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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! <<ECHO>> It's too quiet in here. :( I'm going to try and do the breakroom tonight. 9 central again?

    So, who haven't we heard from in awhile? Keith, Regency, knh, pinkpopsicle? Lainey's out of town. angel was here the other day. kenna made her reappearance at JE Online. Ooh. There's smirks, tracyluver, coolkid, and 4XCrazy too. Where did you all go? Sorry if I forgot anyone!!!

    About GQ-Daily...Yeah, unfortunately, it seems to be completely closed down.

    Ooh! Wizard had a spoiler for TQ fans today, but we already knew it...





    Week of the 12th: Tracy thanks Luke for helping to save Alan. Other spoilers...Craig threatens to shoot Lulu unless Luke gives him the code. Ric restrains Luke. I'd love a Tracy/Ric scene out of this, but I'm betting Tracy will be at GH, which is actually where she should be (with Alan and the Q's), so I guess I can't complain.

    ILoveTracyQ, about ghost Alan...Interesting that it's Tracy he's appearing to, and not the Golden Boy. Although, I say give it a couple weeks...Since GH has to pay Stuart 'til August, they'll probably make his character a ghost until then, and then he and Jason will do some bonding, or whatever. :rolleyes: Anyway...I think it's about what we said in the breakroom. Something LuNacy related???

    I won't be able to make 9pm central as we have to go to a birthday dinner for my husband tonight and some friends. I will check when I get home to see if anyone is around.

    Looking forward to the scenes in the next two weeks!

  2. Yeah, Alice is much more a part of their family than previous help! I think it is hilarious that she is a wrestler, has a crush on luke, stands up to them all, gets invited to family meetings (if only to stop her from seeing lulu spying, gives input on Dillon's hair (ha ha). When JI had that quote about being the oldest and Scott Clifton the next in age to him in reference to Alan's death, it does seem like they really need to bring Ned back. At least he is sandwiched in between Edward and Dillon agewise.

    It is so strange that it will be on Edward and Tracy left of the true quartermaines. Who is going to say, "I gave it to you" now when Monica reminds them it is her house.

    I must admit, I am looking forward to watching on Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Is the GQ Daily totally closed down now? I had gotten some clips there a while back but now it isn't available.

  3. TracyLuv, I most certainly do miss you guys. Lots and lots.

    I saw the episode last night on Soapnet. The mute button works pretty well, in lieu of a FF button. Tracy On = Sound On. Tracy Off = Sound Off. I'll agree with the assessment of the stairwell scene. I loved the TQ/LS interaction. And while I agreed with Monica that it wasn't really the time or the place for a marital spat, I could have slapped her when she ended it. I wanted them to just stay there for hours and bicker--that close, face to face, with her on the higher step so she was actually eye level. (TG is much taller than JE, so she's always looking up at him.) Dillon could stay, as long as he didn't interrupt too much. I will also agree that JE/TQ got the best lines of the show.

    Okay, can I make a point that just cracks me up? I mean, it just cracks me the heck up about GH on so many levels. Here is this big local charity event. I can see Bobbie there, because well, she's running it. I can even see Mike there, because he's a local business owner and has a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" connection with Bobby through Carly and Sonny. I can even stretch my mind into Silly Putty and find a reason for Pervy Pete to be tehre....Okay, maybe not. But he's irrelevent.

    But come on, guys. ALICE? Alice the housekeeper? Alice the professional wrestler? What reason, in the history of all reasons, could the so-called writers have (besides needing B-listers to "worry" about the A-listers downstairs) for bringing Alice into this? I mean, seriously, my mom used to drag me to these boring charity functions years ago--back in the 70s, some of these things were $100 a person. Did Alice buy her own ticket with her minimum wage salary? Because I can't see Edward going, oh, yes, don't forget the ticket for Alice and the gardener and the boy who cleans our pool.

    Rich people do not bring their household staff to formal events. At no time, ever, did Leona Helmsley turn to Harry and say, "Mouse, make sure that Gertie the third floor scullery maid has an appropriate gown for the GOP thing at the Waldorf-Astoria." Donald never turned to his yard man and said, "Raul, grab one of my spare tuxes and get your butt down to Trump Tower."

