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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. Totally noticed that too Nex. Wish she would just move back there. The Q mansion is way too empty these days. Thanks for checking on the clips for us. I really appreciate you always taking the time to do that.

    I am in the mood to write but have no time the next couple of days.

  2. I'm home TL or anyone else who is around. It is 9:33 central time. I need to destress!!! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    BTW--The other thing I did like about today (even though I only saw the first two scenes so far as it has been a nuts night, is that Lukey had his wedding ring back on. TL did tell me he had it on thursday, but I guess I was too busy watching their kisses and Tracy up in his face to notice--ha ha.

    You can get anything past TL!!!

  3. Well that at least means she is on again tomorrow so that in my book is a good scene in of itself! I am in Tracy happyland that she is on my screen, so even if they are stupid scenes, that is okay by me...luke is still living in the mansion, they are still married, and all is well ! Coudl be better, but certainly could be a lot worse! My positive spin for the day...and now I must assist with spelling homework

  4. Okay...my house in back in order and I am alone---LOVE when company goes home. Best feeling in the world. How is that for Southern hospitality--ha ha.

    Here is the serial drama site's GH week in review...the only good parts were Luke/Tracy...funny screen cap of tracy kissing luke...


    Hope to catch you guys tonight. I just had to drive 45 minutes to my husband's golf tournament he holds today for Muscular Dystrophy. As if we didn't have enough stuff going on this weekend....


    From soapdish this morning...oh please let it be true

    General Hospital (CTV/ABC) — The Zaccharas

    Soap Opera Digest suggests this week that perhaps Tracey Quartermaine, who had Mob ties when she was on The City, is somehow linked to Zacchara, who debuts this week — and is as insane as James E. Reilly. If that’s possible.

    My comment: Hmmm...what if he somehow forced Tracy to marry him and she faked her death after Gino died? They never did ever say how she got out of the mob life....Didn't they say that Anthony thinks Lulu reminds him of his dead wife. That would be something huh???

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your friend Remos. My thoughts are with you. I am heading out this morning...but I will answer your email later. It has been a nuts weekend.

    Here's hoping the Luke/Tracy scenes are good today. I think there are a couple of them with Luke and Lulu.

  6. Hey you guys...I am so beyond exhausted...but...just checked soapdish and here is a list of who goes with who to the black and white ball (hope it is true)

    Tracy and Luke

    Robin, Lainey, Andy and Kelly

    Patrick and Nadine

    Leyla and Leo

    Lulu and Logan

    Spinelli and Georgie

    Alexis is alone

    Liz is alone

    Carly and Jax

    Kate and Sonny

    Diane alone

    Sam and Lucky

    Monica and Edward

    Russell alone

    Jason alone

    Jerry crashes alone

    Mac and Maxie

    No one in the same dress

    One person dies

    TQ is supposed to be on M, T and W.

    I am too tired to chat tonight (and you know that means I MUST be exhausted--ha ha.

    Hope to catch you guys tomorrow night.

  7. awww...thanks TL! Glad someone was worried about me--ha ha. I am wiped out. I have to help Justin with two homework things...so much wedding weekend drama...sister in law at my house RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Will try to post later tonight, but inlaws sleeping here again.

    Adam did awesome and was so darn cute if I do say so myself. A huge vase centerpiece on our table fell over and slashed open a cousin of ours (grown woman) head open. Blood was flying everywhere, paramedics came ,etc. Adam was literally standing one foot away from her. His seat was next to hers. Blood flew all over his tie, etc. It didn't hit me til later that night it so could have been him. We didn't get home til 3am last night and had to be the last ones there cause they wre usuing my husbands car to drive away in. We were up at 8 and to a brunch today.

    Did I not say Tracy was gonna be alan's medium...OY! Hope not.

    Gotta go...post more later. Miss you guys.

  8. okay guys...don't know who this person is on soapdish, but some good news for us if it is true...

    Read 'em & weep.

    Facts about sweeps:

    The ball on sweeps doesn't begin until 11/8.

    People are at Wyndamere until 11/16.

    The Thanksgiving episode will be a repeat of Luke and Laura's wedding from last November.

    On 11/23 there will be no GH.

    Solid reunions for Robin/Patrick and Lulu/Logan.

    Couples who will come together as a result of sweeps are Skye/Ric and Georgie/Spin. The latter will be short-lived.

    Nikolas/Emily, Sonny/Kate and Jax/Carly will be sorely tested in the fallout.

    Jason/Liz, Lucky/Sam and Luke/Tracy

    will grow closer.

    Johnny and Maxie will find themselves on the outside looking in. Literally.

    Anthony Zacchara will find himself enamored by Lulu because she has similar characteristics to his wife. (my comment: gag me..can anyone else LOVE lulu???)

    The last week of sweeps will have Lucky getting temporary custody of Jacob in spite of the reveal. Flame me all you want over this one, but it's true.

