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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. hello all

    To all of those who have been sick, poked, prodded and otherwise under the weather, Feel better soon. :)

    A whole week without Tracy was terrible. Why do they insist on inundating us with the same stories and people over and over....?

    I wrote a little fic that popped into my head. Writing is not my thing, but here you go...Interrupted by pinkpopsicle @ Jane Elliot Online

    Wow, PinkPopsicle....that was fun to wake up to this morning! God...we wish it would happen that way huh??? Thanks for the story. I, too, can never get the lj cuts thing to work ever! It was great.

    Cracking up at the "take a lick" part! :)

  2. OH MY GOD!! I am so excited by these spoilers! :) Can't wait...at least we know we have a couple weeks with Tracy on! Can't wait to watch later. I just got home and have to leave again to take my mom to the airport. That is a at least a two hour round trip deal--Yuck! Will watch when I get home so I can chat about it later tonight--hope it was a funny day!!

    Chat with ya later!

  3. Morning all. :)

    Kind of strange, but I dreamt about Luke/Laura's wedding last night. It wasn't exactly the same as the actual episode that aired, but close enough. Tracy never got up (and therefore wasn't tripped), 'cause at the end she was in the background, looking quite evil. But yeah...WEIRD.

    Lainey, photo is from the movie, One Is A Lonely Number. Per IMDB.com, Jane is the 5th person credited.

    ILoveTracyQ, 2 LuNacy forums, actually. We All Need LuNacy and LuNacy: A Luke and Tracy Fan Forum. The latter has more members, but not as much action...yet. And I totally understand about not being able to post at all of them. I am trying so hard though, LOL.

    Spoilers, rumors, that sort of thing...

    SON clue:

    A night of drinking changes this couple's perspective.

    Anonymous insider:

    LuNacy is the couple. Me: Not sure what this will lead to, but Drunk!LuNacy sounds fun.

    SON clue:

    Someone makes a deal with the devil himself.

    Anonymous insider:

    Tracy and Scotty. Me: Oh no!

    Elaboration: SPUMOR:

    Scotty tells Luke and Tracy he is going for guardianship of Laura but when it is revealed that Nikolas is legal guardian, Nikolas and Alexis fight to keep Scotty from taking guardianship of Laura.

    Anonymous: Week of April 16th:

    LuNacy ARE mentioned. Me: Woot!

    EDIT: Looks like we got proof that the anonymous insider is correct. According to Got Info, the week of April 16th:

    Tracy and Scotty make a deal (FYI, Got Info was able to confirm several of the other spoilers that the anonymous insider spilled).

    Also, for the week of the 16th,

    Monica wants Tracy to prove Alan is haunting her. Me: Oh boy...

    Hey Ms. Q--thanks for the spoilers! I, for one, am just so happy LuNacy is mentioned anywhere...I am having serious Tracy withdrawls and serious online withdrawls...my mom goes home tonight. Not that I am happy she is leaving, but glad to have my computer access back! Sorry, about the possible root canal...that sucks. You have really been through the ringer. Looking foward to watching those clips you posted from you tube...

    Hope the couple how has a night of drinking is not LuLu and Logan. Remember some old rumor they were going to sleep together or have a one night stand because Lulu was reeling out of control???? Pray it is Tracy/Luke and not Lulu (as if she needs more screentime). It would be a funny scene if it was Tracy and Lulu both drunk--ha ha.

    Good to hear from you IloveTracyQ.

    Lainey hope you survived the day with your mom--ha ha! I have so much food leftover I could feed an army. TracyLuv...hope your seder was good too!

    OK, so I am off to go bring Wendy's to my kids for lunch today at school for a treat, so Grandma can come eat lunch with them!

    Will be in the breakroom tonight around 9 central...be there or be square--ha ha! :)

  4. Hi Keith...welcome back!

    Ms Q...I like that spumor of Tracy supporting Luke! MinervaFan...glad that this is the ghostbusting week, according to TV guide (just read your post on JE online). I watched your video...love your song...and the video is cool too!

    Boy, I didn't realize how much I value my down time til I had out of town company! :)

    [b]knh Hope you are feeling better

    Lainey...hope you have a good day off today and don't feel guilty!!! TL...have a good seder tonight!

    I'm off....to run errands with my mom. Here's hoping it is a TQ kind of day on GH!!!!

    Have a good one everyone!!!

  5. OT: I was feeling better, so stupid me spent a whole lot of time on the computer, and ugh...not feeling as better anymore. TracyLuv, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope that everything goes well for you.