    It's sooooo calculated and stupid. And wow, it's proof that I'm watching on mute/ff, because it's really the only thing I have to whine about. And you know if I was watching the actual A-storyline, I'd have much much much to whine and complain about....

    I agree 100%...I was cracking up when Alice came in her black formal dress with sheer sleeves to give Luke a welcome back kiss! Not even his own daughter gave him a kiss (only a hug), but Alice does and then she goes with them to the charity event? What is the deal? Reginald never went anywhere with them...stella didn't go to formals, jennings didn't go, even Dobson didn't go!! Too funny....

  4. TracyLuv, I most certainly do miss you guys. Lots and lots.

    I saw the episode last night on Soapnet. The mute button works pretty well, in lieu of a FF button. Tracy On = Sound On. Tracy Off = Sound Off. I'll agree with the assessment of the stairwell scene. I loved the TQ/LS interaction. And while I agreed with Monica that it wasn't really the time or the place for a marital spat, I could have slapped her when she ended it. I wanted them to just stay there for hours and bicker--that close, face to face, with her on the higher step so she was actually eye level. (TG is much taller than JE, so she's always looking up at him.) Dillon could stay, as long as he didn't interrupt too much. I will also agree that JE/TQ got the best lines of the show.

    Okay, can I make a point that just cracks me up? I mean, it just cracks me the heck up about GH on so many levels. Here is this big local charity event. I can see Bobbie there, because well, she's running it. I can even see Mike there, because he's a local business owner and has a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" connection with Bobby through Carly and Sonny. I can even stretch my mind into Silly Putty and find a reason for Pervy Pete to be tehre....Okay, maybe not. But he's irrelevent.

    But come on, guys. ALICE? Alice the housekeeper? Alice the professional wrestler? What reason, in the history of all reasons, could the so-called writers have (besides needing B-listers to "worry" about the A-listers downstairs) for bringing Alice into this? I mean, seriously, my mom used to drag me to these boring charity functions years ago--back in the 70s, some of these things were $100 a person. Did Alice buy her own ticket with her minimum wage salary? Because I can't see Edward going, oh, yes, don't forget the ticket for Alice and the gardener and the boy who cleans our pool.

    Rich people do not bring their household staff to formal events. At no time, ever, did Leona Helmsley turn to Harry and say, "Mouse, make sure that Gertie the third floor scullery maid has an appropriate gown for the GOP thing at the Waldorf-Astoria." Donald never turned to his yard man and said, "Raul, grab one of my spare tuxes and get your butt down to Trump Tower."

    It's sooooo calculated and stupid. And wow, it's proof that I'm watching on mute/ff, because it's really the only thing I have to whine about. And you know if I was watching the actual A-storyline, I'd have much much much to whine and complain about....

    I agree 100%...I was cracking up when Alice came in her black formal dress with sheer sleeves to give Luke a welcome back kiss! Not even his own daughter gave him a kiss (only a hug), but Alice does and then she goes with them to the charity event? What is the deal? Reginald never went anywhere with them...stella didn't go to formals, jennings didn't go, even Dobson didn't go!! Too funny....

  5. Wow. Typo there. Sorry guys!!! LOL.

    I'm surprised no other people are commenting on the episode. Busy day? Eh...It IS Friday. Most people are probably out.

    Attention SOC posters: There's a "Tracy ROCKED today" thread over there. (I didn't start it either - haha).

    As I said earlier, I know it's Friday night, but will anyone be around for the breakroom later? I'm thinking around 9 central??? Yes, no, maybe???







    Week of Feb. 12th: Tracy comforts Dillon.

    All together now: Aww. I know Dillon's been a little jerk lately, but his mom is going to comfort him. Am I going to get a Trillon hug??? Please oh please!!!

    I wanted to slap him today when he said, "I didn't think you cared" about Lulu. She was really acting worried about her today. I hope we get a Trillon hug and a trulu hug when she gets rescued too (ha ha).

    I must admit, I thought today's episode was really good and I didn't want it to end. So where did the Qs go? HOme? Monica went to the hospital I know.

  6. hookedongh, I get what you mean. Plus, Maxie's scenes are just with one other person and seem to be longer. Tracy's scenes are mainly group oriented and seem shorter.

    MinervaFan, nah, the fur is still on. BUT!!! She did get a haircut!!! I didn't even notice at first, or I guess I thought it was just hiding under her coat, but I definitely think her hair is shorter. It look so pretty!!!!