  9. TL--think that it means he will have some scenes with her alone all three days. Guess he will find out about Alan on Wednesday. But he goes to Sonny and Max--which means that might be the start of the mob deal. Sorry I missed you last night, I guess you were still up late!

    I am so late for the soccer game. Gotta run...I am just grateful we will hopefully get them or Tracy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If that is true!

  10. I am home from part 1 of the wedding weekend. The rehearsal dinner was fine. Kids were great. Mine were the only ones there. Adam couldn't get over the fact that the cokes were "Free" he kept going up to the bar and saying do I need money? Too funny. He passed out during the 17th toast someone made during the speeches. Oy!

    It is 12:37 central...doubt anyone is still up and I have to take him to an 8:30 soccer game tomorrow. I am with you TL and BSG!! Still on a high!!! I think we will get them either Monday or Tuesday. Luke has to have a few scenes of conversations with Lulu I think first. That little brat better tell him Tracy tries to sway her and was trying to look out for her in some manner or I will really hate her.

    Oh...BTW...pyscho sister in law came in and I just went right up to her and said "hi, how are you and gave her a hug". She was sort of wierded out by it, but I didn't care. It broke the ice, and then I didn't talk to her much for the rest of the night. She said hi to my kids and told me my little one and her youngest of four daughters looke exactly alike. How sad is that that I have seen my niece twice and not since she was 2. she is now 7.

    And the other good thing was...she looked like crap! Ha ha! She looked haggard and worn and wrinkly and stringy hair and these stupid looking bangs that had been cut way too short. Not that I am catty or anything--ha ha. And you know...I did my darndest to look good tonight--ha ha!!

    Check you guys tomorrow...I will be home after the early morning soccer game and then til about 4...maybe catch someone during the day!


    From soapdish...don't know how accurate this is, but according to soapdish, Luke has scenes with the following people next week (looks like our girl is on M,T and W)


    Lulu & Logan

    Lulul & Logan

    Lulu & Logan



    Tracy & Lulu

    Tracy & Lulu



    Lulu & Tracy



    Tracy, Alan & Logan

    Tracy, Alan & Logan

    Tracy & Alan

    Sonny & Max

    Sounds promising huh? At least we have something to look forward to!

  11. It is 4:30 central time...know it is early but anyone up for a chat???? I am in a pre-stress mode of having to deal with the wrath of my sis in law tonight. Might have to have a glass of wine to chill...hey it is almost 5 ' o clock here--ha ha! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    LadyA--email me if you are home from work soon. I know sometimes we catch up on Friday evenings after work. I will have the breakroom open for about an hour as I am catching up on some bills online, etc

    No mention of TQ today, but how exactly does nobody in the Q house hear Luke and Scotty yelling and screaming in the living room and not notice. Tracy should have come in and broken it up or punched both of them--ha ha

    Also, luke had no conversation with lulu yet. And why does LUke not ream lucky for not watching over Lulu, and only Nik. Lucky is more her brother than Nik is and just as responsible..

    Still on a lunacy high from yesterday so I will just let it go...hopefully he will talk to lulu monday, then return home to Tracy to brainstorm and kiss her @#$ and apologize for yelling at her.

  12. Hola! Still in my Mexican mode! Watched yesterday again this morning..okay yes I am obessed with Lunacy again and am overjoyed by their reunion of sorts. Don't think she will be on today either, but am so happy that I don't care. I can wait til Monday. I agree knh--maybe at least that ungrateful brat lulu will give tracy some credit for trying. I hope she tells luke that. She should. Or maybe Logan will. He seems to acknowlege Tracy's concern more than lulu.

    So cracking up this morning. I was going to get my hair done this morning for this wedding weekend, and then to lunch with my haircutter after and my friend who I went to Mexico with as well, and I telling my mother in law my schedule and my husband was like "oh I am getting my hair done today too for the wedding. I was dying...he is SUCH a girl. What guy gets his hair done for a wedding???? He was getting it straightened or something to get the waviness out--OY!!!! And he thinks I am high maintenance???

    So the in laws are gone til Sunday night to stay at the hotel. And tonight I must face the music and the psychotic sister in law. I will be knocking back a few glasses of wine I am sure to deal with her!!!

    If we can't see TQ today, at least we can see Luke for a while.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will try to be on late night. Oh and bridezilla...she called ot see if I would stop at this mexican restaurant on the way to the ceremony in my long, to the floor black dress and pick up chips and queso at this mexicna place for the after party in the hospitality suite at 2am. I am thinking hmmmm aroun'dt you supposed to be doing something else on your wedding night at 2am??? Of course we were counting our checks we got--LOL!!

    I told her no way I am going into this cheesy mexican place all dressed in black tie attire and carrying greasy chips and queso that will probably spill all over me.

    LadyA--hope you are okay. Post soon or email me!!

