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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Hi everyone! It is midnight in Miami and I can't sleep. I just edited my eulogy I am giving tomorrow and hope to God that I can make it through without totally losing it. Neither my dad or my aunt can do it. Wish me luck! I wrote it as a take off on "all i ever needed to know i learned in kindergarten", but as the 10 lessons I needed to know in life I learned from her. I tried to alternate between funny ones and sentimental ones. It was so strange being in her house today. So I now have complete knowlege of where I get my shopping and shoe addiction from :) :)

    Anyway, couldn't go to bed without checking in and thanking everyone for keeping me in their thoughts. So looks like I will be missing TQ on Wed. and Thurs. this week. Thank god for TIVO when I get home.

    Also, as far as the photos from July 2nd...I didn't think they would keep TQ in shadybrook for too long. I do like that lulu is in the Q mansion with tracy sort of standing near her...maybe she came over to say bye or maybe she is still living there with them. I am glad as well that Georgie gets to say goodbye. I hope Brook Lyn does come back, but only because it would be one more Q. Love seeing Ned there.

    WTF with Skye being there in her bright blue dress. Tracy does look very skinny in that photo, Lainey.

    Also, glad to see she is in a photo for July. At least she is still around....not shoved off canvas til luke comes back.

    So glad to hear JI is okay. Deb...thanks for posting those quotes from Jane. Was there a photo? If there was, let me guess..the one of her in the teal jacket they use in like every single issue??

    Wow..it feel really great to talk about normal stuff (okay, so this TQ obsession is not exactly normal, but you know what I mean--LOL). I feel like I have been in a twighlight zone the past two days.

    Oh I also noticed baby jake is back in the photos for july 2nd with Liz...guess the kidnapping last about as long as shadybrook.

    It was hilarious today the scene at my grandma's. Me and my mom are searching all over to find her xanax prescription and her new "happy pills" the doctor just put her on. My mom is like I want those--we were all searching her medicine cabinets, etc. It was really sort of sick, but it made us laugh for a little while.

    Okay..have a long and difficult day ahead of me tomorrow, so I am going to head out now. Will check in tomorrow night probably. Thanks for all your thoughts :)

  2. thanks everyone for your kind words. I actually slept last night believe it or not and woke up feeling like I was run over by a truck! I am leaving in a few minutes til Sat. evening. I will hopefully be able to check in as my parents do have internet access and high-speed (bu no TIVO). I'll have to wait til I get home to watch the rest of the week which hopefully TQ will be one! :)

    Hope everyone has a good week. TL..thanks for the JI update! Glad he is o.k! Talk to you guys soon!

  3. Hi guys. Just had some really sad news. My grandmother who I adored more than anyone on this earth and who was my best friend and I talked to every single day (some of you may have heard me talk about her in the breakroom) died this morning in her sleep at 93. If I could sign up for her life to be living on my own to that age with all my mental facilities in tact, I would in a heartbeat. It is not tragic, but just so very, very sad. She leaves a huge hole in my heart and I will miss her terribly. It is so strange cause I was just telling TL I think how I was in a funk and really wanted to go "home" to Miami and see my grandma and how she just fell, etc.

    Anyway, I am leaving at 8:25am tomorrow to fly to Miami and won't be coming home til Saturday evening. I am sure I will try to check in while I am home at my parents...will miss you guys. I will be around tonight though later...

    Angel..sorry to hear about your grandmother too.

    Will someone try to remember to post the clips for this week for Lainey or the Hellagood link for megaupload if TQ is on. I promised her I would do that.

    Thanks guys...try to catch you later in the br tonight.

    LadyAshton...I have th soap talk on dvd that I bought from that curlygirl. So can I somehow upload it to my computer?

  4. LOL--that is so cute about your son! I hope you get to write some more. Father's Day was truly one of the best stories you've done. It felt very "free," for lack of a better term. Like you'd wrested yourself from the iron grip of plot and let yourself just write this character's life as it was in the moment. It was very powerful and poignant, and I hope to get more from you like this. (Not that I'm all that against the iron grip of plot, especially when the plots are good.)

