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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Deb,

    I commented on LJ, but WOW...that was truly amazing! Maybe that is alan's true purpose...to make Tracy see the light! What an interesting perspective. Loved it! Bowing down once again to your amazing talents!!!

    Keaton It was so nice to chat with you last night. I really enjoyed it!

    Welcome Megan and Brownstonegirl

  2. Our first part of GH was pre-empted today so I am taping soapnet. But seems like I only missed one tracy scene. So, at least she admitted she knew about nic being the guardian instead of lying about it or pretending she didn't...she is making some progress.

    And the fact that she went to shadybrook to make sure all the arrangements were made was pretty nice since her lame ass huband took off on her! :)

    All the love stuff from yesterday was gone huh? Oh well...it will be back...

    So she said noodle me about....I thought he said noodle with me...oh no, I gotta watch it again now and listen again :)

    Am off to run kids to someplace or another and a meeting, but will try to be online later!

  3. Ok, after I have rewatched a zillion times....I TOTALLY think it could be one of two things....either they just started sleeping together or are trying to, but it just hasn't happened yet, even though she wants it to. I rewatched Luke's comments about "it was just one night...by my calculations we are doing just fine". It doesn't HAVE to mean sex. It could mean that their relationship is progressing in the right direction. I still am thinking they haven't actually done it...and wed is going to be the first time.

    I think they were just way to awkward yesterday to have been sleeping together for a long time. And I think it was that she finally came to his bed and starting in with him (btw...we figured out to noodle meant "to play or to toy with" last night in the verb form of the word) or he was in her bed, and then it didn't happen. If they have been sleeping together, I don't think their kisses would be so tenative as they are now...and they wouldn't be doing it on the couch in the living room....trust me...from someone who has been married a long, long time.... (ha ha).

    And why would alan be like "Luke had to go somewhere else to finish what you started". I mean if they have been sleeping together for a long time, so what is the big deal about one night having it not happen cause she was upset. I can think of a million nights that happens.

    So that is my two cents for the morning. I am keeping my illusion that we are still going to get a first time...this week. If not, then they for sure have only done it a couple of times recently, but that is all I am accepting--ha ha!

  4. nex, SoapZone has detailed recaps. For now, I just have some random comments:

    I will never to be able to hear "oopsie daisy" again and keep a straight face. Edward actually seemed concerned about Tracy. He wants her to get professional help (and not once did he mention she would probably lose ELQ in the process). Nice exchange of touching dialogue between Tracy and Alan involving an "I love you, and I hate that you are dead." Tracy gets a speech to Luke about what he means to her, how he makes her feel (more or less). No ILY, although I thought it would happen. The scene is still sweet.

    Hmm, what else?

    "Hanky panky" isn't played for comedy, but it's very short, and Scotty needs to come back another time. Speaking of hanky-panky, there are references to "last night." Luke and Tracy have obviously been sharing the same bedroom, which is awesome news, but it's kind of like, "Well, when did that happen?"

    And that's all I got for the time being. I hope that holds you over. :)

    For those interested in outfit, it's the same one from the "What Lies Beneath" Soaps In Depth article. I'm inclined to say it's from the same day today's episode was filmed, but the hair doesn't match up IMO. One has "oomph." The other doesn't. :lol:

    Edit: hooked! Hi! We posted at the same time! :o (I just mentioned the hair/wardrobe in this post, but you beat me to it, LOL).

    Of course you and I would be focused on the hair and wardrobe! Ha ha. Yeah, I was wondering by his comment of "it's just one night...by my calcuations we are doing just fine...." was for sure insinuting that they had already been sleeping together. Think the "last night" scene was cut too Ms Q???

    And what did luke say, "you crawled under the covers, reached out and started to noodle me????"

    I love it and am so happy, but it is like they go from nothing to this assumed whole relationsihp??? I thought when she first said "ILY" to alan that she was saying it to Luke for a split second. But it is still hilarious how she says he is greedy, untrustworthy, but he gets her, and the best thing that ever happened to her....LOVED THAT DIALOGUE!!! Even luke's "I hit the jackpot in more ways than one" was good too, meaning the $$ but more than just that!

    Hope Hellagood has today's clips up soon as today is a keeper for sure! Thank god I am still here in town or I would be dying!!!!

  5. AHHHHHHHH I could hardly wait to see the happiness on this board today! :) Definitely the best lunacy ever!!!!!!!!!!

    Ms Q--I just had a feeling she was going to be wearing that outfit from SID magazine spread for the lunacy love! :) Even the hair didn't bother ya today huh?

