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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Wow Colette!!...I got to the honor of being the first breakroom experience! Today must be my lucky day! :)

    I think it would be HILARIOUS For us all to use that I voted for our banner at Hellagood--ha ha! Can you see it all in a row us posting??? I told my husband he better make sure his laptop is working for the trip. Deb...I can see you list now for me...1) wake up; 2) go whitewater rafting 3) go mountain biking 4) vote at hellagood 5) Feed kids--ha ha!

    I will be around tonight later....if anyone else is!

  2. Love the banners for voting Colette!! Too funny! We need to use those on all our Hellagood accounts...and add "Team Tracy". LOL!!

    Page 399--woo woo! Who will win the 400 prize?

    OK Ms Q--I went back and rewatched and then watched the clip from 3/30-05 with Tracy/Dillon after Alan's hit and run...like the hair so much better here! Like the cut and the style and the oomph...whew...I was worried we were not in "hair sync" after all. Compared to the other, this was way better. Although I thought she looked really good still in the 7/12 one!

  3. You guys are cracking me up with the voting. Any of you creative banner/avatar makers out there wanna make up a "I vote for Tracy" banner??? LOL

    So ms. Q--good thing you didn't put our whole conversation on the thread--ha ha! No wonder why that took so long to post! Hope you have a fun weekend away!

    BSG--Hope you have a good trip. Catch you next week.

    Remos...if you are home today, post a link to the BR...I am home all day doing laundry/packing, etc

    I wish I had time to write something today as I have this story swirling around my head...it might have to wait til I get back.

    Hope you all have a good Friday! MinervaFan---hope your day is better today!

    Colette--sorry we missed you last night.

    Lainey--are you home yet?

    LA--Where are the "goods" today?

    TL--catch you late night tonight! If anyone is around, come join us late night in the BR...my last night to chat for a week!

    knh Will try to read your story today...sorry it is taking me so long...

  4. Aww deb...that is so sad...cheer up! Sending hugs your way! :)

    Staci--I LOVE TQ's hair and white tailored jacket in the 7/12/04 clips you had of her on the dillon/tracy savefile. She looked her best there!!! Oomph, good color and VERY flattering clothes. Want me to add a few of the Q mansion murder clips to that file?

  5. I take it no Tracy today from the lack of any "buzz" around here. Oh well...don't have time to watch now anyway!

    I will be around tonight, Colette, but it will be late as one on my best friend's is having her art show tonight at this wine bar. I have to go be her "biggest fan". Will probably be home around 10pm central. Try to catch you then maybe.

    TL--the Dr. had no idea what is was...he said, "no telling what it could be...he has some type of infection, either viral or bacterial..in any cause let's put him on Zithromax" (Well hello??? I could have told him that) I am beginning to think my doctor has stock in the company that manufacters that antibiotic as he prescribes it so often for viral things which antibiotics don't do a flip for. Of course, he is doing just fine and dandy today with no fever ,etc and acting like he feels totally better. So the question is...do I give him the med. or not since we leave on Sat? The dr. said "if you don't, you know he will spike 105 on the way to the airport...

    Catch you guys this evening hopefully

  6. Thanks for the tip TL on the fav female character thread...TQ is in the lead (but not by much).

    Deb...cracking me up with your "I voted" sticker on for hellagood...we should get some of those printed! Ha ha.

    So leaving to go the pediatrician now and of course, he is totally fine, no fever since the early morning, but I am still going...cause I haven't paid a $25 copay to the doctor for him in oh...about two weeks...gotta support my doc! :)

    Remos...hope to catch up with you soon. I will be on for a while this afternoon.

  7. Wow...it is noon and I have been so many places already today. Holding out hope for a follow up scene today? Luke better not call Lulu for her birthday. Unless he calls Tracy too.

    We had to do this photo shoot at my house this morning and stage this whole fake family fun-loving scene outside...too funny! We had to like fake conversations, etc and bring out props like pool towels and crackers and cheese on a plate and some drinks, etc.. Some magazine is doing an article about my husband and wanted the whole "Family" scene...I am like ok guys...let's all pretend we are one big happy family ok and that we like each other!!! Josh pretend you don't have 103 and get in the pool with your goggles on...actually I think it totally cooled him down! :)

  8. Remos...we are still in the breakroom if you have a sec...it is 11pm central


    Well so much for going to bed...my son has 103.8 after taking fever reducers...lovely. It is going to be a long night!! Right on cue...a couple days before vacation...at least it is three days this time! Instead of the day before!

  9. I'm watching live! Tracy is on!!!!

    Truke--you have a Hellagood account right? You need to vote for TQ in the character game with us! Team Tracy is in the lead! You can vote once a day!

    Lainey--I just checked, they are not up at Hellagood yet, but it looks like they have been doing them by character, so when they are up, I will post them if nobody else beats me to it---although I cant' edit them!

