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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Where is everybody!!!!! I've just been to 4 message boards and they all say that aside from St. Jason, that today's episode focused on Tracy, even more than Monica! I can't wait to go home and watch!!!!

    I did read however, that the memorial was too short and very disrespectful of Stuart Damon. :(

    I'm here, but haven't watched yet. Waiting to get done with snacks/homework with my kiddos. Looking even more forward to watching it now!!! :)

    Will for sure be around tonight as I have gotten a ton of stuff done today. Let me know if anyone is in the breakroom later.

  2. Wait...(I am going to be so late to my appt) but I had to post this before I left...

    Remember in the hotel when alan was clutching his chest having his heart thing, he told lulu or started to tell her about "there is a letter" and then he couldn't finish his sentence. So he knew about the letter and wrote it...tracy didn't--whew!

  3. MinervaFan, so do I.

    From page 274:

    Some questions/comments/speculation…Last night in the short chat, I brought up that it didn't make sense that Alan wrote the letter that said Scott killed Rick because Alan had thought Monica did it. (Alan thought Monica did it; Monica thought Alan did it). But then again, this is Guza, and I didn't give it much thought beyond that.

    However, I spent a little time at SD this morning…Speculation is that TRACY wrote the letter to throw Dillon and Lulu off. But who is Tracy protecting? And then I start to wonder if she's protecting herself because that anonymous poster did spoil that Tracy was the killer, and that anonymous poster also spoiled that Dr. Ford is going for Chief of Staff (which has been confirmed, I believe). And yes, one of the mags said that Scotty killed him, but Kin Shriner said something like, "There is more to this story that meets the eye."

    So, we all know if Tracy is in any way responsible for this, LuNacy would be done. Forever. Tracy would be off the show. Forever. (maybe I'm getting carried away?) And really, it doesn't look too good for our couple. I couldn't have said it better than this poster…

    I repeat, "What's up with that?" Tracy's brother is DEAD. Luke should be spending time with no one else but her. *clears throat* All you positive people… MinervaFan, Lainey, knh, make this better for me. Please. I wouldn't even care so much if I still got Tracy, but if she's responsible for this?!? Ugh. Not to mention, if Tracy and Luke were going to end, Tracy deserved to do the dumping.

    On an unrelated note, for those interested, Soapbubbles at GHVT made a video about Alan's death. Click here for YouSendIt. Click here for YouTube.

    POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE UPDATE....maybe the start of Luke/Tracy scenes will be today at the funeral and the will stuff. The bottom line to me is that if laura comes back...it would be the end of LuNacy as we know it anyway. And that looks pretty likely at this point. Tracy may know something or is covering up for someone or something, but I just know that she is not a killer. And she was not even in Port Charles then nor had she dumped her son off there either. I know they could rewrite history, but TRACY IS NOT A MURDERER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    O.K...I am late for a doctor's appt. I must go...chat with you guys later.

  4. Sorry about the spoiler bars!

    From Total TV Online:

    When contacting Genie Francis to reschedule our interview with her, that was postponed in the middle of it due to Genie's severe cold, her husband, actor Jonathan Frakes informed me that ABC has advised her to discontinue all interviews at this time.

    My comments:

    Why would ABC do that? I bet GF inked a deal. Luke and Tracy will

    finally have sex only for Laura to walk in on it. *shrugs* Anyone else have better thoughts about this?

    From Anonymous #1 at NEW SoapDish:

    Alan's ghost plagues Tracy at the GH board meeting for new Chief of Staff and Dr. Ford winds up all wet.

    My comments:

    This isn't another metaphor, is it? *goes to dictionary* Hmm, "all wet" can mean "completely mistaken" or "in error." Ah, that probably makes more sense than Tracy dumping water on him. Heh.

    From Anonymous #2 at NEW SoapDish:

    Emily and Tracy make a deal.

    My comments:

    Might have something to do with the will, huh? If it's even true...

    From Wizard:

    Ghost Alan appears to Tracy on March 9th.