    About the new sites...At dorian's, a poster named TracyLukeSpencer has some poems posted. The first part of a fic too. I reposted my Anniversary and Dance With Me stories there. The other site seems to be pretty quiet. Maybe Tracy being on next week will change things.

    Also, to those who are in the mood for uploading clips, TracyLukeSpencer is looking for Tracy waking up married to Luke, Tracy and Luke kisses, Tracy and Luke fights. I haven't uploaded a thing yet. Just tossing it out there.

    I love all the new LuNacy sites; I just feel like it's my "duty" to post at both LuNacy sites, this one, JE online...It's getting a little nuts. :o What to do? What to do?

    Tracy leaves Marco behind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV8e0p03mzY

    Cast video (teeny bit of Tracy, about the good 'ole days): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpJbQATb0hc

    So, there are rumors about Kelly's being blown up during Sweeps...4 characters dying. You don't think GH would seriously kill off Dillon, would they? Kill off GQ together? They'd rather send them off in the sunset, right? I only ask 'cause both SC and LL have contracts up at the same time. In other spoilers, there are more about

    Tracy's visions of Alan intensifying (do all these people copy off of each other?), and the people around her start to question her sanity. Our poor girl!

    And with that, I'm outta here. Have a great afternoon everyone!

    Ms Q Don't you worry about uploading clips...you just rest!! I will upload some to that site (I am sure you uploaded them for me in the first place :)

    Thanks for the youtube links...will watch when I can sneak in some time. I am cooking up a storm with my mom for Passover tomorrow night and we just went to my friend's house whose mother is in town. The mother is from chicago and sells all these knock off purses for really cheap....Good thing my mom came with me--the good things about moms sometimes is they buy stuff for ya!! :)

    As far as Kelly's blowing up, surely Monica wouldn't be at Kelly's. Maybe the three stooges and lulu will be blown up as all they ever do is sit there in kelly's lately and drool over lulu!!

    Wish it would be Amanda, Logan, Dr. Ford, etc....

  6. Wow there are a lot of members there Ms. Q....I joined. Saw you did too. People we don't know huh?

    Anyway, hope you are feeling better today. You should call the doctor and tell them you are still feeling so lousy.

    TL, Lainey...I was on last night for a tiny bit when my mom was showering, but she goes to bed early in the room where my computer is, so so much for me being online late!! Have a good trip to DC. Lainey...so excited you are writing. Yeah!!! Hope you guys have a nice Passover tomorrow (Lainey hope you survive the mom time :))

    I will try to get on the computer later today....I'm off to breakfast and a meeting...and to cook for my once a year time my oven gets used--ha ha!

  7. Ms. Q.....hope you're feeling better. Could be hurting cause of the things they use to keep your mouth open..my whole face was sore for a few days after my teeth came out.

    On a happier note....Lady Ashton has started writing her very first story! I have actually typed things! Hope to finish it this weekend :)

    Yeah! I knew you could do it!!!! Can't wait to read it LA!!!! My mom is here, so I have not be online much today...she is sleeping in the room where my computer is and she goes to bed fairly early, so no late nights for the next few nights!!

    Will look forward to reading whenenver you finish!!! :)

  8. Don't remember the vicodin strength Ms. Q...I gave it all to my cleaning lady for her back! I had all four wisdom teeth out at once...but that was a long time ago, so I don't remember about the pain. Isn't that the thing where you can get dry socket or some infectioin like that? Hope today is a better day for you...I love the banner you made for that lunacy board.

    I am off to birthday party hell this morning....two parties--one at a gross game place and one at a gross moon bounce place. My mom comes in early afternoon...gotta make the almost hour trek to the airport to get her (Lainey...I know you just love Bush Intercontinental in Houston!!)

    I had this idea last night to write something, but I was too tired...maybe later.

    Have a good day everyone!!

  9. OFF TOPIC: Hi all. I'm fine. Tired and sore, and blood is gross, and I can't open my mouth very much, but fine, I guess. Oh, and I can't tell if the pain from the one side is from the procedure today (which mean that pesky tooth was not causing the problem, and I'll be getting a root canal in a couple weeks), OR if the pain is from the fact that they cut into my gum to get the little sucker out. *shrugs* The other side doesn't hurt though, so I have no idea. And why, why, why did they make me sit with the IV in my arm for 25 minutes before actually inserting the drug. I was thinking, "Wow, this is taking a long time to work," so I said something, and they were like, "We haven't given you anything yet." Yes, I felt stupid. And you all are cracking me up with the hydrocodone jokes. :lol:

