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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Angel2Devil, since we have no Ms. Q to comment on the jacket at the moment....I'll step in for her....

    Definite recycled jacket, but from a long time ago...she hasn't worn it in a while...it is a not a long one...I think she wore it with a white turtleneck under it in a clip with Skye and Luke at the Haunted Star that was in Ms. Q's last video before she left. I uploaded it but can't find it at the moment with the date, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Staci could spout it off with no problem! We miss you Staci if you are checking the thread! :)

    So I am such a big talker...I take my son to the airport thinking one kid down for a week, only two to go (ha ha) and he starts crying on the way there cause he got all freaked out about terrorists and flying to NY, etc. But he calmed down and was fine. Then I waited til the plane pulled away from the gate to leave (first time my son is flying alone) and as it starts pulling away, I all of a sudden start to get all teary-eyed. Oy!

    TracyLuv...hope to catch ya tonight!

    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone around for a few? It is 5pm central?

    Edit I just got done stuffing and sealing almost 50 shower invitations..not feeling so great--remember that Seinfeld episode when George's finance died from the glue licking on all the wedding invitations--LOL

  2. Zanne Marie--Get to that lunacy fic writing! Sounds like a great idea--Tracy following Luke on an adventure! I am going on a girls weekend to celebrate my friend's 50th birthday on the 15-16th of June. We're going to a new Hyatt resort in Bastrop (outside of Austin, TX) that has ziplining thing through the tree tops as one of its attractions--of course it is likely for the kids, but hey...I'm a kid at heart--might have to try it! Me and my two 50 year old friends. Sounds like fun!

    Had to get my entire toenail removed today as it was falling off (sorry for sharing that disgusting bit of news) --I am very bummed I will have to wear a bandaid all summer--cause I'll be damned if I am not wearing my cute sandals--ha ha!

    Yes, Tracy was awesome window dressing at the trial, rubbing Luke's back in support and holding his hand. Love the subtle things they are doing to build their relationship. I wonder if some of those are Jane and Tony's doing or they are scripted in the blocking ,etc.

    Chat with you all later...going to take my little boy to the airport for his first grown up flying alone plane flight! (WIsh the other two were going too--LOL)

  3. Sorry TracyLuv...fell asleep last night before I could get back on the computer! Let's try to catch up tonight!

    Good luck with the rest of your finals TracyLuver. Hope your speech goes well tomorrow (it is tomorrow right?)

    Hope your birthday was great Deb!

    I have this TrAsh fic swirling around in my head I gotta make myself sit down and write (continuation of their story after they met). One of these days.

    Deb...I thought about sending the invitations out all wrong and just correcting the one that went to the lady whose name I screwed up, but then all the other people know her and would tell her. So I had to drive 25 minutes to a different party city store to get them again cause my store near me was out of them---two steps forward, three steps back...story of my life. Now I gotta reprint them all today and mail them.

    My son is flying by himself today for the first time to visit my parents. I hope he remembers to take his carry on bag off the plane with him!

    Here's hoping for Tracy Tuesday today!

  4. Can't get it to work either IloveTracyQ. Bummer. I forgot, did you try sendspace?

    Happy Birthday Deb! Hope it is a good day. Watched the Queen last night. Very interesting movie. She was fabulous as the Queen!

    Welcome back TracyLuv from your cruise.

    Since Ms Q is not here, does anyone know what days TQ is supposed to be on this week?

    I am such an idiot. I spent over an hour last night printing out shower invitations, and then sticking these stupid bows on them all, then stuffing them and addressing them when I realized that I put one of the other shower hosts names as sandy instead of sally. UGHHH! I have to now eat the cost of all 48 of these and buy news ones today and start all over. The only good thing is I didn't already stamp the envelopes....what a big dummy I am!!!

  5. someone please tell me how to do the white out or black out thing for spoilers....until then

    from soapzone...spoilers












    Next week of June 4th...

    Luke and Tracy act fast to prevent a Laura disaster.

    Alan calls on Tracy again.