    Woo woo...finally! We all must converge tonight to chat---9pm central???????????

  6. Wow...those are the best spoilers we have heard in a long, long time!!! Can't wait to watch!! Just hope they start today.

    I am a mess. Had an ingrown toe nail removed today at the podiatrist, had an allergic reaction to neutrogena self-tanning lotion and have this huge rash all over my arms and legs and have to take a pred pack of steroids for six days, am on an antiobiotic for my toe which hopefully will knock out the sinus infection I think I have....all in all...I am just the picture of perfect health today---NOT!!! I just hope I am better by Friday.

    I sure hope Tracy is on today cause that means the day will only get better. I will be home around 9pm tonight. Hopefully I can catch up with some of you in the breakroom...it has been like five days..having withdrawls...ha ha!

  7. OMG....Wicked was FABULOUS! In such a great mood! That was the best show I have ever seen I think. Got home and everyone was asleep--even better! Looks like it will be a good TQ week.

    Next time I complain about my husband, remind me to shut up...he cleaned out the entire fridge and freezer and cleaned all shelves and reogranized the pantry while I was gone. I would never in a million years do that! :) He has redeemed himself for at least a week (ha ha)

    So knh I am leaving on Friday. My flight is at 7pm so maybe we can leave after GH!! I won't miss M, T, W, TH though of this week, but will miss all of the week of the 23rd! We get back on the night of the 26th. I need to get some drugs for that long plane flight to knock me out.

    I have to write like a 10 page instruction manual for my mother in law on all the info for the kids....it sounds ridiculous but there is so much crap to write down...carpools, rides, activities, dog stuff, doctors info, etc....I would much rather be writing a fanfic!

    Well off to bed for now. Going to dream in "green" tonight in honor of Wicked! I need to reread Deb's fic where Tracy was all green!

  8. Hello everyone! I'm back from my sorority girl reuinon weekend! Boy did I forget all the funny/bad things I did in college, until we were reminiscing this weekend. I sure hope my kids don't ever ask me point blank questions like "did you do this mom or have you ever tried thi...?" I will simply have to LIE!!!! :)

    All the girls who were in my wedding were there. Half my friends are divorced now. But every single person looked way better than they did 19 years ago.

    Anyway, so I might have to cancel my flight to london if Luke/Tracy are on all five days next week--ha ha! I can't watch Friday as we have to go to the airport---I will have to wait a week to find out what happens on Friday. One of you better email me and let me know! :)

    So the best news is I got home and everyone in my family is gone this afternoon. So I had a weekend alone, and now the afternoon alone and I go to see Wicked tonight with my friend alone! Life is good! :)

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    Edit LadyAshton so glad you are still writing your story...can't wait to read it!

    Deb/Lainey Was totally cracking up thinking of you guys in Austin when I was checking out the purses my friend I was staying with and her partner were carrying :) Looked just like the ones Lainey was showing us that night.

    Ms Q Are you still on your sobriety kick???

    TracyLuv Thanks for the nice compliments on the painting. No I didn't have a model/picture of that exact thing. I used several pictures from magazines and sort of put parts of them together. You might have to pop in just once this week to comment on luke/tracy if they are on five days!!!!! ALthough I understand the need for spoiler talk sobriety!!!

    lainey Thanks for the positive reinforcement for lunacy love this week! :)

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, MagicHappens!

    hooked, have a safe and fun trip!

    pinkpopsicle, thanks for the screencaps!

    From TV Guide:

    Ex-lovers Tracy and Scotty make a dirty deal, just like in the old days.

    The more spoilers that come out about this, the less I less excited I am about next week. Someone tell me GH is not going to destroy LuNacy.


    Scott Clifton has been let go. Someone on SOC got it in an email, so we'll see.

    AHHH I hate these spoilers/rumors. I don't care so much about SC leaving as he is annoying me lately, but that is not good for the Qs....hope it is not the writing on the wall....them trying to slowly phase them all out. I mean who is left in that house???? Monica/Edward/Tracy/Luke/Alice??? I will miss tracy/dillon stuff (although lately there is none anyway).

    La la la la *hands over my ears* I'm am not listening to any more spoilers (eddie murphy in beverly hills cop scene with the la la la la I am not listening to ....)

    LOL Deb about the Delta Nus and Elle!! Too funny. This was SO not that type of sorority! :) I do feel old though...I graduated almost 19 years ago from UT! A bunch of my friends from college will be there though, even though it is an all year reunion. It will be funny to see what everyone is up to...when I was filling out the form you had to register with it said hobbies and I was thinking hmmm...."tracy obession" Ha ha.