    TOPIC: I really, really, really miss Tracy. I was at SOC earlier. There's some talk of her in the TG vacation thread. About fic...So far, I'm having no problems sitting up and reading and typing (i.e. I'm not lightheaded), so maybe there will be a surpise from me this weekend. Maybe not. I don't want to promise anything. hooked, I'd join you in the breakoom, but I'm still really tired. I'm gonna sleep more more, eat some ice cream, pop a pill (I don't remember taking the hydrocodone the first time...seriously, I opened the bottle, and I think I swallowed it, but it was a very difficult process, and it might have ended up on the floor. Ugh). Anyway, for the same reasons, Lainey, I'll PM you later. Oh! There are new rumors at SoapDish about a good chuck of the cast leaving due to budetary reasons. Hopefully, not true, but while Jane Elliot is NOT part of the list,

    Leslie Charleson and Scott Clifton are, which makes 2 less Quartermaines.


    UGHHH...why wouldn't they get rid of the whole lot of new characters that all suck????

    Hope you sleep well tonight...(and you can take two vicodin so if you forgot and took one already , it is o.k...I had to take two at a time before for mouth pain) My periodontist told me it was fine!

  10. **gulp**


    Deb, That Kissing Luke piece was soooooo flippin' hot. Remind me not to read your stuff at work anymore. Gonna get me fired! Geez.

    Nah.... Might be awhile before Lainey 'puts out.' I was working on something (or trying to work on something) where Tracy becomes obsessed with Touching Luke, because it's her Sustenance. I was going to call it Sustenance.. but it's a bit similar to Kissing Luke.. I mean not really, but sorta... and now I'm overwhelmed and well... I'll get there. It's just gonna be awhile.

    There was something else I wanted to do called Choices. Maybe I'll go in that direction for awhile. Dunno.


    Did I tell you that story gave me hot flashes? Oh my.

    Ms. Q, I hope you are okay!!! When you log on here, send me a PM and let me know how you're doing. Did you feel my positive vibes today all the way in Illinois? I was sending 'em!!!

    OH -- GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend of mine from work walked with me to the Apple store and helped me pick out a new ipod (old one bit the dust). And we were talking about the video Ipod, and I said "I can't do that, I have dialup!" And she LAUGHED at me!!!!!!!!! So I bought the video-ipod. And my friend and her boyfriend are coming over next saturday to hook me up with highspeed internet.


    Good news about the high-speed! Making downloading clips much easier!!! I know...I had to read that story like four times today! Damn! Don't give up on your story idea about touch! I am sure it will be just equally as hot!

    I need a new Ipod too. I have the very first version of the Ipod mini and the battery dies like every five minutes. I got a pink one originally so my boys wouldn't want to borrow it. Now I want to borrow their way cooler Nanos and they are like sorry, mom! Ha!

    I will be around about 9 central tonight.

  11. Ya'll, isn't that the same thing Lucky and Alan got addicted to? MsQ, you'd better be careful, or you might wind up having an affair with Maxie!

    HILARIOUS! Although GH should change its drug of addiction...too much with Alan, Emily, Lucky, Brenda, etc....

  12. Can I just say the GH SUCKED this week. I hope the ratings drop to like a 1 and they realize that they better NEVER go a whole week without Tracy and Luke again!

    Whew...needed to vent. Watched it live while I was painting today. I didn't even bother to look up more than once or twice--only when Alexis walked in on Nik/robin fake romance and when Alexis fainted.

    Hate to say it, but I will never doubt Ms. Q's info again...she knows what she is talking about---NO TRACY ALL WEEK!

  13. Hey, all. 2 hrs and 15 mins remaining. I hate waiting. I should stop counting, huh?

    TV Guide Online Spoiler (same as SON, just worded differently):

    Alan's haunting of Tracy gets more intense. Me: I'm so excited! I'm waiting for this argument in front of all the Q's. How will Tracy get herself out of that one? LOL.

    Thanks MinervaFan for the link. I am so behind on a lot of stories. :(

    knh, thanks for trying to keep it positive. But after the last 3 days, I think it's going to be a couple years of me teaching at the high school, and then I'll move to the university level, or community college. We'll see. :lol: It's a bit premature to make a decision.

    EDIT: So, I'm trying to find some pics and such to post here. I found this one from Jan. 2004. We've seen her hair like this not too long ago, but it wasn't as light (or, it is just the lighting of the photo?):


    Here's one from August 2004:


    You all can guess which one I prefer. :P (obviously, the one that is not lacking in the oomph department, LOL).

    Loving the first one Ms. Q--but you know we are in sync on the hair thing! :) Hope it goes well today! Watching youtube clips while paying some bills!!! Make sure to refill that pain prescription! Going to be a hydrocodone weekend for you I am thinking!

