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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Nex, Thanks a ton for posting the edit for today! You are a doll! Funny 'cause when I went to watch again earlier tonite, right in the middle of the episode, my TIVO does a freak out - and WHAMO - all my episodes from March are gone - POOF! I have just about had it with my TIVO box. If I wasn't such a Tracy addict I'd throw the freakin' thing right out the window.

    oh, and Nex, you are right! That is TOTALLY Tracy's bra showing! heh heh. And I believe it is a scarf she is wearing with the jacket, I even thought so when we saw the spoiler pics from MediaNet.

    MinervaFan - It was great to see you in chat last night!! I know you are only able to make it in there once a week, so next week just make sure, it's when I'm there. LOL

    Anyone: I know i should remember, but I don't, the days Tracy was on this week 'cause as well as trying to download from Hella Good I think soapnet re-runs this week's episodes over the weekend so I would be able to TIVO again. So, was she on Tuesday, Wedneday and Thursday this week? Someone?

    Hooked, Ms. Q, Well the tech said I would have to come back to get the MRI done. He suggested I get a prescription for anxiety meds (even the thought of having to take drugs gives me anxiety) from my doc so I don't flip out during the MRI next time. He also said I could have someone sit in the room next to the machine. I mean even if someone comes in with me, I wont be able to see them because my head is in something where i can't turn it. :(

    Lainey, I hope you are right!! I want LuNacy action tomorrow, or at least an attempt since Ghost Alan will prob show up to ruin it. But I bet if they continued, he wouldn't be able to stand watching so maybe he'd take a powder. haha

    She was on Tuesday, Thursday and hopefully today (friday). Not monday or wed. Gotta run....will rewatch for the bra!!! How could did I miss that one? I'm slipping!

    Nex....thanks so much for editing the clips from yesterday...definitely a saver episode!

  2. Lainey...was thinking of you today and how much you were going to be loving it!!!

    So I said tonight in the breakroom that I could see the same thing happening...that they finally start kissing or something for real and then ghost alan appears and she pulls away and says, "I can't do this with him watching" and Luke says something so luke like "It's could be sort of kinky" or "I like when people watch" and she slaps him and it ruins the moment-- ha ha!

  3. Just watched Luke and Tracy scenes from today's epi. TOTALLY LOVED - "I'm lookin' for you" - damn mama was hot and sexy when she said it, SHE WANTS HIM IN A BIG WAY!!! Loved when she told him she found him damn irresistable too - YEAH!! Loved their whole talk at HS. I caught the hair rub - SWEET! And I thought Tracy looked so pretty and SEXY sitting next to Luke at the wedding and how she was gesturing and telling him she would take him to dinner. HOT!!

    What I didn't catch was her rubbing his back or her arm around his shoulder. And I didn't notice her holding his arm during wedding party walk in. And I didn't hear what he called her when he said her snob was showing. - Oh well I guess I have to suffer through watcing it again :D heehee. And maybe on slow-mo again a few times just to make sure I don't miss anyting else. haha.

    Geez, everyone is sick or not feeling well. Guys take care of yourselves and get better. We all have to be nice and healthy for the LuNacy love. :)

    I finally had the appointment for an MRI of the cervical spine this morning for my pinched nerve. I was lucky to get an appointment at the last minute for the "open" one. Well guess, what? Open or not I PUNKED OUT!!! and they had to stop the the machine!! See and I bet you all thought I was tough ey? The "open" MRI is a 40 minute process and I didn't last more than 10 minutes. When it first started the muscles in my entire body were clenched! So I was like, "ok Mick, you can do this, it's not so bad even though you are in a head lock". LOL. When that pounding noise started on the machine, I started singing "the wheels on the bus...." in my head. It didn't work. "okay mick, okay, think about something calming... LuNacy...." NOPE, didn't work, was getting to excited, "okay ... Tracy ... okay, getting there....Tracy being motherly to Lulu.... ahhhhh... okay, this is good, I feel all warm inside now, and sleepy" THEN BOOM!!!! My chest felt like it was on fire and my heart began to beat out of my chest! ... Deep slow breaths, deep show breaths, opens eyes .... NO AIR TO BREATH!!! Thank god that damn thing comes with a microphone thing. I was like uh - "HELL-O - I can't breathe". And that was it. I was outta there! :(

    Edit: hooked, lovin' your new signature :) it matches your avatar!