    My comments:

    Hmm, the original date set was March 8th. Not that it matters...Just making an observation.

    Do we know for sure if Tracy is on today?!?

    OY!!! Not sounding great about the GF thing. Well I guess we all better enjoy LuNacy while we can....

    That Darcy did break the SD story....only thing that would make it better is if it is another short term deal again.

  5. Sorry about the spoiler bars!

    From Total TV Online:

    When contacting Genie Francis to reschedule our interview with her, that was postponed in the middle of it due to Genie's severe cold, her husband, actor Jonathan Frakes informed me that ABC has advised her to discontinue all interviews at this time.

    My comments:

    Why would ABC do that? I bet GF inked a deal. Luke and Tracy will

    finally have sex only for Laura to walk in on it. *shrugs* Anyone else have better thoughts about this?

    From Anonymous #1 at NEW SoapDish:

    Alan's ghost plagues Tracy at the GH board meeting for new Chief of Staff and Dr. Ford winds up all wet.

    My comments:

    This isn't another metaphor, is it? *goes to dictionary* Hmm, "all wet" can mean "completely mistaken" or "in error." Ah, that probably makes more sense than Tracy dumping water on him. Heh.

    From Anonymous #2 at NEW SoapDish:

    Emily and Tracy make a deal.

    My comments:

    Might have something to do with the will, huh? If it's even true...

    From Wizard:

    Ghost Alan appears to Tracy on March 9th.

    My comments:

    Hmm, the original date set was March 8th. Not that it matters...Just making an observation.

    Do we know for sure if Tracy is on today?!?

    OY!!! Not sounding great about the GF thing. Well I guess we all better enjoy LuNacy while we can....

    That Darcy did break the SD story....only thing that would make it better is if it is another short term deal again.

  6. I told you, I didn't want to know!!!

    Thanks for the botox blogger link. That guy (woman?) is hilarious. Dead on, funny funny stuff!

    Hey.. I know I say this often.. and I never follow through.. but I'm writing! I'm writing. Bug the cr*p out of me friends, cause "Dry" must become reality. I've got three solid pages, and they're pretty decent, and it's going in the right direction. It won't be a long story.. but it will.. BE! Minerva, I leave town Thursday, so if I don't finish by Wednesday night, it'll have to wait until middle of next week.. but Dry is happening. Thanks, MF. I wanted to be kicked in the a**. But you did it, and I am grateful!

    Oh good! Lookng forward to reading it. I leave town Thursday to til the 17th so try to post before then!!!

    I gotta at least write one more part before I leave...hope I have the time and have it in me!!!

  7. I come bearing gifts!

    Scott gets creative trying to steal a bill from Tracy


    Random Tracy, Larry and Ned scenes from the Dawn/Decker on the run story


    Harlan Barrett takes Tracy on an unusual date


    Larry and Tracy visit with Ned on the morning of his wedding to Dawn


    I figured out how to get rid of the gaps in the videos. 'll fix the Tracy and Paul one and repost it.

    Hookedongh, when do we get chapter two????

    Enjoy B)


    Thanks so much for uploading these for us LA! I am saving them now to watch in the morning when my kids leave for school--ha ha!

    I am so tired that I have to go to bed at a normal time tonight. I cna't wait to watch tomorrow.

    I can't believe I even posted that story last night so late without even editing it. I hope it made sense. I have to go back and reread it and then work on part 2. I have a feeling this one is going to need several parts. I promise to try to get at least part 2 up before I leave for vacation this week!

    Thanks so so so very much again for posting these clips . You know we have been dying for them.

  8. Got a little carried away after watching how bad Tracy wanted Paul in this scene and how passionate she was. So of course I would want a passionate scene EVEN BETTER than this for LuNacy. And we know Luke will be all to happy to deliver, unlike Paul. It was sad that she had to like beg him. Uggghh!! What a Putz!!