    Oh, and I figured out the cure for writers' block--read.

    So funny you said that MinervaFan cause I didn't spend one single second beforehand thinking about what I was going to write...I just sat down and wrote and you are right...I wasn't thinking of a plot at all. Oh...and I totally agree about reading is the best remedy to inspire writing! Lainey had recommend The Poisenwood Bible book to me the other night when I was looking for something to read. I started it yesterday morning and read about 50 pages or so, then was SO in the mood to sit down and write something.

    If I can get these crazy kids to find something to do today..maybe I can sit down and write something else. Oh and by the way Deb...no fires in my house yesterday..(probably cause I put the bacon in the microwave instead of the stove)!!

  5. Love it Deb...that is how TQ should be--arriving in style with her boy toys carrying her! Thanks for the comments on the fic too Deb. Not my typical type of story, but I just sat down yesterday and it came out.

    Whew...sorry to post that TG article from USA Today. Didn't mean to stir everything up! :) I, too, think eventually GF will return, but like JFP said the business has changed. They can't offer these mega salaries and the last thing they need is another actor to have to write crazy stuff for to get them off screen for months for extended vacations. I can see how TG and the rest of them are getting sick and tired of storylines involving laura, but using the back of a head instead of a live actor.

    Then they should do one of two things a) stop with the annoying Laura storylines already and move on to something else--which would require them to actually use their heads and creativity and come up with something new; or B) lime someone mentioned--wait to bring her back until TG retires and they can go riding off into the sunset together.

    I totally agree with all of you--what else was TG going to say...he doens't want her back...especially to the press.

    Anyway...hope she is on today too.

    Oh here is a funny Monday morning story for you guys to make you laugh...the joys of little boys...

    I was in my kids bathroom today and they have this little white stepstool thing in the bathroom to the sink that has a little flip top lid on the top step from pottery barn kids or something like that. Anyway, it was in there for years so my little one could reach the sink to wash his hands. Anyway, I happened to notice the top of it was not staying down so I opened it up (forgetting that there was even a compartment inside of it. And what do I find? Literally about 20 pairs of star wars, spongebob and power ranger underwear stashed in there. I was like WTF??? I was wondering why he had no underwear in his drawers and why I kept buying him more and it kept vanishing. I was cracking up!!!! So I asked him about why he was putting them in there and he said, "cause it was cwoser (closer) than the hamper" Oy!

    I am going to try to write some more today if I have time!

    From Soapzone...nothing so new.

    Week of June 18th...Because of her afterlife communing, Tracy plays right into Edward’s hands and literally takes Laura’s place in the loony bin.

    Lainey is used as the means for Edward to transport Tracy to the madhouse.

    Next week: It becomes crystal clear to Tracy that Lulu’s all she’s got.

    My comment on that last line is "That is so sad for Tracy that she has nobody else who will help her...but good for more Tralu interaction

  6. So glad you are back and hope your dad is on the mend LadyAshton. We missed ya around here.

    So, TG is starting to piss me off...JE is his leading lady...not GF...read this blurb from a USA Today article from the emmy's that was posted on SOC:

    During soap operas' heyday in the 1980s it would have seemed unthinkable that one half of General Hospital super couple Luke and Laura would be unwelcome at the show, but that's what Genie Francis (Laura) is facing.

    Thirty-one years after her debut, Francis finally collected a daytime Emmy for best supporting actress. But ever since she made a brief return for the super couple's 25th wedding anniversary last October, the Laura character has been kept alive as a faceless blonde wig.

    "They'd have to ask me back," said Francis, wearing a raspberry colored gown, when asked about a more permanent return. "My kids are very happy in Maine, and they don't want to move." For that reason, Francis wants desperately to come back to the show, but only for "short visits. That would work for me."