    Sorry I hadn't read this post before we were in the breakroom. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I had to take my friend the other day for an MRI cause she is so chlautrophobic and they ahd to give her a big time xanax for her breast MRI. I had to drive her home.

    I had a pinched nerve in my neck too once. Luckily for me, I always just fall asleep in the machine thing. I have had several of them. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. BTW....I got a signature too! What's next for me????

    I have slowly overcome my lameness factor...got an avatar...got a signature...posted fanfic....figured out the breakroom....have become a clip supplier....

    Oh yeah...still can't figure out the lj cuts thing on the ficathon....see there is always room to grow! Ha ha

  5. AHHHH! Today was sooo cute! So many good things today...

    Loved how she said she thought he could use a friend cause his son was getting married in Laura's house and she wouldn't be there....soooo nice of her to acknowlege his sadness over stone cold non-talking head) Ha ha

    Loved how she said, "Your hours don't apply to me" and when he said what are you doing here, she said, "Looking for you" in a very sexy way!

    Loved her saying she would make him coffee (as if) like she was taking care of him

    Loved her rubbing his back when she was talking to him (off camera of course you but can hear it if you listen carefully)

    Got an arm around his shoulder/hair rub real quick

    WHew whew....she tells him he is damn irresistable

    Loved the designated driver line she said when he was about to ask her to be his date....

    She was being wifely getting him coffee when they walked in. She looked a bit uncomfortable to be in that spencer house.

    Loved how she was holding his arm when the wedding party came in and they said to take seats. She was very touchy feely today (notice how much more touchy they are as of late???) He should be taking her out with his quarter mil he scammed for "sympathy money". Sure didn't look like he was hating being married to her today now did it!!

    Loved how she again rubbed his arm and leaned into him and told him she would take him out for dinner if he was nice to her five minutes after they kissed the bride....

    Also liked how he told tracy to look at lulu's face...as if she knew her well too!

    Oh yeah...liked the "our kids still believe in love"

    Did anyone catch what he called her when he said, "careful____, your snob is showing" I rewinded it a zillion times and couldn't hear it. Sounded like darlin but I don't think so.

    OK...whew...can you tell I just watched?? I have a meeting tonight at 7, so I will not be online til around 9 central if anyone is around.

    Only three scenes but of course they rocked them out the door. None of the others actors put as much into the "unsaid" as they do.

    Oh...so funny...did you catch the "evita" that spinelli called Lulu. Liked how Jason said, "No" when he asked if he liked his suite and that napkin hanging off his collar was cracking me up.

    What the heck is up with Robin's hair????

    Mrs. Q...sorry about all the extra work you have to do and how early you have to get up!! Hope you are feeling way better today. I tried to scan that JE/SD/LC picture from his 70th from SID, but my scanner feature wouldn't work on either printer saying the software was not installed. I will mail it to you if you want!! Maybe someone else has it and can scan it. It was from the ABC soaps in depth with lucky/liz/jason/lulu on the cover from last week. There was a whole section about SD's 70th and how Jane, Leslie and John planned it (mostly Leslie). Photos of TG kissing SD too.

    Lainey...guess we were both wrong on the dialogue today...but it was still good huh??? She totally wanted him today...you could just tell. SHe couldn't wait to get him out of the wedding...

    MinervaFan...glad we got to chat for like a minute today You are right about the opposite of writer's block. I am sure it is going to leave as quickly as it came!

    TracyLuv...we need to watch again tonight using the play slow mo button--ha ha

    Mrs. Q I tried to load some clips on sendspace on JE as I saw you did some too, but I waited and waited and they finally all loaded and then sendspace page froze up and wouldn't let me do anything. I got so frustrated that I left!!!

    Knh...looking forward to reading the end....

    OT--I was a very, very bad girl today!! I was "Hookedonshopping" today. I haven't been shopping in a very long time....trying to replace that addiction with a less expensive writing habit--ha ha. But I fell of the wagon....was in SUCH a great mood all afternoon too and couldn't really figure out why, but then realized I was on a shopper's high!