    Some parts I accidentally left out of the recap...

    Monica has a line about the SWAT team surrounding the hotel. Tracy responds something like, "Oh, that's not good." JE's delivery is PERFECT! Also, Tracy gets to briefly react to Lulu being in the hotel. Dillon is all frazzled, as he's explaining to Luke, Tracy (and really the 1/3 of the cast, that's in the stairwell), and Tracy gets to go, "What?" Anyway...Just a little thing.

    Oh! In the beginning, what is up with Luke not worrying about his WIFE being in the hotel? He's all, "Lulu was supposed to be there! Bobbie's hosting it." Nothing about Tracy though. Boo. He sucks.

    To end on a positive note...Tracy's ring is wearing her wedding ring!!! It's so shiny!

    Whew whew...she put back on her ring. Guess they did it on purpose to have her not wearing it all that time. Of course only we would even notice that type of thing though, not most average viewers ya know!!! Maybe since he told her that he was going to stay married to her yesterday, she put it back on for the gala.

    Can't wait to watch!

  7. YAY! So glad to be "home!"

    Posted at JE Online...

    [small voice] I was fine with Maxie's scenes. In fact, out of all the people in the hotel that got focus (Sonny, Carly, Sam, Maxie), Maxie was the one who held my interest. [/small voice] Surprising, I know. :o But truthfully, I could care less about Sonny and co. The hotel scenes would have worked if GH focused on EVERYONE in there. Instead, Alan, Robin, Nikolas, Emily, Elizabeth, and Lulu had about 2 lines, 1 in which they were just saying their name with some ridiculous adjective in front of it. I gotta give TIIC props though. They made me laugh with that scene, albeit unintentionally, but you know...

    Nooooooooooooooo! Watch with volume on, eyes closed!!! It's better. :D

    LOL about the wardrobe MinervaFan. And you sound upset...*hugs*


    Edit: Page 244!

    Hey Mrs. Q, I think Maxie's scenes were good too, I just was kidding around like why does she have screen time and other people don't! Did you get to download the Ned/Yo Momma clip that Tracey posted on JE online?

  8. YEah...it is back up! Gosh, I didn' t realize how much I love this board til it was down. So excited she was on today. I will watch when I get home. Hope you guys all have a great Friday!!!

    I played hookey from life today and saw a 10am movie of Catch and Release with a friend. How decadent is that? Tonight I am having a girls night out and seeing Because I said so and going to a wine bar! Now with Tracy on, this is shaping up to be a great day!

  9. Sorry Michele! I was just there for about 15 mins or so, and then decided to get clips of today's episode. I guess I just missed you.

    About clips...GHVT has them up too, if anyone is interested.

    Anyway, I'm back again now. It's 8:50-ish...


    In case anyone is interested who couldn't view those clips on JE online, Tracey converted them to wmv files and now i can see them on windows media player in case anyone else was having trouble with them.

  10. Stace I just tried the break room and you weren't there....so I guess I 'll try later??

    Let us know here if you're back on.

    And you have a point hooked..

    Maybe writing both the actors and writers would work??

    FYI--the clips from today are up at Hellagood. The segments Tracy was in were 1, 2 and 3. They were on megaload or I would put the links here (I probably could somehow but am too stupid to know how to--ha ha)

    The only line I did like today was when Luke said, "For the first time in my life I am with a woman who pushes me to the edge of my experience and challenges me". Sort of admitting that she is like no other woman and he had no experience with someone as smart and edgy as Tracy. Of course, probably the millions of people watching GH don't sit here and analyze this stuff like we do!

  11. I think writing to the writers would be more effective, only because I have read stuff that JE said that writers hate suggested story lines from actors, and it is a sure fire way to get them to write the opposite and that is why she does what is asked of her and keeps her mouth shut.

    But we could write both the writers and them too!! :)

    Maybe today was just the shock of seeing each other again. When going back to view it again, look did look like he was intently wanting to finish his conversation with Tracy after lulu was hugging him and saying bye. Maybe after sweeps they will get snarky again!! After poor Alan dies and maybe Monica will try to kick Tracy/Luke/Lulu and Dillon out of her house. Wouldn't it be funny if the four of them had to go find a house to live in or move to the Haunted Star like one big happy family--ha ha.