  10. Remos! Glad you are coming back and so glad you had a good time and a nice break away from your kids...you will be so excited to see them (for a few hours at least--ha ha!

    Don't know if you ever saw them on not, but Ms. Q does have the whole vow renewal stuff in her savefile account...you might have already seen them by now since I was gone for a while there...but thought I would mention it!

    TL- My Slow Mo buddy...if you slow mo the part with tracy and logan before lulu walks in you can see that stupid shirt she is wearing is way too big on her...she is standing there with the sleeves hanging way past her hands...it looks so funny! You would think they could at least put her in ugly clothes that fit--ha ha!

    Not feeling the oomph either Ms. Q but not so horrible!

    It is amazing what a better mood I am in now that she was on today.

    PinkPopsicle--Hope you are doing ok--I know you had a lot going on in real life--we miss you around here...hope you pop in soon!

    LadyAshton...did you ever check to see if you had that clip with the first kiss from 6/23/05? Glad you finished Harry Potter 7 I feel so left out of the group not reading it! I am too busy reading trashy beach novels--ha ha!

    Lainey--see you are good luck when you travel for work! Hope you have some more trips planned--ha ha!

    BSG--are you sooo tired today??? I know you had to get up early, but couldn't resist watching the final blow last night--ha ha! I just made plans to meet my friend for a birthday breakfast tomorrow at 7:30am--WHAT was I thinking?

    Maybe Tracy will call Scott to tell him that her plan backfired and he needs to go stop whatever is happening with Logan/lulu. Then he will realize he needs her help and will "spring" her.

    I felt sorry for her today when she was really being sort of altruistic and honest about her reason to get out to help Lulu, and he totally mocked her of how she did a lousy job with her own kids....for once she isn't being selfish and she STILL gets reamed! Look in the mirror old man!! You were the worst father of all!!


    Anyone around for a few?

  11. Ha! I was hoping my strategy of expecting nothing but getting something would work--it did! Yippee! Can't wait to watch...great recaps Ms. Q!! Woo Woo...happy days are hear again...TQ is back on our screens! And, at least we know she is on at least once next week...so even if it is only today...it can tide us over :)

    Wow...and Ms. Q is actually home to edit the clips for us!!! Give poor Nex a break! :) Although she has had a long break with no TQ for 2 weeks! :)

    Ms. Q--I went to GHVT to try to bump up your video..but there is a message saying no account can be found for hookedongh? That is strange? I know I used that screen name there? Sorry! Guess I need to create a new account there now....maybe it is someone getting revenge for our Hellagood Lucky coup! Ha ha!

  12. Oh BTW...when I ordered those city tapes, the girl who sent them (my new friend--ha ha) warned me about someone named Lori Githens who goes by the email address of [email protected]. She said she is savvy about enticing people to buy recordings of shows, and then turns them over to the authorities. She said she used to lurk around the Loving/City groups site and would pop up occassionally... Just thought I would pass that along....just in case....

    Can you see me sitting in a jail cell next to some mass murderer and them asking me what I'm in for???? "Um buying some old Tracy Quartermaine tapes from the City show" Oy!!

  13. Can you see them in the ring....Tracy and Sam...Luke is Tracy's coach and Alexis is Sam's....Sam is so going down...TKO by TQ in a matter of minutes--ha ha!

    That was so funny last night--we were very Tracy-like in our hostile coup!

    Me, TL and Ms Q ccan't vote again til Thursday, so the rest of you need to vote today!!!

    Deb, Lainey, BSG, Colette if you are checking in...vote today!!

    I must be an eternal optimist...still hoping for Tracy to pop on my tv today....


    Ms Q--just watched those recent clips you added to savefile...the ones of Carly with the ELQ board at Roselawn--so funny--the set is exactly like the spencer house set! Thank god they took down the luke/laura pics though..

  14. Sorry TL...closed the window by accident in the breakroom and by the time I got back on you were gone...didn't mean to leave without saying "bye"

    Well everyone...lucky is gone at hellagood...it is a Tracy/Sam showdown....and we all KNOW who will win that battle! :)

    Vote for our girl!!!!

  15. okay... I LOVE these chapters. LOVE 'EM. And.. I just need to remind you, that you MUST give us LuNacy sex before you end this thing. You can't do 90+ chapters, and have no LuNacy Sex. It's not allowed! Promise. I looked it up in the rule book. REALLY!

    Happy Birthday, Nex!!

    Lainey...unless it is an AU story or it goes on much beyond her getting home with the baby...there is no way in hell there would be Lunacy sex! Are you kidding me???? A c-section, a newborn...no way is she going to be in that mood--ha ha! Speaking from the voice of experience---LOL!! :) But...Ms. Q could write an Epilogue chapter about 6 months down the road.....what about it Ms. Q???

  16. It is 6:15pm central ...I'm here for a bit if anyone is around...in the breakroom


    Staci...just wanted to say I just reread those three chapters again and they are great. I can tell you did a lot of medical research there! It shows in the authenticity!

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