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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Surely you jest LadyA--ha ha. I am sure we can fill the list back in--LOL. Hope to catch you tonight. I am off to my art class. Will be around later.

    Oh by the way, today Tracy and Ned came back to the Q mansion after the earthquake both wearing jeans and shirts to survey the disaster. I was watching the 1991 episodes I am describing. I was like is that Tracy in JEANS??? but she had a long yellow shirt untucked and long and hanging down. Ned looked like a dweeb in his sweater. Old ned...not my cutie pie WK!

  2. OMG--LOVE LOVE LOVE IT when Tracy is on unexpectedly!!! And three good scenes today. I was like "yes" when she popped into Jason's (just what you wanted staci).

    Love how she did say she didn't really ever tell people this, but she was at one point, briefly married to mob and how she knew the Zachara name. Can't believe the writers actually acknowleged her history for ONCE! I want to slap Edward for pointing out mean things not once, but twice. He said Lulu had her pegged and then said "by your age" which he messed up his line and should have said "By her age, Tracy, your first marriage was already on the rocks" Yeah two past Tracy references (TrAsh and City mob). Sad what we can be happy for you know?

    At least Luke is coming home soon, so if Tracy isn't on til he gets back, we only have to wait a couple more weeks (trying to be positive). Maybe they will do the alan/monica anniversary before that and she will have some part in the ghostly haunting stuff.

    BTW--So my mother's intuition worked for me doggie too. I took her in and after a lengthy exam (that cost $113--good thing I have pet insurance), the vet figured out she had thrown out her back. She was squealing when she felt her spine and muscles behind the midpoint. Poor baby. They gave her a cortisone shot and some oral steriods and muscle relaxers to take for a while. I feel so bad for her cause I know what that pain feels like.

    Ms. Q--glad your teaching went well today. You will ROCK tomorrow for your supervisor I am sure.

    Hair was oomphy and she looked good today, even though the same outfit from the other day. Question though: How does Tracy know what Lulu's room looks like at the Spencer house? Has she been upstairs to the bedrooms there? Ha ha. You KNOW luke would never take her "upstairs" at Laura's shrine--LOL!!!

    Edit according to soapdish they say who comes alone and who comes as a couple/date to the black and white ball.


    The Q's all come together as normal to the black and white ball

    ALl I know is Luke better be considered a Q at that moment and be there with Tracy as his date!!!

  3. Maybe TL will post about it later Deb if she made it there yesterday.

    This was on wubs blog today. Under her rumor section:

    Edward starts to see Alan. Now, the big "anniversary" of Monica and Alan is also set to happen. Haven't seen much of that lately.

    Can you tell I am stuck home today and am avoiding doing laundry and putting it away. Waiting on a repairman for my icemaker.

    Hopefully my pup will be okay. She just came out from the closet under all the hanging clothes just now to see who was at the door. That was a good sign.

    Waves to IluvaandM

  4. I like that quote from SOD Nex! They are the most endearing duo--I am thinking no news is good news as I don't think they will be breaking up Lunacy anytime soon. They may not have a major storyline, but I don't think they will ruin them. And great news about GF and nothing on her. She is doing some lifetime movie I think and hopefully she will get any ideas of GH out of her mind!!!


    I'm just a posting machine today. Saw this Q&A on daytimedish today in the insider's lounge...stace--you might get the scene you wanted.

    Thanks! Do you know anything about Tracy/Scotty?

    Tracy and Ed are at Jason's PH. And Scott is defending Logan at the MC later in the week

  5. Not sure what that stands for Deb, but TL did mention she was going to a Shubert Alley flea market yesterday if she had time. Wonder if that is the same thing?

    I am totally sick right now...this girl convinced me to get a double green tea shot at this smoothie place after we worked out, but I had coffee already this morning and now I am totally shakey and wired. Blah...what a horrible feeling. I should try to turbo clean or do laundry or something to take advantage of this nervous energy. I am a wreck anyway because my dog is sick and something is wrong with her. She is hiding in the closet and won't come out. I am taking her to the vet at 2:30. She is making funny noises and was shaking and panting yesteday two separate times while we were walking. I LOVE MY DOG TO DEATH so I am a wreck.

  6. Yeah it is some sort of black and white ball I think or party. They have also been some spumors of a surprise wedding coming up. Someone on soapdish speculated that Nik and Emily plan this black and white ball, but who knows. I have also heard that alfred dies so maybe that happens during this party. Actually, the whole thing could be a rumor....

    Here's hoping for at least Tracy Wednesday.