    Hooked, I finished watching the Ned and Jenny #3 last night - err - this morning - I wont even tell you how late I stayed up - but I have a hangover headache and I don't even drink! Totally LOVED Tracy and Marco together!! They were too funny! Especially when they were hiding in the bushes spying on Jenny and the Sentator.

    So glad you watched it. Cant' believe you had it all this time and didn't watch it. :) So...you and I are in the same boat this morning. After we got off last night, I couldn't sleep. So I came back up here and wrote that fanfic that LadyAshton and I were talking about.

    I went to bed around 2:30. I am so wiped today and woke up with a headache (although I was drinking wine--ha ha)

  9. OK LadyAshton...as a present for you for uploading that awesome clip and for all your hard work to share your edits with us, here is part 1 of the fanfic we were talking about on how Tracy and Ashton met. I didn't really edit it much as I am so tired I can't see straight, but wanted to post it before I went to bed.


    Ooops that is the wrong preview link. I will have to post it in the morning as it hasn't emailed me the link yet. Sorry for the tease!

    Edit....try this link instead


  10. Enjoyed the wardrobe video Mrs. Q. Would be harder to make one of good tracy outfits I think! Thanks for the Angelica/Justin clip. I will say that JE looks way better with long hair. I can't help but thinking of them as Tracy/Ned and that is just ewwww!! I am sure it was hard for them to be playing mother and son after playing lovers.

    I have never watched Days. Were they involved for a while or was it just a little fling?

  11. Deb, no Tracy today. I had it on in the room (while I was editing the clips), and no sign of her at all. :(

    Carrie, Click here for the first 5 clips. Haunted star scene from Geena, tea clip from Shaurice, ice clip from Shazzer, Haunted Star where she wakes him up from Lori Jo, Dillon and Tracy at Kelly's from GQ-Daily. Click here for the last 2. The one of LuNacy in the hospital was actually not from the epidemic. It was when Luke pretended Helena shot and and injured him. It was part of his plan to catch her. Mask clip from GQ-Daily. Hospital clip from NeverQuiet, maybe Skye.

    SPOILERS (we're familiar with these; they're just worded differently):

    Next week (ABC.com):

    Tracy probes the Q's about Alan's will and learns that everyone assumes he left everything to Emily. She has Luke steal a copy of it to see for herself and confirms it's true. She enlists Luke's help and together they plot to change the will before Edward gets a peek at it.

    Next week (Daytime Dial):

    While friends and family mourned Alan, Tracy and Luke attempted to alter his will.

    Week of March 12th (ABC.com):

    Tracy continues to be haunted by Alan's ghost.

    Kind of OT: I'm going out later this evening and tonight. Probably won't be around for the BR...

    Thank you so much Mrs Q. I am going to have a good time watching them! You are the best! Thanks again. Have a fun night out tonight!

  12. Mrs Q

    Again, just wanted to say I have had the best time watching your videos today. Some of them I had already seen, but some I haven't. They are all so awesome.

    My favorites I think are Crazy, Can't go home and Almost. I also love the For Good one, but I love that song and love the mom/son thing--as you can imagine with three boys!

    Here were a few clips in the videos I don't think I have. No big deal at all but you said to make a list....so whenever you get a chance

    down the road...

    The one we talked about last night you said was from June of 06 where she was at the haunted star I think she was wearing that green/red jacket that was in ARound the World

    The one where she pours the hot water from the teapot on luke's lap

    The one where she dumps the ice cubs on his lap while he is laying on the couch

    The one where she smashes the symbols in his ears to wake him up at the haunted star

    In For Good, there is one scene of her and dillon at kelly's around 50 seconds in. I don't think I remember that scene

    ALso the one of them dressed in the masquerade thing with those green and purple masks.

    The one when Luke fell out of the bed in the hospital while tracy was there during the epidemic (nex said she didn't have that one either)

    Again, nothing urgent...just whenever.

    See I am back to my "taker" ways again :) At least I wrote a few things right? Ha ha.

    Thanks so much. Hope you had a great day.

  13. Wow. This place is getting a lot of action!!! (more than usual) I love it!

    angel! Good to "see" you again!