    Yes, I have such a deep and meaningful productive life--shopping, internet, GH, ha ha! So glad I went to college!

    OK...I will shut up now as this post is long enough, but I have been off the computer all afternoon.

    Mrs Q they are not in the previews for tomorrow but they are supposed to be on Friday right?

  6. Peekaboo, Hooked, I see you!!! I'm back on and you're clearly in here too... I hope this means that you have something for us.

    I couldn't sleep so I'm typing right now. Not that you all really need a play by play of what's going on here, but whatever.

    Ha ha. can't hide around here huh?

    I tried to go to bed at 11, but I of course couldn't fall asleep. I did a few things for my fun run I am planning and wrote a few more chapters. I am getting slap happy so they may not be the best.

    I dont know if I shoudl end it with the wedding, or go on to the whole ned thing and then them partying and galavanting all over Europe, etc. I think I might just end it as otherwise it could go on and on and on...I lke them happy and young and in love. I think I might just end it with them knowing she is going to have a baby....we'll see.

    here is chapters 11-14


  7. Ok...it is 11pm central and I'm wondering if Tracyluv is around...I watched the show from yesterday and you are so TOTALLY right...luke did blow her a kiss or make the smacking sound when she closed the door on him.

    I was totally just in bed about to get all drifting off to sleep after watching GH and then I snapped out of it and am no longer tired. Sooooo....I am going to update the story for you LadyAshton and for you MinervaFan and knh. It may not be so long, but I willl try...gotta go to bed by 1 though for sure.

    Lainey, Mrs Q, LadyAshton...so much fun chatting tonight

    Lainey. I watched and I totally think they are going to have tracy find luke drunk tomorrow, and him tell her he has something he has to tell lulu and it is not pretty and about his past, etc. I dont' think he is going to actually admit to her what it is, but is going to insinuate it is something he is ashamed of and Tracy will say something like "whatever it is luke, you can tell me and you know I won't judge you." and he is going to say, "trust me spanky, this is one truth you don't want to know". Then she is going to say something like "whatever it is Luke, I am sure I have done worse..." and he is going to say, "I doubt it baby, I doubt it". Then she is going to be like, "come on...we need to go...your truth can wait, but your son is getting married and you have to be there."

    That is my story and I';m stickign to it!

    Ha ha.

    Oh yeah...did anyone think it was sort of cute that luke was sitting cross-legged on teh bed in laura's room like a little kid? Boy her room got some action today....that blob person must have the easiest job around!

  8. They are so pesky that way, aren't they? So are girlfriends. I was perfectly happy to just sleep without supper, and Fey's like, my sugars are low, we need supper. Wow, they are sooo needy! :D Thinks just because she's diabetic, we have to feed her!

    Gosh the nerve of them ya know!!

    Are you getting the shakes yet??? Do you need another fix? I might be able to provide one by am!!! LOL

    Oh..hope Mrs Q got some good sleep and is pain free today!

  9. Hey, can anyone post a sendspace link or somethingt o those new clips of tracy and Paul from the JE.com site. I keep getting the 'this page cannot be displayed' page

    I will do it later tonight for you ok? I have to drive two rounds of carpool for activities for the kiddos and feed them in between...damn kids always need to eat--ha ha!

  10. The opposite of writer's block is bliss. And exhaustion. Glad you have it, because Chance Encounters is my new crack.

    Thanks MinervaFan for your nice comment...guess I am your new dealer de jour huh???? LOL

    I seriously want to end this story, but I keep going on and on and on and it just keeps on flowing. At this rate, it will be 97 chapters and she will only just have had Ned!!! Wait til you see what happens during the wedding....probably like 22 chapters from now!

    LadyAshton if you are lurking or around....look what you started...this whole Larry Ashton nightmare--ha ha.

  11. OK you guys...what is the opposite of writer's block??? I have it. I so badly want to end this chance encounter story to move on with my life--ha ha, but I cant. I just keep writing and writing and it gets more involved and I can't seem to find a way to end it.

    So...here are parts 6-10. It is going to be a freaking mini-series--ha ha.