    Tracy implores Lulu to live with the Qs again.

    following week:

    Tracy puts her eggs in a shaky basket, held by a questionable character…

    Who could that be?

  6. I'm saying a big fat "aww" for that one. That is the best we could have hoped for...him leaving, but involving her in the plan and saying goodbye and that he will come back to her! Le'ts just hope he doesn't return with an awakened, ex-vegetable with him in October!

    Having the most decadent day ever!!!! And I have five more hours to myself before the troops return! Stayed up til 4am last night watching a movie and slept til 11am! Made coffee, watched luke/tracy #4 dvd edit finally, and have since been laying on a raft in my pool listening to a Jimmy Buffet double CD (total layout music) drinking a diet coke...it doesn't get much better than this for me today! :D

    Finished my mom's album, finished 5 photo albums on snapfish to order...finished cleaning out my closet...very productive weekend! I decided to be very nice and wait to watch "The Queen" til tonight cause my husband wanted to see it too--figured it was the least I could do since he took the kids and left me blessedly alone for the weekend! :)

    Check in later...thanks for the awesome, happy spoiler Lainey! Happy early b-day tomorrow Deb in case you are not around later tonight!

    BTW...Ms. Q's sister popped in the breakroom last night to say hi to us--that was a nice suprise!

    Edit 7pm The party is over! Waah! It was fun while it lasted! Everyone is back home.

  7. Deb/Lainey Sorry I missed you guys...will check in later. Making a scrapbook for my mom from her 65th birthday party. So not into it.

    Deb...hope your birthday tea is fun today.

    LadyAshton...hope you have fun "up north" with your mom this weekend.

    Nothing else going on...very quiet around here...got up early and exercised today...alternating between scrapbooking and laying out in the sun...have to finish a painting and finish my online photo project. People keeping calling me to do stuff and want t come by and I am like "um no."

    Lainey...don't work too hard!

    Ms Q--just in case you check in sometime....WE MISS YOU !!!

    TracyLuv...I think you are coming back from your cruise this weekend...we miss you too around here. Post a link when you get back so we can catch up!

  8. Ahhh...Bernard! Bernie for short??? Thanks LadyA for the tidbit of trivia!

    How do you do the black thing or the white it out thing Nex?

    So annoyed...my friend is coming over to eat dinner with me and she said she is bringing her daughter. I am telling her she has one hour and then she has to leave as I have no kids at home and don't want her kid here either. I shouldn't have told her she could come over. I don't really want company anyway.

    Lainey.. and all your other late nighters...if you are up late working and want to take a break...post a link! Probably won't be around til 10:30 central

  9. So I am reading it Deb...buying it hook (get it hooked) line and sinker! Had a wonderful afternoon with me, myself and I shopping! Take it no Tracy today...since nobody mentioned it. Bummer.

    Will be around later tonight...going to some latin dance/exercise class tonight and then coming home to watch a movie later. Will check in here to see if anyone is around.

  10. OK..sorry for the multiple posts today...but they are GONE!!! Yeah! Alone at last! BTW...this is my 500th post, so I had to make a separate one and not an edit for this monumentous event--ha ha.

    Off to go buy shower invitations and run errands...

  11. Thanks Deb! Hope to get to write this weekend. Trying to do a snapfish hard covered album from the Kentucky Derby trip as a thank you gift to the people who took us there. Then am trying to do a scrapbook for my mom of her 65th b-day party. Then I can write...

    Renting the Queen to watch tonight--never saw it in the movies, and after going to London...dying to see it.

    Keeping fingers crossed for TQ today

  12. OK...dont know how to do the black thing for spoilers....don't know how accurate these are...but trying to fill the staci gap....

    Spoilers from Wubs....