    BTW...my toe feels 100% fine today...whew...I think I escaped disaster! :)

  10. Anybody else notice J-E.com is down this morning? :( If it's not up by this afternoon, I'll email Tracey. Lainey, thanks for the FB on "Silver Lining." Hopefully, I'll get it done this weekend.

    JE--It's back up Deb! I hope you guys all have a good weekend. I am heading out of town this morning and will be back Sunday.










    Hmmm... There has been a lot of speculation about this today. I'm about to add my two cents:

    -Luke's ulimatum to Tracy, MUST be that if she sides with Scott he's gone - they're done, kaput. I feel pretty good about that analysis, given it's placement in the teaser (right after the 'ruse' line).

    -It's the "realization" thing that's throwing me off, and scaring me just a little bit. I mean they already 'realize' they care for each other. I mean the night of 'almost' sex is sort of going to reinforce that, right? So what further realization could there be? They already know they're "real," right? That can't possibly be the "realization." Or...maybe it is.

    Or maybe, they realize that they make a 'dream scheme team,' and promise to always partner in the furture.

    Or maybe, they realize they're both wounded souls afraid to take a chance on love.. and decide to take a chance on love.

    Or maybe, Tracy is able to point out to Luke that he treats her like second-class, and he vows to fix that.

    OR..horrors of horrors.. he admits he treats her like second-class, and tells her it will never change. And.. they decide to go separate ways. GASP! I don't think that will happen, but there is a deep fear in me that the "realization" isn't a good thing. I fear it. I do. I HOPE IT'S NOT TRUE. I HOPE IT'S NOT TRUE. I HOPE IT'S NOT TRUE!!

    I'm staying positive folks, I really am!!! I'm just scared. Really really scared. We're so close to LuNacy loving! SOOO CLOSE!!!! It would be just like Guza to bring us this close, and BLOW IT APART. ugh!!!!!!!

    Not that it would be good, but remember JE said in her article in SID that Tracy will do whatever it takes to hang on to luke...she has low expectations...mabye the realization is that they are not going to have a love of the ages like Luke and Laura (which they both know already) but that what they do have is different and unique and they are willing to accept that??? Wishful thinking..

    Or, in my gut...it is some stupid thing like they come to the realization about in their relationship....like until they confess, alan will continue to interrupt them and not give them privacy

    I must say...I think I enjoyed GH and Luke/Tracy much better when I didn't know spoilers existed :)

    Lets just review the positive....Tracy is IN the spoilers....Luke and Tracy are finally being portrayed as a real couple....real couples do have their problems (and this is a soap so nobody can be happy)....and Laura is not coming back in May!! There...there is my pollyanna for the day!!!

    Lainey Hope you have a great, fun week!!

  12. I am here! You be around this evening Hooked???

    Yep! I am going to go in the breakroom now to see if you are in there!

    Nex...those clips wouldn't open after all...bummer. Said my compute didn't recognize the format or something. Thanks anyway though for uploading htem for me. I know it was a pain.

    I will try to check back in the breakroom around 9 central after I feed the troops!! :)


    Back in the breakroom 8:20 for a bit....

  13. LadyAshton you are here somewhere...have been wondering where you were and hoping all was well.

    Happy birthday MagicHappens

    Thanks for the nice words knh about the painting...as if you don't have more talent in your little finger than I have in my whole body artistically!!!

    I am totally optimistic about next week!!!

    Edit Deb, I was thinking of you today as I went to Hobby Lobby to have a picture framed and bought my bag of twizzlers on the way out...

  14. Boo hoo no tracy...I came home just now to check the thread to see if I should watste my time watching today as I have so much to do..and so many places to drive people!!!

    I woke up with my big toe throbbing and in major pain...I thought I had slept walked during the night and dropped a pot on it or something...turns out, I go to my exercise class and can't put on my sneaker, so this Chinese lady who comes to it said she owns a fancy nail salon and it is for sure an ingrown toe nail. I am like huh? I have never had that before, but let me tell you, the pain was like a tooth ache pain...throbbing.... Has anyone ever had that before...it was awful.

    I did the stupidest, most lack of judgement thing ever and went to this lady's house and let her fix it for me as I am leaving town tomorrow am. If my toe falls off from some gangreen or something that you hear about from dirty nail salons....I will know why!!! I mean I don't know this woman from a hole in the wall....What was I thinking???? I called a podiatrist and he was saying he would see me Monday am, but to soak it in epson salts and put neosporin on it. Lovely!!! I must say it feels WAYYYYYY better now though. Not throbbing...just sore.