    BTW--Mexico is a done deal...I used my inner Tracy to cement that one--ha ha! Sorry wasn't around last night...will be tonight.

    Deb--That is so cool about the rally you went to. Who is that a pic of all dressed up in black and white? We are in desperate need of a new Tracy fic (hint hint) :)

    I think Lainey gets back from Hawaii tomorrow. Her Tracy luck has run out I think with her travels. Only one day the whole time she was gone.

    Remos--Hope you had fun on your guides weekend with no kids.

    knh So scary about your leg. Hope you feel better soon. That happened to my mother in law when we were in Hawaii...she got some sort of bite that got infected like that. But she is SUCH a hypochondriac that nobody listened to her about getting some medical attention.

    LadyA--Hope you enjoyed those last City tapes.

    Ms Q--Hope you have a good week teaching your lessons! I might need a quick spanish refresher chat from you!

    TL-Is this your birthday weekend for your daughter coming up this weekend? Watching the today show now thinking about coming to NY!

    BSG--Hope you got home safely from Montana.


    Okay there was a wardrobe thing posted on Soapdish that had what all the women were wearing at this black and white thing--the good news is that Tracy's name was on the list and if this is even true (could be someone just making stuff up (another *&%$ maker upper Staci--LOL) this is what Tracy is supposedly wearing: Tracy - Black w/ruffled skirt/Black shrug

    Comment: A black shrug? Doesn't seem very Tracy-like. Unless it is like a wrap or something. At least another new outfit. Hope her hair is oomphy at least--ha ha.

    Edit again

    Also posted on soapdish is the amount of fan letters Gh gets broken down by characters and couples. Our girl is not on the list of women. NLG gets the most. I guess they keep count. We should start writing in for JE to GH. They also had someone post that casting call sheet when out for October and the only two actors who are taping every single day are SB and BH. But some good news...SB wont' be on October 2, 3, 4, 5 cause he is on vaction--yeah! Some jason free days.

  7. From Soap Opera Digest on TG's return:

    Luke returns home to find his kids life * in shambles and also deals with Scotty. He arrives back in town the week of Oct 8.

    Why no mention of his WIFE?! :angry: :angry: :angry:

    * I got this from SZ, not sure if it should be "kid's life" or "kids' lives."

    Okay those are not the spoilers I wanted Ms. Q--ha ha. Well if he deals with Scotty it must have Tracy involved as she and Scott seem to be joined at the hip these days in whatever scenes she has. UGHH. Poor Tracy...she needs a storyline or at least to be part of Luke's again. Maybe she will be behind the scenes mob schemer?

    Anyone around? 12:30pm central time breakroom for a few?


    This was on soapdish--grain of salt

    GH's wardrobe department has a big task ahead of them. They have two weeks to outfit the majority of the cast for it's big November sweeps stunt. They're working over-time to find the right clothing and accessories for the women and men. The only guidance the buyers were given - "Must be elegant. Must be black and/or white."

    Comment: They better be including Tracy in this event...and be buying her a new outfit too! Not reusing her funeral suit! :)

  8. Happy Sunday! Wow..nobody has posted in a long time. Someone please find some spoilers for Tracy!

    LOL Ms. Q--that person who asked on SD about Tracy being in the mob stuff was me--ha ha!

    Okay...I am plotting to ask my husband if I can go to Mexico for a long weekend with my friend to San Miguel. She just called me this morning to see if last minute I could go the weekend of October 6th. She is an artist and she wants to visit some galleries there and her husband can't go. So here it is the Jewish new year and a fresh start to be a good person, and here I am plotting of how I can position this trip...to get him to say sure go. Normally it wouldn't be that hard, but I just booked a trip to NYC for 6 days in November by myself and am leaving him with the kids. This is where my sneaky, manipulative Tracy skills need to come into play--ha ha!!

    Annie--if you are reading this, you should post with us and come chat again! It was nice to meet you the other night.

    Deb--how is that story coming along?

    LadyA--if you are reading this, you should be writing your TrAsh smut story--ha ha! But not til you finish watching the city clips!

  9. I think Luke will show up at the Q mansion first. Then Tracy will fill him in on lulu's escapes and he will leave to go find her at Jason's or go to Sonny to find out what is going on. Then Skye will show up begging for help...gah..blah..the whole thing is making me sick already.

    I am starving. Trying to fast today for Yom Kippur. I have made it til 2pm so far. We are having a break fast dinner at my friends at 5:30ish. Can I make it 3.5 more hours???