    But Jill Farren-Phelps, GH's executive producer, is not sure she is willing to work with Francis' terms and continues to speak in circles about Francis' return. "The door is always open … we never say never," said Phelps. "We'd love to have her back. It's just that our business is very different than it used to be. It's not quite as simple. If ever there were someone we'd bring back, it would be Genie."

    Phelps does agree that the off-screen presence of the Laura character without Francis in the role is getting tired. And Anthony Geary (Luke) has flat had enough. "In my opinion, (her return) is way overdue," said Geary, while checking out the freebies at the On 3 Productions gifting lounge during a Thursday rehearsal at the Kodak Theatre. He had just seen Francis for the first time since she'd left the show again late last year. He made it clear he wants his leading lady back.

    As does Geary's soap sister, Jacklyn Zeman, who has been on the show for 30 years. "But actors don't get a vote," she said.

    Oy!!! Glad TG didn't win an emmy...he doesn't deserve it if he doesn't want JE to be his main squeeze--ha ha!

  7. Can someone (Nex, Deb, maybe or LadyAshton maybe might know or someone who makes videos) how would I get a clip from a DVD onto my computer. Could I somehow put it onto windows movie maker? I want to figure out how to post this long lost soaptalk JE intervew from March 04. I have it on a DVD that I got, but am not sure how I could do that. If it can be put in windows movie maker (if that is even possible) I could upload tht to sendspace or something and then post the link right? Is that possible?

    Love the story Deb! SHe is such a bad girl--ha ha! I keep thinking of the flashback scene with luke/tracy when I read this about the kinds of boys she liked and the young debutante tracy! Too funny.

    Boy it is a busy sunday morning around here today. I am actualy cooking (yes, don't fall off your chairs) breakfast for father's day. Eggs (woo woo...so gourmet huh and bacon (such a good jew) but for me it is a huge effort--ha ha!

  8. Ok you guys...the missing soaptalk interview that nobody could ever find to post...just saw it on this DVD that I ordered. Anyway..it is from March 04. She looked so cute. Her hair was pulled back in a tiny clip on one side and she was wearing a gold jacket type wrap around shirt thing with a black t-shirt under it. They asked her about coming back to GH after 10 years and why she decided to do it. She started her TQ laugh and said "cause I needed the money." She was so real and normal and grounded in this interview.

    She went on to say that she was a full time mom for 10 years and her kids were 14 and 19 and she was lucky enough to stay home and raise them. Then they asked her what she loved about tracy and she said that she does whatever else wishes they could do or say and has no censorship. They asked her if she was like that and she said, "God I hope not". Then they asked her about her kids and if they have any desire for showbiz. She said that she took a very protective low profile approach to it all to shield them from it. She would never sign autographs in public when she was with them, never let them be photographed with her, never took them to public appearances with her. Totally tried to keep them out of the spotlight and live as normal homelife as possible and that both her kids want to be actors--go figure. But she tried her best.

    Then they asked her if she had any advice for them about acting. She said she told them and anyone else that they have to know how to do at least two other things well to support themselves why they try to act, and that they should only do it if it was the only thing in life they want to do and the passion for it is that great.

    They asked her who she looked forward to working with back on GH and she said that she has lived a child-based life for 10 years and has this huge desire and passion to work and be with adults, that she looks forward to working with everyone in the buliding...especially those she can look up to instead of down on (meaning adults not kids).

    Then they asked her about playing Wally Kurth's mother. She said on Days she was his lover, rather he was her lover and so it was strange at first and she kept rolling her shoulders at him and batting her eyelashes and flirting and they kept yelling at her "NO NO NO" and wally kept saying "jane that is not appropriate and kept reminding her of it. But now it is a more traditional mother son relationship (although she adds nothing about tracy is traditional).

    Anyway...just thought I would share that with you guys! I wish I could do something about posting it but it is on a dvd and I have no idea in the world how i could do that. If someone has a clue...let me know!