    See there is nothing to talk about when Tracy is not on for me :(

  15. Okay I hate jumping ahead and commenting on spoilers when I haven't even commented on fics and watched vids, but since the spoilers seem more pressing at the moment, here it goes:

    Slightly negative interpretation disclaimer. But a realistic one, I think:

    I think Guza is building Lacy up so he can tear them down. I think so because that's what he does to all couples. However this is a daytime drama and if Lacy didn't have angst, it wouldn't be realistic. At least Guza giving them angst makes me think he sees them as REAL.That's a plus.

    I DO think we'll get a VERY good week in terms of bonding next week though...but the "ultimatum" thing doesn't sound good.

    Two definitions of "ultimatum" :

    A final statement of terms made by one party to another.

    A statement, especially in diplomatic negotiations, that expresses or implies the threat of serious penalties if the terms are not accepted. (me: uh-oh).

    I do think the ultimatum is going to be Luke to Tracy, "if I find out you are working WITH Scott to help him get guardianship over Laura, we're through."

    Now I don't know if he'll say it like that, but that's the ultimatum, I think.

    Personally, since Laura obviously wanted Luke to move on, and she deliberately made Nik guardian, I don't see Tracy's machinations as all that bad...and I think it's something in theory that Luke can forgive over time.

    I just hope it isn't true and that it is a scam.

    I'm afraid SCOTT will make it look like it's not, though. :(

    Meaning that if he wins guardianship he'll make it look like Tracy was really helping him, whether she was or not.

    ABout Skuke: I can't take another round of them, and if Guza goes there again after Lo is gone, I might take a GH sabbatical.

    Cause I can't take any more Skuke/Lacy hijinks.

    I don't think they'll go there in a romantic way. I think Skye/Ric will hook up, but......who knows?

    At any rate, I expect the lacy stuff next week to ROCK.

    Everyone should watch.

    I think it's going to be awesome. :)

    I agree that the definition of the word ultimatum is not a good scenario for Lunacy...but....I think it could be as little as a comment by luke that "you need to decided where your loyalties lie..it is either baldwin or me". That could be what they build up as some big spoiler...like they did with Tracy/Monica team up against Skye...what was it...like two lines of dialogue???

    Just trying to put a positive spin on it this morning....at least they are in spoilers right???

  16. OMG. Those spoilers sound...delicious. It sounds like maybe, just maybe--NO, dangit, MinervaFan, do not go down that road. You no longer trust in The Spoiler. The Spoiler is wicked, and speaks with forked tongue. Step away from The Spoilers.

    Hooked, I saw your picture--it's absolutely DEVOON.

    Oh, and you and Lainey did not bore me with talk of purses and shoes in the break room last night. Au contraire, I woke thinking of dyke purses and wishing wishing wishing I could develop a skill for recognizing them in their natural habitat. I'm looking forward to discussing this phenomenon at work with my purse-loving coworker, who may give me some insight into it. (Clueless as I am on the whole accessory issue. I have one purse and two pairs of shoes, and all are utilitarian and falling apart because I hate the thought of going shopping to replace them.)

    MsQ, Nex, Keith, TracyLuv, sorry I missed you last night. I was on for quite some time with Lainey and Hooked, but had to leave to eat dinner and watch Voyager. Because food and sci-fi are GOOD.

    So, about those LuNacy spoilers....NO, Beware The Spoiler. The Spoiler is EVIL and tricks you. :D


    So I love those old avatars you posted...I especially love the Dark Cloud/Silver Lining!! Love it...hate Paul! I am going to be checking out people's purses all day today too! :) That was funny.

    Thanks for the kind words on the painting....I finished another one too that is for my dad of a skiier. Getting it framed today...I never had a hobby growing up...all of a sudden I have hobbies at 40! Better late than never I guess.

    Praying for the spoilers to be good....I think with the direction they are going in, I can't see the ultimatum being bad (I can see if being...if you take baldwin's side we are done or something like that) or the revelation being they want a divorce or something...wouldn't make any sense at all....

    Talk to ya later...

  17. Holy crap! Tracy and company have the main section in the PreVUE at this site. Jane Elliot even got the photo! CLICK ME FOR DETAILS.

    Guess the drinking and the almost sex is not the same night? Unless "realization about their relationship" has something to do with sex, but the drinks are at the MetroCourt...Agh! I have no idea!

    wow that sounds like a good tracy week (although who knows it could be all in one day and like 7 minutes total huh?. But I am keeping positive...at least she wants a night alone with luke. What is the ultimatum ya think? The realization is that they love each other???? It has to be!!!