  12. So I TOTALLY agree with you Mrs. Q! I thought it was a lame today. They could have at least made him a tiny bit apologetic or nice even??? The "I like being Mr. Tracy" and "we discussed this at nauseum before wedding" just seemed very callous!! But at least she was on!!! Her line about "settling for me" reminded me of some fanfiction where the line was almost exactly the same!!

    Luke looked old to me today when he was visiting Laura. Maybe TG partied a bit too hard in Amsterdam!

    At least none of the other Qs made snide remarks when she asked to be alone with Luke. So I wonder why Tracy doesn't go to the charity event at the metrocourt as it appears that she was planning to go with the rest of them.

    Hopefully her scenes with scotty will happen tomorrow. I wish she and scotty would just check into a room at the hotel! Ha ha.

    OK, so I watched it again on TIVO and maybe in his own pathetic luke sort of way, he was basically saying, "I like being married to you and I want to stay married to you and if anyone is leaving it is going to be if you decide to bail" They are just so lame both of them....maybe if they would just come clean!!! Maybe the whole death thing/hostage will make them admit their true feelings, but I am not holding my breath"

  13. Thanks for the recaps, MinervaFan!

    So, it REALLY is a coat!!!! LOL. How pathetic is it that I get excited over that?






    I don't mean to be bitter, but I am FED UP with GH and their idea that once Luke leaves the Q living room, Tracy can't have any more scenes for the rest of the episode. 3 scenes today. That's it. We get see Luke go on his merry way, but not Tracy or the other Q's (except Alan, and well, we all know what's going to happen to him). :angry:

    Also, someone is going to have to set me straight in the breakroom (if anyone's around later) because I was NOT over-excited about LuNacy's scenes today. I don't know...Maybe if Lulu hadn't interrupted...Maybe if there were more scenes...Maybe if it wasn't a rehash of "I like being Mr. Tracy, you're a challenge, I like that, etc." *shrugs* I need to watch again because LuNacy basically did NOTHING for me, and that is not good, my friends. I don't even care that Luke has his ring back on, and are we even sure it's his ring to Tracy??? Or is it to Laura?






    *dances around in positivity fairy dust*

    Tracy looked VERY classy today.

    And JE has the BEST facial expressions.

    So I TOTALLY agree with you Mrs. Q! I thought it was a lame today. They could have at least made him a tiny bit apologetic or nice even??? The "I like being Mr. Tracy" and "we discussed this at nauseum before wedding" just seemed very callous!! But at least she was on!!! Her line about "settling for me" reminded me of some fanfiction where the line was almost exactly the same!!

    Luke looked old to me today when he was visiting Laura. Maybe TG partied a bit too hard in Amsterdam!

    At least none of the other Qs made snide remarks when she asked to be alone with Luke. So I wonder why Tracy doesn't go to the charity event at the metrocourt as it appears that she was planning to go with the rest of them.

    Hopefully her scenes with scotty will happen tomorrow. I wish she and scotty would just check into a room at the hotel! Ha ha.

  14. Hey Ms.Q, thanks for posting the spoilers, while they are sad because of SD leaving, :( they also sound a bit exciting at the same time. I do have one question.......exactly what does this mean? ;)

    I ask because I am a dork and I'm not sure what it means, I think the word is believe, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it means.

    As for Tracy wearing a fur collar during this months sweeps, again. I have a theory; I think Jane likes to wear it, its the only explaination. During sweeps its usually winter, (Feb. and Nov.) and for Tracy to wear a jacket on top of the jacket (that she normally wears) just seems a bit excessive. Plus I'm sure its hotter to be wearing two jackets instead of one with a fur collar. I don't know, its just a thought.

    Anyhoo, YAY to Lacy being on our screen today!!!!!!

    belie means that her words basically don't represent her true feelings. They are contradictory....or covering up her true feelings.

    Hopefully today will be good! :)

  15. Not the best screencap, but I when I rewatched the previews again, I realized it's NOT a coat. :( And with all that fur, she's not going to need a coat!!! Tracy, please CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES before you go to the MetroCourt!!!


    Have a great day everyone! :D

    Mrs Q, do you have scenes from 6/10/05 when tracy is telling skye to go with lorenzo as she and luke are the perfect match as they have both give up on love but Skye hasn't? Just curious...couldn't find them elsewhere.

