's till now, you just have to click on the year. I did the ctrl F to find Tracy on those pages and saw which ones looked interesting. Those were the ones I found on the site b/c they only had days that included the scorpios, obviously. That's why I was looking for some good old scenes withher and scott or Larry, or anyone really. It gives you the dates and when you go to the site for the tapes, you can also search in the classic section. i don't remember what it is listed under, but I think he just has them by 80's 90's (and earlier than that are all together). Those episodes gives a short recap by each tape listing. The only thing with that is that he has them with a few to a tape so it doesn't say which story is on which date. I asked him and he got it all set for me as long as I had the right tape for him. any other questions and I'll let you know later on. I have the dates for most of them if you're looking to get them if I can't get them up here.

    Mr. Q and Lady... sorry about the impatience. I was actually just kind of curious. I wasn't sure if they were going to be posted at some point or if they were just being mentioned b/c Lady was editing them. That's why I was asking... that and I'm goign through some serious withdrawals right now. i shouldn't be b/c we just had a lot of her on the show, but i think it made it worse. It's like I went long enough without her to almost kick the habit and then someone waved her in my face and I'm looking for a fix anywhere I can get it.

    Just got finished finally burning all my clips and videos onto disks (with the exception of the ones that say something about how it can't syncronize... but, oh well! I finished anyway. Plugging away at the writing. I'm getting plenty done. Still not very far, but I am getting it done, and consistantly doing it, so that helps.

    If anyone is on later when I'm here hopefully we can chat!!

    ps. Ms. Q, Lulu and Alan were down in the lobby b/c Lulu went to gve the PDA to Spinelli and Alan followed her down there. She had already stolen it and they wanted Spinelli to hack into it and see what he could find I think.

    Don't know how much I'll be on next week. My aunt and uncle are coming in from LA. These are the ones I lived with. They are bringing my cousins. Woohoo, Los Accidentes together again!!! i know no one gets that, but that fine with me, I'm just psyched they're coming!!!

    edit: it's 9:30 and I don't think anyone's around yet. I'll be writing for a bit, waiting to see if anyone stops in. If not, sorry I missed you and I'll talk to you all another time.

    sorry guys, it's 10:10 and no one has been around yet. I'll check in one more time, but I'm gonna have to go. I've been writing (yippee) and haven't shut my computer down since before noon, so my parents are going to have my head. I'll talk to you all soon. Sorry I missed you.


    Thanks for all your info. Boy that sounds like you did a lot of work and research to find the date, etc. Maybe I could ask him if I could get the same ones you ordered. Think he would still have it on file (the easy way out for me--ha ha!) If not...maybe you could email me the dates sometime when you get a chance.

    Glad you got some writing done. We just got home from a party and it is after midnight, so I am logging off for the night. Thanks again for the info!

  19. I though she was loading her clips, too, that's why I was asking. I knew you said you didn't know if you coud get them up b/c they were dvd edits, sorry about that.

    I got dvds with the whole episodes, so I'd have to figure out how to get them on here and edit it if I can. I don't have anything with LA, but I have some with Paul. I have some when they were dating, when he proposes, their wedding day, one day when she is trying to seduce him for some reason (don't know if she does or not), one when she is worried about their age difference... looked kind of funny (I think that was before she tries to seduce him). Then I have some with her and Scotty when they just started dating or sleeping together, one when they are tormenting Lucy, they fight and make up. One when she is drunk and talking to the portriat of Edward. And then I have the one when Larry proposes (but that's all with him. I have when she is kicked out of the house in 93, when she comes back in 96 and one when Robert and Bill Eckert show up at her engagement party drunk. The last one I have is when she knocks out some guy called Edge, but I don't remember who he is, I'm sure I will if I see him, but I was young. I think that's all I have, but I'n not sure till i get them in. If there was room left on the disks, I also have the Knots Landings she was on, but not sure.

    Here's the link, by the way. Sorry it's taken me so long to get it up to you.


    edit: ps, I thnk if you put a disk into you computer (don't need to play it) you can load it into sendspace. I'm going to try it later if i get a chance. Mine might take forever b/c none of the files are separated, but you should be able to load a file the same way you would any other. Go to the "look in" box when you click on browse. Then you should be able to go to the cd drive and load from your disk that way. But I can't be sure b/c I've never done it, so sorry if it doesn't work, but I think it should

    So, those scenes with Scotty dating, the ones tormenting Lucy, larry proposes, drunk talking to edward...what were those listed as do on that website do you remember? Were they Scotty and Lucy? Or from what time period? I don't have time to look through the site now as I have to go out tonight, but will late night but was wondering if you knew what section to look in. Thanks

    Also, Mrs Q cant' chat tonight unless it is late. I know...three hours and my eyes were crossed last night!! It was funny though

  20. Hey MS. Q I couldn't get it to work. All that happened was it typed an S over what I highlighted. Oh well, it's a cool trick anyway, even if I can't get it to work.

    All you guys with the old clips... (speaking of which. I checked on it, mine were mailed yesterday, so barring any hold up from snow, not likely, I'll get mine this week) when are you guys going to start posting cuz I can't ake hearing about them if I can't watch them too, it's a tease!!! Just kidding, though I do want to see them if you all get a chance.

    I don't know how to post them as they are dvd edits...wasn't lady ashton figuring out how to do that? Which ones did you order? I got the ned/jenny old dvd edits that have a tracy/paul on them. But they have some Tracy/larry in the beginning. Lots of boring ned/jenny stuff to scroll through though.

  21. MinervaFan, I didn't know about the hug on V-Day either, until I went in search for screencaps and realized that it aired on the 14th. :wub:

    hooked, it started off boring, and I was thinking, "OMG, I have to sit through 3 hours of this?!?" But, it got better. And guess what, everyone?!? I'm not sure if you know this or not, but this is SO cool...

    1. Open up Microsoft Word.

    2. Type a sentence, any sentence.

    3. Highlight text.

    4. At the SAME TIME, hold down the windows key (should be around Z, X, C, and alt) and S.

    5. Listen (your volume needs to be on, obviously, LOL).

    Basically, the computer READS what you typed!!! (I learned that today, LOL).

    Keith, here is the scene that nex accidentally left out. Credit to Shazzer. It's about one minute in. Tracy begs Alan to wake up, and we get more emotion in this scene than in the other ones. I think when Alan does um...you know...we'll get a heck of a lot more.

    nex, even though you left out a scene, a very important scene, I might add (:P), thanks for posting the clips!!!

    Wow..that is a cool trick Mrs Q. Glad it wasn't so boring today. I just realized I could watch those old dvd edits on my computer (duh!) instead of on a dvd player, so I can watch them in snipets when I have a chance. I was so sad today watching those old tracy/paul clips when she was trying to be so motherly to his daugther and take an interest in her and Paul shot her down. So sad that she really thought he loved her.....no wonder why she is so bitter about love and skeptical. I forgot what a big fat jerk he was!!!

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