    She also included a edit of JE getting an award of Merv Griffin show for the best villian or something...she showed the clip of her withholding heart meds. She had such a higher voice back then. Her hair was very short...not a good look for her. She was telling Merv how she would be getting popcorn at the movies and the girl behind the coutner would yell and say you are that bitch from general hospital who let her father die, etc..." and how people were really nasty to her. Too funny.

  9. brownstone girl....we are still in the breakroom. Yes it was the oopsie daisy kiss they showed! Woo woo! Our girl made the emmys for a split sec! It ws a fan video with the fan saying "I wanna be a Quartermaine" and they showed edward, and then tracy/luke oopsie daisy kiss and then Dillon

  10. Are you guys going to watch the Daytime Emmy's tonight? They are at 9-11 central I think on CBS. Maybe nobody from GH will win and the Network will fire Guza and hire all new writers who decide these young kids are so boring and they should return the show to its glory days with the Qs as the central family--ha ha!

    Funny Deb...I was thinking of that Wheels on the Bus podcast thing today..thinking with SC gone...no more of those probably. He was the only one goofy enough to do it!

  11. Hey all,

    No Tracy today :(. Interesting tidbit though... Lulu walked into Kelly's today and asked Mike if she could rent a room there. Mike said the place was turning into a dorm and asked why she didn't want to stay at her brothers house. Lulu's response: We'll Tracy had me dragged back to the Quartermaine's and they are driving me crazy. The scene was interrupted by Logan, so Mike never did answer her one way or the other. Another confirmation of this is when Lucky ran into Lulu and said that it was his first father's day at the house, and asked her if she would stop by later.

    Nex, thanks for the spoilers

    Question...why would lulu have to rent a room at kelly's when her dad and aunt own the place...she should get a free room right?? I hope Mike turns her down and says they are all full. Howver, you can see they will let her move there and set it up for her, logan, maxi and coop to all be living across the hall from each other there for a fun-filled summer of the teen scene or early 20 scene! I guess at least it means she is at the Qs for the time being!

  12. Thanks for the spoilers Nex. They have got to at least have her have some goodbye scenes with Dillon right? And with Ned when he is on. Nice time for Dillon to leave while his mom is in the looney bin! Unless she is out by then. Wonder how far in advance they tape? Cause the 12th was SC last taping day. Probably at least what...3 weeks?

    I just hope she will be on in the summer. You would think with practically everyone else on NightShift that they would focus on some of the older ones! :) Anyone know when Anna is set to return? I think it is in the next few weeks.

    OH. and in SID in this issue there was a SD article about him and Emily and Jason for father's day or something. THey asked him what is oopsie daisy and SB and NL were like "Oh we don't want to go there" and SD joked that his best guess is monica does a sommersault and lands on top of him. SB is like "ughh...I knew he would still go there" and then SD said "well actually it is a back flip" or something like that. Too funny!

    Edit Well at least I can watch the daytime emmy's tonight now that I am not going away (and send negative vibes so GF doesn't win--ha ha). No offense to her, but if she loses, less chance they will be dying to have her back I think!!

  13. Hooked, that just bites about your friend cancelling. It can be incredibly frustrating. Of course, now you can channel that energy into fanfic, if you want--this could be the inspiration for a great TrAsh story--Larry cancels one of Tracy's parties due to "illness" and she extracts her revenge...Mwahahahaaaa.

    Good idea Deb! I should write now while I am pissed! I haven't written in a long time. I have all these stories in my head, but can't seem to find the time to sit down and focus on writing. I found a novel writing class from adult education at Rice University I might take in the fall. It sounds fun, and will be nice to take a class not for a grade but for the learning aspect!