  16. Not the best screencap, but I when I rewatched the previews again, I realized it's NOT a coat. :( And with all that fur, she's not going to need a coat!!! Tracy, please CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES before you go to the MetroCourt!!!


    Have a great day everyone! :D

    What is the deal with them putting her in fur during crisis mode???? It must be hot on the set in that! I downloaded quick time again today thinking maybe that would help and the same thing happened to try to watch those clips. I think I better move on and have to just listen to them...stinks! That should be my worst problem in life huh???

    Have a good day. I am home as it is cold and yucky and I am going to try to paint as I am working on a ski picture for my parents ski condo. It is a good day to stay in and do something around the house!

    Will check in later!

  17. MinervaFan, glad you liked the fairy dust!

    nex, glad you enjoyed the video!

    MagicHappens, thanks for the info! So glad she's going to be on tomorrow!

    hookedongh, thanks for the video feedback! About the stuff you've posted, some of us have seen it before, but I'm not sure about others. Thanks for bringing it over! About the fur...Looks like it's a coat and not part of the actual outfit. That's a little better, right?


    (Take out your tissues...)






    Week of January 12th

    Thanks Ryan Chandler/SoapKing (from this site and SoapDish)!

    Oooh...those spoilers sound like we have at least a couple days of good tracy scenes ahead! Thanks for posting that!!!

  18. ILoveTracyQ, that's good news!

    hookedongh, I'm not sure what the problem is. If you haven't yet, maybe you could post the question at JE Online? Tracey might be able to help. I think she's going to convert Jackie's clips to .wmv files, so you should be able to see them eventually. :)

    nex got the treat, LOL! But now, you all get to see it! I started this last month and finished it up last night...Daytime Emmy's: For Your Consideration: Jane Elliot Video. It's simple, and I included scenes from more than just 2 episodes, but sit back, relax, and enjoy the wonderfulness that is JE/Tracy. :D

    Scotty's back today! Please let Tracy be on. Please let Tracy be on. And PLEASE don't let her be wearing a dead animal!!!

    *sprinkles positivity dust on EVERYONE*


    ^^^ This is what I found when I googled images for "fairy dust." :D

    Edit: *waves to nex*

    Also, I am admiring my banner, and I'm not sure if I EVER want to change it, LOL. I might have to do a Tracy/Alan one in light of recent events though. I was also going to do a KMc/JE one. Hmm...but the current one is so PRETTY!!! What to do...What to do...

    Loved your video Mrs. Q!!! If only we were the ones nominating. While I agree that Genie Francis did a fantastic job during her brief return to GH, it is so totally unfair to me that she would get GH's nomination over some of the other actresses. I will be annoyed if she wins. If she does, that will be all the more incentive to get her back in May!!!

  19. OMG, if that is true then I am a happy girl!!!!! :D

    Ms.Q, I am so happy for you that you finally had a Lacy dream, they have been invading my dreams for quite some time now. I also wanted to say how much I loved your "For Your Consideration" vid. Oh and I loved the positivity dust you sprinkled on us, I think we all could use some of it.

    MinervaFan, I hope you fell better, drink lots of liquids. :)

    OMG...they showed Luke showing up on the preview for tomorrow and he says, "happy new year everyone" and they show lulu and tracy's face. Lulu looks bewildered and Tracy smiles (but the kicker is...she is weary some brown furry collar thing---NO WAY!!!! What is their obsession about fur during sweeps!!!!!!!

  20. ILoveTracyQ, that's good news!

    hookedongh, I'm not sure what the problem is. If you haven't yet, maybe you could post the question at JE Online? Tracey might be able to help. I think she's going to convert Jackie's clips to .wmv files, so you should be able to see them eventually. :)

    nex got the treat, LOL! But now, you all get to see it! I started this last month and finished it up last night...Daytime Emmy's: For Your Consideration: Jane Elliot Video. It's simple, and I included scenes from more than just 2 episodes, but sit back, relax, and enjoy the wonderfulness that is JE/Tracy. :D

    Scotty's back today! Please let Tracy be on. Please let Tracy be on. And PLEASE don't let her be wearing a dead animal!!!