    I will be home tonight around 9ish central. Hope to catch you then. Yeah ladyA for watching the city!!! I still think that was Tracy at her best!

  10. yeah where was his father intuition when Lucky was strung out on pain pills, sleeping around and trashing his entire career, marriage and life last summer while Lulu was getting pregnant, etc. All of a sudden now he has intuition???? PULEEZE!

    I asl oread somewhere there that on the week of October 1st, skye tries to contact luke when ric won't help her. How the heck does Skye know how to contact Luke????

    And why is there not one single mention of Tracy anywhere??? There better be soem new spoilers next week wehn it gets closer to TG's return. Home from temple this morning. Trying to catch up on laundry and stuff. My guitar teacher admirer is here giving Justin a lesson! :)

  11. downloading clips as we speak.

    One more day without our supervisor--she comes back on Monday. We've been planning her welcome home for a week--I think our sub is kinda figuring out we're ready to be done. I came up with this idea to print out little half-page "Welcome Home" signs that people could personalize, and plaster them all over our supervisor's desk. And it's sort of taken off--the department manager, other supervisors, the head of the facility, and people from at least five teams have all filled out welcome backs. This woman has been with the company for seventeen years and is pretty much beloved by all. We are very lucky to have her, and very happy to have her back.

    Oh, wanna laugh, Lainey? Check out the post on my LJ about "Today's Horoscope" and how I accidentally outed myself at work. Some days, it just pays to not talk a whole bunch.

    And to keep this on topic--I finished my Supernanny/Desperate Housewives crossover, and my next story is going to be Tracy. I just need an idea. The prompt is "choke." Any suggestions?

    Choke huh? Well yesterday everyone wanted to Choke logan for scewing Lulu over and breaking her heart! Acutally Nicholas did try to choke him. Ha ha.

    Yeah a tracy story coming up! Glad your supervisor is coming back on Monday.

    I am actually cooking dinner tonight for a family (that is a big joke). Hope I don't give them food poisoning! :) Hope they don't "choke" on my food--ha ha! Baked ziti--how can you mess that up too bad right?

    Okay gotta get these kids off to school...hope to catch you guys tonight. Iw ent to bed at 10pm last night after chatting with staci. My stomach was killing me. Sorry I missed you TL and BSG! Maybe tonight!

  12. Hi guys. Wow, this is the first time I posted today...that is some sort of record!

    Thanks for the clips Nex and Ms. Q! I wouldn't hold out too much hope for tomorrow as Friday's don't seem to be too lucky for our girl and her airtime!

    Colette--can you pm me or explain to me in a post how you upload these clips to your ipod or download them however you say it right? :)

    Just got home from open school night from middle school. My god...you can see why these kids don't give a crap...I have never seen a bunch of more mean, negative teachers in my life. There was one bright spot--the Spanish teacher (thought of you Ms. Q!) who was all upbeat and positive and had her students start with telling her good news each day. She was smiley and positive and she was the ONLY one who stood outside the door and thanked the parents for making their kids a priority and for coming. Such a bad turnout too. In some of my son's classes only three parents out of like 30 showed up.

    Anyway, remember that funny pic LadyA posted of Tracy and Ashton where she had a mad face at him? Well she was wearing that same outfit in an episode i was watching today from 1991, but it is from after he left, so I guess they were recycling back then too. She looks SOOOO pretty in 1991!! Major oomphy hair.

    gotta put my kids to bed, but will try to be in the breakroom for a few at 9:30 central time.

  13. Oh on GHH2, it is spoiled that someone from monica's past appears as a ghost but someone not endeared to alan (I'm thinking it is Rick Webber's ghost) and it ties into the current story.

    Yeah Nex has a job! Loved loved loved today. We got empathetic Tracy. Her I see myself in lulu mode. She still seems in love with Luke despite his absence so that is good. But the whole dang show was about lulu! OY!!! But 5 scenes of the Qs on my screen and who cares if it is about lulu. At least they

    were on.

    LadyA!!--you around for a few??


    IN breakrooom...anyone around...6:50pm central time!

  14. Ms Q--I can't believe I have totally forgotten about your "Tracy is Back" video promo!!! IT is awesome! Just found it in my clips file on my new computer which consists of only 4 things so far (yes it is so sad...everyone have a moment of sad silence for the loss of all my clips) and realized I had forgotten to watch it. LOVE IT! You have mail by the way.

    Catch you guys tonight!

  15. Well someone said that SOD said he returns the 8th which I would take to mean he is on screen the week of the 8th. Someone on Soapdish said that they were taping the week of the 8th now and he wasn't on the set, but who knows...maybe he showed up the next day after that person wrote that.

