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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Yep that was the one Ms. Q! She did that cute little wave and said, "it's me your sister" and alan said "Nothing scares my sister" and then Tracy said that the hotel exploded and that they hadn't found emily or lulu for that matter and she was going to yell at Mac, but she realized his daughter was in there too. Remember we were all like "ah" she thinks of lulu as her daughter kind of....like monica/emily, tracy/lulu, mac/maxie

    Then Monica says "if you are showing sensitivity it must be much worse than you are letting on" Alan was saying that he wanted to see all his chlidren, AJ, Jason, Emily, Skye, and tracy was standing by the door looking in.

    I must say I sat and watched the whole darn episode live just to catch a glimpse of Tracy! I think I forgot what she looked like it had been so long! Brown furry memories--ha ha!!!!

    Might be her only appearance in Sept! Wait, did I just say that??? No it can't be!!!!

  2. Hey all...

    LadyA--sorry I missed you earlier...I have been so distraught over my stupid computer issues...I just lost my whole library of 384 Itunes songs saved on my ipod and somehow because I synced it, I got down to only the 72 songs I purchased. Now the rest we must have loaded on from CDs, etc. I feel like there is some little poltergeist in my computer eating up everything that makes me happy...my Tracy clips, my fics, now my songs! UGGHHH!

    Lucikly we have this family shared drive where our computers are all linked together, so my boys have their itunes accounts and my husband I can go copy their music, but not all my songs are there, and my "work out" playlist is gone too. So So So annoying.

    I am going to be copying itunes files all night I have a feeling...I am around for a while if anyone is around out there....7:50 central time


  3. Hey all...

    Thanks for the "this time last year" wrap up Ms. Q--you know I would be have been "like this" with you on the hair--ha ha. What is so strange is that I feel like I have known you guys for years already and in reality I just started posting last December I think. It is just funny to think that I was watching all the lulu/tracy/abortion storyline without having anyone to comment on it with! :)

    I had to go to this black tie wedding last night for people I had NO clue who they were. We were invited two weeks ago as a last minute afterthought invite. I TOTALLY did not want to go. It turned out I knew several people there, so it wasn't so bad, but I hate those weddings that start so late. It was midnight before they even started making toasts. I wanted to leave like three hours earlier but had to be a good sport.

    Hope everyone has a good day today. We are not doing much, which is good. My little one needs to get fitted for a tux as he is the ring bearer in a wedding in October. Sending my husband to do that job!

    BTW--I got my snapfish albums back and they came out fabulous. WHat a great way to replace scrapbooking!


    Lainey, Deb, you guys around for a few? 11am central time??

  4. MsQ, your banner ROCKS! I love it. Trying to wrap myself around my brain this morning--feeling sluggish and hungry and stupid and we have to go to the bank to get checks to pay ALL our bills so things don't start getting shutting off since I was too frazzled this week to do any of it and I dreamed about Excel Spreadsheets ALL NIGHT LONG and my brain doesn't want to be awake but I'll shoot something if I go back to sleep and dream about another damned report!

    How are you guys?

    PLEASE, Lainey, if you're free--Breakroom? I need the company of SANE people. I just freaking unsubscribed from an LJ community I CREATED because the new mods were just...well, I can't believe I left it. I'm just blown away.

    So what are you saying Deb, that Lainey is the one on of us who is SANE? Ha ha! Hmmm...well that could be true!

    Got up and dragged myself to exercise class this morning...I couldn't do half of the stuff cause of my ribs but at least I went. IT is another dreary afternoon here. Going to finish up some bills on the computer in a bit and work on some photos this afternoon if anyone is a round for a few...probably around 1:30 central time.


  5. Got another avatar and banner!

    The LuNacy was beauuuuuuutiful, but these contain a much, more important message. ;)

    hooked, thanks for the positive words.

    MinervaFan, sorry about your day, and unfortunately, no Tracy, which brings us to 2 days total this month. Hey, that's 1 day more than August 2005! Now...In order to do better this September (compared to September 2005), all TIIC have to do is put her onscreen ONCE. That's all. Sad, isn't it?

    LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!! Love that banner! You should send that to GH!!!!!

