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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Wow, did you guys see those GREAT Tracy scenes today? Yeah, it was awesome. See, the truth is, we discover that Tracy is working deep undercover for the FBI to get info on the Corinthos and Alcazar crime families. Only, someone has discovered Tracy's true identity and is gaslighting her.

    Truth is--Alan ISN'T dead, and Luke isn't really what he says he is. This is all an evil plot of the Solieto Crime Family, who are trying to use Tracy to expand into the Port Charles market.

    The REAL reason Luke married Tracy is to get to her secrets, which are imbedded so deep into her subconscious that even SHE doesn't know her true identity. Luke is a super-secret government agent sent to retrieve Tracy and save her life, but he's fallen in love with her.

    Anyway, the Solietos are trying to drive Tracy crazy to break her mental conditioning, but Luke is trying to protect her to keep her safe. Because if she cracks, not only will she be in danger from the mob, but also from the government, who will kill her to keep from revealing what she knows.

    Alan is being held hostage by the Solietos and forced to participate in the gaslighting scheme.


    That's NOT what happened today?

    That's NOT even a real storyline?

    Dayum. This show sucks.

    Shoot...you got me all excited that she was on today reading the first line of your post, but then my exhaustion must be taking over from staying up so damn late reading your addicting stories! Ha ha. Tonight I must stay computer free after 10pm!

  2. FYI...if anyone wants to see the whole episode of the Yo Momma clip from when Tracy saw Ned for the first time as Eddie Maine, Tracey from JE Online has posted it under the Tracy Quartermaine section under new clips.... It is not just the song, but the whole scenes Tracy was in.

    http://www.jane-elliot.com/multimedia/GH080796.wmv credit Tracey from JE Online.... It is long like 18 minutes. She said she woudl post it on you tube also....for those who cant' download it.

  3. OMG, Regency! The Tragedy!!!! (Not the your being alive part, but the dead computer/lost fic part.) This just means you absolutely have to start on a new Tracy fic RIGHT now.

    As for you, Hooked, please stop with the SpinelliSpeak, willya? My head will get so big I won't be able to fit in my car. :) Glad you liked the story. And special thanks to Lady Ashton for all those fabulous Larry clips to inspire me. He's so McDreamy, isn't he? Not like yicky old Paul.....

    So, is Her Fabulousness supposed to be on today? Please, please, please?

    OK...will stop with the spinelli speak, but you are still my writing goddess--ha ha! Yes, paul is so disgusting I want to put rat poison in his drink (just watched that whole storyline on those dvd edits. It was nice to see alan defend tracy though and take her side and help her in her plot to fake her death!)

    I have spent way too much time online this morning. Have to get out and do some stuff...I am catching up on ten days of computer withdrawls...hope she is on today too, but think Mrs. Q said Tuesday, Thursday and Friday....

    Regency...they can recover hard drives....so there is hope!!!!! Mine was recovered after my computer was struck by lightening and put into a new computer!

  4. New 100 Situations is up, the Larry and Tracy LoveFest! :) Yeah, it's romantic drivel, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Larry was Dreamy McDreamboat back in the day, and I can see Tracy being totally besotted with him before he showed his true colors.

    100 Situations #37 - Quietly

    Oh Deb, I can't wait to read this. I have confidence you have captured Tracy and Larry's relationship better than I ever could in a million years! I will read it after I get everyone off and out the door today.

    By the way...I stayed up til 3:30 am last night...yes I am totally wiped out now at 6:45. Why you might ask...cause Lainey suggested that we read the AU story you wrote about Tracy Walker and Simon. I had never read that one. It took me like two hours to read. It was so terrific....I couldn't stop til I finished it. You are the most incredible writer! You simply have to try to change names and publish some of this stuff. It is THAT GOOD!!!! In the words of spinelli, "You awe me with your awesomness oh golden keyboard one!" Ha ha. Seriously, you are phenomonal!!! I need a nap now...sooooo tired. I am too old to stay up so late! :)

  5. AAHHH!!!! I just read it and I'm loving it all the way! I can't wait to get to the part you were telling me you'll write, but I don't want to give anything away for everyone... so I'll just say that. (I think it's gonna be great)!!

    oh yeah, and Hooked, Ic ompletely forgot you wanted me to show you my portfolio at some point. I scanned and took digital pics tonight. I loaded them all up onto my computer and as soon as I can figure out how to send you the whole folder instead of sending each pic one at a time (there are too many for that) I'll have it out to you. I don't think it will be too long, but if someone nows how to do that, I'd love the help.