    I gotta find a way to end it. Maybe she wakes up and it was all a dream!


    Mrs. Q, I will try to scan the article if I can figure out how to. My printer doesn't have a scanner, but someone in my house has one on their computer I bet.

    Is Tracy on today? I thought it was Th and Friday and not today. Le'ts hope so.

    Hope you are feeling better MinervaFan.

    I am off to do my good little volunteer work at school for my kids....

  12. FYI---There are four new tracy clips from 1991 with her and Paul loaded on JE Online by the new poster Schatepage I think. It is on the forum under Tracy Quartermaine. Easy to dowload...havne't watched them yet, but am sure they are great. Wasn't sure if i should post her site here or not if that was proper etiquette, but wanted to let you guys know to look there!

  13. Now I have my own question for all of you... hope you can help me with it. I, of course being the lazy fool that I am, still have not chosen names for my 2 main characters in my story. I have finished writing all but 1 or 2 chapters and they have no names. I wanted to take an opinion poll to see which you all like the best. Hooked suggested Julia and Drew, which I do like a lot, but I said that 2 of my kids at work have those names and I can't write any more adult things when I have them in my head, which I can't avoid since I see them all day everyday. Drew is still on the list if I can't get another though.

    anyway, here they are. I have a few for each.



    Victoria (no vicki or tori)


    Jacqualine (no jackie)













    Spencer (just like the name, no luke references)

    thanks so much guys!!

    edit Hooked just dubbed me her author and artist extraordinaire... I think I like it. Yup, I'm stickin' to it!!

    You are! That is your new title!!! You have to read the story I think to get a full sense of the names they should be. Lily sounds too demure. It needs to be a very strong name for the woman lead. She is a strong woman. The guy is a bit more meek ya know...needs a less dominating name

  14. Okay, so guess what..... after friday spring break starts! Before you all get the wtf-does-that-have-to-do-with-me looks on your face, it means I'm actually gonna have time to update my story at long last! Good news right (well for those who read and like it)!?

    So Today....




    JE and SD are freaking cracking me up! I love them oh so much! SD looks like he's just having the greatest time.

    I'm getting really sick of the jacket, it quickly wore out its welcome.


    Luke and Tracy making goo-goo eyes (as MsQ so elegantly put it) was cute but ugh, only inches apart and nothing! DON'T TEASE LIKE THAT!!

    Yeah...you will update your story.....loving the sound of that!!!! Funny about the jacket!!! Gotta run for now...will check back later tonight!!

  15. That is hilarious lainey about the chiuaua and the doberman. I think the reason luke said he wanted to watch was cause he knew tracy would eat her alive!!!

    Also....LOVE your signature and write that choices story right now....get offline and start writing woman!!! ha ha!

    Loved the silk stockings. I really think they were trying to insinuate they were sleeping together, but surely they wouldn't be...just more of their flirting I Think

    I hope.....we better see it!

  16. Hey folks,

    Thanks for all the nice compliments on Dry. I appreciate it. Because you've been so kind to me, I now have something bouncing around my head called "Choices," which would be set after Dry. We'll see....

    Hey!!! I LOVED today's show. Luke and Tracy were SOOOO sparkley!! YUM-O!!!!!!

    I loved the "silk stockings" exchange SO MUCH, that I have now turned it into my signature. LAINEY HAS A SIGNATURE! I've never had one before!!

    Um, that whole little silk stockings thing had me wondering if they're sleeping together, and we're not seeing it. :( :( :(

    I don't think so.... I don't believe they've consumated their relationship, but heck, with Guza... you never know!!

    While the show was on live today, someone posted something on SOC about how Sam taking on Tracy was like a Chihuahua taking on a Doberman. I damn near laughed my a** off. HA!

  17. OT: Hehe...Ms. Q got vicodin for her tooth. Haven't had the prescription filled yet, but I will get that done soon. (not a drug addict, I promise)

    Ok. I have to leave for a meeting in 15 minutes, so ready, set, go! Just watched Tracy's scenes...

    ~Random thoughts~

    I'm loving that her hair has "oomph." It's so cool.

    Tired of the jacket though.

    And Luke seems to be more worried about Tracy confessing to the family than her actual sanity. Ugh.