    Anyone around for a few? It is happy hour time...friday...5:30 central --break room anyone????

  6. Well hopefully the business of the day made it go faster deb????

    Ms. Q--too funny you as a "mom". Now throw in feeding three kids, packing lunches, driving carpool, picking up toys/junk, listening to whining and moaning and fighting and then you have my day--ha ha!!!! And--I like two sources of confirmation...wanted to make sure JE wasn't lying--ha ha. No, but a reporter could have gotten in wrong! :)

    Oh--and you need to go into this teaching thing expecting it to be great...you need to have a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just remember, it is what you make of it---if you are positive and upbeat with them it is contagious! Positive energy feeds off other positive energy. Kids are so used to teachers coming in with burnt out attitudes that I am sure you will be a breath of fresh air!!! And don't forget...you are doing the most important job a person could be doing---being a part of the education process and shaping of the future generation. Oh my god...I sound like some positivity guru or something--Oy!!!!

    I would fall off my chair if tracy was on today...I think I am safe on that bet!! Hey maybe she will be on Monday on the metrocourt explosion day???? They are rebroadcasting that.

    We need some new fic or videos this weekend or scoops to get us through!

    Remos...when do you get back into town??? Did you have major computer withdrawls???

    BSG--Have fun in Maine!

    Nex--have fun on your trip

    TL-Catch you later hopefully

    Deb--post a link if you think you will be around this weekend!

  7. MsQ, I just read the latest chapters of "Oh, Baby!" Responded on The Vole Pit, but just wanted to emphasize how much I enjoyed them. I'm amazed at the way you can keep track of so many characters in one scene and still not have complete chaos. (I try never to have more than three characters in a scene if I can help it, two if I'm lucky.) And the last paragraph made me Squee!

    Today is Friday before a long weekend, so work can go either one of two ways--it can be frantic and a nightmare, or it can be slow to the point of tears. Let's all root for the tears, okay? Because yesterday like to KEEL me! :D

    I'm taking the weekend off from the DI site, because my Code Wizard (aka, Fey) is sick. So I will try to get the Masterlist organized and maybe some more fanfic written. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get to chat, too. Cross your fingers, folks!

    Hope so Deb! We miss chatting with you! :) Hope your day is painfully slow--ha ha. My kids are miserable this morning...they are so tired they can't see straight. Little one crying he hates school and how many more years does he have left? When I told him like 14, he started crying even more...can't wait to push them out of the door at carpool this morning...it has been nonstop whining and marytrdom (is that a word?) since they woke up. I can't take it...not even had coffee yet!!!

    Hope to catch you this weekend!

    Ms. Q--On that imdb website, it confirms that JE has a step-son

  8. Oooohhh....love the Oh Baby updates Ms. Q! You really have done such a good jobs with the characters and you can tell you have done your medical homework!

    Posted at both the threads too! Thanks. We need to drum up some TQ love!

    From Wubs.net for late summer/early fall preview

    **Tracey's out of Shadybrook

    I think I was just so happy to see her name in a spoiler that I could ignore the fact that they spell it WRONG every single time!

  9. Hey Ms. Q--I think I have the other murder mansion stuff when Tracy and felicia fight and some other murder stuff. But...you will have to bear with me as they are on one of like 12 cds of clips with no labels on them other than "clips" (aren't I just the most organized person around). I will try to find them.

    So the doctor was like "take 800 mg of advil twice a day" for the ribs. They did xrays...no broken bones but the xray won't show a hareline fracture. Regardless, it wouldn't matter as there is nothing they can do. If the pain doens't subside and the swelling doesn't go down after a week they might say have an MRI, which is stupid as there is still nothing to do. She thinks it is soft tissue bruising internally.

    Anyway...I had a great day today...nice b-day lunch and the museum was very fun. Tomorrow is my last birthday lunch with another friend. Gee this b-day has dragged on and on and on.

    Take it no tracy today. I am sooooo sick of this drought. Thanks for the pics from Tracy this date in previous years. Oy..it is almost Sept. At least we have hope for her in October when LUke comes back.

    Will be around later tonigt. Have to go a memorial service in the early evening. Yuck.