    Lainey, I hope that's her reason, but part of me believes there's more to it.

    Oh, hey! Anyone remember the spoiler that Tracy and Monica go off on Lulu for stealing Alan's PDA? I believe that was set for last week, so it looks like it was cut. I guess it's a good thing since I didn't like the idea of Tracy warning Lulu about Scotty one second and then reaming her out the next (even if she is kinda, sorta maybe a little to blame). I AM however angry (still) that we never got the scene of Tracy comforting Dillon that week.

    hooked, aww, I'm honored to be called a "Goddess." Heh. Glad you liked the videos. And thanks for the news about the Tracy edit tape. Keep us posted! And sorry that one of your boys is sick. :(

    I swear...one video is better than the next. I am going to be late to my doctor's appt!!! I love the Crazy final one and the Can't go home and the For Good so much. I am compiling my list of missing clips I have from these (I bet you are just so happy about that one :)

    Not too many...my collection has grown.

    You are the ultimate clip/video making goddess in my book! :)

    Sort or nice my son is home sick (not that he is sick) but it gave me a chance to watch these videos.

    Chat with ya later!

  14. Thanks Mrs. Q for all those awesome video links. I had seen some before, but it was great to see them again.

    Once again, I bow down to your video making awesomness...in the words of Spinelli...Oh editing goddess! :)

    Lainey...love your scenario...I"m holding on to your positive thoughts!!!

    I'm home with a sick kid today...will be trying to watch the Luke/tracy dvd edits. Although I am sure I have lots of those clips anyway.

    Minerva...love your take on the Carly thing and "momma bear mode"

    Mrs. Q...hope they lose the Chi iron they are using on Tracy's hair if she is on today... she needs a big round brush for her blowout...not a straightening iron for the oomph! :)

    Check ya guys later....

  15. Uh.. Folks.. Hello...

    Something really important happened today!!

    I can't believe nobody has mentioned it!!!

    I believe we learned the real reason Tracy is trying to prevent LuLu from finding Rick Webber's killer!!! :blink: :blink:

    She told it to Carly. Luke was the one who told Laura she killed Rick. If it turns out that he was wrong, and he is responsible for his beloved going off the deep end.. Well.. uh.. Tracy is right... he'll got nutso! And she'll loose him. And she loves him, folks. She doesn't want to loose him.

    When Carly asked, 'why do you care?' and she said 'he's my husband,' she was telling the truth!! And did you see how she said it? That was priceless -- it was said plainly and honestly. She has grown to accept him, warts and all. She loves him. (Come on folk, why the hell else would she go to Carly's house?!?!?! THERE IS NO OTHER REASON).

    Tracy wants to stop the search for Rick's killer, because if the murderer is anyone other than Laura, the fact will DESTROY Luke. And she likes Luke just the way he is, thank you very much!

    ta ta,


    Yeah Lainey....see we were freaking out over nothing (hopefully). I LOVED how she said "He's my husband" (carly should understand that) and then how she said, "I for one think that Luke and Lulu deserve to be free to move on". LOVED LOVED LOVED it. She so loves Lulu too.

    I was trying to figure out why she went to carly of all people as how would tracy know that carly and lulu were sort of tight? But who else woudl tracy go to? She couldn't go to Luke about it. Lucky is a cop so she couldn't go to him, plus she never speaks to him anyway. Dillon would not be loyal to her we all know that as he is too gaga over lulu. Who else is there?

    I thought that was a very good day for LuNacy...even though it was one short and sweet scene!

  16. FYI--I found out today that JenBigley who sells the GH DVD edits bought someone's old tape collection from 89-91 and if they are good quality when she gets them, she is going to do a total Tracy edit from the time of her return in 1989 that would include all of that time period (which would include scotty affair, etc).

    She is also doing a Ned/Jenny #5 which will have when tracy hit her in her car and got banished (not so looking forward to that one) and a Luke Tracy #4 which will end with this whole alan death thing.

    Something to look forward to...

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