    Tracy and Sam scenes today; the one anonymous scoopster who said "Sam asks Tracy to back off" was right.

    Stuart Damon and Jane Elliot are frickin' hilarious together. SD is definitely having a lot of fun, I think.

    Tracy to Alan: Shut up! Edward: Don't you dare tell Monica to shut up. (Edward and Monica are still clueless though).

    Luke and Tracy made goo-goo eyes at each other today, and their faces were close...but no kiss. No fair.

    Tracy has a spiel at the end to Ghost Alan, while Luke pours himself a drink. It's kind of a long spiel, but she goes through it quickly...And JE didn't stutter at all during it. (This is why I couldn't be an actress...That, and I would laugh the minute the camera starting recording, LOL).

    Hmm, what else?

    Tracy: I'm NOT crazy! Hee...Riiiight. Our girl is nuts, LOL. I love it.

    No Tracy previews, but not surprising since she's not mentioned in the breakdowns.

    Got Info Spoiler:

    Dillon realizes that Tracy is seeing Alan's ghost.

    So I just watched the show.... (if you haven't watched yet...don't read this if you don't want it to ruin it for you)

    Hilarious stuff today...SD seems like he just wants to crack up the whole time. Liked luke's "having conversations with furniture again are we spanky" or something like that. Loved her "what is it that you are wearing and what is with the sneakers!" I have to laugh at that one cause she is from New York and that is where I am from and my husband and friends fight all the time about what they are called. I call them sneakers. They laugh at me. My chicago friends call them gym shoes and my texas friends and husband call them tennis shoes. THEY ARE SNEAKERS HUH????? Even Tracy agrees!!

    We got a few spankys today and one pretty pink popsicle! Haven't heard those in a while! We were just saying how he hasn't called her spanky in a long time rigth TracyLuv? She did call him sweetheart too!

    Luke made some comment about Tracy wields power like a pair of black nylons or something like that and she can get very creative.....they make some goo goo eyes as Mrs. Q said....so what the heck is that about...just more flirting or are they trying to insinuate that they do have sex????? Thought it was funny how alan was like dont' go there and edward was like that is more information than we need!

    Also loved Tracy's line about where was your loyalty Monica when you were chasing everyrhing in pants. Too funny.

    I thought she looked so pretty (Hair was good Mrs Q--very bouncy and good like you mentioned) when she was talking to sam and was like I didn't send you any pictures...someone else knows your secret!! Pissed me off that Luke asked if he could watch Sam blow tracy out of the water...jerk....defend your wife against slick sam buddy!!!

    Good day IMO, but of course it could always be more. Funny how she told him to go haunt monica and he was like I tried, but she can't hear me.

    So tracy did admit to luke she was seeing alan's ghost or that she was being haunted right? I have to go back and watch again.

  18. I'm ticked that all this fic is flying around and I have pretty much no time to read it. And no oppurtunity. An upside, however, is that I have a good deal of my TQ fics on my portable drives, as well as backed up on cd-roms, though not some of the latest updates. Given a little force I should be able to come up with something.

    Right now, my computer is the fallen victim of a power surge. It's going in soon, hopefully everything can be retrieved. *fingers crossed*

    Thye should be able to retrireve it all. The same thing happened to my computer a while back. There was a lightening storm and only my computer went dead...nobody else's in my house and there are four of them upstairs on the same server, etc. Some smelly, gross computer guy came to our house and took out my old hard drive and put it in an extra computer we had in the garage. It worked and I got all my documents back.

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

  19. Okay.. I had lots of problems posting, "Dry."

    First I couldn't get the lj-cut thingy to work. Then I tried fanfic.net, which is my usual route. But the #(*$&(* thing told me it didn't recognize my email. Fine, so I created a new account. THEN!! it told me new users aren't allowed to post stories for three days!!!

    I was really, really ticked.. and convinced that it was a SIGN!!!!!!!

    But.. alas... the computer gods relented.

    So here is "Dry"


    I replied on live journal, but just wanted to say once again that this story was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! You are the lunacy love queen my friend!!! Love it! Now I must go to bed before midnight or I will turn into a pumpkin!!!

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