    Kids are home...gotta run! Feeling very June Cleaverish today...just made them chocolate chip cookies for when they got home and it actually required me to soften a stick of butter and crack an egg--that is as close to homemade as these kids have ever seen. I am a break and bake kinda girl! :)

  10. BSG/TL/Ms Q Sorry I missed you guys last night. My husband was working on my computer, downloading itunes again for me, and hooking up my printer, etc. Then my son fell asleep in here, and I actually went to bed for once.

    Going to the doctor this morning for my ribs! Finally. Sure there is nothing they can do, but some heavier pain drugs would be a start--ha ha.

    Hopefully will catch you guys tonight. I have a funeral to go to at 6:30, which I am not looking forward to. But I am going to lunch and to the museum of fine arts today for a belated birthday present from my friend.

    BSG--hope you got some answers from Dell.

    Lainey So glad your project is over. Hope all went well. Two more weeks til your trip right?

    Deb Reread your fic again...love it again!

    Nex--bet you're getting bored with no clips to edit--ha ha.

    LadyA--good talking to you last night. Hope your day isn't too crazy.

    Colette, Inyron, Pinkpopsicle, knh Where you guys been? Post soon!

    Ms Q--Guess nobody liked our song :( Guess we shouldn't give up our day jobs! BTW--saw on SOD site that Guza says he is going to give the Georgie Spinelli romance a shot this fall. I know you like LL

  11. Ms. Q--went to carlyandlorenzo.com and tried to request those clips. Even found them, but the forum is locked and you can't post, reply or edit anything on there. Maybe the site is suspended or just not being updated anymore. Bummer.

    I did find the dates though...5/6- 5/7/04; 5/16/05, 5/26/05, and 5/26/05. I can request these episodes for us on my free dvds I have coming for doing those episode descriptions. That and the 6/23/05 one. Maybe someday I will learn to edit clips from dvds.

    anyone around at about 8pm central in the BR?

    Edit...Lady A!!! You around for a few? 7:40pm

    8:20...lady a and I are in the breakroom...anyone else wanna pop in?

  12. My, my, my what a sloooooooowwww day around here? I have been out all day. My dental work was fine, but he told me I should get braces again cause my bite has slipped and that is why this bonded bridge keeps falling out. If I get a regular bridge though (which I will have to do eventually anyway) it wouldn't matter and I wouldn't need the braces. Guess which option I will choose---he said Invisalign wouldn't work for me and there is no way I am starting in with braces at the same time as two of my boys!!!

    knh--Where ya been???? Thinking about you today.

    Lainey--hope your deadline day on your project goes well. I'm thinking about you too!

  13. New Fanfic at the Ficathon: thanks, MsQ, for the bunny. I don't know if it's what you were looking for, but it's what came out at 6:30 this morning.

    100 Situations #55: Flash (LuNacy) http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/92457.html Tracy visits the land of the shadows.

    Can I just say that you blow me away Deb? Love, love love it. Commented on LJ with more specifics cause i don't want to ruin it for anyone. You have once again earned your title as "fic mama!"

  14. Trying to be positive in regards to above posted spoilers:

    A) I do see Tracy's name in those spoilers at least, and no mention of GF returning; and

    2) (ha ha...like Scott's mess up and Ms. Q's video of bloopers) At least Luke come to spring her, gets caught up by her; she will be livid he is helping Skye, will have scenes with Alan; maybe even some good Skye/Tracy fight scenes where she tells her to stay away from her husband. Hopefully Luke will at least have a scene or two where he is reassuring to Tracy about their marriage, etc and that it is not about Skye but about getting into the game. Maybe we will even get Tracy trying to scheme against Skye in some manner.

    My other spin is this: No viable couple on a soap can ever be happy for too long without conflict...now that we know Lunacy are a real couple; they need some conflict, some stuff to fight about...of course we would love them to be happy all the time, but then they woud be boring and pushed into the background (not that tracy isn't there already).

    On that note...my pollyanna skills are running out, so I am off to the dentist...tis the week for dental work huh Ms. Q!!!