  18. Holy crap! Tracy and company have the main section in the PreVUE at this site. Jane Elliot even got the photo! CLICK ME FOR DETAILS.

    Guess the drinking and the almost sex is not the same night? Unless "realization about their relationship" has something to do with sex, but the drinks are at the MetroCourt...Agh! I have no idea!

    wow that sounds like a good tracy week (although who knows it could be all in one day and like 7 minutes total huh?. But I am keeping positive...at least she wants a night alone with luke. What is the ultimatum ya think? The realization is that they love each other???? It has to be!!!

  19. Aint is a damn shame that we have to watch our LuNacy in slo-mo to get something out of it, and then FF thru the rest to get it over with??!!

    Maybe Lulu and her harem are getting mega airtime because they are leading into the "Night Shift" show? The show has been cast and they will all be on it. Including Georgie. I think the only ones that are cast that are older than Steve Burton and Kimberly Mc are Epiphany and Ms. Sneed.

    But Scott Clifton is not cast on it...wonder if that means bad news for him or he just didn't want to do both shows? Not another Q casualty I hope!!!

    I think that stupid dr. ford is cast for it too. So we can be left with the carly/sonny/jason/sam hour as usual for the summer--boo hoo--when TG takes off...at least this time I Hope he takes tracy with him for them to have some privacy---if we don't see her all summer at least we can think she is with him!!! :)

  20. I think the scotty interupting and them getting drunk is next week (if it doesnt get cut). Like Deb said, I think we are going to have a long couple months of them constantly getting interrupted and it all played for laughs....bummer, but better than nothing i guess.

    So if I see Lulu on one more freaking date I am going to scream. I want to throw up all over her and her stupid harem. ENOUGH ALREADY...do they really not get it????? Who wants to watch that nonsense. Between the stooges and carly/sonny/jax....I want to scream...guess that is what the fast forward button is for huh??

  21. TL...I was so cracking up at your post cause i was totally slow mo'ing this morning rewatching those scenes...totally saw that repositioning and him with his hands on her back, etc...and the look in her eyes looking at him....slow mo is the way to go--wow that rhymes...the scene was much better at snail speed! :)

    Have you guys ever heard of slingbox? My husband got it in the mail from someone yesterday and it is a device that you hook up to your t.v. and then you can log in anywhere around the world to it on your computer/laptop and watch your shows live in your own time zone, etc. Like if we were on a trip, I could watch GH at 2pm central time....not that I would watch it on a computer thanks to TIVO...but I guess it could come in handy for some things.

    So I was mentioning last night in the breakroom that Tracy always seems to be on on Tuesdays...wonder if that is their lowest viewing audience day and that is why they always relegate her to that day...just wondering...

    OK, I gotta get off now and do my office/reorg. I am trying to make it all nice and neat so I can write!!

    Deb, tell Fey I put a blanket around my son and his bear with him last night. I tried to put his pillow there but I couldn't lift his head up so I put it near the air hockey table let so he wouldn't smack his head. He slept all night there and I had to wake him up for school in the morning from the carpet! Guess that frise shaggy type carpet is comfy!!! Ha ha. What a wierdo...he has this totally cute comfy bed and cozy room....

  22. OMG (who do I sound like Ms Q???) I was so loving that first scene. I was eating my words about nobody of course remembering her birthday (although a few days later than last year, but whose counting right?) The way she was looking at him when she said sometimes she is so damn happy she married him...was really great!!!

    The Luke getting on top of her was sort of funny. My first thought was please, oh please don't let this be the hanky panky spoiler...and oh my gosh could alan be more annoying today? I was like o.k. fire SD already...enough with the ghost (ha ha)

    So I am TOTALLY not complaining...yeah they needed another scene....for sure. I liked how he kept trying to kiss her and then alan kept interrupting and then finally he just let her go and started to drink.

    I did think the edward scene with Tracy was like way hurried and rushed...like STaci is right...it was almost like they forgot a whole part. Like a scene about well there is no heir so it is not hurting anyone, etc. .we wont' tell Monica and maybe you and I can work something out Tracy...I mean like Edward didn't even threaten to throw her and luke in jail. Something was so cut from that.

    So yeah for GH today for remember Tracy's birthday and now I am all fired up to write....have a meeting tonight but will be online later at about 9pm central.....at least we have something Tracy related to discuss tonight--ha ha.

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