  14. ok, MF, so I guess since it's her thoughts it can't really be on the show like you wrote it, but they should definately have something along those lines. It should be some combination of your and hooked's stories. Really I'll take anything as long as they are together (I really should settle less), but those are great.

    Ms. Q, sorry about the bad timing at the school, wish you could have been observed and graded with a better group too, but I'll spred a little sunshine for ya. At least if you do well with this, you'll probably do well with most anything else! Oh yeah, did you ever post the crazy for this girl vid? I thnk you did, but I saw it on youtube and I don't think I have it so I was just wondering.

    edit: missed talking to all you guys, so I hope I'm feeling well enough to check out the breakroom later. If I am, I'll probably be on around 9ish if anyone's around

    Yah..miss talking to you too! I will try to be in the breakroom about 9 central tonight or maybe even a bit earlier...I have am paying bills now after going to three grocery stores to find this one type of specific barbecue sauce I needed for making briscuit for Passover...so annoyed to have to go to more than one place

    Now I am paying bills and watching you tube! Then I am going to work on the painting...I will hopefully finish it in the next few days...my mom comes in tomorrow and since my computer is in the guest room, and she goes to bed on the earlier side, I might not be on late night over the weekend.

    TracyLuv--missed ya last night. I had to get off early...Hope you are around tonight!

    Ms Q...will be thinking of you today. Let us know you are ok when you get a chance!

  15. Writers block my ass....that was INCREDIBLE!!!! Simply amazing. Your descriptions are just right on the money. I loved the part about kisses that came with receipts (from nasty paul and mitch williams). Loved the visions of her christening Ashton Manor (Know you liked that too LA)

    Deb...that was seriously amazing! What a nice surprise this morning. My kids were almost late to school cause I had to read that twice!!!

    Wow...you must write some more...Speaking of crack!!!!!


    You know those days, where you go from place to place to place, and you still feel like you haven't accomplished a thing? I had one of those days today. :( Heads up, for those who don't already know, the top wisdom teeth are coming out tomorrow. (As it turns out, one of them is more than likely what has been causing my tooth pain, and the oral surgeon figures it's best to just take out both top ones at the same time). So...I get to be sedated and all that while it's being done, and if it's anything like when the bottom ones were extracted, I won't remember a thing. Which is good. But strange. 100...99....OUT. And the it's like 2 seconds later and you wake up numb with a mouth full of gauze, except it's not 2 seconds later, but yeah. Anyway, I probably won't be online at all tomorrow afternoon/evening/night. Well...maybe, if it's 2am, and I'm sick to my stomach (no thanks to the general anesthesia), and I can't sleep...Then, maybe I'll post a link to the breakroom (if anyone is even up, LOL).


    I'm clumping all of this in one paragraph, so my post has unity (you know, like 2 big paragraphs, instead of a big one, and then 4 additional paragraphs, but not really paragraphs, 'cause they would only be 2 or so sentences long; and wow, Staci, stop. You sound stupid). ANYWAY, hooked, OMG! I am in love with your story! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Whoever said that needs to happen on GH is right. I am so hoping that Luke will one day kiss Tracy the way to described, and then you know, if GH is kind, it will go further. Hee. But that first kiss, where he pinned her up against the wall? Even though it was part of the scam, it was still GREAT! knh, wow, that sucks so much. I'm sorry that you're sick. We'll try and cheer you up and hopefully, make you feel better. nex, thanks for the spoiler. Tracy's scenes BETTER instensfy. Please, oh, please. We need to have LuNacy scenes can also be intensified. Time to add some more heat, don't you think? LOL. MinervaFan, sorry I missed you and whoever else in the breakroom!

    Staci--everyone left the breakroom, but I am back upstairs emailing and doing some computer stuff..i wil stay in a for a bit to see if you show up! Good luck tomorrow if you don't. I wil be thinking of you and hope that this helps and alleviates the pain in the long run!!!

    knh...sorry you are sick. Missed talking with you!

  17. Holy Hell!!!! We totally need more of that, Hooked. Nex was right, that really has to be on the show. You know I loved your other stories, but smething about this one makes it my absolute fave!

    Thanks knh..that is what Lainey said too! Maybe it is just that practice makes perfect (well you know what I mean...not that it is perfect, but they are improving)

    Am missing your story....have you thought of names yet???? I am almost 3/4 done with painting I will have to email ya a photo when it is finished....

  18. Crack. Pure crack. I have SOOOO got to start writing again. I'm loving all this stuff being posted, and I want to participate.

    Yeah...get started writing again and quick! The ficathon is starting to look like the "hooked-a-thon" ha ha!

    Thanks for the comments! :)

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