  13. breakroom everyone quick!!! I have a few minutes while the inlaws are busy!!1


    Hello???? TL where are you???

    Edit again

    Ms Q--in honor to today's episode, I think you need to repost the tracy/scotty desk scene. I would repost mine, but it got deleted off my savefile account and I would have to search through 12 cds to find it. I know LadyA has it, but she has been MIA this week. It would be funny to rewatch!

  14. Hey guys! LOVED TODAY! Ms. Q--you know it "like this" thought the hair was better yesterday...didn't hate it, but was lacking oomphiness. What gives though...Tracy was more naked than LEyla yesterday, and today she isa ll covered up again!!!

    First, I TOTALLY agree with Remos--love that he was like who is this Ramon? She was totally flirting and kidding with him about it being a long, lonely summer. With her little flirty shoulder roll. He knew she was playing around cause he said kind of seriously "yeah for me too...I would have been back sooner" I have had those conversations too. Just recently as a matter of fact about my mexico trip and my infatuation with the art gallery mexican hot guy named chi! IT is was married people do!

    I can't believe nobody mentioned this yet--Love how it was him who said "I missed you wife" and not her. But also loved the part where she said "really, you are gone for months, then you pretend to be my masseuse and then cop a feel" Then he said "You ain't felt nothing yet, spanky" and her face was like this huge smile. Then she was all hot for him kissing him, etc....I think he was into it cause he gave her the last kiss before he pulled away and then they still had their arms on each other.

    Totally know TL loved the "come to papa and tell me how you got yourself out of there" Too funny.

    The Scott part was hilarious! I bet only Jane and Kin remembered the desk scene..I am sure none of these stupid writers did. I bet that was her add lib in there (well a pre-permission ad lib). It was hilarious. I am so glad they finally acknowleged that relationship...only it wasn't a one time desk top scene (they were in bed together literally and figuratively for a good part of 1990.

    I loved when Luke said "dont' tell me you slept with him too.

    The raking tracy over the coals was nothing like the spoilers made it out to be. He was shocked and very Luke-like in his reaction and she gave it right back to him and got up in his face with her line about "you are her father..."

    Overall a great day IMO. We know he comes back to the mansion evenatually and they brainstorm together, so all will be well in Lunacyville!

    Hope the br is as hopping tonight as last night! I dont' even care if she is not on tomorrow. I bet it will be monday. at least we got some lunacy kisses twice this week and luke is back and our girl was happy and then on fire today! I think we got an awesome lunacy reunion--way better than I expected--not steaming hot love scenes, but nobody gets those on GH...did you guys see how horrible the Sonny/Kate one was???


    Sorry forgot to white it all out...or black it out..was so excited to type!!!

    Hey my class was great today BTW--totally a philosophical type of class based on judaic textual stuff, not practical stuff on celebraing holidays, etc...Lots of people from all walks of life and ages. Totally cool for in depth discussions that I certainly can't get at home--ha ha!

  15. Okay one more comment I was just thinking about when I was in the shower just now. If you have a masseuse come to your house, they bring their own table. I doubt tracy has one in her room. Cause I have had that once or twice where they come over and bring their table and set it up and then they leave the room and tell you to get on the table and call them when you are ready. So she must have seeen the real "ramon" first when he set the table up and then left the room. Then Luke probably was out in the hall and told Ramon to take a hike. When it was Luke who was kissing her, she was even more shocked cause she saw it was Ramon before! :)

    I watched againt his morning lainey and I think she was wearing a shell under that jacket. It might have been a bra strap sticking out of the shell at one point, but she was wearing a very low cut shell thingy under the orange jacket.

    Staci--was the scene you were talking about when she wore that jacket the one when she said "watch she will cry now" when Skye asked Alan if he wanted to hold the baby?

    Gotta run...my class starts today! Catch you all later today.

  16. Major talk about it on soapdish yesterday...they were saying JE is not pretty or sexy enough to be playing the Alexis Colby type. But then others were like Luke deserves to have a cheating wife and way to go Tracy. At least our girl is being talked about. And when is the last time anyone on that show was half naked in a scene???

    All I have to say is that there was a MAJOR breakroom party last night--8 people or 9 in there at once! The lovefest is coming alive again thanks to Lunacy returning! And I for one and very happy about that! :)

    Just be prepared that today they will fight about Lulu and he will blame her and she will tell her where he can stick it...but according to all spoilers, he does come back and then they unite against Scott.

    Wish Luke could have seen her slap scotty yesterday--he would be like "Go Spanky!"

  17. You and me TL---Like this on our take--ha ha!

    Ms. Q--BTW--I have hurt my back before and I think I moaned and whined louder than Tracy. WHen you throw out your back, everything is painful and it overshadows everything you do!!!!!

    I think it was so hilarious that Luke even heard her saying how she missed Ramon's hands and he just kept on doing it and kissing her back, etc!!!

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