    Yeah for tracy today. And a new outfit to boot! A banner day for Ms. Q!!! New wardrobe!

  16. You're welcome, Sean, and I hope so too! I want the Q's to have something to do that doesn't involve Lulu though.

    You didn't miss us, hooked Or rather, you didn't miss a conversation. I was there alone for about 20 minutes before signing off and going to bed. tracyluver, hope nothing bad happened!

    So, I dreamt about the breakroom last night. nex, TL, and REGENCY were in there!!! Regency, I miss you!!! And hooked, it amuses me that you weren't around 'cause you ALWAYS are in real life - Haha. I guess this means you are not worthy of my breakroom dreams. LOL. :P

    remos, good to hear from you!

    Lainey, I am blaming you for remos' addiction to Star Trek FanFic. :P

    Oh no..I am not worthy of your dreams Ms. Q!! How was the second day of school? I will be around tonight hopefully. I have a crazy afternoon. Driving carpool, art, carpool for middle school, pick up from art, haircuts for two out of three kids, then to the guitar center. All within a two hour span. Oy! Tired already!

    Maybe Wed. is the day everyone finds out lulu is missing and scott is supposed to sympathize with Logan over losing the one good thing in his life. Maybe since Tracy and scotty seem to be joined at the hip these days, she will go with Scott to find out what happened or something. So sad we have to hope for scraps of Tracy in lulu's annoying storyline! UGHHH!!!

  17. Hey! Sorry I missed you Tracyluver and Ms. Q in the breakroom last night! I came home from my art class and started to read and fell asleep at 10pm!!! Probably the earliest in a year!

    I saw those same things on soapdish Ms. Q--I must say though,

    the only good thing about the spencer house blowing up, would be that we won't have to stare at pictures of Luke&Laura every second! At least the photos will go up in flames too!

    :) And it is good news Luke won't really be involved too much with Skye if that rumor is true.

    Oh did anyone watch Monday's episode? Because this is my comment:

    Lucky goes into the hot tub in his jeans? Yeah we knew he was stupid, but come on? Then he and sam have sex, are lying in bed together, then she puts back on her wet bathing suit, and he puts back on his wet jeans and goes home. BLAH!!! How stupid was that? Wardrobe department must have been daydreaming of what ugly outfit to put Tracy in next, instead of thinking....

    BSG--so glad you are back up and running again on your laptop! Hope you got those taxes done. Mailed mine in yesterday!

    Ms. Q--glad you had a good first day!

    Nex--you seem to be getting another week off with clips! :) Maybe we will get lucky on day this week.

    TL--Sorry I missed you last night if you were around.

    MinervaFan--Hope work is going well this week now that your supervisor is back.

    Remos--where ya been???

    Hope to catch you guys tonight! I have my "chemo" duty today. Only 4 more weeks for her after this one!

  18. OMG--that was the most HILARIOUS dialogue ever Ms Q!!!!! How crazy could that scene have gotten if it were written the way you did it! Bet the ratings would have shot up that week!!!

    Can't wait to watch your promo! It is 8:30 central...you around for a few in the breakroom???

    If I miss you, have a great first day of student teaching tomorrow! I feel like our little Staci is growing up and going to work---I'm getting "vaklempt"--LOL!!!

  19. Okay...nobody has posted at all today since I posted last night! I need to get a life--ha ha.

    So I finally watched Thursday and Friday's episodes (TL--now we can "talk"). I dont' know if I am just so happy to see TQ or not, but I liked them all. Even Tracy saying the line about luke divorcing her didn't bother me as Alan was telling her to use Luke as her ace in the hole. Like I said though, any TQ is better than no TQ to me. It was total Q madness with edward changing his mind and wanting lulu to run out with logan if it meant Luke not coming back to his house. It was actually amusing to me. I know it shouldn't be, but again, some Q craziness is better than no Q craziness to me!

    I do think that Monica should have said something about Scott "doing" Tracy when Lulu was all "Alan did your wife?" to Scott. That would have been funny and stirred up the pot a bit!

    I am going shopping today with my friend and her foreign exchange student from Brazil to buy her a birthday present! Should be fun. I don't get to go shopping for girls EVER!!!

    Can someone email me who knows how to post a clip from a dvd or what software you would use to do that? I am determined to learn how to do that cause I have all these dvds of 1991 GH that I could post some Tracy clips from.

    Hope to be around tonight if anyone is around.


    Lady A you around for a few????? I am opening the breakroom up just in case!!!

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