  15. Hey Ms. Q--will be in the breakroom in a few minutes (it is 10:15 central)....I have to lay down with my son for a few minutes. I have been writing for the past couple of hours (not TQ stuff, but other stuff).

    Stick around for a few if you can...will try to make this bedtime saga go quickly. I will for sure request those clips. And I can get the 6/23/05 episode from curlygirl on the next batch of DVS she sends me. Is there someone who knows how to edit it and post the clip for us so we can finally have the clip of their first "kiss"?

    Lady A can you do that if I send you the DVD? I know you don't have that clip either. (As if you haven't done me enough favors!)

  16. Sorry Ms. Q about your tooth today...honestly I had no idea of what compression was, so I said it didn't hurt so as not to psyche you out! See what a good friend I am? Ha ha! I have to go tomorrow to get my maryland bonded bridge rebonded...before it falls out and I look like the wicked witch of the southwest!!!

    TL--hope your Tuesday classes were good.

    There was a good diane/max scene today that was really funny.. cause I know some of us like Diane...she and Max were playing gin rummy in Sonny's office. They are having a conversation but both sides are completely one-sided and not listening to the other...Diane is yapping about her couture dress she is getting and Max is yapping about sonny being too busy to question him about Carly. Then Sonny comes in next scene and spoils it all all pissy about Treavor and kate, etc. He yells at Diane to stop about the dress and it is a good thing she is the best damn lawyer he has ever had blah blah blah...she sort of tells him off too.

    Now i like Diane, but am wondering WTH are Diane and Max getting airtime and TQ is nowhere to be found?????/

    Ms. Q--Love the flashback photos! Is that Skye/Tracy/Lo clip in your skye tracy savefile? The one from the house?

    Please tell me she will be on sometimes this week....so...so...so...bored of GH without her!

    I had a hugely productive day today...did a zillion errands while my friend was at her chemo treatment. Forced me to get stuff done I had been putting off. She is down to 7 treatments (weeks) left and she is finished. So happy for her.

    I'll be around tonight. Nex...you haven't joined us in SOOOO long in the breakroom...try to pop in. We miss you!


    There is a whole page about TQ (not JE, but Tracy) in a whose who Bio in soap opera digest fall preview issue. Nothing major, but a photo and she was given a character description of her marriages, kids, job, schemes, etc

    Oh and last night I was looking at article scans on JE Online and there was one article that said she, her daughter, her son and her step-son were swimming in the pool, etc...did you guys know she had a stepson???

  17. The Geek must ask: Ms.Q, was your brother solving for T, Q, or TQ? I mean, was TQ one entity, or was it actually T times Q? So basically, what you'd be asking for is T times Q equals 7 times x minus 9? I'm assuming he needs to solve for T, Q, and x, then?

    Oh, dear, gawd, it's too early in the morning to even admit I know that.

    When the hell is Tracy coming back? We've devolved into discussing freakin' ALGEBRA on this thread?

    I can see Tracy--"Algebra? You're discussing algebra on my thread? Business math at least, perhaps finance or statistics, but ALGEBRA?" I've been asked to return my Official Long Floaty Jacket for the rest of the day; I don't deserve to call myself a Tracy Fan at the moment.

    ETA: Geometry. You're solving a geometry problem, not an algebra problem, which makes it all different. (I haven't worked a geometry problem since 1982, so your brother's on his own as far as I'm concerned.) Now Tracy wants me to fork over my Official Big Bulky Necklace along with my Official Long Floaty Jacket, because I didn't read the post clearly enough. Pretty soon, I'm going to permanently lose my Official ELQ Parking Permit, if I'm not careful.

    ETA2: Help me, please. Help me, because I think I just remembered how to work that geometry problem. *handing over Official Martini Shaker in shame.*

    You are cracking me up way to early this morning MinervaFan...you might have to turn in you clutch purse next! And your panty hose and high heels. Gotta go get my kiddos up for school...

    have a good day everyone!


    SPoiler from Wubs...Tracy better be on Luke's side, joining in on the fight! Comment...at least no mention of Laura! Maybe he leaves her somewhere safe where Scotty can't find her.

    **Scotty and Luke declare war

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