    I am planning this bar mitzvah service long distance and it is starting to drive me nuts! Email is so awesome, but sometimes, you just need to communicate in person. Plus I don't speak or understand a word of hebrew so it is hard to get what they are saying about various prayers, etc or parts of the service he needs to lead. Oy! Oh well...it will all be fine and if it gets messed up...nobody we know will be there besides our family! :) Plus I am having to deal with a catering manager via email and just hoping it is all done right for the lunch after that I have to sponsor.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for TQ today but I bet she won't be on til Monday!

    LadyAshton...where ya been this week? Hope all is well.

  14. Yes it is an internationally imported banner (ha ha) Lainey! She made a bunch before she left and said I could use it. The other one was getting a bit too glowy for me--ha ha!

    We want a full report when you get back from the weekend in Aculpulco Ms. Q!!!

    I will be gone til Sat. evening for a girls sort of half weekend deal. Hoping TQ is on tomorrow, but rather doubt it. I bet our next scenes will be on Monday the 18th when she for sure gets taken away by the men in white coats. I just hope it is a real storyline for her too, and not some three episode comedic thing. I would love to see her stuck there for a few weeks raising hell and causing a rukkus!! I want Ned, Dillon and Lulu to go visit her (yeah and maybe even Alice!!)

    Edit I am so pissed. My friend whose birthday we were supposed to celebrate and go away this weekend just called to cancel as she isn't feeling good. Normally I would be like "I am so sorry," but she is SUCH a hypchondriac (sp?) and now they null and voided out my hotel gift certifcate cause they didn't have a credit card number to charge me for the night. I had a free night at the hyatt. My husband said I should just go myself and sleep there. However, I think I will save my "get out of jail free weekend pass" for another more fun opportunity. Ha ha.

    We had this whole fun day planned today too that I wasted my time planning. UGGHHH! I hate last minute change of plans. Oh...sorry just had to vent there fora moment. It just irritates me as I am the one who always ends up planning everything for everyone! Then I get stuck unplanning it all too!

  15. Thanks so much Nex for the clips! I will upload them to savefile for Ms. Q.

    So I totally notice alice defending Tracy cause it was what Mr. Luke would want. Also, did anyone notice the ease Lulu told Logan that she just got back from bailing out her stepmother (she didn't say Tracy or stepwitch or the stepmonster) and she didn't say it with disgust either. She seemed pretty eager and ernest when she ran into the police station. I would like to see Tracy and Lulu work together to get the evidence against scott to get him to drop the charges, clearing the way for Luke's return evenutally. Besides, I thought I read that Kin will be off at the end of July. They probably bribe him to leave town and give up his custody rights.

    I also liked Tracy's expression when Alice said that Lulu was indebited to Ms. Tracy for not only helping Mr. Luke but helping her mother as well. Tracy was like "hmmm...how can I use this to my advantage to get lulu to feel guilty and move back in" or something.

    Sorry work has been so yucky for you Deb! Hope it gets better.

    TL...sorry I didn't make the breakroom late night last night. We got home and I was so tired I just went to bed.

    Will be around this afternoon on the computer as I a copying all my PTO files to pass along to the next President at a meeting tonight--yippee!!! So over that one!


    Saw on Wubs that yesterday was SC last day on GH. Here is Lindze L. comment from her site...so guess dillon will be off in a few weeks:

    "Yesterday was Scott Clifton's last day. I believe a lot of you have been in anticipation to know whether or not I would comment . . . Well, here goes. Scott has basically been my life for the last four years. He has not only been my co-worker, but he is my friend and confidant. I told him yesterday, “I realized the other day that one of my favorite parts of work, I won't give you the credit of being my favorite, is leaving me.” It was something that when I heard I did not believe and it took until the day of his departure to understand what was really happening. Even when Georgie and Dillon had their final breakup I still had hope that one day they would find each other again. I still have that hope for the characters; as people, I hope that Scott is a giant success. I believe he will be. I hope to turn on my television and see him on the red carpet at the Academy Awards. It broke my heart to say goodbye to him yesterday. No, not goodbye have a great life, or I hope I will see you around. We will see Scott Clifton again. In his own words, “Be happy for me, not sad for you.”