    Wish I could remember what part I said I was going to write...ha ha. Glad you are liking it. I have a thousand things I should be doing instead of writing this...like reading your story which I am going to do tonight as soon as I get everyone in bed!!

    Thanks for the nice comments. Can't wait to see your portfolio. I am sure others would love to see your artwork as well!! You are so talented at writing/art, etc and two sizes smaller to boot--life is good! :)

  6. Just watched all the videos! MinervaFan...loved yours. Loved your dad on vocals....loved the old scotty/harlan clips in there....

    Mrs Q....loved yours too. Can you post the link to download she's always a woman. I saw it on youtube! Very impressive that so many of yours are on youtube now! Yeah! I loved the graphics you did in Time after Time and also the heart thingin She's always a woman. Great clips use!

    Very good video watching session all around! :) I have two more loads of wash to go and then I am done!

    Will be online tonight...all my sunday shows are repeats! Hope to chat later with some of you!

  7. Nothing to do with anything, but I just wanted to post cuz I'm psyched... I went to try on my dress for my aunt's wedding (I'm a bridesmaid) today. I had already tried it on a while back and picked my size and had everything all set, we just hadn't ordered anything yet. They, of course, lost my aunt's page that had all our dresses on it and we each have a different dress in the same color, so it was a lot to lose, so we had to go back today. I tried on teh dress and I am down 2 sizes since the last time I tried it on ta the end of the summer. I'm freakin physched!!!! no other way to say it. And not that anybody cares, but I'm saying it anyway!!!

    hey... just watched the clips and that was the barbie and the rockers outfit I was talking about a while back

    Wow two sizes! I would be freaking pysched too! That is awesome! What a great feeling. Good for you. ANd that is for sure news worth sharing.

    I just watched those clips too. So funny. Those are all on those old dvd edits of ned/jenny. Nice to see alan defending tracy though back in the old days and not wanting her to get hurt.

  8. Ok...I won't bug you about it again--LOL. Wow...it is a slow Sunday. I am stuck here doing laundry! Just went grocery shopping and spent $403!!!! A record high for me. I hadn't been grocery shopping the whole week before we left either. I did buy a ton of stuff, but still...whew...we better eat at home this week!

  9. OK...I just was in the breakroom for a little while and that was fun. I have downloaded everyone's videos they have posted (MRS Q,,,I am not sure if I got she's always a woman to me one). I will check on youtube! Such big happenings when I was gone (Mrs Q on You tube!!)

    So my trip was great. We were in san francisco for two days. Ate crab on the wharf, road cable cars, did the whole tourist thing. Then went skiing for a week in lake Tahoe. It was great to be better than my husband at something (he had never skiied before). Even after the week, I was still the best--ha ha!

    Family vacations are great, but should carry at term limit. 9 days was pushing the limit. Every single one of them was on my last nerve by yetserday. I just needed to come home and have some down time alone!!! But it was fun. My boys snowboarded and my little one cried and hated it and I had to get a refund from ski school. However, he played in the snow while they had their lessons and we skiied so it was o.k. We stayed in a client of my husband's unbelievable 5 bedroom house, so that was really nice.

    Anywya, I have watched four episodes of GH from when I was gone and just found ou the last three tracy's not on, so no big deal. I will watch all the videos tomorrow in between laundry loads and catch up on all the fanfics. I was thinking of my next parts of my story on the plane ride home today!!!

    Really missed everyone here.

    MinervaFan, hope you had a good trip and sorry you are sick. Hope you feel better soon.

    Lainey...glad you are back too.

    KnH can't wait to read your story

    Mrs Q can't wait to watch your videos. Loved the photo wth baby molly and JE! Leave it to you to find that!!! The source of all things JE!!