    **Tracey wants Lulu to move back to the Q house; Alan pays her a visit the 13th (pays lulu a visit or Tracy?)

    **Tracey is accused of helping Luke...and her sanity will be questioned because of Alan.

    **Scotty's furious at the turn of events.

    **Edward stands by Tracey--even if it looks like she's crazy!

    Tracy stands by Luke, but sees him going down the same old path

    Also...very funny commentary on the state of GH...writer points out that the script was messed up yesterday with TG...scotty and laura were married when he raped her not dating :


    Here is one more article about GF and her lifelong weight issues/alcohol addiction and how she was so depressed they didn't renew her guest contract on GH. She is now a spokesperson for Medifast


    **This is me trying very hard to fill the Ms Q. void...next think you know I am going to be making videos--ha ha**

  13. No way...fifth! Don't know if TQ is supposed to be on today....sure hope so. I was thinking that Luke was in the metrocourt at the end of yesterday. WHy would he go there unless he was meeting Tracy there. He looked like he was going to the elevator when he pushed past Scotty. Maybe he is on his way up to the bar to meet Tracy. He doesn't seem to frequent the metrocourt unless his wife is there to drink with! :)

    Maybe they will talk about lulu and then they will get the call that the judge has made a decision and they will rush off to court. They should end this friday with the court verdict...

    BTW..anyone else notice (if anyone bothers to watch when TQ is not on) that when Lucky came home and saw Lulu talking to liz in the spencer house...he said "Oh, you're home" to her--like lulu lives there. Maybe that is why Tracy tries to convince her to come back to teh Qs. Maybe she will tell her she needs this time with her dad to try to work things out and heal the wound, etc.

    Dillon is nowhere to be found during all this...I hope he has at least one tender scene comforting Lulu. THey need to talk about what to do about the evidence that scott killed laura...

    Two more hours til my family leaves me for the weekend--I'm so sad I might cry---NOT!

    MinervaFan I need a TrAsh prompt...assign me one ficmama! Ha ha. I saw that post from JE!

  14. Deb..I commented to you on live journal, but I loved your story...it was superb!! I join LadyAshton in mourning... I think you should write a continuation too when they get there...

    Love how you referred to the valentines party dancing drunk scene...one of the best all time TrAsh scenes...so perfectly evident how Ned was the parent and they were the irresponsible kid.

    I must write this weekend!!!!

  15. I miss Ms Q already too! Haven't watched today as I was doing a bunch of stuff getting ready for my family to leave me all weekend (yippee--can't wait--ha ha) I'm renting movies, watch old Tracy DVD edits, working on a scrapbook for my mom, laying out in the sun without kids bugging me for food, drinks, to play with them, etc.

    So we are all going to have to post more and chat more and write more to make up for the Staci deficit--deal???

    knh--I couldn't figure out what Lulu was saying yesterday when tracy grabbed her arm and then she pulled it away (Ms Q adn I were trying to figure it out...did you find it on a transcript thing?) I did think it was interesting that it was Tracy that ran to her first...not emily, or bobbie or leslye or lucky who would have made more sense. I hope they do bond this summer like they did last summer...little lulu should be damn happy to have Tracy on her side...

    Lainey...hope your day got better

  16. Ms Q...loved the going away "We Belong" video! Loved how you edited in all those hugs in a row! Wow...we have had more hugs in the past couple months than the whole two years.

    Who is going to make us videos while you are gone??? You other video makers better step up to fill the void--ha ha! Or I just might have to learn how to do it (oy..just what I need, another thing to distract me from RL! :)

  17. Ohhhhh Stace...those spoilers sound great...especially the part about Lulu bailing her out of jail! And Ned coming back...now that is some happy news! IT better be to run ELQ while Tracy is committed (nice that alan will warn her). Glad it seems she will be part of the plan to kidnap laura and not left in the dust to wonder what the hell happened.

    Not watching GH live now...just got home...will watch it later. Wanted to see if Ms. Q was around for a bit! Thanks for the video gift! I will watch it now. Love the banners!

    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/104934 I am working on the computer for about two hours (it is 2:10 central) if you are around Ms Q or anyone...

  18. No way did you just end it with us not knowing?????? You better be writing the sequel in Mexico! LOL! It was very good though Ms Q--even stayed up an extra 20 minute to read it!!! Thanks for posting it before you left.

    You know we will miss you a ton this summer! Going away party for Ms Q tomorrow in the breakroom!

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