    Ms Q...one the computer now http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 just in case you hve a few minutes to chat (12:30 central)

    Edit again

    Lainey/Tracyluv/LadyAshton...I changed my Georgia O'Keefe banner

    Also...here is the savefile link with the clips from the past six days TQ has been on (Ms. Q--I emailed you this link too, but here it is in the thread for anyone else)


  16. Apparently not. But they CAN spoil in rhyme!


    Hilarious...didn't even notice that one! It did rhyme...they spell her name wrong all the time...I want to email them and tell them. Don't know why it annoys me!]

    Good for you IlovetracyQ for writing them and telling them to stop deleting threads for our girl!!!

    Edit---4:15 central..ms Q is in the breakroom!

  17. Thanks TL for the recap...I don't have time to watch today...but glad to know what happened. I might sneak in a few minutes, but I have to go out tonight. Will be around late night I am sure.

    She probably won't be on until Monday when they come to take her to the looney bin! I HATE EDWARD!!! He is a worse father than Alan or Luke combined!! You would think he would remember his remorse from when alan died about how he didn't spend time with his kids or take an interest in them. Tracy is all that old weasel has left! UGGGHHHH!

    Edit...spoiler from wubs...(can't they spell her name right???)

    **Tracey tries in vain to convince Lainey she's sane.

    Edit again

    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone have a few minutes? I see a bunch of you online!

  18. Thanks Nex...glad he is home too! I just realized on that savefile thing I didn't credit anyone for those clips I uploaded? Who should I credit? Hellagood/GHVT? Edited by you!

    http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone around tonight? I am doing booking some stuff online...will be around for a while. 9:15pm central

    BTW...I found a song for a Lunacy video...do you think I can take on that endeavor? I haven't a clue how to do it, but I know I have the program...hmmm....maybe I will try!

    So here is my lulu take...even though she acts like she wants nothing to do with the Qs, I think she has always craved boundaries and someone caring where she was or who she was with....I think she secretly revels in the fact that tracy and the rest of them do care about her and fill sort of a parental void in her life that Lucky/Liz/Nic couldn't. Maybe she will bail tracy out and they can have a heartfelt moment and she will agree to move back???

  19. TracyLove...you are becoming the recap queen of the thread! :) Good job. So what do you think the outcome was? Will Lulu move back in? She seems like she was sort of faltering at the end (and who is Monica to tell her she has to get a job or go to school. Suprised Lulu didn't tell her where she could go!!! I mean really, I want lulu back in that house in the worst way...but why would she go live with them when she could come and go as she wants with Lucky and Liz. Maybe in her own way...she really does care for Tracy.

    It was sad though...when Monica said "cook said there would be 4 for dinner tonight." So sad that the Qs are reduced to three of them at that house (WTF is Dillon by the way???) So scott is off in July? Where does he go...in search of Laura too? As much as I hate Skye and think Emily is so boring, etc...I wish they would come back home and live at the Qs again before they dwindle down to absolutely nothing.

    So my take is that Edward for sure will bring Ned back temporarily to fill in for Tracy when she is commited. She is going to be committed on the 18th I think IloveTracyQ That is the straight jacket day!

    I do think she will be on tomorrow cause Alan is supposed to pay her another visit on the 13th I thought. Maybe in jail and lulu has to bail her out this week too. Either today or tomorrow I guess.

    Hair lost some oomph Ms Q if you are reading this...must have flattened out from wearing the blonde wig! Don't like her shirt...either she has a dark bra on underneath it or a dark shell type thing...either way...looks funny...that is my wardrobe comment. I hope we see her in jail in Port Charles Jail denim shirt like Jason--but I doubt it. Jason just hangs out in the interrogation room. No cell time for him.

    Will be around later...very busy on the thread today!!

    BTW...my son returned home from his trip safe and sound (his first flying alone vacation). Whew!

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