    Angel2Devil..sorry you had such a crappy day

    Heard Newark airport was closed today. Bunch of pissed off people in San Fran this morning!

    Hasta manana!!!

    Glad to be back!!!

  10. Hi everyone! I'm back from vacation. No broken bones and 9 days of family togetherness! Boy was I ready to come home. I think 8 days is my limit. I couldnt wait to get back home and have everyone get away from me--ha ha.

    So my tivo worked and I have 7 days of GH to catch up on. What days was Tracy on this past week so I know which ones to watch???

    Hope everyone is doing well. I have SO much to catch up on. I just wanted to say hi. Going to go try to read my email and get caught up. If anyone is around later, let me know!

  11. I must be lame along with you cause I am really looking forward to it as well...for a few reasons

    1) Jane will be on more

    2) Tracy and Luke are doing something together

    3) IT will be funny no doubt

    4) We will get to see SD again

    5) His ghost is appearing to Tracy, not to Jason or Carly to haunt her about michael. IT is pretty amazing actually all things considered. At least they are not making her fall off the face of the earth, like they will likely do to monica

    Nuff said...goign to run a few more errands....

    Regency...I will be out of town starting tomorrow afternoon til the 17th...if you have any sneak previews of your stories, I woudl love to see them too!

  12. OT: Those at SOC know I was up too late last night. :o I was in bed around 2am. Woke up at 6:20am, which was about 20 minutes before I had to be out the door. Yes, that was intentional so I could get in extra sleep, and yes, that meant I didn't have time to shower. *tries to focus*

    I want to make a sort of public apology to the thread...I've made some shallow comments lately, and while I meant no harm, I still feel the need to apologize. I'm sorry everyone.

    hooked, I will catch up on your story as soon as I can. I know it's wonderful.

    ILoveTracyQ, glad to see you're posting more often. I hope the 2 emails I sent you didn't make it seem like I was forcing you to come back. I was just curious as to where you were. :)

    MinervaFan, LOL, that is funny.

    I bring Got Info Spoilers. Unless things are cut, someone's going to find out about Tracy and

    the fact that she can see and hear Alan. Per GI: "Alan appears to Tracy after the will is read and chastises her for going against his wishes and saying that his spirit can't rest until the wrong is righted. Tracy is the only person Alan's ghost appears to and Luke thinks his wife is losing it.

    I am almost excited 'cause this sounds like it could be good material for them.

    Ooh...that does sound good. Or at least it will be very funny. Luke is probably thinking...both my wives have gone nuts--ha ha! Maybe that is why he is drowing his sorrows before lucky's wedding. Ha ha.

    Thanks Mrs. Q! Now i must really go get some stuff done today...until later!! :) I am going to try to write one more chapter tonight if I get all packed!

  13. Thanks ILoveTracyQ for your comments. I am posting a ton today cause I am home packing and in and out of my office.

    That is such a perfect description...a brick by brick person. Love it. Also, who cares if Luke gets a tiny bit hurt...he has sure hurt Tracy with his behavior. It was nice he was sweet to her yesterday, but she had to keep him on his toes. Of course we don't know how the rest of the scene will play out, but...

    And I agree...Lulu is soooooooooo self-aborbed right now and uncompassionate. I mean not even a word to monica? Tracy?

    Loved how tracy called lulu/dillon "Nick and Nora" yesterday. It was such a good day. Hope Ned is around for another episode or two.

  14. Thanks MinervaFan for your comments about the fanfic! The sad part is I have three sons of my own and know that one day I will have three impending dauther in laws who will all hate me and rag on me--ha ha! Maybe one will like me? One can only hope....

    I will try to not be as manipulative and controlling as our little friend TQ is with her sons!!!

  15. Fey cracked me up the other night. We were talking about Stuart Damon's new all-sweatsuit wardrobe, and Fey's like, "You know, I could see Jane Elliot now, begging TIIC to kill off Tracy so she could wear sweats to work too."

    She amuses me so....

    Now THAT is very funny! I keep thinking of you saying how she use to pants him on the set and pull down his track pants during rehearsal...now she can do it every day--ha ha!

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