    *sprinkles positivity dust on EVERYONE*


    ^^^ This is what I found when I googled images for "fairy dust." :D

    Edit: *waves to nex*

    Also, I am admiring my banner, and I'm not sure if I EVER want to change it, LOL. I might have to do a Tracy/Alan one in light of recent events though. I was also going to do a KMc/JE one. Hmm...but the current one is so PRETTY!!! What to do...What to do...

    Thanks. I posted a request for that on JE online. I am like totally dying to watch those, especially since I can hear them but not see them. I can't wait to watch your video after I come home from carpool! Do you remember who wanted the Nov 7th Luke/Tracy scenes with the "I'd be married to you if you didn't have a dime" stuff? Did those ever get posted? I have them and will be happy to upload it, but couldn't remember if it had been done already.

    I just watched Friday and Monday's episodes. I must say that so far, the whole sixteen hours back thing doesn't seem too impressive...lot of hype!!! I hope Tracy at least bails luke out of jail if he gets arrested.

  21. Where are all the Tracey lovers? C'mon guys, this is ALWAYS the number one post on the boards. I can't believe it wasn't the first non-administration post.

    Let's get the all-mighty Tracey love going here. This place just doesn't feel right without this post being here. I may not have posted much in the previous threads, but all be damned if I didn't read every post and response religiously.

    **Bowing down** Tracey Quartermaine, you are Queen.


    I have quick time dowloaded and I still can't view those old clips that were on JE online about Tracy/Lord Ashton, etc. I see the screen and hear the audio perfectly, but can't get a picture. It is hot pink with little lines through it and I can barely make out the word sendspace. I tried to save it, open it, save target as and it all comes out the same. Do you think it is a resolution problem. I would think if the audio worked, then so would the video. Do you have any other words of wisdom. I am so frustrated as I am dying to see them!!1 Is it because they are mac files?

  22. ILoveTracyQ, the links posted at JE Online will expire in 7 days. They are of JE's return in 1989. Tracy/Robert's first scene is also included. Anyway, I figured out how to save QuickTime files (TracyLuv, I had to do the right click, save target as, instead of opening the file and then saving it), so I'd be able to re-upload if you needed me to.

    Magic Happens, I doubt GH cares enough about JE or the character Tracy to give her that kind of SL. But I could see Scotty being Dillon's father before being Lulu's. Whatever happens, I just want Tracy/Scotty scenes!

    MinervaFan, I'm usually pretty flexible. If I have access to a computer, I check this site more than I should, LOL. So, if you're ever in the breakroom, just let us know/post the link, and if I'm around, I'll pop in. :)

    About SC leaving...Rumors, rumors, and more rumors. From SoapDish. Anonymous posters. Grain of salt and all that. It could happen though. His contract is up in April. GH keeps casting man after man for Lulu. Dillon...Well, Dillon is ONLY Tracy Quartermaine's son. Not that important or anything. :rolleyes: *takes a moment to remember Tracy Quartermaine's other son, who is practically non-existent* :(

    Now...WHERE. ARE. THE. PRENOMS? Not that JE's name will be listed, but it's a nice thought, isn't it?

    I am dying to see those clips. I downloaded the regular way first, then when I tried to view them there was just this pink screen with lots of lines and squiggles. Then I tried the save target as thing and the same thing happene.d I could hear the audio, but not see anything. Would you mind reloading them? Maybe I am doing something wrong. I opened the sendspace link, then right clicked on the little arrow thing that said download now. I got this squiggly screen when I tried to save it and view it.


  23. Why was that other lady Chistine Jones or whatever playing tracy in those scenes? Was she just there for a few episodes? I am in the dark--ha ha!

    BTW...I am home safe and sound. Ony two snags...for some reason I set off the puffer air security thing in the miami airport (have you guys ever been through one of those that looks like a phone booth and this air blows up you and then it turns green and you get to walk out? Well for some reason I set off the alarm and had to be searched and rubbed up and down by a very mean looking lady and then all my bags had to be swabbed, etc. Then they had to take my license number, etc, but all was fine. Then I got off the plane and went to my car and the battery was dead. The airport parking guy jumped it and it didn't start, so a tow truck came like three hours later and jumped it and it started in two seconds. Ughh...I tried to just sit patiently and read some magazines and to not sweat the small stuff!!!

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